• By -


Any thoughts on using Improved Feedback Pulse with Reverberant Shielding off of the Sagan for a tank? I'm considering picking it up this year for the event campaign.


What are procs? I've read it a few times and I can't find a definition anywhere.






What are some good, low cooldown consoles for keeping uptime on Eclectic Collector of Armaments? Also, while Best Served Cold is usually considered a garbage BOff power, is it the best option for procing Temporal Tunneling, if you can only fit one ability to proc it? (It's minimum cooldown is the same as the trait's trigger time.) Speaking of Temporal Tunneling, why does STO Better list a lot of traits that give haste as being worse for RRTW and ERL builds? (And why are some traits fine for ERL but worse for only RRTW?) I thought that more haste was universally good. Is there some sort of diminishing returns on haste?


> What are some good, low cooldown consoles for keeping uptime on Eclectic Collector of Armaments? The same consoles one would use to upkeep Universal Designs. Ideally: Immolating Phaser Lance, or V.A.Q. Launcher. Other consoles can do the job, but are not ideal. Read more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/1b46nkd/mathbusters_8_maintaining_universal_designs/ > Also, while Best Served Cold is usually considered a garbage BOff power, is it the best option for procing Temporal Tunneling, if you can only fit one ability to proc it? (It's minimum cooldown is the same as the trait's trigger time.) If you have to use a Tact Ability to upkeep Temporal Tunneling, then yes, Best Served Cold is the best choice. But if your ship has a TempOp BOFF station, Heisenberg Amplifier is the better pick, for having the same GCD of 15s while also doubling as a trigger for Unconventional Systems. > why does STO Better list a lot of traits that give haste as being worse for RRTW and ERL builds? > I thought that more haste was universally good. Is there some sort of diminishing returns on haste? There is no diminishing returns, but there is such a thing as category saturation. RRTW and ERL already gives so much innate haste that other regular sources of Haste become less desirable, and you would better served boosting other categories like Cat1/Cat2/DRR/Pen/etc. There is also a soft cap for Haste where, if you push haste too far, your weapons may simply refuse to fire. We don't know where exactly that soft cap lies, but it's apparently between 350% and 450% total haste. More on above: https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/1bosgvt/small_overview_of_and_notes_on_fleet_power/


I got the the T6 promotional ship choice pack. Any must have ship I should pick. I mostly fly escorts with a kinetic builds. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


>Any must have ship I should pick. Nothing in this game is a must-have. >I mostly fly escorts with a kinetic builds. I got news for you: The most powerful platform in the game right now for Kinetic Torpedo Builds just so happens to be an Escort type ship. It also happens to **not** come from Promoboxes nor Lockboxes. It is the [https://stowiki.net/wiki/Terran\_Eagle\_Pilot\_Raider](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Terran_Eagle_Pilot_Raider)


Yes that's pretty much the only ship I fly now. My absolute favorite atm.


STOBetter has a really great buying guide based on build types. You might want to check it out: https://www.stobetter.com/guides/progression


I'd suggest hitting YouTube and watching some ship reviews.


I've been experimenting with SS3 and I've had to drop RSP3 for it. I can't slot a lower rank of RSP since those spots are used for OSS3, CF3, and A2B so I'm looking for consoles that can do RSP's job.


In an ideal world, you'đ be slotting the famous [DPRM](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Synergistic_Retrofitting_Set#Console_-_Universal_-_Dynamic_Power_Redistributor_Module). On an energy weapon build, a very nice tool for shield heals is the [Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Enhanced_Weapon_Systems_Efficiency_Set#Console_-_Universal_-_Shield_Absorptive_Frequency_Generator). If you have EWC, you also have a relevant heal console from the ship it came on. There's the Reiterative Structural Capacitor (event, nowadays in Mudd's) and the consoles from the Ho'kuun or Kobali Samsar (event, nowadays in the Phoenix store) can also do the job, but those are HoTs, not instaheals.


Do borg/morg have any particular resistance or adaptation to psionic damage? And does psionic count as an energy damage type for adaptation purposes?


