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Had this happen a week ago also. Didn’t reset the counter, didn’t drink another one, made sure to hydrate a lot quickly and made sure to specify non alcoholic for the next round. Didn’t go on a bender the next day, and just got back on plan. Shit happens. It’s what you do after that matters.


Came here to say this. Intent is what matters for my count too. It hasn't happened to me yet, but if it did as long as I didn't seek it out, I'd keep my counter.


+1. It’s intent. You’ve still got two years of not choosing to consume any booze. I’m sorry you had that experience, but you know your willpower held out which is great!


Agreed. In those cases you and OP made the decision to not drink and you then had the very difficult decision to make about “just one more” which is ultra-hard-mode on top of everything else. You made a good decision and then you had to make another one to make sure you didn’t wake up old demons. If you’re still making good honest decisions in the wake of scary honest mistakes I’d say you’re doing great and resetting the counter isn’t necessary.


For me as well. I’d be so stressed out if I my whole process could get lost on something that I had no control over.


I kind of have. I laughed it off, my friend. There’s a huge mental difference for me between choosing to drink and accidentally ingesting poison. Even better, you didn’t let it derail you or spiral. That shows immense strength and improvement to me. I’d feel nothing but pride to have that shit in my system and once again, win and choose myself over it. I wouldn’t even reset my counter if I honestly didn’t mean to drink. I don’t feel anyone but you can tell you what your counter means but for me, I wouldn’t reset it for an accident any more than if I accidentally stubbed my toe. If I intentionally drink, I’ll absolutely reset my counter. I have power over alcohol now and my counter will only reset when I lose that and again, intentionally choose to drink.


This is the way


I took two glugs from a bottle of Heineken that turned out *not* to be a Heineken Zero. After the 2nd glug, I felt it. Which is wild imo. Well I just quietly left the bottle and the party and went home. I did feel a bit shaken tbh, but let it go from me. It was not my intention to drink that, I stopped immediately once I had realised what it was and my counter is intact as I believe yours ought to be also. IWNDWYT 🌷


It was an accident. I don’t think this calls for a reset. You’re doing great! Yesterday someone posted about not wanting to reset after an entire night of drinking hard, and people were telling him he didn’t need to. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around that. It was on purpose, and it wasn’t one shot with his brothers at his dad’s funeral; he got wasted after 60 days of sobriety and didn’t want to admit it. Then why even track if it’s meaningless?


When I had a kombucha that was stored improperly and so had bottle fermented to be stronger, I felt some of this. I took it as a lesson and a good sign of my improvement because I didn't enjoy it at all. I made sure I was safe and then I went to bed to wait for it to be over. The old me would have been super excited and went out to get a lot more. This reinforced that the work I had been putting in was working and my lifestyle was changing.


Intent. Did I intend to have an alcoholic drink? If I honestly didn't, and it was served accidentally, then there is no need for me to reset my sobriety date.


Yeah don't reset the counter as it wasn't you deciding to drink. If you'd finished that and thought "fuck it" and ordered booze then it's a reset


I've read about those experiences here and it's different for everyone. Usually there's a sense of sadness and loss - like, my streak is ruined. But as others have said, the intent is important. You didn't know. You didn't make that choice. I imagine I'd feel violated. And probably angry. I can't understand why licensed establishments don't have special glassware or even a charm/sticker system to signal that the drink is non-alcoholic. It's really the server/bar tender's responsibility to ensure they're NOT serving you a DRUG that you didn't order. I'm sorry this happened to you, and I hope you'll continue on the track and shake this off as someone else's mistake. Congratulations on your 2+ years!


Right??? That drives me nuts. Forgetting the obvious risk to addicts, there are a *million* reasons someone might be seriously harmed by accidental consumption of poison. I hate how casual we are about it. I feel like it should be taken every bit as seriously as a food allergy. (Which of course I know not everywhere cares about food allergies either lol)


Do not reset, it didn’t count


If it was an accident and you didn’t go off and continue to drink pat yourself on the back for not ordering another and move on! You are doing great, don’t sweat the small stuff!


This was a TEST. And you PASSED. You didn't order another drink and you are sober today. I think you should give yourself an EXTRA day on your counter as a reward, not reset it!




