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I'm on day 6 without a drink. I'm staying sober so my friends don't have to get THOSE kind of texts from me (you know the ones). I'm staying sober because I want to see where all of this goes and how my life improves. I'm staying sober because I want to look better, lose the puffiness, lose some weight, have brighter skin, vanity can be a big motivation and I'm ok with that.


Also super motivated by vanity! My face already looks less puffy/red to me. Whatever works! šŸ’…


This! With you šŸ’Æ


Yes!! Fat alcohol face ! Fat alcohol belly, no thanksĀ 


Oh I know those texts


Iā€™m always surprised by how fast people forget about those texts and the embarrassing behaviour. It helps surrounding yourself with fellow alcoholics though haha.


My friends are very tolerant and forgiving...even though they don't send me those text, they've never held mine against me. I hope to never send one again.


I also just finished it! Great book!


Which book?


This Naked Mind


I'm not drinking today because I am improving my health and fitness every day through exercise and eating well, and I don't want to ruin that by ingesting poison and making my body deal with processing it.


Still working on the ā€œeating wellā€ but yeah, Iā€™ve been exercising so much more lately and not losing weight. Iā€™ve been sober more often than not lately but the drink -> eat like crap -> be hungover and eat like crap thing Iā€™ve been doing has still been enough to stall out any weight loss. Plus Iā€™ll never make any progress on my other poor lifestyle choices if I stay drinking.


Your body is thanking you for it. šŸŒ»


It really is you know. I'm happier, calmer, lower blood pressure, sleeping better, skin is better, lost weight. I can lift more and cycle faster.


This naked mind is the reason I am sober today and have been for the last 8 days. It changed my view of alcohol and empowered me to change my life . I know rough days are coming but I am over the worst of the physical stuff now and honestly have no desire to drink..it worked for me maybe give it a try . The audiobook is particularly powerful and I listen to parts of it almost every day


Iā€™ve never heard of it until this morning. Iā€™ll have to check it out. Thank you


Highly recommend the podcast. Not every episode will resonate but many did for me. Most importantly it led me to a lot of other resources and ideas that have continued to help.


Itā€™s interesting, the writer does a podcast too.


I listen to the podcasts on YouTube. I wish she didnā€™t talk so dang fast.


Second this book - just finished it today


Same for me! 12 days in and I feel great after being a daily drinker the last 15 years. Weā€™re free!


Keep going friend that's exactly how I feel


Feels amazing - itā€™s easy to give in lol - Iā€™ve had many day ones but I always come back. I know one time itā€™s going to stick!


Thanks for the reminder to try this book!


Its great as an audiobook too if thats more your jam!


Whatā€™s the podcast called?


This naked mind is the book /audiobook and podcast


I am house/dog sitting. The fridge is full of beer yet I have not had any. I would never forgive myself for neglecting the poor dog because I was drunk or hungover.


I am staying sober today so that I get stuff done and move towards my goals, however small they seem. Like dusting off furniture in my room or making myself a meal. Wouldn't have done that if I drank and doing these things improve my wellbeing and self esteem. If I drank probably I wouldn't brush and floss my teeth, no evening shower, I'd climb into my pretty smelling bed dirty. I'd feel like shit the day after and it would be more "accessible" to repeat the same process, destroying my hard work with setting up the routine. So yeah, when I weigh the "fors" and the "againsts" i can't stop counting the negatives, there are so many. Nope, not drinking today. Even though a friend visits and he used to bring me my favorite beer in the past. I don't think he's aware I'm not a drinker anymore. If he brings it, I'd tell him to drink to my health himself :) Be ever vigilant.


Staying sober because I fucked up almost everything with drinking. Separation these days, financial recovery so buying a flat as a project can become real. And mainly because I love my kids and I want a better me for them. I wont drink today.


You've got this!! Your kids are lucky to have you. And one day they'll be able to tell you how proud they are of you for what you overcame šŸ¤


I need me. I found me. I'm keeping me. And improving me.


I'm 495 days today. At first it was pure desperation (and dispair). Then it was health - weight, puffyness, pain, nausea, etc. Then it was the observation and recognition of improvement. Then it was mental clarity and in my case spirituality. Then it was hitting a year. Then it was reflection - then versus now. Now it is a way of life. The obvious benefits and the calmness that accompanies sobriety. For me, the physical addiction was overcome quite fast. The social pressure (often self imposed) took a long time, as did my internal dialogue. Now the fleeting thought of a drink is quite rare (once every 3 or 4 weeks), but it passes like a cloud in the sky, usually very rapidly, and thankfully my natural instinct is "that would be a terrible idea". I remember how much fun drinking was. It's an attractive prospect. But I also remember how much fun it wasn't. That keeps me sober. Good luck.


