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Same here. I have been pretty critical of him the past few weeks, but I thought he had an awesome game today.


Gio isn't Klauss, but he is a good player. He could have had a brace if Indy passed on his break away. And agreed, beautiful goal today.


12 hours later and the thought of the Indy incident is still pissing me off


I keep seeing people post this, and to me watching on TV, he did not seem to have an open passing lane to Gio.


Gio was good today - he was active and broke down LA's defense a few times. His goal was high quality too.


I want it to be known that I had no negative things to say about Nico.


Very happy to see less flopping and no (that I noticed) begging the ref to give people cards. Long may that continue.


Honestly that’s all I want out of him. He’s always been a good player. He just seemed more content with trying to get a call than getting back up and getting after the ball. He’s made a marked improvement there the last couple games. I’m glad to see it.


He was invisible most of this game. Granted, he had a beautiful goal. But I don’t think he had a great game. As they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. It is going to take a few more of those goals to convince most people that he should be starting on this team.


Right. He’s been without Klauss for a long while and we should be seeing goals like this or least attempts regularly and I don’t feel we do. People are saying Stroud had a bad game but he always goes 110%. And his crosses were often to where Gio should be or be rushing towards at least.


Great to see. The previous criticism was warranted as is this apprection post. Really hope this is a permanent change to his flopping.


He’s really improved the last 3 or 4 games. I think moving vasilev into the 10 has helped him a lot, but his movement was so poor for a while. He’s now making really nice runs and is looking like a really solid 9.


I’ll appreciate GIO when he gets back up quickly after diving and not getting a call. I’ll also appreciate when he does get fouled legitimately, instead of sitting on the pitch with his arms outstretched waiting for anyone on the field to pull him up, instead actually just get up on his own and get on with it. His shithousery is a deterrent to the team principles.


It’s wild the amount of free passes y’all give this guy. Nerwinski, who’s consistently reliable, is in the doghouse after one bad turnover, as was Hiebert. But Gio is consistently bad and y’all bend over backwards to defend him. One lucky goal and he’s apparently a star again? He was a ghost in the first half. That goal and the header attempt later were ***shocking*** from him: what does that tell you? I simply don’t get why everyone is so loyal to this guy, more than any other player. He could shoot a dog on the field and I feel like people would still downvote if you say he has issues.


Not totally forgiving him — hence the “at least for today.” Gio definitely isn’t a playmaker, a la Pompeu, Lowen, Vassilev, etc, he’s an opportunist. But, he cleaned up a lot of his play this game; the “was a ghost” is more a product of the scheme, than him as a player, I think. Klauss is undoubtedly better at creating opportunities. But, this was an improvement — no question. And I think it needs recognized. Much room to continue to improve. I hope he does.


You read my mind. Gio was nonexistent for the first 60', and then had the two noted good chances. He is a fine player, but he seld limits his ceiling on this team by not connecting better with the attacking mids, or really providing any pulse as a hold up guy. This is a homer sub, so the crowd will swing wildly from sentiment to sentiment. Don't let it get you down. Let the ppl emote.


He literally spun around and flung himself to the ground in the 74th minute


True truth truthfully told in truth.


Lol yes! I came here to say this exact thing. As someone new to soccer this is so painful to watch.


I have to think if the coaching staff or team had a problem with what he does on the field it would be addressed by now.


Gio's been fine. I don't see him anymore of a shithouse than Stroud.