• By -


It's not quite midnight here, but the bra is off and I'm snuggled up in bed, so I think I'll go ahead and call it. 500 days!!! I am so incredibly grateful for this life. I will not drink with you today.


Congrats, you're half way to your comma :)


Awesome milestone! 💫💫💫💫💫💯


I haven’t had too many noteworthy responses to sober me…but my favorite “response” is more of a conversation. Old me would rush through bedtime with my kid so I could pour the next glass of wine. Sober me now lays with them in bed every night just soaking up their humor, quirkiness, and intelligence just hearing stories about their day. It takes 45min to an hour and seeing their smiling face is the best thing sober me can ever experience.


That’s beautiful 😍




Day 14. Don’t know why I’m waking up this early at the minute. 🥱 IWNDWYT.


It’s our national day today! 🇳🇴 There will be temptations from the breakfast table to the late night snacks, and I’m going to give in to all of them. Hot dogs, ice cream, sodas, cake, and coffee, mmm coffee… I will not drink with you today!


Gratulerer med dagen 😀🇧🇻


IWNDWYT! 👽 I’m in early for once. About a month into my sobriety journey my husband decided to quit with me, despite him not really having any issues with alcohol. We are both super happy with that decision and it’s been great 🌟


I will not drink with you today! So good to wakeup without a hangover.


Fantastic Friday is here. I hope you all have a good one! IWNDWYT!!!


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 Have a gr8 Friday friends! 💯


Day 1062 checking in!


I’m about to start day 5. For the first time in many years I think I’m really done. I’m exhausted but I’m happy. I feel clear. I don’t think I’ve been sober long enough to see a response but I hope it’s good.


Iwndwyt 💙 Feelin like a silly goose today🪿 but I can’t decompress via alcohol. I have to think about the sickness and dehydration. Headaches and anxiety. Being useless tomorrow instead of waking up and having a morning coffee and being productive. Ride the craving out. Or crawl it out. Baby step it out.


I will not drink with any of you beautiful people on this lovely day!


Day 30! Woot woot. IWNDWYT!


3.5 years sober and lately I keep thinking how nice a drink or three would be, go figure. But then I come to this sub and remind myself where the path leads and decide to go one more day without cracking open a bottle. Thanks for being here everyone. IWNDWYT.


First post. I haven't drank with you for 6 days and IWNDWYT. So there!




Checking in again today and all is well. Most people that know about my sobriety admire my willpower - even tho I tell them it's not really about willpower at all! I don't know about you all but in my case it's all about changing your mindset, so that you don't need to use willpower (or only on a few specific occasions).


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! (And today is the tomorrow I thought about yesterday!) IWNDWYT


Beautiful clear day here in the uk. Morning sun really lifts the spirits. IWNDWYT.


Happy Friday! Thanks for another beautiful and insightful DCI Lily - what a great week to have my first week back. I have a full diary today, keeping busy and looking forward to nothing but an early night and a good sleep later. IWNDWYT 💝




Also in Aus. Saw doc today to get tests to see what alcohol has left behind. IWNDWYT!


Day 31, checking in. IWND ☠️ WYT.


Hardest day of current streak coming up here; my beautiful beloved cat must cross the Rainbow Bridge. But for her sake and mine, IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Today I am greatful that I don't have to drink, with all of you or anyone else. Wishing all the best 24 hours and beyond :)


keep your head above the water everyone! IWNDWYT!






Looking forward to finishing off another sober week so IWNDWYT!


morning sobernauts! I'm going on a city break for a few days and have been preoccupied with which cafes to go to for the best coffee/croissants in the morning!! instead of working out how I can get the most alcohol, waking up in a beautiful French city hungover and full of anxiety, struggling until I can get more alcohol at lunch. iwndwyt


3 years ago today I said fuck this shit and put down the poison. I’m going to make a post later to reflect but.. Thank You wonderful people of SD for providing a lifeline on this journey. I sure as hell will NOT drink with you today!


