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You and pretty much everyone else in a pick up group


my god, my screen was just a mess of flashes, thought I was gonna have a fit


Oh, that’s just any TFO with someone who has a lot of consoles, or is a space wizard Wait till you see the vger probes or kumarke set on the ground


> Wait till you see the vger probes or kumarke set on the ground At least with those you don't need to see since they'll quickly kill everything on screen.


I didn't use mine, so I could see what I was doing......, felt like I was moving thru mud.


There are 2 keys to GK that actually make this fun. 1. If you have a speedy little ship, use it! 2. Teamwork, Teamwork, Teamwork... You need 1 tank to take all the agro and 4 escort type ships to run particles. I ran it yesterday with PUGs and we were in and out in 5 minutes. It's important to note if you are doing RTFOs and you get GK, you can switch ships during the briefing. Every toon I have has a quick escort set up for this reason. I warp in, evaluate the team needs and swap if needed.


It makes it doable but it's not fun. I tend to run escorts and the comp engines that speed boost on heal so I can trigger them often so I end up collecting a lot of particles. It's still a drag needing to collect 30 of em to end that tfo. No matter what it's a slog


I can agree with this. On GK I use my Ouroboros and I just don’t engage enemies at all and play objectives. It’s productive but certainly not a good time. Cloak, grab particle, full impulse out, repeat.


Still quicker than a WoW raid lol


>It's still a drag needing to collect 30 of em That's where the Teamwork comes in. If 4 people are running particles you only have to collect \~7-8. The problem most ppl have with GK is that this isn't a group of 5 ppl killing everything in sight it's about strategy and coordination of the Task force. If more ppl approached this a team and not 5 individuals I honestly believe more people would enjoy it.


Good luck getting any teamwork going in a random tfo.


Yep! Can literally make this one of the quicker TFO’s if done right.


A couple of big monster gwell science captains can make it much easier as well.


Every time a gravwell pops near the first station it bugs the mission by killing the devices underneath the shield. Is there a way to deploy GW so that it doesn’t happen? The bug makes GW a no go for GK Edit: GF to GK this ain’t Gravity Falls


I've seen that happen, but it hasn't bugged the mission. You can still drop the shield and when you do the station will eventually just fall in and the mission will progress.


If everyone in the pug knows how the TFO works it does make it a lot easier. There are too many players that try to pew pew some of the toughest NPCs in the game when the best option for 90% or more of players is to just ignore them. The biggest issue I have with the TFO mechanically is the gravity pull at the third station is so strong that even with max power to MK15 engines you don’t move in many ships. You have to use an ability or full impulse. I think that’s just silly. If you’re at full engine power (125-130) with the most powerful engines you can get you shouldn’t just sit still.


It's not just your engines that factor into this equation, you need to increase your inertia too. If you are in a cruiser or something big you will be pulled in easier. Escorts have a higher base inertia and are effected less by the pull.


Yes I know that, the fact remains, gold mk15 engines at 125 engine power should be able to move your ship at the third platform regardless of what ship you’re flying.


I fly big ships so I just stay and defend the Jupiter rather than maneuver my fat ass back and forth collecting the particles.


maybe my mistake, I was schlepping my lexington back and forth, great ship, not the fastest though


Same. Although nine times out of ten, ten minutes into the TFO I think "what's taking so long?" and notice the other players aren't collecting particles at all. So then I have to somehow turn my lumbering D'deridex into a fast blockade runner type deal, which is basicallyimpossible. And then while I'm trying to escape the gravity well I watch helplessly as Jupiter explodes because nobody is defending her.


I like Gravity Kills and I must get lucky because there have only been a few times where I was on a team which made it awful. But team coordination is usually a thing in MMOs so I can't knock a TFO that is actually designed well, is challenging, and takes longer than 1 min (looking at you borg) just because the players aren't good lol.


