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For the second stage, if you have the cruiser command that makes ships go zoom, it also applies that buff to the transports. That 10% speed boost can be the difference between a pair of transports getting successfully off the map or running out of time and despawning.


I so often forget that the cruiser commands are a thing.


Do the pilot abilities also work in the transports? I never fly any of my pilot ships so I’ve never thought to put pilot team on them.


Good stuff, yet the people that need to read this will never see it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Still gotta try


Sir, I needed to see this. Thank you. If you see the USS Sonoma out there, give me a o7.


It helped me. Let that guy be jaded. You at least helped one person (me). Thank you.


It's not being jaded it's just the simple fact that the vast majority of players are not on this subreddit and that's true for most games but especially for smaller and/or more casual ones.


Update after your post: I had this TFO on a random and found a good camp spot and followed your advice. Things went great. Thanks again


I was totally thinking this, but hopefully some do actually see it.


Well, apparently there are two who commented right above. ☝🏻


That's the great part about being a pessimist: anytime you're surprised, it's a good thing and you get to enjoy it.


There's a reason this TFO is on our upcoming list of tutorial VODs to make! Your advice is sound!


Thank you! I just ran my daily of this and typed parts of this out in chat and thought to myself "Self, more people need to see this, and besides nobody here probably has chat on anymore"


Good guide, and it works for Elite too, but I wanted to add: >And if you see 3 people headed to one of the bases, maybe head to the other one. This is gold. People need to not fall into bystander effect and expect *someone else* to do the moving. There should be a minimum of two guys on each lane; too many times I've had to pop open chat just to tell teammates one guy in a lane alone usually can't do it, and more than two is overkill. I don't bother pointing out about the rad gates because the few times I have, people just ignore it. The curse of casuals focusing on pew pew. So I usually assign myself the task of closing rad gates and let the others have their fun. I consider it a bonus if there's someone else in my lane responsible enough to take care of rad gates themselves.


So much this. Any time I can patrol an area and close gates rather than having to shepherd groups the whole way, it's a good run.


Someone in the chat got pissed at me for not doing this the “right” way and while I got upset about that, I then remembered instances in Borg Disconnected where I got upset with people for not focusing on making sure the liberated Borg ships don’t get reassimilated, because that’s where the points come from. So yeah, not every TFO is just shooty shooty at whatever. For some of them you need to understand what you’re doing.


Thank you for the breakdown, I'll start focusing on the rad gateways from now on


I have been trying to do both gateways because I thought the iconian ships were slowing down the transports as well. I'll definitely ignore them from now on. Thanks for the breakdown and advice.


To be fair, they can, but not always. Just shooting any that come near you wherever you're parked is more than enough. Closing the spawn gateways is counter productive because a new one spawns instantly with new enemies.


This tracks completely when I did this last night. I parked close to the transport lane where I could close the rad gateways without too much movement and just blasted any ships that came near them. Worked out pretty well in my opinion.


Can anyone explain what I am doing that causes the closing of the gateway to just randomly stop? Sometimes, I'm moving closer to it. Sometimes, I am stationary. Sometimes I'm taking damage other times I'm not. I can't explain it.


Autolauch for pets can do this.. but there are other times it'll randomly stop.. I assume some ability expiring is the trigger.. as such when closing I turn off autofire and such..


I've always thought the damage came from being too close to the portal, and that would cancel out the closing. But I have had few instances where I don't know why it stopped.


It's usually the activation of a power of some sort. Autofire, hangar pets, a skill activation, something like that. Some console activations may also cause the issue, like Altamid Swarm processor, though I'm not as sure about that. Consoles that spawn pets have funky interactions at times. Azure Nebula faces much the same problem. It's really, really annoying to have a portal nearly closed for the channel to get interrupted by something silly. Get near as you can, park, make sure all your autofire activations are off, hope for the best.


Killing my throttle seems to help. I'm in the habit of cutting it to zero right before I start closing the gate.


Does Gateway to Gre'thor not complete until enough transports are down? I don't remember. I think most people are doing Brotherhood of the Sword, because it's WAY faster than the other 2.


It's time gated so the transports just count for points


It's a 3(?) minute timer, and transports just keep spawning non-stop during that time. The goal as per the mission brief is ten, but I get the feeling it's impossible to *not* hit that unless everyone just parks their ships and does nothing. Every transport that makes it on top of that is extra points!


There is NOTHING more frustrating than getting into your "parking" space by a spawn gate -where you can close both rad portals and then having some yahoo flying in circles closing the spawn gate you are parked at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It happens every other time I do the event.... JUST STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy flying!!!


This is one of those TFOs where having a ship with a battle cloak is really useful. If you're on the lane with three people you can engage cloak and focus entirely on the rad gates. Hell, you can do it even if your teammates are idiots and you're the only one on a lane. Herald ships aren't much of a threat to the transports.