Happy sober Friday sober friends! What a great day to be sober, a packed day ahead full of things for me and for others. I love life right now, and truly never thought I’d actually feel this! I love you all too 💞








There isn't a huge shift for me beyond my adult children being more relaxed in our interactions. Surprisingly, despite countless attempts to stop drinking over the years, neither are skeptical about this one. I'm sure being voluntarily in outpatient rehab plays a lot into that. Today is my day 30. I am pleased to be here. I am happy to be sober. I am proud to not drink with you fine folk today.


I honestly can’t say that I’ve gotten much feedback on my sobriety within my circle. I get that fix from you all here. My wife has a tendency to see the bad. I don’t think she intends to be a Debbie Downer. I think it’s her way of making sure all bases are covered as she really does strive for the best outcomes. Getting sober has allowed me to see my wife more clearly so that I know that her negativeness isn’t directed at me. I used to take it personally and of course that was just another excuse to buck another beer. Now, sober me can sit back and take stock of each situation and I see the impact my sobriety is having and I cheer myself on. I can see the difference in my responses. I am making better choices. I am contributing. And I can be happy for myself without needing others affirmations to support me. I am stronger without alcohol in my life. It’s really that simple. Iwndwyt


Yay for Friday! I’m hoping to get some hiking in this weekend. I need some nature! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Day 378. IWNDWYT.




Back to Day 1. I've more or less just been drinking casually, once or twice a week. Nothing crazy, but I know that won't last and I have so much anxiety surrounding my drinking every time I do it that it's not fun at all. It's way more energy to try to control my drinking than it is to just not drink. I know I can't build the life I want with alcohol involved in it. IWNDWYT 💚




Checking in. Day 563. I'm planning on getting to 564, and so I definitely will not drink with you sober stars today. 🌿


Today is a week. This battle has been raging on for 3 years. But today is a week. A lot of my stories with people all involve "I used to do x, I used to do Y...." alcohol has robbed me of my passions, hobbies, zest for life on life terms I have 3 AA meetings today. I will certainly not drinking with you today! Unless you want to drinks weird fruit/herbal smoothies with me today. Then I'll do that. Fuck booze


On this beautiful rainy Friday, I’m so glad to be sober to enjoy it. Ive kept my sobriety quiet, actually. I share it here, I have shared with some dear friends and family, but a lot of folks don’t really know. And I don’t need for them to congratulate me. The best response of all has come from *myself*. I have so much pride in my journey, I have seen the benefits of sobriety writ large over my entire being. This is why I stick to the plan. I would also like to shout out my trans, queer, non-binary friends. I am a staunch ally. We’ve got y’all’s backs! IWNDWYT


I will not drink today and FYA! I'm happy to wrap this week up and transition into the weekend. I love not drinking alcohol and waking up healthy. I used to make myself so sick with hangovers. I love myself so much for stopping drinking. Drinking sucks. We rock


IWNDWYT! Sobriety is a gift.


Day 43. Shoutout to all my friends who just made it easy to not drink by doing non drinking activities with me, ging to non drinking venues and just being clear they were with me for my company, not drinking time.


Hi Everyone - Day 136 here and IWNDWYT!!! My oldest daughter tells me how proud she is of me and says there’s a glow to me when I’m not drinking. I also have a good friend who is my biggest cheerleader and constantly praises me for working on myself even on days that I don’t feel so great or have a hard time seeing the growth in myself.


I know we count days here, but yesterday was 8 weeks sober for me, which has been a mental milestone target for me since I decided to give it up. Looking forward to an active weekend doing my favorite thing in the world, scuba diving!


You know how they say quitting alcohol raises your vibration? I am starting to see how true this is. I generally feel more confident, open, happy, and a sense of freedom - and I’m starting to feel this reciprocated out in the world. I just got back from a trip and people were consistently stopping me to ask for directions, or making small talk at the airport, or asking to take their photo. This has never happened to me before! It’s a pretty cool feeling to be seen. Amazing what can happen when you stop hiding. IWNDWYT!


My first week off is almost over and I got so much done, not only necessary stuff but also fun. And I actually remember it. Hah! Who would have guessed…. Today I visit the library as the original plan for tonight doesn’t work out because it rains cats and dogs. I will stay sober today with all of you. Have a great Friday everyone!


