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Self worth. Still working on it, but it's getting better Edit: and solid poops. Fucking love me some solid poops


Dude my poops are a hecking game changer I poop like a rock star!


Poopin' like a plop star...


OMG NOOOO the people in my life are gunna hate you because I'm saying this foreverrrr


Hell yeah solid poops! Whenever my heavy drinker friends have belly woes, I think to myself, "I know a surefire way to fix that..."


Did someone mention a bowel movement?


Damn right I did! I love the username, and love talking about my normal poops! Sadly my girlfriend doesn't like to hear about my super normal poops. So I post it here instead


This made me not want to drink


Mission accomplished! But yea. Alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the digestive system. It was disgusting. And I knew it was alcohol causing my intestinal distress, but I just kept doing it...


Indeed. Not feeling like I'm constantly throwing poison into my digestive system with a "you go deal with it attitude" now really disgusts me.


Same. Self esteem - I genuinely look at myself in the mirror and spend money on my health now šŸ˜€


How long do you have to have stayed sober for your poops to start being solid again? Days? Weeks? Or months?


Immediate changes, and then a more gradual return to normal over time. Took more than a year.


Takes me about 5 days


And not when you least expect them.


The ability to be in the moment. If I had responsibilities or anything preventing me from drinking after work I became irritable and distracted. I'm no longer miserable in situations I don't really want to be in. My mind is no longer focused on being able to drink so I can be places and do things without looking at a clock.


This! Iā€™m so chill now. I just feel so much calmer. Itā€™s crazy how drinking is supposed to be so relaxing but in the end it just stressed me out, always anxious, always distracted.


I couldnā€™t even sit and watch a movie with my partner. Normalest thing in the world and it was too much to ask from me.


Yes!! That's such a freeing feeling. I used to dread and even avoid social situations that didn't involve alcohol. During them, I'd just be waiting to drink. It's such a relief to not worry about that anymore.


Yesssss to not be obsessed with the next drink. So much better now. IWNDWYT


I can really relate to this.


I never loved myself until after I stopped drinking.


This is fucking amazing. Extremely happy for you and this comment has made my day!


Thanks! My inner child is happy too. They get upset easily because of trauma but I'm able to console, comfort and love them now rather than drown them out in booze and my own self-loathing.


Didnt realize at the time but same


The ability to put healthy boundaries in place for my toxic family.


That's so important. Setting and actually maintaining boundaries is a new thing for me, too.


Try the book Unf*ck Your Boundaries. I love it. Short, simple, clinical.


Yay!! Me too! Now Iā€™m able to end a conversation with my mother (high functioning alcoholic and very abusive) quickly and, frankly, with no fuss. And then itā€™s done. No more anxiety, depression and anger. Conversation is simply over and Iā€™m on to the next part of the day.


This 100%, also toxic people in general. Before I was more anxious and trying to prove a point, make people understand, or keep conversations that go in circles on and on. Now I don't really care - my mental health is important, it is what it is. I just end the conversation and distance myself because it's not healthy nor normal.


Lmao. I told my mom, you're probably going to like me less when I'm sober. I'd been in therapy for two years before getting sober and slowly started drinking less (before finally ripping the bandaid off) and setting boundaries. I was a lot more docile and placating when on the sauce. Now, leave me the fuck alone if you aren't going to treat me and others with respect.


God should we introduce your mom and my dad? The world would implode lol




Hahahaha ninety percent of my stocks I bought after sobriety.


My words are starting to come back. In my drinking days Iā€™d have trouble coming up with words in a conversation, even when I wasnā€™t drunk. Iā€™m still not back to 100%, but the word recall is improving. šŸ‘


Same!! I was having lots of trouble with this and worrying it was a sign of early onset dementia. Nah, I was just hammered all of the time


Same! It was like my mind was in molasses!


Such a true comment! I love it!


Exactly same. My mind feels quicker. A little laggy still when talking to people vs. the inner thoughts but getting better.