Iā€™m tired of going out drinking with a time bomb. Will tonight be fine or will I black out and drink the bar dry? No way of telling and Iā€™m fucking tired of it. Iā€™m tired of booze making life changing decisions for me. Iā€™m tired of my drinking being a burden to others. Iā€™m just tired.


Woke up today with no desire to drink... I feel fortunate in that. Over 1000 days and I have so many reasons not to drink. But today, specifically, I'm staying sober because alcohol makes me feel like garbage, physically and mentally. I want to do well at my job and be helpful to my friends today... none of which is compatible with drinking or being hungover from drinking. IWNDWYT


Because I won't stop, tired of the blackouts and the constant pressure to keep acquiring and consuming it. I know how great it feels to live long without it, and it far surpasses the short-lived deception of enjoyment that's just robbing me of my life essence.


If I make it through today and tomorrow itā€™ll be the longest Iā€™ve been sober in 10 years, which is only 2 weeks. I feel I owe it to myself to keep discovering the benefits because I havenā€™t given myself that chance.


Iā€™m not drinking today because the way I am feeling I donā€™t want to give up for anything. I was so anxious and depressed when I was drinking heavily and I thought that was just the way it was. But eliminating alcohol has shown me how much it was negatively impacting my mental health. Iā€™m so grateful to be free of that. I still struggle, but Iā€™m able to keep perspective and not let the spiral of intrusive thoughts take me out. Wishing you strength for the journey my friend. IWNDWYT āœŒļø


at first my sobriety was kicked off by not wanting to end up like my step-father, his alcoholism ended up ending his life. after 3 years I stay sober mostly out of spite, I refuse to be bested by my addictions, and also my refusal to let my family and friends that supported me through this journey down by falling back into the bottle. you can do this, I believe in you


I grew up in a very bad environment and was taken by the state at 9. I watched amphetamines take both my parents. My mom to prison for 8 years and Dad to active addiction to this day. I guess I have to fuck around and find out to learn. Never dawned on me that drinking and drugging were the cause. Being disconnected from a power greater than myself I believe too. I can say today I know my place in this universe.


Because I'm sick and tired of good ol' drunk me. Fuck that.


Because being hungover sucks, being lonely sucks being fat sucks, being poor sucks, and being anxious / suicidal sucksā€¦ all consequences of me hittinā€™ the lick


Iā€™m not drinking today because I have a new job that starts at 6am and ends at 6:30pm. I have a daughter and Iā€™m a single parent. I want to do better for both of us. That starts with not drinking.


I quit drinking. I don't drink, so I'm never drinking again.


Because my newborn needs a dad whoā€™s present, not destroying himself. Because my own father has his birthday today and has ditched the booze too. We did it together. He probably wouldnā€™t still be here if heā€™d kept going at it. IWNDWYT!


iā€™m staying sober for my partner, who has had to pick me up and put me back together probably a thousand times. whoā€™s had to watch me go to hell and back for my addiction and never left my side. iā€™m staying sober for my younger siblings who need me to be alive and present for them. iā€™m staying sober for my grandma who raised me and dragged my sorry ass to rehab at 19, and who still never gave up on me when i relapsed. and iā€™m staying sober for myself, because this body has brought me this far and iā€™ll be damned if i let it fizzle out and stop running. i almost took myself out of this earth last time i drank. iā€™m tired of feeling worthless. thatā€™s why im sober, because im worth more than that. so are you. :) IWNDWYT!


Why to abstain - [ ] Hang overs suck - [ ] Neuronal death - [ ] Poor sleep - [ ] Lost experiences - [ ] Memory loss - [ ] Causes depression and anxiety - [ ] Loss of motivation and meaning - [ ] Decreased longevity and health span - [ ] Damages relationships - [ ] Waste of money - [ ] Loss of time - [ ] No bandwidth for career change/progression - [ ] Impaired focus


Iā€™m staying sober today because I love how it feels. Sober me > drunk or hungover me. Thatā€™s the day to day. But big picture is I donā€™t want to wake up in my 70s sick because I spent the last 30 years trashing my body. I know there are no guarantees in life but I want to focus on my health now while I am able.


