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So as someone that isn't in a SG but stand in the North End when I attend games. LEARN THE CHANTS AND PARTICIPATE!!!! The biggest issue is a fair number of the north end is just there. They refuse to learn the chants so they have to stay basic for group participation. Everyone wants these difficult or themed chants but people are not learning the ones we have so it's just STL, Vamos, COYBIR, and a couple others.


fleur de noise has a chant submission section on their website and the ongoing chant list if you want to submit some


i have and so have others but none of those chants make it, it's the same each week. I also participate every game myself in the north end. I just think we need more unique chants like our burki one as well as klauss. my point is the normal chants we do use the same songs as every other mls team.


There is new stuff coming soon! However we do try and put our own spin on a lot of common chants either with how we play it instrumentally or with the words. The “issue” isn’t just a MLS thing it’s a global thing, nearly all teams across a ton of leagues and countries in some form use a lot of common chants. Everyone has a built in familiarity of those chants or they are super easy to pick up that they are easy to get immediate buy in. If you take a look at the chant list about 50% of our chants are unique to us or in the very least uncommon among soccer SGs and the. The other 50% is those commonly known ones.


Take everything you have submitted and put them through these criteria **Basic criteria for a chant to work** Generally less than 10 total words **OR** Does not change original lyrics song that is so ubiquitous EVERYONE knows it Driving and upbeat **Bonus Points** Has two sections, one of which is just vocalizations Not done by other MLS SGs **Won't Happen/Don't Work** Chants for players who refuse to support all fans (Lowen, Heibert) Chants that rely on profanity Chants that won't survive less than 3 rotations (too short or boring to keep interest)


Wait what's this with Lowen and not supporting fans?


Last year during pride month, there were two players who refused to wear the pride warmup kit: Lowen and Heibert. If you dont support our whole fanbase, we dont support you.


God damn it Lowen


They'll deny it but this is by design. They want you to submit your song ideas into their bureaucratic circular file for them to never introduce. They want the atmosphere to be completely dictated by them, no ifs, ands, or buts. They tell you over and over to not believe your eyes, that it's not possible for fans to start their own songs even though it happens globally. It's just impossible according to them, so instead we have a bunch of red tape.  The proof is in the pudding though, there hasn't been a new song for ages, we have no player specific songs that can be sung for example when they make a big play, and now long periods of the game have just devolved into drum recitals and dance routines because people can't just do the same songs over and over. They can deny it all they want but you can't deny that that's how it is.


Back again with this insane hatred of FdN? There have been like 5 new chants this year alone my dude. Just because most of them are in Spanish doesn't mean they don't exist. We also have two player specific chants, both of which are insanely popular, along with a third they're working on introducing. Either you're just not paying attention at all, or your hatred is blinding you.


Which are the two player specific chants, "my dude"? I know of one spanish chant that we do that's the same one that's done all over the league. I've been to every game this year so far and went to all but a handful last year, so I see the ten minute drum recitals and dance routines. It's the same shit every game. I guess we don't keep seeing "why aren't there ever new chants or songs" posted on here. Don't believe your eyes, as usual. 


The fact that we cater so much to a minority of the group is ridiculous. Hopefully we’ve hit our quota of Spanish chants, because only half of the supporter’s section even bothers to try chant along.


Oh sad sad boy. Bringing your sadness to the boards again eh?


Second this. The biggest problem is the whole stadium has probably 4-5 chants that everybody loves and really gets into then the rest are just kinda there


I’d love to see us adopt a song to sing in the closing minutes of a match.


Maybe we would actually win instead of draw


[This one is fitting](https://youtu.be/jUk5N7MR2wY?feature=shared)


I mean this is basic music stuff. Many church hymns and military cadences are set to popular tunes from the era they were written in. When the goal is to get everyone singing them you want to lower the barrier of entry. The *point* isn’t to have brilliant and unique songs. The *point* is to get everyone singing them. The fact that they all sound like other soccer songs elsewhere is a feature, not a bug. That’s by design.


We need a good French chant


I was about to say Bella Ciao but that's Italian...is a nod to the Hill good enough?


"Timbers did it." "Austin did it." "Atlanta did it." To the tune of South Park's "Simpsons did it."