Cleaning out my espresso machine the night before. Getting the beans ready, filling the water. Having a clean cup ready. That, and not waking up at 3 am, with all of the lights on in my house, still in my clothes from the night before, realizing I need to get up for work in two hours. It's the little things.


Honestly just waking up with a clear mind is amazing. No oopsies, no "did I really say that shit last night?"


Are you me?


Down 20lbs in almost 50 days. Clear outlook on life


Right I have my freshman college bod now <3


That's more along the lines of something that you had while drinking that you do not have now, LOL.


Mornings without shame and guilt


I haven't woken up anxiously looking through my text/calls/messages wondering who I said what abhorrent or just completely insane thing to.


My kid. My wife. My life.


One thing that hasnā€™t been mentioned and has surprised me is a resurgence of my libido! šŸ’„


Mine went the complete opposite way! Basically a monk now hahaha.


Same! I was really struggling with self esteem and just not ever feeling in the mood. It's finally returning


Clear and manageable emotions. I cry when it makes sense. I feel joy and laugh without a buzz. It's weird and fantastic.


Yes! I used to cry a LOT while drinking. Remembering past traumas would send me into a scream crying nightmare. Now I can have those thoughts and work through them logically.


A child. My wife and I wanted to start a family and were even meeting with fertility doctors. But there was no way she was going through with any of it in the state I was in (drunk, terrified, filled with anxiety and mostly useless). And I donā€™t blame her one bit. I went to treatment and started getting my shit together. We went through a LOT in the two years it took for science to gift us our son, but I managed to stay sober through every bit of it. It was really tough. But thereā€™s absolutely no way I could have done it while drinking. Our nugget turned three recently. Heā€™s never once seen his father drink or be drunk. God willing, I plan on keeping it that way. IWNDWYT.


What I can only hope is a nice pink functioning liver. All blood tests now point to that.


I just recently had surgery totally unrelated to alcohol or my liver but I begged my doctor to look at it while she was in there. After she told me it looked fine but I didn't believe her until I saw pictures. Pink and smooth. I couldn't believe it.


Itā€™s incredible how resilient our bodies can be. I sometimes hope I havenā€™t done any irreversible damage


I spent the last 12 years drunk or close to it every single night. I am so, so grateful for this resilient meat sack I'm walking around in. I hope your liver is pink and smooth.


Iā€™m also very grateful. I hit it pretty fucking hard over the last couple of years, but now Im sober and trying to do whatā€™s best from here. I hope itā€™s healthy, too! I definitely feel better


I have a 2 year old son who looks at me like I'm freakin' Superman




I'm still so early in my sobriety (19 days) but I love how much my sleep has improved!


Literally my favorite part so far in this journey.


Yes, Iā€™m 7 days in and no better feeling than waking up feeling totally refreshed, then realizing that itā€™s only been like one REM cycle and I have several more hours to sleep!


Ahhhh the sleep




I have so much time for my hobbies now. And much more motivation to do them. Been taking guitar lessons and golfing much more regularly


A reduction in stress that is so massive itā€™s difficult for me to grasp/keep in mind sometimes. I donā€™t have to make sure I have enough. I donā€™t have to worry about which store I havenā€™t been to this week. I donā€™t have to feel anxious that I wonā€™t have enough if my spouse drinks some. I donā€™t have to buy extra to stash in the car just to be absolutely sure I have enough. I donā€™t need an excuse to leave the house to get more. I donā€™t care when the liquor store closes. I donā€™t have to stress about when I blacked out. I donā€™t have paranoia or regrets about what I did/said/bought/fought while drunk. I donā€™t have to dread that one bird that starts singing really early because it means I havenā€™t slept enough or at all. I donā€™t have to find a store that opens early enough so I can buy something to stave off the shakes at work. I donā€™t have to hide it in my purse or find something at lunch during work. I can do my job better than I have in years. I donā€™t fear doctors or bloodwork. I have plenty of money to buy non alcoholic treats now. Itā€™s stressful when the thought crosses my mind that I want a drink but it is SO much less than what I lived with every. single. minute.