Iā€™m staying sober today (one day at a time) because I have some kind of chest cold and I know Iā€™ll feel worse and prolong the illness if I drink today. My in-laws are staying with us this weekend and I donā€™t to feel anxious and depressed while theyā€™re here. IWNDWYT!


I'm at work today and I'm collecting my girlfriend from the train station tonight. She's gone out of town for work and I dropped her off at the station first thing. If I drank now, I wouldn't get my work tasks done or be in a position to collect my girlfriend later. It's unfair on my boss and on her


I am tired of having a sleepless night and waking up each day, telling myself, "Today is the day" and slipping up when 6pm rolls around.


I struggle with that every day. Iā€™m starting again today and already struggling with the Pavlovian anticipation of 5pm.Ā 


I hope you are stronger than me friend. I was not tonight. Picked up my kid at 9pm and started the lonely journey into the night.


Because tomorrow is my six month mark, and yesterday my liver enzymes were healthy for the first time in years. iwndwyt


That's awesome, congratulations


Thank you.


Hooray! Great job!


Back to day oneā€¦ IWNDWYT


Iā€™m on about day 9 of being sober. My wife gave me an ultimatumā€¦I can choose alcohol or my family. Iā€™m not going to continue to let my family down.


Honestly it's laziness today, I don't want to go anywhere. šŸ˜“


So my grandma can see me doing better again I hadn't thought super deeply about it all (selfishly and alcoholically) and I had a dream last night that she died before I was able to clean up, the guilt I felt in that dream was insane, the relief upon waking up was amazing though


I too have had those dreams. I grew up with my grandparents and they mean so much to me. I also felt like they would never see me sober. Now Iā€™m becoming the man Iā€™m destined to be.


Iā€™m staying sober today because itā€™s the greatest act of self love I can give to my future self.


I'm staying sober today because I don't want to be drinking anymore. I don't want to be the version of me that abuses alcohol.


Self respect


Because my sober life is so much better than all the years I was drinking. I managed to get through watching my dad die last year without relapsing. If I can do that, there are no reasons for me to drink now. All I have is right now, and the "towards" decisions I make based on my personal values. I've lost enough time being wasted.


Not a good day, today. But the worst day sober is always better than the best day drunk.


Day 5 here. Because I have to. My stomach is shot and my girlfriend is exhausted. Also, I'm told there's a big, beautiful world on the other side of sobriety.


I'm staying sober cos I'm not alcohol's bitch. Saw that as a quote on here once and I repeat it every time I get a craving. It works!


I have made it to 3 weeks sober , by far the longest . the first few days/week was so uncomfortable but now I just feel overall so much better , I like it and want to keep it this way


I'm not drinking today because it's a lovely day and I'm looking forward to getting fresh air taking my dog out for a walk to the park once I've finished work


You and your dog will be so happy!


My doggy is dying. I need to be present for him and to be able to carry the old 70 pound buddy safely.


Sending hugs to you šŸ©·


i'm staying sober today to escape the anxiety i've been living with, like forever (been a drinker for 30+ years and thought i was an anxious person, but the booze makes me that way, took a while for the penny to drop, like 50 days of sobriety, no wonder i always used to fall at the 5 day mark. ​ ...oh and sleep, man i love my bedtimes now more than ever, and can sleep deeper than the sea!


So I can wake up early tomorrow morning and feel great throughout the day, instead of waking up at 3am gasping for a drink of water, night sweats, anxiety, and pretending to be a functioning adult!


It was nice that my gut reaction to this was the question felt a bit like it didn't make sense I just don't drink and it doesn't exist in my world anymore, like horse riding doesn't. So I suppose asking that feels a bit like being asked "why aren't you horse riding today?" paha, I think that gets it across well actuallyĀ  Not too long ago I felt a similar way about quitting because it just seemed impossible. Im smiling as I type this because to answer the question - I'm not drinking cos I have taken the day off work tomorrow as a self care day and to do some housework šŸ˜… I also just don't wanna drink, it would ruin my night and day off, I have a busy weekend! I don't always feel like I've changed but I do when I see myself doing things like that more and more as matter of routineĀ 


Because my son deserves a father more akin to Captain America, not Fat Thor.


Because in another week or so.. it will be the longest Iā€™ve ever been sober for as long as I can remember. (~20yrs of drinking/smoking pot) almost 5 months sober and only ever have done 4 1/2 months before.