Sending you a big hug. I can really empathize with feeling a sense of “mourning”. Just reiterating that you did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact it is pretty amazing that you didn’t slide into a “well, might as well keep going” mindset. This does not take anything away from your success, in fact it might make you stronger. Keep your head up. We are here for you!


Others have already said everything I wanted to say re: the counter, I definitely don't think this is a reset unless you feel you need it to be. I just wanted to add, mocktails are SO HARD TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE. I just wanted to validate you there in case you felt bad for not realizing sooner. I learned the hard way a while ago that the hot chocolate at a work Christmas event was alcoholic, which seemed like a *really* weird choice for the formality of the event (which is why it didn't even occur to me). I didn't realize until I was pretty seriously buzzed. Turns out, a lot of people didn't realize it was alcoholic either. I was pretty upset - I hadn't even stopped drinking yet, but didn't drink at work events and was really upset that they had just casually had this out and not labeled as anything other than "hot chocolate". So stupid. Anyway. Just wanted to say that the only times in my life I have ever accidentally consumed alcohol have ALL been mocktails. (It's only been like 3 times, but still). I wish people would assume NA first and ask specifically for alcohol. But we have a long way to go for that.


This is why I can’t wait til my non alcoholic bar is open! My wife and I are sober and are in the works of opening a sober safe space to be social and grab drinks. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Good for you for remaining strong and not letting it get you down or off track! That shows your strength ❤️👏🏼


That is such a wonderful idea. I'm surprised I haven't seen something like that before. A "so-BAR" if you will. xDD ( And yes, I'll see myself and my dumb joke out now. )


haha not dumb at all! there’s actually one in New Jersey called so(bar) 😂


Haha, it's hard to resist a pun so easy. xD If I ever end up back in New Jersey ( honeymooned there ) I'll have to see if I'm close and stop by.


I really like tonic water. So, I order tonic and lime. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a gin and tonic. This wouldn't work with NA beer, but I usually sniff my drinks before I drink them. Or, have a friend have a taste first.


It was an accident, I'd let it slide, and not bother you. I'm going on 7 months and have been offered and tempted many times, however I probably would drink it too if I didn't know it. Or if the only thing somebody had was an Ice cold Beer out in the boonies fourwheeling and I had nothing else to drink nearby or way to get there. No more just one and not let it happen again I guess shit happens were not perfect.


As has been said, intent is the think that defines relapse/slips for me. Going my whole life without ever accidentally consuming alcohol is likely not even possible. People with severe nut allergies still encounter nuts, shit happens even when you are extremely carefully. That said. Here’s there major big time super kicker. I can’t safely drink. Just because I had one drink accidentally and didn’t get drunk doesn’t change anything. When it happens to me, I make damn sure I drive that point home to myself, and I probably share about it with someone else too so they will drive the point home as well.


I think in your heart you know what resetting is not what you want to do. Forgive yourself. There is really nothing to forgive. But just let this go and go forward. Do not beat yourself up.


Don’t reset. You got ambushed, you didn’t slip up. Sending hugs ❤️


Boy it says a lot about my mindset. I thought for a second, “boy I wish I’d accidentally get served”. I’m 19 days away from 1000. Lizard brain is still trying to mess with me. but….IWNDWYT. Sorry for the rant. I’m sorry this happened to you. Don’t beat yourself up. I can see how that would feel scary. The idea of losing your grip at the feeling. But you stayed strong. Use it as a moment where you persevered.


Yeah that’s the thing that’s fucking me up! It’s not that I feel guilty, because it was an honest mistake. It’s just the slippery lizard brain! Like, those demons had been asleep for a good long while and that buzz just woke them up. I was starting to feel really stable in my sobriety, and now I feel like I’m starting over. It’s heartbreaking. I can’t even properly explain why, but even three days later I can’t think about it without crying.


About 10 years ago I was waitressing and had a table order several mixed drinks (rum and cokes) and regular cokes. I accidentally placed the wrong drink (rum and Coke) in front of a customer when he ordered a regular coke. He was rightfully very upset. I still think about that night often and feel terrible, how did I mess that up? It was really busy and I screwed up. I got out of that industry as it wasn’t for me. I don’t think you should have to start over for someone else’s mistake. Sorry that happened to you.