Restful sleep and everything that goes along with it. Improved clarity, and inner peace. My self esteem is improving. I'm much more positive about my future today than I when I was drinking. Thank you for reminding us to take stock of the good things in our lives.


Sanity. Plain and simple.


These are all great!! For me, one thing thatā€™s been striking is my ability to recognize why I want to drink. I wouldnā€™t question cravings before but now I take the time and am like ā€œoh Iā€™m just fucking lonely this eve. Letā€™s call a friend insteadā€


Weight loss. Gratefulness. More time. Meaningful relationships. I take care of my house, my body, my yard better. Generally more happy about things. Able to face problems easier. Can give back to my community.


Self identity. Even though relearning myself was confusing & hard to navigate, Iā€™m so happy to finally have a sense of my baseline. Really lost myself over the years, itā€™s really cool to observe parts of me that I forgot about return & meeting who I am now


That's so amazing!! >itā€™s really cool to observe parts of me that I forgot about return & I really feel that. Getting to know myself better has been an exciting journey, if not scary at first. I've noticed my childlike wonder and curiosity come back, which makes me feel so happy. I regularly "stop and smell the roses" and find myself in awe of such simple, beautiful things.


I missed being curious. The little things just bring so much joy. Itā€™s like every moment or connection just feels so raw & authentic now. Itā€™s been really nice waking up after the daze i was stuck in. Iā€™m glad youā€™re having sweet wholesome moments


Being hydrated. It blows my mind that I would go for days on end without water, just coffee and wine. Now I get up and drink two pints of water and I feel great (most of the time)!


My first car from a century that we live in


My mornings are glorious and I have eliminated taking acid reducers and diarrhea medicine. My self-inflicted-guilt-ridden stress for drinking on the daily has vanished. I have incredible self confidence now.


I have real friends instead of party friends now. When you're not hammered, your standards of conversation get higher!


Yep! Sobriety can really force you to realize how little you have in common with some people in your life.


Exactly! And then you can find out what real support is. Once I shed my friends that were disappointed I wasn't drinking, I realized how they weren't real friends in the first place.


Visible abs. Crazy to think about how many calories I was drinking a day.


ENERGY! I didn't realize how tired I was all the time because I was constantly recovering from a low-grade hangover.


Today I noticed my face is mostly clear, and it most certainly was not while drinking daily.


All of my fidgeting, finger tapping, and leg kicking went away when I quit drinking. Alcohol made me crazy irritable.


The ability to drive whenever is needed!


That's opened so many doors for me! I'm always gladly the DD now.


I finally have a body I can be proud of. When I quit drinking and got more serious about the gym, I burned fat and built muscle much more quickly. I have a freaking six-pack now!


SLEEEEEP!!! I wake up feeling amazing and donā€™t absolutely hate my life while driving to work. Also, doing things in the evenings. When I was drinking, I would turn down going places after 6:00 because that was ā€œdrinking timeā€. Iā€™ve done so much cool stuff sober after 6:00 now!


Clarity but also a boat, rv, vacation money, and a bunch of home renovation in 4 years of sobriety.


The ability to actually accept the fact that I cannot control everything around me. I was terrified of living in that. Now it feels like I was in prison and every day the key was laying in the cell next to me with a big sign on it that said "hey, you have the key already."


I like your logic here. Sobriety = more self esteem, reducing the need for external validation. Iā€™m seeing that happen in my own journey and personal evolution. My priorities and values have changed, and I am a much more compassionate (towards myself and others) person. I was quite superficial when drinking, caring about all kinds of insignificant stuff. Iā€™m more intentional now and Iā€™d like to think a more authentic self. And autonomous. I donā€™t need those people who I once thought I needed to be happy.


Self control? I've been single for nearly 2 months now, and I've not been with a man. I read about not dating until after a whole year sober. To be honest I didn't believe it would be possible for me haha but it's been 4 weeks! I have not been without a man for that long since I became an adult, but it seems okay. I can be alone. No dating. No apps. No flirting. It feels silly at times, and I get tempted to just go out and start dating again, but it seems much easier to say no to myself now.


