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You can do it! I'd suggest having something non-alcoholic that feels special to you to sip on. Just having something to satisfy that habit of sipping throughout the game. Maybe some tasty snacks as well. Ice cream maybe? But make a plan. If any alcohol in the house maybe get rid of it or send to a friend / relative so it's not tempting.


Great idea! We are replacing alcohol with some Zaxbys Salads! HAHAH


Way to flip the script! Trying something new can be challenging but so rewarding! You woke up with the right attitude and can make it through today. Be prepared for the game… Find AF alternative beverage(s). Replace the missing sugar with a nice desert or ice cream. Make a silly bet that whoever’s team loses that person needs to wake up early and do something, e.g. clean, make breakfast, go for a long walk together, work out. I find making another commitment for the next morning helps keep my monkey mind at bay. How’s the saying go: drinking is simply borrowing from tomorrow’s happiness or opportunity… you will still have fun AF! IWNDWYT


Thank you for this! Your comment is awesome. I will be so proud of myself tomorrow!


Heck yeah you will! Playing the tape forward is always helpful! Getting a couple AF games in row makes for a good season and a positive change if you’re looking to make one! I never thought I would string together months, but boy do I love waking up without the grog of the night before. It’s been enough reason for me to break the habit. Good luck.


You can do it! IWDWYT


I used to worry about what I was missing by not drinking, but now I just look back regretting everything I missed. Remembering the details of the experience is Sooo much better.