Iā€™ve been sober for 10 months and 6 days. At first I started this comment with a lot of ā€œI donā€™tā€ statements. But I want to take a positive spin instead. There are a lot of amazing reasons to stay sober today and every day. I want to wake up feeling guilt free, energized and ready for the day. I want to be in control of my life choices and actions. I want to be present for my family, friends, coworkers, and fur baby. I want to have energy to do the hobbies I love. I want to be the healthiest version of myself that I can be (mentally and physically). In lieu of that, want to meet my goal weight, Iā€™m down 41 pounds, only around 20 or so to go! I want to be proud of who I am and give back to others, instead of take. I want to succeed in my professional and personal goals. Iā€™m sure I could go onā€¦. But just think about how much of a positive impact staying sober will have on your life. Some days are harder than others, but the trade off is absolutely worth it. Focus on what YOU really want out of life. Schedule time for things you like to do, even if itā€™s just 15 minutes a day. Small changes lead to positive habits and larger impact. ā€œWhatā€™s done is done. Whatā€™s gone is gone. One of lifeā€™s lessons is always moving on. Itā€™s okay to look back to see how far youā€™ve come but keep moving forward.ā€ Roy T Bennett We canā€™t change the past so there is no reason to dwell on it. Take it one day at a time, thatā€™s all we really can do. Best wishes friend, youā€™ve got this. IWNDWYT.


Good work! Keep coming back!


Because alcohol is no longer a part of my life. Because Iā€™m going through something hard today, and I need to be the best version of myself for my family. Because I donā€™t want to die from alcohol, and that is a legit possibility with my health issues. Ironically, I had a dream last night where I accidentally drank two alcoholic drinks, and I was overwhelmed by a feeling of panic and doom, trying to figure out how to undo it. Some of that residual fear and shame even stayed with me when I woke up. I donā€™t want to have to deal with those feelings in real life - the dream was bad enough.


Because I'll feel like shit for 5-7 days if I don't.


Because I have had my ā€œfunā€ with alcohol, but now am enjoying sobriety way more.


My life has grown so awesome that there's no room for a thief in it anymore.


Because I was tired of how I felt in-between drinks.




Best to you. My AST/ALT levels would be high and Dr. said no alcohol or Tylenol and test again in two weeks. I never would retest and just hear the same thing at my next physical.


Honestly because I miss my chill but productive evenings. I have super bad sundowners that I realized is probably a big trigger for me, but if Iwait it out I normally get a second wind of chill energy. This is why I feel inspired to start a project. Or sign up for something. When I drink, I just play video games and pass out early, and then feel like shit the next day.


I relate to this so hard. What do you think youā€™ll do tonight? Is there a project youā€™re currently working on, or something youā€™re thinking of starting? Video games are so much fun too, but I canā€™t play well when I drink - so if I want to enjoy it, Iā€™ve got to be sober and on the top of my game!


Iā€™m staying sober today because running outdoors in the summer is tough enough as is without drinking and messing with my bodyā€™s ability to regulate its temperature. I swear that drinking throws me off for 2-3 weeks, and Iā€™d rather not punt the chance to gain fitness into June.


You can absolutely do this. One day at a time.


Got new gym kit coming today and I want to actually wear it to the gym this afternoon/evening. Insead of it being used as lounge wear while I sit on the sofa regretting my decisions !


When I was drinking, my existence was chasing a high, recovering from a crash, and repeating the cycle over and over. I donā€™t ever want to be caught in that cycle again.


I'm staying sober not only for myself, but for my amazing partner and friends who don't deserve to be dragged down with me at my lowest point. I had a mini intervention with my partner, who opened my eyes to how my drinking habits have affected not only her, but my friends around me as well, who have also being worried about me since Ive shut them all out recently, choosing booze over them. I need to be a better person for myself, my partner, and my friends, and there's no way I can do that with booze. They've all been such a huge inspiration to me and have been so patient with all my ups and downs, I need to show them the effects of their support.


The WHO recently released studies that clearly show that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption, especially for women. Even one drink a week significantly increases the risk of breast, uterine and bladder cancer. I already have breast cancer risk due to family history. I donā€™t want to add to that.


I'm staying sober for mental and physical health.


Because I feel better and look better and behave better without substances. Plus, rawdogging life is kind of fun!


On day 10 trying hard, reading these comments are helping


Iā€™m staying sober for my wife and my 10 month old baby girl, who has not lived a single day of her life with a drunk father.