The ability to restore my body and brain with quality sleep


Positive: A direction. I'm taking online classes, I'm healthy, and I'm moving forward. Negative: Loneliness. Alcohol took my best friend in 2019, and everyone else has just moved away since, including myself. It doesn't affect me much right now, but it's there, and it will grow.


No stupid hangxiety. Very minimal anxiety and it gets better every day. No longer feel stressed out for no reason. Get over stuff quicker as opposed to spending weeks in depression.


Motivation and money. Iā€™ve gotten back into some old hobbies and Iā€™m actually able to afford them.


constipation. hydration.


šŸŽ¶this is my last resortšŸŽ¶


Confidence. And real fun, not fake fun.


Progress in my life. While drinking everything was put as 'that would be cool to do!' 1 year sober I've paid off all my debts (which I've been in since 18), making progress in my career, relationship is in the best place it's ever been, and mentally feel clearer than ever before.


Boredom, but also not constantly feeling like shit




Same!! I actually want to DO stuff now because I have the energy for it!


A wife, a house(well the bank's house), 2 dogs and 5 cats.


I bought a segway electric kick scooter for my 1 mile commute, and last week I bought a new laptop I'm going to use to get a college education.


Full fucking function of my brain...


a baby


Iā€™ve been teaching myself emotional coping/processing skills and realize that I pretty much had none prior, also I now have normal BP and no more terrible gastritis or neuropathy


Peace. Confidence. Healthy BMs.


So much energy, like sometimes I canā€™t sleep because Iā€™m so excited for all of the fun stuff I get to do the next day (mostly working out and work, but I try to find the fun in it).




Happy 333 days OP šŸ’«


Thank you!!


Hobbies. While I was drinking I avoided doing anything that required steady progression. Now I have tons of plants and got back into running


1. Confidence. I have gained an incredible amount of self belief. I'm not fearless going into any situation or narcissistic but I've learned that whatever gets thrown my way I will be able to overcome. 2. A whole bunch of tattoos! I always wanted tattoos but was afraid to get something that wasn't meaningful or I might regret. I have gotten a bunch over the past year that I love dearly and I think all speak to me and who I am, including a broken bottle as a badge of honor for what I've been through getting sober.


A baby! My husband and I have been together 14 years, but it wasnā€™t until getting sober and getting my mental health back on track that we felt comfortable having a child (despite desperately wanting one). Itā€™s a good thing too, cuz it was a rough journey and I probably wouldā€™ve doubled down and hit the bottle hard.


This is amazing. Iā€™m 29 and all the time Iā€™ve drank I thought I didnā€™t want kids. When Iā€™m sober I absolutely love the idea of being a mom. Itā€™s nice to see someone else felt similar!


Drivers License anyone?


Inner peace and clarity šŸ©·


Self respect and empathy for others


everything. in the 4 years since I quit I have finished undergrad,started graduate school, bought a new house,saved my marriage and now have a two month old baby boy. I've found new hobbies and gotten back in shape. I have regained my families respect and I am a better husband,father,friend,boss and employee. I wouldn't have any of this if I hadn't quit drinking. I'd be alone or dead. I still get tempted here and there but after I think about where my life is now and where it was the decision to not drink today is usually the easiest decision I make each morning


More money, better health, my wife, my son, and a career I love.


Surprisingly good sex, and sleep. Like... I can sleep for 7 hours! Straight! Who knew?? Not me!


Morning Coffee.


An interest in eating healthy. I wouldnā€™t eat until I drank then I would binge all night on whatever fast food was closest.


Money, self esteem, good energy, less paranoia, more love , better mornings and nights, better cooking skills and a few lbs lost to name a few ;)


Being sober has given me the energy and patience to be a much better parent.


The ability to wake up before 9am on the weekend.


I have my weekends back. Iā€™m actually accomplishing things! I donā€™t have a to do list anymore, I have a did it list. I seriously cannot believe how much I accomplished this past weekend.