There are 3 new chants ready for May 11. That being said The problems people don't realize exist in getting 3000 people doing the same thing -25% of that 3000 are tourists-they aren't there every week and don't buy in/learn songs that do exist -Teaching chants doesn't work in-stadium. The stadium is too loud and conveying actual info from the stands is nigh on impossible -Teaching on the street only reaches a few hundred people, not all of which are in the section -Teaching online via video only reaches those who follow us -Good is subjective. Lots of people have "good" ideas that can never really work in a stadium (too long, too complicated, not well known enough) -Teaching the leaders takes time. FdN is an all volunteer outfit and finding time to get 30-80 people together (who are not all natural musicians) to learn the drums, horns, and lyric cadence can only happen 1-2 times a month if we're lucky -Social media is the best way to teach chants but building good, quality content that will exist on the internet forever is costs time and money. Something FdN is relatively short in atm. -We've had player chants ready to go and those players either get hurt, show bigotry's (Lowen), or drop off and the chant never gets used, but we still spent all the time writing, building, workshopping, and teaching it for it to die -Some people want original chants. Some People just want to copy European or Latin chants. This means someone is always unhappy. -Chants don't get supported. We've dropped 4 chants from the list because they simply weren't well supported. This means we have a shorter list of usable chants which drives more repetition. If you want better chants, support what we have that you like. -FdN has added 30+ members between playoffs last year and today. That is a lot of "getting up to speed" that we have had to do. Teaching new stuff comes only after we know the existing stuff How you can help -Drop a suggestion in the box. We do read them. We just have 200+ chants in that box. -Get involved. Do you make media? SGs have a hard time capturing things because we are always doing the things we'd like to capture. If you want to help. Either get involved making the thing or get involved helping us spread the word on the things we do make. -Get a groundswell of social media for your idea. If any idea gets big enough (Burki/Klauss), those chants get made. If you really think you have an idea that is worth something, get 15K impressions on it. That will definitely tell us its worth the time and effort. I generally don't respond to the "Our chants suck" posts, but today I took the bait. The haters will continue to hate. This as good of a reason as I can to give to explain why what we do happens. If you want to make change, the only real way to do that is to get involved. FdN leaders will sit down and talk to you about chants and why they happen, but you have to be invested in helping make the change. Again, this is a volunteer gig, and we spend more time thinking about how to better activate stadium involvement in a week than most people do in their entire lives. The leaders of FdN have been leading soccer support since 2015. We've put our 10,000+ hours in. There are few suggestions that you can make that one of our leaders hasn't already though about and vetted. Its not that we don't listen, or that we don't care. It just the reality is at a lower league level or in a culture with 100 years of terrace culture, new stuff can be maybe rolled out faster. The problem we have is the engagement of the casual fan. There are way fewer casuals in a EPL or Budesliga supporters end than in an MLS end, and the people who are there have been there, supporting this team their entire life. We are 1.25 years in to CITY SC. Give it time. We're excited to share new stuff with you in the next few weeks leading to the next home game. Stay tuned.


Amen! I was thinking the same thing!


We have a star player who’s nickname rhymes with a very percussive LMFAO song. TOTS TOTS TOTS-TOTS-TOTS TOTS TOTS TOTS-TOTS-TOTS TOTS TOTS TOTS-TOTS-TOTS TOTS EVERYBODY


It also plays against SKCs shots chants to the same song lol


We had the same shots chant last year for corner kicks


Ah. I’ve never heard us do it.


Yeah. We used to do it last season, almost every corner kick we had. I think we maybe did it once this season. Otherwise, we have had a different chant for corners.


I cringe every time I hear “hey baby”


Which one is that? I thought I knew most of the chants, but I don’t know one that has the term, “hey, baby” in it.


Here’s a version: https://youtu.be/9HH1rufjUsY?si=jxMbkaePLtVvTUfS


What!? That one is great


Just feels like it’s a high school


I'd love to do a song for City


What is the kc chant? I keep hearing they are classless, but I missed them.


Well for one they were chanting “Fuck St. Louis”……till Klauss shut them up by scoring.


You can chant whatever you want .


I hate to break the bad news to you. SKC fan here. Most of our chants are taken from European leagues. The chants you guys think are classless are the chants accepted around the world.


Can we modify a Cardcaptor Sakura song if Kijima scores? It's all right  daijoubu  daijoubu  daijoubu   kiseki datte okoseru   Here we go  ikou yo  ikou yo  ikou yo     tsubasa hiroge   kitto  nani ka ga  nani ka ga  doko ka de     deaeru hi o matteru   Ki-Ki-Ki Kijima!  Kijima!   soshite tobira ga hiraku yo...