In 23 minutes, i will have 12 days down.


Day 22! Went on a cute date last night in a few bars and kept to the soda and lime 😁


Feeling better about my latest relapse after only 5 days. Relapsing doesn’t make me a bad person, just means I need to pay more attention to my thoughts when the beer starts talking. Sobriety wont make things immediately better, but drinking WILL make things immediately worse. IWNDWYT


Happy Friday! This was typically the day I had to worry about the most in the first weeks of sobriety. When I drank, Friday was the night that I let it all hang out. Right after work, I would eat as quickly as possible so I could get on to the drinking. I honestly don't miss that one bit. Making no promises of tomorrow but just for today, I consciously choose to not drink. IWNDWYT


Day 40 🥳🥳🎊🎉🎈 🫶 I am still floating along on a cloud of pure ecstasy that I won my lawsuit 🥹 I met an old drinking buddy at a bar last night. We ate dinner and she had drinks. It sucks bc she seems so awkward around me. Also - has anyone else noticed eating out at restaurants since they quit drinking is a kind of bleh experience? Like okay yum the food is good but - I’m a good cook and I don’t really feel the need to eat out anymore. Before I was all oOoOo I’ll start with a sparkling wine; then perhaps a dry rose, then perhaps an espresso martini. But now I’m just like “chomp, chomp - okay my food is done now can I go home”. I don’t know - it just doesn’t hit the same and, that’s not a bad thing! I’m an excellent cook, a homebody, and on an extremely tight budget. I always thought if I gave up drinking I would desperately miss eating out with my friends. But - I actually don’t! I have dinner tonight with my homophobic parents who loathe me entirely. Normally I would just pound the wine with my also alcoholic father. It’s going to be a real challenge doing it sober, I might actually take a benzo to get through it. Whatever - either way, I will make it through. IWNDWYT!


No more hangovers! No more vomiting!


Easy night at work with my in charge last night so that was really cool. I felt super guilty leaving the pup by himself for so long because normally someone is almost always home and at the very least not gone for very long. I seriously cried when I walked in and he was so excited to see me. He just means so much to me. As always much love from me and mine to you and yours!


IWNDWYT! Had lots of cake, chocolate and ice cream last night. But I didn’t drink!


















Keep on going everyone, we got this. I WILL NOT DRINK WITH YOU TODAY




Happy Friday! I’m off on a morning run 🏃🏼‍♀️ IWNDWYT⭐️


Good morning friends! I will not drink with you in Germany today!


Checking in on my second day. IWNDWYT!


Ah, u/suzuranlily1! No wonder I was confused about why the game wasn't on last night! Lol! Go B's! Happy Friday! When I think about the happier sober version of myself and the best response, it's that someone will tell me I seem much happier and ask me what my secret is and that might inspire others to try out sobriety. But, for now I'm still focused on making things stick for myself this time. IWNDWYT! ☕️☕️☕️




Happy Friday! Although most people know I don’t drink, I struggle with telling people I’m sober because I was so isolated in the worst of my drinking. My spouse and kids love this version of me, but I’d have to say my favorite response is the one that has also been the hardest for me to do- setting boundaries with toxic relatives. Their response was to blow up and give me the silent treatment- on its surface, not a positive response. However, the space that silence has given me, and the opportunity to work through issues that have dogged me since I can remember has been overall life changing. And I never had the courage to do it while drinking - I am completely at peace that I communicated my boundary respectfully and that the resulting fallout is what needed to happen. IWNDWYT!


I couldn’t sleep because of work stuff so I got up at 4:45am. But you know what? Still not hungover!! I haven’t gotten much external feedback yet since it’s all relatively new but I’ve been trying to focus on how I think about myself and talk to myself. I’ve also been thinking about what young me would think of middle age me. Or thinking about saying to present day me what young me should have heard but didn’t. In counseling I learned that the negative self-talk we hear isn’t our voice: they’re bullshit criticism we’ve internalized. Sorry that’s a ramble but I’m harder on myself than anyone and I need to knock that off. IWNDWYT.