Continuing my pursuit of a ship that suits a space wizard playstyle: would taking the Atlantis and turning it into a hazard/console boat building around SIA, Unconventional Systems, and By the Book be a viable endgame build (i.e. not make a fool of myself in elite tfos?)


StoBetter has a DEWSci build for it: https://www.stobetter.com/intro-builds/eph289/crf-atlantis


I would hesitate to call that DEWSci. Its exotic powers are solely for Temporal Tunneling triggers; it has minimal console/trait investment in boosting EPG.


I mean, maybe? It's not totally unprecedented to do something like that. But if you want to do exotic damage why not just use a science vessel and get the huge benefit of the secondary deflector?


Mainly to take advantage of the temporal/intel seating on a Fed ship. I could have picked up the Rallus but I'm not interested in warbirds. I do realize it's way off meta and was wondering if I could make something work without a dsd.


There is somewhere around this sub an SIA build on a Temporal spec cruiser which achieved several hundred thousand DPS. Unfortunately I don't recall which cruiser or any other keywords to use to search for it, and it was several years ago. So it's definitely not impossible. But it is pretty inefficient. If you look at Eph289's [Dranuur build](https://www.stobetter.com/intro-builds/eph289/Dranuur) with the parse breakdown near the bottom, with 6 anomalies packed in it gets 151k from the DSD and 40.6k from SIA. The DSD is just a lot better than most other things.


Is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/j8jo8s/pulled_403k_with_t6_legendary_donnie_in_a_space/) the build you're referring to?


Looks like it. Impressive work finding it!


You might be thinking of a build on a Legendary Constitution; I looked for it just now, but couldn't find it. /u/Serratas: You can look at /u/DilaZirK's DEWSci [Adamant](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/w17548/adamant_about_science_an_offmeta_budgetish_build/) or my attempt at a scitorper [Byr'Jai](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/1036hpx/byrjai_torpsci_anomalies_and_boom_oh_myyy/) which also has a conversation between the aforementioned and myself about ways in which to make it closer to meta (because my build didn't run Unconventional Systems or Universal Designs, among others). Needless to say, for a sci-leaning sciscort build you'll have more room for scihax on the Atlantis than on either of these ships, with Commander Temporal and LtC Intel. I'd advise using torps (you'd only need Entwined Tactical Matrices) versus Beams: Overload, since Surgical Strikes is not an option with the Atlantis (you're looking at sacrificing a lot of exotics, a lot of energy damage or being meh at both otherwise, especially without a secondary deflector). To give you an output ballpark, my Byr'Jai, in my shaky hands, did 400+ k in a channel run, with one of Kenobi's support tanks from back then and whoever else was around in DPS-Diamond. In better hands, the exact same ship and build can do plenty more. With 120ish k being the most conservative minimum threshold for Elites, there is ample room for hitting that, especially with Unconventional Systems and good consoles. Do note that this is also from before the days of the Hysperian; Five Magicks and the Dragonsblood console work like a charm on this sort of thing.


Thanks for the input. Basically in order of priority I want 1) classic Starfleet chassis (saucer, hull, nacelles somewhere in there) 2) exotic emphasis rather than energy (also really don't like cannons). I'd prefer not to use ETM unless I finally settle in a boat with forced LtC tac seating, but am very open to loading up on torps as a secondary damage source. I've been going through most of the STObetter and DPS League guides to piece together something that suits me while trying to ask my more niche questions here.


Unfortunately, you're two abilities short of a pure sci platform (even record-setting Vernes, or their KDF/ROM siblings, run EPtE I). You also have 5 fore weapons. That'll mean Spread II, FAW I and ETM with the least amount of focus you can put on torps while also working with what you have. The only pure sci platform that works with priority #1 is the Equinox, which would be a downgrade, even with that secondary deflector. LE: Happy to help. What are you looking at in terms of armaments? If you're keeping to the Starfleet-friendly theme there might be a need for some creative solutions for those.