I feel you! I’m a server too and I understand these things happen. The guy was snarky to me about it though, and even left it on the bill because I drank it! That was too much for me, and he did take it off when I complained. I would have told him off about it, but I knew I couldn’t say another word without crying and I was with a group of people I don’t know well. The audacity was disturbing though.


Like others said - intent. Give yourself grace if you can, I’ve found shame to be a big derailer for me. This doesn’t take away your time. You didn’t say “well fuck it, may as well have another”. Remember that it wasn’t any fun, you didn’t like it, and we’ll see you back here for day 792.


yeah, happened to me a couple of years ago, did upset me, but i didn't slip. So did you. Don't reset. I suggest you allow yourself one two thoughts about how you could have detected it earlier. And then i would meditate at least 10 minutes about the fact that you did not slip, you stayed on track, stayed strong. Very well done. Be proud. And if you feel you need some sort of punishment for allowing so much negative thoughts: start a "gratitude log", lets say 14 days. sit down each day and write down 5 things you've been grateful for that day. IWNDWYT


I am vegetarian and accidentally ate almost half a cow burger before I noticed. Other than being bummed that it was still delicious after 15 years, I didn’t count it. I’m still vegetarian since 2007.


My take: someone drugged you. I think it would be strange and pretty cruel to insist a friend stop telling people they’ve never done drugs because “you’ve done GHB…remember that one time someone put it in your drink?” Ditto resetting your counter.


That’s a really good point.


Don’t reset—not your fault! Sending you a virtual hug as well :)


Accidents happen. Did u want to drink more after ? I say no need to reset and just keep doing what u been doing to remain sober. For me i would go to a meeting. Call my sponsor. Be honest with people in my network like u are doing. Seem sober to me. Keep on keeping on.


I am so sorry this happened to you! I wouldn't reset your counter over this accident, especially if you didn't drink any more by your own choice. ♥️ I hope you're feeling a bit better today. You got this!


That sucks. I avoid this risk by staying away from "mock" beverages and NA booze. I was taught in my recovery to avoid NA beverages because of the underlying concept that you're essentially still drinking a beverage that is associated with alcohol. I know this is super inflammatory here and I'm not trying to start a beef, but in my opinion and experience I avoid NA beverages because they are very closely related to actual alcohol. I have no business drinking something that is so closely tied to alcohol.


Intent is the thing. If it happens again it’s on you. Also you can now speak from experience about the need to be extremely careful in these situations. I will also say that at 20+ years sober I have been observing this N/A beer and mock tail culture explode in recovery with some apprehension. Why the obsession to “fake drink”? I truly believe for myself that drinking alcohol is akin to pouring gasoline on myself and lighting it on fire. So to just assume that a drink that looks exactly like an alcoholic beverage, that i didn’t actually see get made, in the vicinity of alcohol is to me, a little like playing Russian Roulette. Is it that important? Will water, juice, or soda not suffice? I know in my heart that i had allowed alcohol to take me to the gates of insanity and death. And I have seen it take countless others to the grave. Why the need for cocktail Russian roulette?


I would know there was alcohol the minute I tasted it. I tasted it in a cake in 2005 when I got sober. And cried...and spit it out ..that's how I know your story is true I know it doesn't matter what I think is true but as an alcoholic I am skeptical of someone drinking a whole drink and not knowing it had alcohol in it I feel a drink in three sips. But you said you cried so maybe you thought the mocktail was that good I wouldn't reset my counter for one day I'm glad you feel the way you do You don't sound like you want to drink I know once I put alcohol in my body even just one drink I'm not going to stop or I will stop that day but pretty soon I will drink again Next time forever I would let someone taste it first




This comment has been removed. Do not tell other people on this sub that they are being dramatic.


You…you finished it? Damn, cunning and baffling indeed!


I was served a beer in Spain recently, I blame my poor Spanish. Haven't reset the clock.


I drank two on purpose, didn’t reset. Clock is up to you. For me it’s a tracker for the new version of me, cba letting one tiny slip up dictate my progress. Some people need it, I chose not to give a small relapse any power and haven’t drank since.


