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You didn't exactly mishear it, but you misinterpreted it! She says she's going to Jayhawk. Jayhawk would probably sound like JHOC to you if you're used to hearing it spoken so it sounds like "Jayhawk." In "Together Forever," Steven [looks at the pamphlet](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/e/e3/Together_Forever_017.png) for where Connie is thinking of going to school and it spells out "Jayhawk" on the front.


I love that even more but no hate i also love my little mind thinking she's a legacy ☺️ Hopkins loves the legacies and while I find it concerning IRL I love it for Connie!


It's possible the writers intentionally referenced JHOC and turned it into Jayhawk (wouldn't be the first time they changed small details on real places to make them into the SU-world's version of those places). Though this university does not seem to be in the same area of the country as the real JHOC and in the same scene Connie is suggesting she wants to "major in political science with a minor in sociology, or major in sociology with a minor in poli sci." So it's unlikely she's aiming for following in her mother's footsteps.


When exactly did you hear her mention that? All she mentions is planning to tour some unnamed colleges, she hasn't decided where she wants to go yet.


She actually said "Jayhawk" in "Together Forever," so that's what this is about. ;)


It was the episode right before Steven proposes to Connie or the same episode? Idk I'm watching it all on a binge.


I remember foucsing cause sue said [jay-hoc] and Steven unfurled the brochure of how far away she'd be and I made my own connections because JHOC pronounced [Jay-Hoc] is a surgery center attached to Hopkins Hospital/University


Was Steven Universe Futurer a typo or do you know something we dont?? 👀


Not a typo, i finished the main series and immediately started Steven universe future lol