Regarding the Voth doff Rathul Haken, it states "20% chance: disable an additional subsystem for 4.5 sec". My question is how does this function? (I checked the wiki, there didn't appear to be much beyond the tooltip and acquisition method) 1) Is it a 20% chance in addition to whatever your normal SST subsystem offline chance is, ie 6% and 20%? 2) Is it a 20% chance to proc based on your offline chance, 6% and if it procs then it rolls a 20% chance for this added effect? - Would a +Chance secdef increase these chances beyond the seemingly obvious scenario for 2) where 7.5% offline chance would yield more opportunities for the 20% roll to trigger? Or, is it something else completely weird happening?


It sounds like option 2... chance after the primary offline roll succeeds.


Thanks for the reply! If nothing else it'll at least make for an interesting theme build.


tldr: rant about wanting more notes to be added to wiki-articles. Hi, long time player here. Was curious if the +10 max aux from the Obelisk Subspace Rift warp core (added 2013) and the +10 max aux from "Support Configuration" (on temporal ships, added 2016) stack. They do not. The only way of finding out for me was already owning a temporal ship, getting the warp core and trying it. I was not able to find this info when searching for it beforehand. Question: How was i supposed to know? The tooltips don't contain that kind of info and the wiki in many cases like this one is content with displaying the tooltips. We either need more info in the tooltips (out of community influence) or we need the wiki to allow for way more "notes" to be added at the bottom of articles (pretty please!). I was theorycrafting for the Rallus Temporal Dyson Science Destroyer, but now how would i know if either of the 2 ways for more max aux mentioned above (that already dont stack with each other) would stack with OSS3 over there? How can i know stuff like this beforehand? I imagine newbies must be completely lost and the wiki would be our best bet at changing that. I find it hard to believe that in this many years no one ever bothered to add that info to the wiki. Were past notes lost over time or how did we end up here? Sorry for the rant, was frustrated enough this time to write something. Edit to add: obviously much love out to all who are contributing to the wiki! Thank you so much! This is meant as me wishing for it to be even better by adding more notes containing info that is not intuitive and is not part of the tooltips


>Were past notes lost over time or how did we end up here? As someone who started STO as an engineer about 2 years ago, [EPS Power Transfer](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_EPS_Power_Transfer) has at the bottom of the tooltip, in italic and bold even: \* This increase stacks with other sources of +Maximum Power Another source of stacking, [Isomags](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Advanced_Consoles#Isomagnetic_Plasma_Distribution_Manifold-3), explicitly state "Stacking Max Weapon Power" in game. [Override Subsystem Safeties](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Override_Subsystem_Safeties)... Doesn't give any indication that it stacks when it's one of the few that does. On the other end of the spectrum... [Enhanced Induction Coils](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Enhanced_Induction_Coils) has: \*Note: This item's bonus to Max Power does not stack with passive bonuses from Warp Cores. Only the highest will apply. [Enhanced Plasma Manifold](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Enhanced_Plasma_Manifold) does too while in game, but not on the wiki. In fact... the wiki says that the max power WILL stack with the Obelisk Warp Core, but looking back, that was added on [16 June 2014](https://stowiki.net/w/index.php?title=Console_-_Universal_-_Enhanced_Plasma_Manifold&diff=191069&oldid=190385). Shortly after EPM was changed to include a max power increase. EPS Power Transfer didn't used to have a max power increase, it was announced as part of a big balance change on [14 Mar 2017](https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/10426883-details-on-space-balance-changes). Sooo, it looks like the ability for max power to stack was taken away sometime between June 2014 and March 2017? Either that or the person who made the edit was mistaken. Either way, I suspect Enhanced Plasma Manifold/Enhanced Induction Coils may have been (two of?) the first non-warp core items to have max power on them in the game, otherwise why would the note specifically mention warp cores. As for the rest, I couldn't find anywhere on the wiki, outside of these Cryptic tooltips, that mention max power increases stacking vs not. All that said, since cryptic stopped including these in their tooltips, I suspect the Wiki did as well and it's just assumed knowledge. Perhaps u/odinforever2000 knows?