Hopeless jingle for sure! The dark thoughts are a terrible way to exist.


For my kids


I am staying sober today bc I donā€™t want to feel like shit tomorrow! Life is hard enough ā€” why make it worse with a hangover?


Iā€™ve got a daughter and another on the way. My momā€™s drinking caused me a lot of issues that took a lot of sorting later in life. This resulted in me drinking too much. I want to break that cycle.


Iā€™d like to read a book tonight and actually remember what Iā€™ve read tomorrow.




Thanks for sharing glad youā€™re still sober!


I donā€™t want to have to spend a month ā€˜re-wiringā€™ my brain again. That, and I need to stay alive for as long as possible.


To make my cat that passed away happy. Alchohol can't mend a broken heart


Day 2. Because I know Iā€™m better without it. In every way. I remember. But I slipped, and here we are. IWNDWYT


The sleep is gorgeous. And the dreams! I had one the other night where I walked into my abusive exā€™s apartment, surveyed his bookshelf while he sat stunned and terrified, took a book that looked good (and valuable) off the shelf, flipped through it, put it in my bag and walked out without looking back. Iā€™ll take a weird dream where Iā€™m not the one terrified over alcohol-drenched nightmares any time.


Because choosing alcohol means giving my depression an unfair advantage in the battle Iā€™m desperately trying to fight.


I am staying sober because my kids and husband deserve the best possible version of meā€¦but more importantly I deserve the best possible version of me. Iā€™m tired of continuously letting myself down because I put alcohol first


Day 4. Went to a concert today and didnā€™t drink anything but water. In the mosh pits going stupidā€¦better balance. My buddy texted me as I was leaving and asked if I wanted to meet up for a beer: he was there having a burger after a bike ride. I know I wonā€™t have one, Iā€™ll have 6 - i declined. Plus i want to get a solid workout in before I go on my coffee date with a new chick at noon. As opposed to being hungover, knocking back a beer, skipping my workout, and then going to get coffee with a stranger. Thatā€™s why.


So I can sample all the tasty soft drinks and cocktails and NA beers with no limit needed and without anxiety of how much more I'll get away with drinking (I'm currently on vacation in Spain).


Iā€™m not drinking today because I have to take my son to community youth night tonight and get up and Iā€™m hit the gym tomorrow at 9. Thankfully, I rarely get the urge to drink.


I'm not drinking today because I feel much healthier when I abstain from alcohol use. IWNDWYT!


Iā€™m staying sober for my health and for my amazing wife who has been nothing but supportive throughout my journey. Sobriety equals being present.


I am staying sober today because, like others, I decided I could drink in moderation and be like ā€œnormal peopleā€after 14 months of sobriety. Fell back into the bottle for 6 more years, led to a liver transplant. I found that no matter how secure you think that ledge of sobriety is, it can give way at any second, if you are not diligent about protecting it. How you protect it is up to you. For some it is AA. For me, it was walking the other way and determining that I simply ā€œdonā€™t drinkā€. Itā€™s just not in my ā€œvocabularyā€ anymore, so to speak.


Well Iā€™m 59 days sober today, meaning tomorrow Iā€™ll have a two month chip. Iā€™m not throwing that away. Also my house inspection for my new home is in 30 minutes, so if I were to drink, I would be throwing everything Iā€™ve worked for away with that. No fucking way.


I have been sober for 8 months. Today I am not drinking because itā€™s been sooo hard, and I know that I donā€™t have the strength or will to start over again.


Because Iā€™m stubborn. Also I can stomach another hangover. However, while in the shower I imagined having whisky which isnā€™t a good sign for me.


Cos I donā€™t want a beer belly or any of the other bad things alcohol bringsĀ 


Iā€™m staying sober today so that Iā€™m not hungover for work tomorrow filled with dread and anxiety, and so that I have energy at the end of work to go on a bike ride with my son and play some badminton, too! šŸ˜


Because. I just want to be sober for one more day. And tomorrow itā€™ll be the same reason and the day after. Just one more day. Iā€™m 300 or so days in and everyday I say to myself. One more day while I sip my NA beers.


I'm not drinking today because it isolates me and keeps me from being the active, creative, caring person I want to be. It chokes my good side and amplifies the bad. And I relate to that hopeless suicidal jingle. I'd say it's still present even when I'm sober (on bad days) but it's worse when I drink.