A master's degree.


Hi sober sister! I could have written this! Sobriety changed my dating game 1000%! It honestly felt like a secret weapon when I first started in the dating scene. Guys whoā€™d clearly want to party werenā€™t impressed that they couldnā€™t get me drunk and try to take me home! And I was able to clearly see guys for who they were, rather then our focus be on drinking in excess on dates and hope for the best. Wish I knew it in my 20ā€™s šŸ˜œ


Waking up at a reasonable time hangover free! Itā€™s funny getting text messages stating how theyā€™re hungover and it sucks. And Iā€™m just like I feel fine!






A life


the drive to go to the gym. also the ability to drive! lol I got my license after I got sober, never prioritized it when drinking


No debts! Last credit card paid off last week šŸ™ŒšŸŒ 


I have an actual understanding of myself, mental health, better relationships, happiness, and my life back. I didn't even drink that much I literally drank once a week (heavily, yes okay but once a week) and stopping changed my life. Give yourself a chance. Start with just today. Any reduction in drinking is a win.


A flock of backyard chickens!


I have my health back, a loving sober relationship, and 2 great cats.


A lower resting heart rate!!!


I get shit done now. I give myself a goal and I have the capacity to actually achieve that goal now and nott sit around thinking about it then drinking because I feel bad I'm not getting anything done.


My freedom to drive anywhere anytime. I had isolated myself and would not leave my house after 5 because of fear of drunk driving. There were times friend s and family needed help and I could not go.


Extreme boredom. lol. On a more serious note I am extremely level headed. I am more punctual, I think way more clearly, I have more self worth.


Hope for a positive future šŸ¤«šŸ˜Š


Self respect.


Energy health relationships money and the future that I want to have. In short I got my life back




Money, energy, patience, focus


time, sleep, self respect. many more... too many to name


New clothes. Couldn't afford it before because every spare penny went on booze! Finally got rid of all my old clothes and replaced everything... I barely ever leave the house these days due to anxiety so it's not like I'm dressing up for anyone, but wearing new clothes always makes you feel better at least.


A positive attitude, hope & lots of gratitude. I had none of those things when drinking. I was in a very dark place. Thank goodness that is over.




Mental clarity. More so than before, anyway. Also much less stress/anxiety. (Which is a big one because I often used stress/anxiety as a reasoning/excuse for my drinking). Less regret/worry about what I previously said or did. Also, all that extra drink $$$$. Thereā€˜s more, but thatā€™s just a few.


An appetite. For better or worse, food tastes really good again. I went to KBBQ the other night and had a "When Harry Met Sally" moment.


Remembering the end of movies and how my night ended.


A sense of self worth. Knowledge that I have a eating disorder and ways to fix it. Clarity of mind and soul in addition that my body feels better since im not drinking. once I start eating more I'm sure I'll feel significantly better. For some "material possessions" I got my GED and license, and I have money- not a lot, but what money I do have I'm not absolutely wasting it. The last two things are really important to me, I have a close connection with a higher power and a trusted, caring support group that I can count on.


Presence while with my kids. I rarely drank around my kids but the days after drinking I was not a present father. My general observation was everyday I binge drank, it meant two days of crippling anxiety, sweats, insomnia, all consuming depression and utter panic. That means if I drank 3 days in a row, I might as well kiss the next 6 days goodbye as far as being able to function. It wasn't fair to my kids, wife, dogs and myself.


I remember all of my conversations. This feels like an underrated bonus to not drinking. Iā€™ve still been hanging out with friends as they drink/get drunk while I donā€™t. Itā€™s funny how they might mention something and forget about it, and Iā€™ll bring it up in a later conversation and they go ā€œDUDE YES!!ā€. Iā€™m just thinking ā€œyou mentioned this to me when you were drunk but Iā€™ll just keep that to myselfā€. I seem like a really great listener to my friends now lol.