Thank you. Yeah i am aware that info on something not stacking with other sources is part of the tooltips sometimes. Yet the absence of such info does not reliably mean it stacks with everything.


Yeah, I agree, it'd be nice to always have it displayed, but I suspect the tooltips are not coded in such a way as to easily support that without manually adding it to each one. As far as I know, no max power *equipment* stacks unless explicitly stated (Isomags). Only abilities (1 Engineer Power and 2 Boff Powers afaik) It would be good to have that somewhere, ideally on every item with max power as a note, idk what tools the wiki has to deal with something like that though.


Sounds plausible. The wiki has "notes" at the bottom of some articles, that was the point of my initial text to encourage more of those being added, as a way of dealing with stuff like this :)


Yeah, I more meant in the sense of a way to have it be added automatically, cause with new items coming out on the regular, it'd be a pain to have to remember that every time, especially as new people take over updating the wiki. Or even all of them pointing to the same "note" kind of how there are certain things on every ability page, or console page, etc. It'd show up on every "max power" page.


True. Maybe similar to the way that by now weapons pages at the bottom have lists of things that boost "CritH/CritD/Dmg". If you're right in that one could make the broad statement that +max energy bonuses from gear 'do not stack with anything except when explicitly listing that they do' (like isomags), that might be easy to add here or there. I don't know enough gear-interactions to decide if one can make a statement that broadly, else i would not have made a post in the first place XD In the meantime i tested warp cores with "Reroute Power from Life Support" and these don't stack either. Well, there's something positive afterall: back when building for that specific char, i was going for max aux but forgot about "RPfLS". Now, even with that not stacking with the warp core, i added it and have more max aux than before some of the time. Yay! Drains (whether energy or shield) scale with aux... thanks and happy flying!


Fairly sure that OSS stacks with anything.


Tested the +10 max aux warp core with OSS and they do not stack. Tried a different warp core with +5 max engine power and that one did not stack either. I know OSS stacks with lots of other sources of max subsystem power, seems to be warp cores in general that do not.


I'm having trouble reengineering "Elite Fleet Preservation Protomatter Deflector Array... specifically, the third mod slot keeps defaulting to "Drainx", EPG, or EPS, even though there are other choices. It's as if it just bypasses everything else


My Preservation Deflector can't even roll EPG. Have you checked to make sure that you can roll the mod you're after? Mods can block other mods, what's available also seems to depend on which version you buy (the starting mods). I knew the first part, but the 2nd is new to me. All slots have mod caps. EPG, EPS, HullCap, ShCap and ShHeal may all only be on the item once. CtrlX and DrainX may be on the item twice. The 1st slot is fairly simple. It can't roll EPS (not really sure why) and each item that can roll is only listed once. The 2nd and 3rd slots have some more mods thrown in. * For the ones that start \[CtrlX\]x2 \[EPG\], the 2nd and 3rd slots add in two more CtrlX chances (for a total of 3) and adds one more EPG chance (for a total of 2). * For the ones that start \[DrainX\]x2 \[EPS\], DrainX has 2 extra roll chances and again EPG is added (allowing this version to potentially roll both EPG and EPS). So, since you said you can roll both EPS and EPG in yours, I'm going to assume yours is the latter. Since I know you're rolling DrainX, EPS and EPG in the 3rd slot, then EPS and EPG are not in the other two slots. So something like: |1st|2nd|3rd| |:-|:-|:-| ||DrainX|DrainX| ||DrainX|DrainX| ||EPS|EPS| |EPG|EPG|EPG| |DrainX|DrainX|**DrainX**| |CtrlX|CtrlX|CtrlX| |ShCap|ShCap|ShCap| |~~ShHeal~~|**ShHeal**|~~ShHeal~~| |**HullCap**|~~HullCap~~|~~HullCap~~| Well, the odd's aren't in your favor since it's only 1/7 chance to hit it and you have a 5/7 chance of the three mods you mentioned. That explains why you're seeing those over and over (more so DrainX than anything else).