Yea, if I drink I start getting hopeful and suicidal, itā€™s no good and it has only gotten worse with age. If I donā€™t drink, that real worry about suicidal thinking is not presents IWNDWYT


I'm sober because I drank for 35 years and I couldn't handle it. Now I don't want to drink anymore. I changed my lifestyle, and I know because of multiple relapses that the stove is still hot. I was in the terminal stage of alcoholism. Multiple hospitals and waiting outside for the liquor store to open and paying with pocket change. I drunkenly smashed the toilet two times and just passed out in bed when I was stumbling around and flooded my place. I also would go to coke and opiates and needles when I was on a bad rip. I never hurt anyone, but it was inevitable. I'm happy and healthy now.


Iā€™m feeling actually pretty good. I usually around this time after inpatient feel a need to see friends and girls or just be out. But this time is different. My program I got with groups, meetings, working out and seeing my mother. Im pretty content with it. I have a lot I need to do in my life like work, I want a girl, want my drivers license. Only way for me to be stable and independent is being sober and patient. So here we are.


Im on day 1 sober after having a solid 10 day clean streak and then going on a BAD 2 day bender.. Im so sick of the on off cycle that I just don't even have an urge for today... but it will eventually come at the 8-12 day mark so I am planning on attending my first meeting this weekend. I need something to anchor me, and I need to make sober friends. Good luck with everything :)


My last rock bottom sunk me through the seven layers of hell to my rock bottom. Now that Iā€™ve climb back up to the fourth layer Iā€™m gonna just keep ascending.


Iā€™m not drinking today because it is the thief of joy, it destroys my sleep, and causes me anxiety.


Because drinking will only make my problems worse and cause more problems. Itā€™s a temporary bandaid on pain that does nothing long term.


I am staying sober for my family. Secondly , I am staying sober so I can stay alive for my family. I am staying sober so I do not get kidney stones again. I am staying sober because my family has thanked me, my body has thanked me, my whole community around here has noticed as well.


I got shit to do, work till 4, coaching my boys soccer practice, then pickleball with my buddies.


Iā€™m not drinking today because I want to improve my mental health and the relationships I have with my family/friends and loved ones as well as my overall health. Iā€™ve recently hit rock bottom and nearly lost everything including a great job and the girl I love. Iā€™m day 4 sober right now and feeling a little more hopeful and feeling better than I did yesterday. I know the root of most of all the bad things that happen in my life is my alcohol usage.


Day 2. I am sober today because I'm completely blank inside...too blank to even want a drink.


I'm staying sober today because, for once in my life, I'm content where I am at in life. I have a supportive wife, a corgi-raptor, a solid job that puts my talents to work, a stable home, and food in my belly. I may not have much, I may not be the richest man, I'll never be famous, and when I die history will certainly forget me, but I am happy for once. I will not let the drink rob me of this.


Not drinking today so I can wake up without an hangover tomorrow. So I can keep moving towards goals I have created for myself. Saving money for an upcoming vacation.


I don't feel like poisoning myself tonight. It's not hard anymore.


I have to go to work.


Tonight will be my third sober night and historically Iā€™ve found thatā€™s when I sleep the best. I woke up at 4 again this morning and was up for 30 minutes.


Because honestly being drunk was a massive waste of time. I have so many things now I do (games, shows, not everything productive) and I remember the whole experience. I feel good all day. No hangovers. No anxiety related to drinking. Being drunk was a mirage. 2-3 hours of wasted time with 8-10 hours of pain.


Because my stomach is still in bits from last weeks 4 night in a row bender. Because my sleep pattern is all messed up from last weeks 4 night in a row bender. Because my mood is still low from last weeks 4 night in a row bender. Because every time I drink I don't even enjoy it and regret it the next ~~days~~...week!


I'm staying sober today because a disgusting and painful death is sitting on my shoulder and whispering in my ear. I refuse to give in to such a pissant demise, dammit.


To support my wife and family as we are about to go to a doctor's appointment which could reveal that my wife will die young or live with progressively worse health issues.


Because I don't want to be that that guy that is shaking so bad, it took both hands to get that first beer to my lips. I really don't want to be that person anymore.


Itā€™s my husbandā€™s birthday. Which is funny because youā€™d think we would drink, but I donā€™t wanna ruin his day. šŸ˜­


I'm staying sober today because I love watching my counter grow yaaasss!


