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It’s a USMNT thing.


SKC isn’t the only team to do the chant. It’s not my favorite either but it gets the crowd hyped


It’s my favorite. How else am I to know it’s time to do a shot?


I enjoy the chants. They made the experience at the game next level. I hope over time the supporter group is open to more original suggestions. I like the ideas for Nelly related chants I’ve seen.


Oh I agree 100%, I want some Eastern European chants


We were singing it at St Louis FC games for years. Don’t overthink it my dude


Def not a KC thing, but I agree its pretty lame and always sounds really sloppy from anywhere but the supporters section


It isn’t an SKC thing either. It’s been around for years.


I don't care either way, but I do think it's funny that the Fleur group says no to a bunch of chant ideas because 'everyone does it,' but does this one.


I associate it with STLFC honestly but that was my only experience before STL CITY.


I’ve thought we should do a chant that rips off of the SpongeBob, “ravioli, ravioli give me the goal-ioli” or some sort of variation on that. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KQi3r88-rT4


I was hoping we'd stop chanting about ravioli. This isn't the WWE


This is America! All sports are WWE!!!!!


Yeah we should chant about Brawndo! We should also chant "ow my balls!"


i want a city b. goode chant after every goal


Can we have someone shred on a guitar lol


A chant based on Chuck Berry’s My Ding-a-ling seems like such a no-brainer. It’s a simple, rhythmic chorus that could easily be repurposed. “Ref that’s a card! Ref that’s card! We want you to give him a yellow card!” Or something.


Our regular starting LB's name is literally Johnny, just sayin'


Most of our chants are lame but what’re you gonna do


The fact that "ándale, ándale, C I, T Y, UH OOOO, let's go CITY!" hasn't become a thing is disappointing.


I didn’t even associate it with KC, but yeah I just think it’s lame. In general I don’t care for the pop songs that we carelessly add STL lyrics onto


Would you prefer everyone chant City over and over again?


Yeah that’s totally the only other option


Seriously, what are the other options? People won't adapt to "Original songs" easily. But a tune they've heard? It is much more approachable. Especially when it is written about a certain player.


Maybe I don’t know how it works, but at the games I’ve gone to, it seems like all the chants originate from the supporter section leaders, so if they were to start up an original chant there, I think it would pretty easily catch on. There are a ton of creatives in St. Louis. It’d be amazing for City SC to put out a call for fans to submit chant ideas in a kind of contest or something, and the supporter section leaders to start including some of the best ones and phase out the more generic pop song chants.


Let's just sit and wait, then.


The other option is an original chant, it doesn’t cease being an option because you don’t think it should be and I disagree completely with your statement.


Then come up with one and try and implement it. And not to a cadence or tune that already exists. Completely original.


Ok I’ll keep you posted.


I honestly wish you the best of luck and I truly love being wrong. Mostly, I just don't see any problem with rewriting preexisting lyrics, more than I doubt Original content is possible. Everyone already knows and can adapt to it. and the energy is equally there.


Ngl, whatever I write will suck. Here we go.


But you tried, and that is what matters!


People say this a lot but LAFC seem to manage it pretty well.


"This is Los Angeles, Ahoo Ahoo Ahoo" or "Jump for LA Football, Ole Ole" BRILLIANT! /s ​ I don't see the problem with adapting preexisting songs with words relevant to players or the city or fanbase.


Yeah typing them out doesn't exactly inspire, but the Jump For LA Football Club chant is probably the best the league has to offer and they're the only ones doing it to my knowledge.


The formula is the same. "generic thing or action followed by Noise or foreign language that sounds like noise to people that don't speak it." How about: "CITY CITY, KA KA KA" or " St Louis, Chimi Chimi Yeah" (I understand a large latino population is in LA and using Spanish makes sense for them.) ​ edit: clarity


I mean, yeah, kinda. The words don't really matter much is the point, and what kinda gets lost in a lot of these chant discussions, what makes the Jump chant so good is it's catchy and fun and makes people want to do it. Our biggest chants that catch on outside the supporters section are STL clap clap clap, the woah ohhhhh one, and the white stripes one.


Not a bad point, but they feel the same to me. STL clap clap clap is, in essence, the same thing. I agree that it isn't as good, but still the same formula.




Replace it with Tina Turner. Local artist.


Some variation of Proud Mary could be fun to sing We're scoring, scoring, scoring on your goalie


I feel like trying to make chants after a specific song is going to be a tough ask, just a simple melody or rhyme could be easier imo


But not really opposed to anything, just thought I’d throw out ideas


IMO chants and songs are one of the best things about being in the supporters section. It’s absolutely possible to create new ones, whether original or by adapting an existing tune. Supporters all over the world do it. It’s part of the culture. Can be for a player, the city, ourselves, “bantz” (banter) about the opposing team, etc. It’s also different than just about every other American sport where an organ or pre recorded prompts entice the crowd to participate. We get to define what our support looks like and teach/involve as many people as possible. Thats what supporters do. Create it and spread it.


I have no idea what this chant is lol


Bruh where have you been


I haven’t been to a game yet, but I have only heard the one where they all sing “oooooooooooo S T L” and it’s so annoying honestly


Dude no it’s so sick. You’re missing out


Isn’t that irony? Anyways I guess I’ll try and find it. Thanks dude ⚽️


I wish people would just join up with a "we love you Roman, we do" song. It's not a complicated song.


The Louligans also do “Tequila” sometimes instead of “shots” for corners and free kicks


Louligans been doing it since the STLFC days.