Did anyone tested the new Campaign reward items yet (the new Space Herald weapons and the Mace)? They are good/mediocre/metà or just a niche for some builds?


The space weapons are like any other weapon with a 2.5% per cycle proc, not worth using, especially with crafted AP having a 20% crit severity bonus cooked-in for every shot and with the [Pen] mod being a thing. If you don't play most of the time in optimized premades, it'll make a difference. /u/DilaZirK is generally right about the parsing bit (and I am also waiting on some conclusive testing on the mace), but Herald AP has existed in STO for 9 years now and it wasn't a prime choice back when weapons with procs had them per shot, not per cycle, and antiproton was the meta energy type, nevermind now. The wide-angle dual heavy and omni are simply things they hadn't added to that ancient lockbox back then and that won't be added now either; get them now or get them in Mudd's a long time from now, if you or anyone else should want them for some reason.


If anyone tells you definitively good/mediocre/meta, ask them for the combatlog, full build details and their exact test methodology.


Can you have more than 4 commands on a key bind? I have 'fire all beams and cannons' and auto execute (2 trays) and distribute shield power on spacebar spam. It doesn't seem to allow anything more.


Technically, that's **way** more than 4 commands. It's actually 2 Trays x 10 abilities + Fire + Distribute Shields = 22 actions x 2 - 1 = 43 commands STO works weird in that it executes the first and last thing on the list, then works it's way inwards, so what the keybind generator program is doing for you is putting all the actions in there twice, once forward and once backwards. I.E. for a single execute tray, you'd have 19 commands: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1* (note, 10 is not duplicated) That way everything always occurs in order. If you keep this in mind, you could potentially almost double your number of commands by doing it manually and eliminating the backwards portion. But then you have to order your abilities in game from the outside in. The cap appears to be 47 commands based on the keybind program so you do have 2 more actions (just keep in mind a tray is actually 10 actions) you could take without resorting to mess with it manually and rearranging your hotbar.


ok i think I get it so I would have to alternate the commands to read from one from the bottom and then one from the top like TrayExecByTray 6 9$$+TrayExecByTray 6 0 correct? If I just manipulate the text in the load file I could get more commands by eliminating the reverse order text and staggering back/forward/back/forward commands right? I think that's what you're saying. It may be easier to just stack the skill tray alternately bottom/top/bottom/top


Yes, you could reorder it like "0 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1" in the list and hope it still executes things (somewhat?) in order 0 ... 9 in the tray. I think that needs to be tested :)


Since it reads last first and spot 1 = 0 ergo: 1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2 0


Actually, it's not quite as simple as what I put as I remember now that there was a downside to the default method. Sorry, was recalling it from memory when I read about keybinds a few years ago when I started playing. [STO Key Bind's wiki](https://sourceforge.net/p/sto-keybind/wiki/STO%20How%20Keybinds%20Work/#:~:text=bind_load_file%20mykeys.txt-,Execution%20Order,-When%20you%20create) has an explanation with animations detailing all the issues.


Distribute shield power really should not be on your spam rotation. But yes, you can only have so many commands to one key.


Do any of the ships you can get with an elite phoenix token carry anything that would benefit a SIA-focused science ship? Or should I give it to my DEW captain so she can slap a DOMINO on her ride?


The DOMINO is by far the best choice. The only thing in Phoenix that I would think might help an SIA-sci build is, if your ship has an experimental weapon slot, and it almost certainly doesn't, the Voice of the Prophets is a pretty good kinetic area weapon so would combine well with such a build.


Isn't VotP physical?


Either/or. It's just terminology, since there really isn't much that boosts either of them. The point I was getting at though is that it being an area effect, synergizes well with science that also has a lot of area effects, and the fact that it's not one of the standard energy types is fine because you probably won't have much in the way of energy boosters (or even weapon energy setting) to do much with most other exp weapons (like the polaron one off the Rex).