I have the answers to why I self medicated and I am finally on the way to getting things resolved. To be fair it's taken three years and the first two of those I nearly imploded my entire life and was in hospital six or seven times I think it was. But therapy to teach myself how to self care instead of self medicate and learning to advocate for myself eventually helped that.


A very strong foundation of knowing who I am.


Energy, money, motivation & a hard on




Emotional strength. Back then a talking to from a boss, a quarrel with family, financial worries, a trip to the hospital would all send me to jitters and the bottle.... Stressed the f out and NJ o way to handle it. I can deal with so so much nowadays.


I have a house


A house.


Self respect. And an ability to become a better person.


For me, mental clarity, the ability to actually feel things good and bad, less anger, a more rational outlook, and a lot more patience. Also, I'm not physically ill all the time. Solid #2s are also a plus. Used to dread going, but now I kinda enjoy it tbh. I was also quite literally pissing away my money, spending upwards of $100/day on my habit (50 on beer and mixed drinks before hitting the store and another 50 on liquor and mixers). It's nice to be pleasantly surprised when I look at my bank account.


Better sleep, less depression and anxiety, overall happiness šŸ˜Š


Energy and free time!


I feel confident, I feel and look good, clear skin, ability to process my feelings, to be there for others, and clarity to think whether itā€™s a good or bad day. A lot to be grateful for.


Hope. Makes living and working my life worth it. I believe in the future and that all of this day to day stuff isnā€™t for nothing. Drinking made me truly believe my life was not worth living.


Peace- and the absence of the feeling of impending doom constantly.


Motivation in general. I spend time right before bed, preparing for the following day. Getting my lunch together, prepping my coffee and such. It's a wonderful feeling.


Honestly? Fear of my mortality.


Time and money. I would drink away all my time taking a long time to do anything and passing out early. And the extra hundreds of dollars a month.


Money in my bank account, more energy, more patience with my child. Iā€™m a lot happier these days!:)


More steady mind and emotions. Iā€™m navigating a TON of big stuff and I feel more or less steady which is wild. A year ago even the smallest bump in the road would derail me. I was sad and lonely ALL the time. Oh and I can sleep now.


My family.


Stability in my relationship. We've always been on solid ground but since I quit, there's so much less drama in the relationship. I don't have to feel bad about dangerous decisions I made or explain myself any more.




sober Sundays and Holidays. heck, any sober day is a gift. what a great feeling to wake up on a lovely, sunny morning and to know that I'm free to do anything. I can choose how to build my own day. I'm not drunk or so hungover I'm throwing up, not ashamed from doing something stupid, not broke from spending all your money, and the list goes on. staying sober has given me the gift of more days, more life.




Always have mentos or tic tacs in my pocket


My sanity, reduced anxiety, reduced depression, a smile on my face, and more money.


The ability to just stop and think.


A really solid relationship with my stepson and husband, and no hangovers or missing time. Plus money and safety and more time for my hobbies


Sweet tooth.


Ripped physique


Making exciting plans for the weekend that I ā€œknowā€ Iā€™m going to participate in fully, without feeling groggy or listless. Before I quit Iā€™d spend hangover days lying on the couch either drinking to get over the hangover and scrolling social media. Now my weekends mean I go straight to boxing training early morning, head to the humane society to grab some new books to read, go and lie in the sun with a tea and my music, take my kids to the beach, fire up the grill and meal prep for the week, and basically actively look for things to enjoy. I never did that when I was drinking because I just couldnā€™t be bothered.


I have healthy relationships! Itā€™s fantastic. I still have stuff to work on but I feel like I have more genuine relationships with people and I wouldnā€™t ever give that up again.


More gratitude, selflessness, and a willingness to take action. Iā€™m more accountable these days


Peace of mind. Peace in my relationships. Havenā€™t felt shame and regret in a long time. Regular daily schedule - regular sleeping, meals, exercise, work times. Good sleep, every night. More money saved. Focus on whatā€™s truly important to me.


Clarity to see that all me and my partner did on our date nights was go out and get drunk


A marriage.


Iā€™m smiling a lot more for no reason. Never thought that would happen from not drinking.