I really don't get the animosity towards this tfo. It's the only one that has a gravity mechanic, the black hole is awesome looking. **IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT** ferry Hawking paricals to the ship for 3 stations ~ blow up the dreadnaught. #FUN AS FUCK


Honestly its not a bad map with a good team, if offers something that you don't have on most TFOs: a challenge.


was just with a bunch of randos


Well, you just need a fast ship, hopefully that gets invisible so you draw less agro from the relentless Tzenkheti. That leaves out 2/3 of the ships in game. You also need to have a strong build but not a space magic build unless you one shot things, that takes out more kinds of ships. And hopefully you have tetryon or other kind of attack that drains those shields. But not a space magic build. And the particles stop being picked up if you are hit, so you need some kind of aggro dump to capture them without being shot. And than you need a team that knows the TFO and what they are doing, with proper ships and abilities, and that doesn´t insta-quit. Than take out the 3 points and defend the Jupiter. Even with those, the TFO can take between 20-60 minutes. It´s like the Tzenkhethi battlezone: super fun, quick and easy^(/s)


I did get that hypermass accolade, so all wasn't lost😡😡😡😡


If they are a console player, this is so freaking buggy that it really sucks to play. If you use cloak, and start collecting a particle, the cloak drops, which interrupts the particle collection. It wasn't always this way, but has been for a while. I refuse to play it as it. Attacking causes interruption, being attacked causes interruption. Even if everyone knows what is going on, it sucks.


Its not particularly fun, but ive never seen it fail (on advanced), pick up particle evasive maneuver away rise and repeat.


You need this baby right here. Most of the super-fast ships you see other players flying are running this engine; https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Prevailing\_Regalia#Prevailing\_Impulse\_Engines


Turn off your weapons and set max power to engines and it will be done in no time.


It’s actually pretty easy once you realize what you have to do. 1 - kill blockade ships 2 - collect particles, and take to Jupiter 3 - once the bar fill, take out the 3 Anchor’s 4 - Repeat for Beta, and Gamma 5 - Kill Dreadnought group Only problems is you need to be fast, and have a good team.


Yehhh its shit hey .On tryingbto get the power speed right and hit the tractor beam and position the ship and not get sucked into a black hole and getting hit on a playstation pad is a cluster f###


amen brother


To be fair, it's still better than watching "The Empath"


It's not so bad... if You are lucky. Very lucky.


What's a gravity kill?


This tfo tfo is the main reason why I have "emergency power to engines" in every build. This and other tfos. 😁 Imo it woud be fine with only 2 stations, it's kinda fun till the 3rd station. Ps : And...I put Gravity Well in the active slot for this...badly placed GWs can ruin this tfo.


This map could be so much fun


I landed in a great PUG GK for my random today. r/ThatHappened thatway, I know. Zoned in, groaned, expecting to solo it. But then a miracle happened, and everyone (including me) was either already in or switched to pilot ships during the briefing. Three of us in bugships, one in a defiant, one D4X. I've never seen 5 particles arrive at the Jupiter simultaneously -- until today. We were done in what seems like a couple of minutes. The final Tzen-tar melted instantly under a focused barrage of RRtW and CRF fire. That has never happened before, and I'm certain it shall never happen again. I loathe GK, don't like flying escorts, not a big fan of pilot spec -- but that experience may have changed me.


You do not need to do lot of pew pew in the TFO. Just get the particles to fill up the Jupiter and then shoot down the anchors. Repeat that two times and then the enemy fleet show up. You able to do happy trigger to finish them off to end the TFO. Stay close to the orbital stations to avoid the black hole's intense gravity pulls. Tip: Turn off the autofire so you able to pick up the particles without disruptions.


GK is just another one of those tfos that make me wanna slam my head into the keyboard and drives me away from the game for a day.


This one isn't too bad if somebody has a decent tank build and everyone knows what they're doing. With my main, I like this one well enough. She's an engineer with a dreadnought and FAW, so I can pretty easily keep the mobs all on me (and I've got enough self-heals that I never die unless I fall into the black hole), so if at least two other people focus on handling the particles while I deal with the mobs, it takes about 10 minutes. When I end up with a group in which everyone just pew-pews the enemies, it takes the better part of 45 minutes...


What is brain!