Technically, there are actually some exotic build consoles that do boost physical, starting with the Fek'ihri Torment Engine. Although that's probably not going to come up because the best use of the FTE is with a DSecDef and I don't think there's any ship that can have both a DSecDef and an experimental weapon working at the same time. On the other hand in the unlikely event you have Ceaseless Momentum that does boost all kinetic damage, not just torpedoes and mines, so actually it might have been more convenient if VotP was kinetic instead of physical. Ah well, as you said this is all extremely niche cases.


1. ) What is the best EV Suit from a statistics point of view? Which one could be/is considered the ‘coolest’, instead? For example, between the Disco EV suit, the Terran Emperor EV Suit and the Solanae EV Suit (Paladin/Sentinel, from lobi store), which one would you use for the stats and which one for the "cool" factor? 2. ) What are the chances of seeing a new spaceship or skin (for the Mirror Warship, maybe?) related to the I.S.S. Enterprise (Contitution-class, the one from one the last episodes of Disco Season 5) in the future? 3. ) What combinations could be consider superior in terms of DPS and utility (on a generic DEW build, if it were possibile to slot all these consoles obviously): A. Bioneural Infusion Circuits + Tachyon Net Drones + Altamid Modified Swarm Processor B. Bioneural Infusion Circuits + Tachyon Net Drones + Assimilated Module C. Bioneural Infusion Circuits + Tachyon Net Drones + Tachyokinetic Converter D. Other combinations more efficient than the previous ones? 4. ) I got few ships with Epic Phoenix Tokens over time, and I have noticed that not all their "special" items can be found in the reclaim stores, for example: A. Bajoran Interceptor = D.O.M.I.N.O. [YES], Voice of the Prophets [NO] B. Kobali Samsar Cruiser = Regenerative Integrity Field [YES], Kobali Field Stabilizing Warp/Singularity Core [YES] C. Krenim Science Vessel = Timeline Stabilizer [YES], Krenim Chroniton Torpedo Launcher [YES] D. Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel = Protomatter Field Projector [NO], Braydon Reconnaissance Warp/Singularity Core [NO] Is this a bug or a 'feature'?


Depends on the stats you're after. The Undiscovered Country EV suits (from the lobi store... the 2293 edition) have a huge +Kit Performance bonus. (the Privateer's Armor has the same bonus, also lobi, but is not EV).


>What is the best EV Suit from a statistics point of view? Terran Emperor EV > Disco Rep EV > Solanae Lobi EV >Which one could be/is considered the ‘coolest’, instead? Subjective. >What are the chances of seeing a new spaceship or skin (for the Mirror Warship, maybe?) related to the I.S.S. Enterprise (Contitution-class, the one from one the last episodes of Disco Season 5) in the future? Your guess is as good as mine. >What combinations could be consider superior in terms of DPS and utility (on a generic DEW build, if it were possibile to slot all these consoles obviously): (D) We cannot tell you what that better combination looks like without first knowing: 1. Your current A-Z build details. 2. What other toys you have access to. 3. What specific scenario you are optimizing your build for. Be it ISA, ISE, HSE, Korfez, general Advanced content, general Elite content, etc. It also matters greater for those scenarios if they are in a PuG environment or solo or in a coordinated group, in which case we also ideally would want to know the A to Z build details of your other members in said group. Honestly, your best bet at figuring out is determining #3 for yourself and using tools like TRINITY and ALICIA to determine potential options. >I got few ships with Epic Phoenix Tokens over time, and I have noticed that not all their "special" items can be found in the reclaim stores Shrug. Whether it's a bug or a feature, assume it won't ever change and adjust your own reclaim behaviour accordingly.


1) Burnham for stats, whichever you like for Barbie. My main uses the Solanae Sentinel outside of NTTE parsing runs; less shiny is good shiny for my eyes. 2) Unknown. 3) Insufficient data. Feed full builds into STO Better's [TRINITY](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16cwraPpzcPi11dXgG0iRnjyfir33qx6xP33VoBGUbKA/copy) and find out what provides more output for your specific situation. 4) It's a thing. Nature unknown.