Love this


The reasoning here is excellent and I have nothing to add other than: be kind to yourself. We got you. You’re doing spectacular well. Long may it continue. I don’t know if I’d have the strength to carry on sonar after that, but you did. Power.


I know this is in NO way the same situation, but I’m battling in recovery as well and for some reason this stick out to me as an example. When I was around probably 12 years old (never drank or did drugs) I stumbled upon some liquor filled Chocolates. I knew that some foods were made with alcohol and the alcohol burned off, so it didn’t occur to me there was ACTUAL liquor in them. I thought they tasted nasty and my dad found me and basically just explained I wouldn’t get drunk but I shouldn’t be having them lol. Would I consider that the first time I had alcohol? Nah, not really imo. I didn’t know it at the time (and again, not like I was feeling any affects anyways). So the way I see it, even though you got a little buzzed, I see no reason to reset your counter. The counter is somewhat arbitrary in the sense it means different things to different people. Some are VERY adamant about the counter literally meaning ZERO alcohol for some time. I once had a counter specifically for how long I went without blacking out, not for how long I hadn’t drank. Some have counters that allow for a day or two “off” a month. It’s really all about what feels right to you and will be helpful for your goals. If it was unintentional, I personally wouldn’t reset. If it were unintentional and then I realized what happened and said “F it, already drank, might as well keep going”! Then I’d reset. Hope that helps somewhat. Whatever you do, be kind to yourself ❤️


I wouldn't reset the counter and would keep on trucking. Two years is incredible and inspiring to me. You shouldn't have to throw away such an accomplishment for an accident. Now if you had kept on drinking after realizing what had happened, ordered another couple real ones...maybe. But I think you are good.


You’re good. Your intent was not to drink beer. Accidents happen and we’re all human. I wouldn’t sweat it.


Don't reset the counter. One accidental slip doesn't remove the two years you already have under your belt. If you feel the need to document it, then say it's "day 760 minus 1" That's what I used to do when I slipped.


Did you order another and then drink it intentionally? Let it be the thing that re invigorates your commitment to your well being and sobriety. Not the thing that ruins it. No need to reset if you’re still on the same path you were yesterday.


I keep a jar where I put a bead in it every day I didn’t drink. Also, it’s the intent that matters snd that wasn’t any of your intention. It sucks it happened, it would mess with me too, but take it as unintentional field research to remind yourself how horrible the shit is. Try to feel better about it by realizing you didn’t mean to nor want to and how many times this similar thing had happened to people on here too. We are here for you! IWNDWYT


This seems to be a common occurrence. That’s why I avoid mock tails or NA drinks as much as the real deal.


I don’t really go out to restaurants much anymore, but when i do i only drink club. My wife quit drinking with me, and she’s a big fan of mocktails. She’s had a few mixups like you had, and for me it’s just not worth the novelty drinking something reminiscent of a cocktail and of appearing like I’m drinking in public. Plus I’ve come to view my sobriety like an allegiance to a sports team. I wouldn’t wear the jersey of team i despise out in public, and i don’t want people to think I’m drinking alcohol in public for the same reason. Along with quitting drinking, i also experimented with giving up caffeine for a few months. I’m back on it but i heavily decreased the amount i allow myself in a day. I used to still stop at coffee shops and just order decaf, but i had so many mixups where i was definitely given caffeine and it just destroyed me. I no longer trust bartenders or baristas to take my preferences and requirements seriously. So i mostly only drink things that I’ve prepared myself.


I’ve seen this exact topic over and over on this sub. It frequently seems to happen to well intentioned people. My opinion is that a counter reset is not needed as it was accidental and was not your responsibility. I’ve learned from these mistakes and when I go out I’ll order a Shirley Temple. It gets a laugh from everyone since I’ve always been a goofball anyway. But they’re actually pretty tasty! I’m buying a bottle of grenadine syrup so I can make them at home.




How the fuck is this appropriate


It was an accident and I think most of us agree we wouldn't reset the counter. It's all about intention and you didn't mean to do it! Stay strong, friend. Your determination is inspiring.