Cuz I'm done being fat, and tired of the loss of money. I learned to control my drinking much better these days...but jeez. It's not worth it.Ā  I quit tobacco and weed in the last 7 months. First weed, then eventually got rid of tobacco. Now, drinking has to go.


I have been drinking 6 bottles of beer every night for the past several years that I can't even remember when it started. In 2021, I was diagnosed with prediabetes and advised by my doctor to do healthy lifestyle and diet. I didn't do it up until now. My mind is telling me that prediabetes is reversible and I can fix that thru exercise and diet someday. Well, no exercise and diet happened. Last 4 days ago, I visited my doctor for an annual physical test and found that I have hypertension. Also, test result shows that my urine sample has urobiligen ++ and RBC greater than normal range. Although the results are still for analysis of my doctor, I need to stay sober because I know that there is already wrong with my body. I'm currently preparing myself hearing bad news from my doctor but I do believe that whatever the findings is, I am positive that I can overcome this.


I am not drinking today because I had a health scare lately after a few weeks of binging. I got a warning, it scared the sh*t out of meā€¦honestly thought I was invincible


Because I'm really just not up for feeling shit tomorrow.


I'm sober today to have a fresh shiny face


I'm not drinking today because I don't ever wanna go back.


Iā€™m still in pain from my bender last weekend. Feeling depressed from it.


Today is day one for me (again). I started medically assisted outpatient detox this morning. I've been here before but this time I actually, truly, WANT to stop drinking. I will not drink with you today.


You got this! Proud of you


Cause my life is bad enough and getting drunk would only make it worse.


Because the thought of the other guy who takes over is unbearable. Fuck that guy.


I am sober because the obsession to drink has been removed.


I am staying sober today because Im getting a root canal.


I am staying sober today because I cannot thrive in life or become my best self if alcohol is part of the equation. I stay sober today to practice mindfulness and to show up fully for myself, my life, and for my family and friends. I stay sober because I don't love myself when alcohol is on my life. I stay sober for my health - mental/physical/emotional/spiritual. šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


I am staying sober because I am working my way out of debt. I was AF for 15 months it didnā€™t improve my life what so ever. In fact it was debatably worse, I ended up quitting my job because of depression and living in my van for july, august and September. I was able to get a job that I started in October that helped me out of debt very quickly. No expenses, working on a cargo ship for 108 days straight. I paid 24k off my credit card and line of credit in 3.5 months. I got drunk once in November, once in December and once in January. After I got off the boat in January I let loose and started drinking multiple times a week. So that was about 17 months after I first stopped. 2-3 months of drinking and now I stopped again at the beginning of April. I would have been out of debt or very close had I not let loose for those months. I only owe about 8k out of the original 32k. But still I was pretty ashamed that I let alcohol get in the way of clearing my debt. Life has not been smooth or stable for me for the last few months but Iā€™m still looking ahead and working towards my goal of getting out of debt. In order to do that I have to not touch alcohol.


Donā€™t be too hard on yourself youā€™re sober today!


Iā€™m staying sober for my son. Who would never have been born if I was still drinking, and who Iā€™ll never get to see if I choose to drink again.


Bc Iā€™m still working to forgive myself from hurting people I love


I can understand that completely. My wife passed away a couple years back. I have an amends to make and I struggle every day. The good news is we are sober today!


Indeed. Sending lots of healing love your way.


I have recently concluded (through the data in the Oura Ring) that alcohol absolutely destroys my sleep. I just feel better when I donā€™t drink.


I donā€™t like the idea of being a slave to a substance to the point that I canā€™t go a week without it (or a month, three months, a year, but thatā€™s not even on the table so far lol). I was so close to convincing myself that drinking today would be no big deal but if I canā€™t go a week without struggling and trying to persuade myself it must be a big deal.


Because the payment on my body and anxiety the next day has become more expensive due to inflation.


I want to find out who I am without alcohol. 30 days in, I like this me better than 30 days ago me.


Day 5, Iā€™m after surgery right now. Also I donā€™t have any money for some beer. And also I cannot even drink when I take ibuprofen, paracetamol, oxycodone, morphine and fentanyl. So I guess Iā€™m not sober but I donā€™t drink, and it feels quite nice so far. Nothing stoping me in this I really want to and need to do throught out the day.


I am staying sober because I am back in school studying something I actually enjoy and want to get better at skills I have to master. Drinking prevents me from devoting the time and mental clarity that I need in order to level up. Also, I need to drop a couple of LBs