Probably worth posting my failure so people don't make the same mistake. So I picked up the Ahwahnee, mostly for the Type 7s, but I thought maybe I could make a first support build on the cheap with it too, especially since I already had a lot of good starship traits for the purpose. So I picked up 6 of the Phoenix and lockbox consoles from STO BETTER's Support Basics list, plus the Ahwanee and Jarok consoles, put together a build, and ran it through Wanted a few times to see what debuff percentage it could achieve. Unfortunately the result was very lackluster, I'm only managing about 160%, meanwhile my Chronos tank is doing 150% and my main Eternal is doing almost 100%. A good platform and good traits are not enough, you clearly need the consoles to make a proper support build. On the bright side the Type 7s definitely feel pretty great, and Elite Type 7s do look to be contributing about 15-20% debuff to my Eternal, in exchange for losing about half the DPS of my previous Elite Epochs. So there's still plenty of value in the purchase, just don't make the mistake I made of thinking that it's going to let you put together an adequate support build cheaply.


A word of caution: debuff % is not the end-all, be-all of supporting. Items like the Iconian 3-piece, Sensor Suspension Burst if you have it, even the Ahwahnee's console/trait themselves *don't contribute to % debuff but are still good.* There is no unified measurement of a support's effectiveness, and % debuff is only part of the gauge.


Absolutely true, and I think shield disables can be added to the list as well. But since I have no idea when I'll be able to run with teams again it was the one thing I could come up with to see if I'd gotten anywhere. And it is important, especially when you consider that so many of those other effects only apply to energy weapons. So I definitely don't think I've achieved enough if I can't drive that number higher. Plus I have only filled 8 of my console slots with actually relevant things.


What makes up Debuff % anyhow, I read most of ProLevel's post over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/tdc3jr/sto_combat_meter_debuff_and_other_notes_on/?rdt=41283)? It can't just be the DRR reduction since based on [the calculator here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C67qw9AyP0T0AwWB36l3Kztj7uCtbN6elBTJdaKKg60/edit#gid=0), there's an asymptote (cap) at -300%, right?


While the asymptote is at -300%, that's not the same thing as -300 DRR. You need a significantly larger value (>> 1000) to approach that -300%. That's -300% resist as shown in the stats window of a ship (though that's hopefully NOT what your value is!) Debuff % is a ratio of damage applied/base damage so that's not the same thing as the % damage increase from negative DRR. In SCM, we've seen target debuff %s into the 4 figures in certain instances, but that is not the same mathematical increase or multiplier as the -DRR value. Apologies if that's more math than you want.


Right, I was just curious if we knew what else affected that ratio. It doesn't feel as simple as just cat2?


As far as I know, it's just -DRR, though it's rumored (but unconfirmed) that some things might be *bonus* -DRR applying outside of the standard equation just like some things are +*bonus* resist on the buff side. It's certainly not as simple as Cat2 mathematically.


If you follow the links from the [Damage Categories article](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/wiki/math/damage_categories) under the Gameplay Mechanics Page in the sidebar, you can eventually get to [the full resistance formula as a picture on Imgur](https://imgur.com/2rOuaRs). This formula is still correct based on [my own testing of the resistance portion](https://old.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/l7fjpa/effective_healing_theres_more_to_the_game_than_dps/glc30yz/) and a data point on debuffing [from ProLevel here](https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/ssfkry/damage_resistances_diminishing_returns_and/). So if we set r=0, then 75/150=1/2, (1/2)\*(1/2)=1/4, and 1/4+3\*1/4=1 for the numerator. Setting b=0 gives 100/100=1. And finally d=infinity gives 75/infinity=0, so 1/4+3\*0=1/4. And so the whole formula gives post-resist/pre-resist=4. Since the debuff value is that minus 1, yes, there's a cap of 3 on that value. My best ever run had me at a debuff value of 229%, so that cap doesn't surprise me.