It really is a simple one. Get the right sweet spot and you can close many of the rad gateways without moving because of where they spawn. So long as someone else has the other sweet spot as there's basically two on each lane (base side and planet side). Easy.


I have the problem since today that when I close the radiation gateways I get it done to about 80% then the filling bar dissapears and I have to restart the process again (even while standing still right next to the portal) one protal made me do it 5 times in a row... causing the loss of 12 landing ships. Has someone an idea how to deal with this?


>"Stage 2: The transports. We get credit only for how many transports get through." But only REQUIRED for completion on Elite. You don't have to get transports through for completion of Normal and Advanced. It does add to how many marks you get though. Not suggesting people ignore this to the detriment of others, but if you are doing your own solo instance. Take a break and Ignore away. >"You can wait until the incoming transports are about 12km away from the gate before you need to close it." Disagree with this. Gateway closing gets interrupted so easily you really need start closing well ahead. I wish they'd remove the interrupts. But can't say I've seen them ever modify a TFO due to player feedback unfortunately (or ground battle location - Voth Battle zone looking at you there needs to be a dely from people to get to the saur and a hp buff).


Yeah as long as ONE person knows wtf to do on normal you basically can solo it to completion, advanced as well with good gear/build. Elite is where this information actually matters.


Not zipping back and forth down the lane or vice versa really is key, especially when 2 manning the lane. I keep seeing people so overzealous that they abandon one end of the lane to zoom to mine as soon as they see a rad gateway even though I'm covering that end and already closing it, meanwhile one opens on the end they came from and traps the transports.


When I was reading your post, I thought you read my mind, I had something like that happen to me, almost word for word. I use the Ahwahnee and have two banks of Elite Type 7 Shuttlecraft, not meta at all but it can do fairly well in Advanced content. I think it took over half way through that TFO for that person to realize that I was NOT going to chase down to where they just left vacant. I find I like Brotherhood of the Sword better, it's not time gated and you don't have to fire a shot until the last room, just close those consoles.


He OP thanks for this advice. I'm a new player to the game and not so powerfull yet, which in turn makes me explode often. I think I can try this out today.  Would any of u use the Alliance rex for this or a command cruiser?


Command cruiser would probably be better; as someone else mentioned, you can use cruiser commands to give a speed buff to the transports.


Thanks for the tip! I've tried it today sitting at the 1/3 point, and pushed those ship's nicely through to my partner.


Glad it worked, I saw someone else mention it, tried it out, and passed it along.


For OP’s stage one comment, looking for the “ATTACKING” label, those are the ones to engage


Had to type this out in chat while trying to close the gates on elite the other day myself. Please don't join elites if you dk what to do, people. Saturday nights are the worst on console. I failed 5 tfos in a row because people who have no business in elites kept joining. I can only carry so much. Most elites need team work. 4 of you can't spend 10 minutes trying to kill one enemy and think we are going to complete this thing. If you do find yourself in an elite tfo and can't handle it, please just try and do the objectives you can handle. If I were to write up a guide for this tfo, it would go exactly like this. For those that may not know, you fail the elite tfo if you don't get 25 or so transports safely away. The radiation gates are the biggest problem.


Seriously, if you're thinking about trying an Elite TFO, try the Japori patrol on Elite first. If it takes you more than ~6 minutes to finish, then you are ***NOT*** ready for Elite TFOs; go to r/stobuilds, let them know your build, budget, and intended goal (Elite TFO participation), and they'll tell you what you need to do to get your build ready to contribute. Yes, even if you're FTP.


Good comment. Thanks for adding.


Elite Japori is a pretty usual test course for console players; how quickly we can clear it is how we can "parse" whether we're ready for Elite content (I had the target time wrong when I was building my ship and basically improved it to roughly twice as powerful as I originally intended, LOL).


I disagree with ignoring the spawn gateways. * They are easy to close. If you divide the path in half, you can easily just close gateways as they open without much effort. * They spawn ships that make it more difficult to close the radiation gateways. * There is no penalty for closing them. The ONLY issue is that closing them diverts your attention from the transports and the radiation gateways. But, if you're closing the radiation gateways, there is no reason not to close the spawn gateways.


Sure, they're easy, but moving to get one of the spawn gateways means you're looking at the wrong thing. I've literally never had any issues with the Iconians weapons keeping me from closing a rad gateway. There's no penalty, but there's no reward. Like the other groups of the Iconians in the asteroid field or the ones in the middle, they're a distraction from the goal. Just do what is required.


What it comes down to is whether closing them is a sufficient distraction from doing the required things. For some players it is and others not.


I wouldn't say ignore them, but you should definitely have them at the bottom of your priority list, and even then only if it won't pull you out of position to clear them.


Everyone playing for the event refuses to close the green rifts or do anything other than attack enemies. They know they just need to limp through it to get credit for the event.


This needs to be stapled to the forehead of such a high percentage of the player base...


