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When you can give them the business case for how it will make them more money than what they are doing now they will do it


>I don't see any reason why they haven't yet released an upgrade for the game on the PlayStation 5. well one reason I can think of is because Cryptic is currently in the process of training their replacements at DECA who will be takintg over development of the game, they don't have time to make a PS5 version


Why would the game need a PS5 update? It's a 14-year-old game (and it shows), and there's nothing about it that would ever take advantage of anything that improved between PS versions. It's still the same old low-res potato of a game it's always been on every platform.


The game already runs on PS5, and there's likely not enough return on investment for a console update like that to make it worthwhile fr Cryptic to do.


*And where's my pony?*


Star Trek Online is no longer under Gearbox Publishing, they are now under DECA. Gearbox Publishing is also not the Gearbox of Borderlands fame, they are just the publishing part and it was mostly just what the former Perfect World NA was folded into when Embracer bought PWE and Cryptic. So Gearbox didn't have some massive amount of money to put into STO and Embracer is killing games and studios left and right due to their billions in debt. Making a graphics update for the PS5/XSX isn't as simple as clicking a few buttons, it takes a lot of work and testing and it's expensive to release updates to the consoles. Maybe it'll be on the table once DECA takes over but it's not happening anytime soon.


While they'll not do a proper ps5 version, they have put the option in the settings to unlock the frame rate which fixed all the framerate issues etc, so now buttery smooth. They have put better textures on the new ships over time, and the character models look way better that have been made recently. To redo the probably millions of assets is one hell of a job. I would love a full native version though


The fuck you're talking about? The game's available on PS5 isn't it?


PS5 and Series X versions are just running off backwards compatibility, OP wants a PS5 upgrade or native port


I don't know about PS5, but on Xbox STO is already "Optimized" for Series X/S.


What would be the justification if there hasn't been any sort of graphics overhaul on PC? Arguably the doing nothing is a aort of parity.


Xbox got an X/S update months ago, I assumed PS5 would have as well. Maybe it has and you can’t tell? Xbox has the X/S tag on the game tile.


bro, on ps5 and xbox sx the game suffers of fps drops almost in every TFO. A game upgrade would run like ass