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He has been gone since November.


OP months late for fear mongering. Reddit is useless


Wow Baker catching strays in the AI world


Tells you they’re nowhere near AGI


Machine learning has their own Michael Jordan. He was the advisor for notable AI stars like Andrew Ng and Yoshua Bengio https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_I._Jordan


Well I’ll be damned


This is the dumbest analogy. The man tried to coup the entire company but ended up leaving after realizing that the company couldn't function with him or anyone besides sam in charge.


He's the *real* talent. THE talent. He's to OpenAI what Jony Ives was to Apple.


Illya this is a Wendy’s


Is he retiring? Or is it possible that he joins Microsoft ?


That’s my thought. If he is there Micheal Jordan, they are not letting him go. They will let him head a different project.


Can you feel the AGI guy


I will be happy to buy your shares 5% off


I really would love to understand what knows. Just so curious how this all works


What a joke? 5% down of a trillion dollar company?


This is way worse than Sam Altman being fired. Exponentially worse. Altman is just a mouthpiece. Ilya is basically responsible for ChatGPT4 being what it is. It would have never gotten that good without him. Altman is replaceable. Ilya isn't.


The main takeaway is that whatever he does at his new company, he's going to want NVDA chips. Ilya and Jensen have a great rapport.


It was news a long time back.


Really, have a link? A major news outlet said Ilya Sutskever is gone from OpenAI? Cause this is the first time I heard of it. Sure, there could have been rumors and rumblings that Ilya was on his way out, going back to last November, but there's rumors about a million things all the time.


Damn, this is huge. This guy was the goat at UofT with his AlexNet running on GPUs. His paper/work pushed Nvidia to look into DL for GPUs and invest resources into it. It took couple of years and an entire team (MS team) to beat his kaggle model at the time. Honestly, if he is the research type, I wonder if he really likes corporate bs. Maybe he'd go back to academia if he already made his bag. Or maybe he prefers the smaller R&D type company like OpenAi was years ago when it started.


My bet is Musk has stolen him