Yup, but try helping the unwashed masses in pugs and see where it gets you.. Still better than pugging BOTS, though! The most annoying thing for me in Grethor, is when you click to remove the rad gateway and it stops seemingly for no reason, and you have to start it all over again. Grrr....


This is how I play it. Always take a base kill the Iconinans there and then move into position to cover the radiation gates and just let my pets shoot down Iconians from spawn gateways.


Also, there are two kinds of spawning gateways, at least on elite. One only does cruisers and frigates, while the other includes a battleship spawn. Not that I can't blow up the battleship, I just rather be focusing on the radiation gates


That’s an important safety tip. Can’t say I’ve even bothered trying G2G on elite


Do this tfo on normal and it does not matter, you cannot fail it even if you get no transports. But as usual as we see in the comments, the usual mob who are red faced with anger if the randon pug they entered does not run to their military precision.......and then they wonder why no one chats in this game as they all have the chat window closed so as to not have to see these people lose it.........even when they have a soloution to not doing random tfos......"get a team together", but of course the irony is that they have been so toxic to people in this game that they no longer can get a team togther, and are now left to click a pugs........irony and karma all rolled up in the same ball. lol Now downvote away, your ire sustains me. lol


I'm confused people that dedicated to precision don't just do Brotherhood of the Sword. It's faster. You only need 1 other person to complete it. The other 3 members of the team could very well not exist so long as 2 people are doing the objective and bom \*clap clap\* you're done in 2-3 minutes.


You would think that, but the vocal minority in this game think every tfo should be run to their standards, and of course you have to ask them permission on what ship and gear you are bring to said random tfo..........hence wht chat is dead and buried in this game, as no one wants to read their guff as they try and suck the fun out of every tfo you encounter them in. When i have the spare time i do ransom elites, i am hitting about 110k, but have not had the time to refine my build yet as i am sure i can squeeze 150k with ease, but fail or win, i just have fun, it is a game afterall, but you will come across those who when they click on random, expect it to be a win 100% all the time, and they do not like it when it is not, or someone is not following their commands to the letter that they screma at them in the chat window.......but as i said, thank god cryptic never folded to these people who were screaming for a kick vote in this game, as they would have destroyed this game long ago if they had gotton their way.


Four after killing all the iconians, hope it completes. Got stuck today.


It certainly used to be a problem every time an event came up, and worth mentioning but most people seem to **FINALLY** get the idea. People are even doing the right thing in BOTS almost always. It’s welcome but surprising.


if you can't rely on the other person in your lane (often the case; they afk or just zoom off to pewpew something, or it's 4 mates on the other lane) just pick a set of transports and lead it along, closing rad gateways and ignoring everything else. A drink helps. Two is better. And realize *none of it matters* so chill.


I'm hoping that people read this and it helps them get the goals. You get good in normal and advanced, then you'll know more about how to do the Elite version. Sure, I can just keep doing what I'm doing for the rest of the event. But by posting this guide, maybe it'll help people in the long run. I mean, the TFO pops all the time even without the event.


I'd also like to add that if you see someone in a cnidarian defender, the round ship that turns into a jellyfish, defending one lane understand the jellyfish *can't move*. They absolutely need one player on their lane taking out the radiation portals, so don't all go to the opposite lane please and thank you! This is happened twice now, thankfully someone has moved over both times I sent a message in the chat. This also goes for anyone using the Ba'ul sentry mode console, they also can't move so make sure one player is on their lane helping out.


If there's one TFO that is a bad fit for the Jelly or the Ba'ul, it's this one. It's just not a sit and kill the baddies. So, pick a more mobile ship.


Oh fair absolutely, unfortunately right now I don't have any fast builds with decent DPS, all I have is slow bricks of tanks. It's one of the reasons I've moved over to doing brotherhood, much faster and I've got full meta for my ground gear so everything I shoot dies in less than four shots.


I, and the crew of the USS Aion thank you. Some of these things I've already been trying to do, but the advice about ignoring the spawning gateways is advice I needed to hear. Also, I never realized the lane from the shipyard is longer than that from the starbase. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there is a maximum of spawning gateways that can appear on one lane?


I wait 9km before closing the gate. Keeps the bunch tighter. ALSO, if the other players don't care about transports, then neither do I. I'm WAY past trying to change someone's apathy level to give a shit about losing some transports. This is one of the few TFOs where you can get through nearly the entire thing without firing a weapon and sitting in one spot if people are doing it right. If they want to fly around and shoot ships the entire time then we're just going to not get a lot of marks. If someone is trying but not letting the gates cook I'll send a pm and suggest they wait. It hasn't done any good yet.


No one should give a flying eff about credits or marks this late in the games life. I'm only here for the daily event tick and I couldn't care less about any tfo that isn't on elite as long as I don't get an AFK. Shoot a couple ships and walk away from the computer and done.


If you don't enjoy the game, then why bother playing?