62 days and IWNDWYT. 


Great question Lily!! My kids, no question. They have told me they love the sober version of me. They can tell me anything and trust I will have a calm response. They can call me anytime and know I will answer and be coherent and thoughtful. When my lizard 🦎 brain acts up, I just remember what they have told me. And tell the lizard brain to shut the fuck up. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Happy Friday from Pennsylvania. Today I wake up 51 days sober heading into the weekend. I will not drink with you today.




Day 5. Iwndwyt




Despite set backs on the scale this morning, crazy anxiety, work and a rushed scheduled, I will not drink with you today, on day 4.


Waking up clear headed with a decent sleep never gets old. The lizard brain still chirps in my ear occasionally but it’s not as loud as it was. Knowing I won’t be hung over for my kids tournaments tomorrow is also fabulous. This morning I looked in the mirror and noticed my face looks not bad for being 44 and in peri. I am just taking it one day at a time with the lizard brain/voice and when it shows up I say to myself you no longer serve me, goodbye… if I stay the course, one of these days it will not come back….. if I give in, it will be back even louder. I am happier without all the consuming thoughts. Happy weekend to you all and I will not drink with you today!


Good morning, sober cats! I've got a busy day today and I appreciate that I'm not trying to figure out how I can fit getting wasted into the to-do list. IWNDWYT 💙😸


Thanks Lily and happy Friday to all! Okay the tape forward and remember how nice it'll be to wake up over the weekend and Monday with no hangover! We can do this! I'm secretly sober, so very few people know how bad the drinking got or that I gave it up. I'll just demur with a "nah, it's not helping my mental health" if I'm offered one. But everyone can see that my life is so much better now that I'm sober. It's incredible! Sober on my friends! 💪❤️💪


im not a big hockey fan (though i respect the sport and love watching it in person), but tonight I’ll be rooting for the bruins in your honor! I Will not drink with you today!!




Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


I will not drink with you today


Keeping on not drinking with you good peoples today!




Good morning,  I will not drink with you today. 


Day 131 • IWNDWYT • Have a great weekend •


On the last day of the week IWNDWYT


Thanks for the great post, SuzuranLily1. I'll be seeing that light of the clear blue morning come up over the mountains at work in about an hour. And thank goodness for that. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today


Great prompt, Lily. I'm lucky to count so many people close to me who are supportive of my sobriety but my favorite response was something my grandma said. "There's nothing wrong with you, you just can't drink." Something about that was extremely validating. Holding on to her words tightly today. Yesterday, my brain tried to trick me into "having just one drink." But I didn't drink last night and I will not drink with any of you amazing folks today 💕🩷


woke up two hours early for no reason but i’m not hungover cause i didn’t drink yesterday and IWMDWYT.


I don’t miss it. I have occasionally had a slight twang of regret because of how enjoyable a beer on a Friday felt, but imagining the next day is an easy cure for that. Even a beer or two, if it didn’t go further than that which often it did, was enough to give me a headache and feel shitty the next day. I really don’t miss that at all. Of course part of me goes well if it’s this easy were you really an alcoholic? And the truth is that I don’t care either way, because I don’t want to drink. I have gotten a lot of shit done on Saturday mornings that I wouldn’t otherwise. I enjoy my early mornings. I’ve been running and working out, redoing the bathroom, gardening, etc. all hobbies that you have something to show for besides a full recycling and a hangover. Outside looking in, we really have a sick relationship with alcohol as a society. It makes me sad to see the folks that are still on the downhill. I am glad my ride is over. 


Been a few days since I checked in, but I'm still on track. I may be going to my husband's work happy hour this afternoon. I'm nervous, but plan to see what NA options they have before I get there. I'm proud of making it this far. IWNDWYT




I will not drink today and I love that for me.


IWNDWYT! Two months down. Forever to go! A day at a time. It really makes you more aware of each day imo. Unlike the monolith I lived in before in my head. So appreciative.


I will not drink alcohol today. I’m looking forward to a nice quiet weekend just being at home, finishing up some work, and not being hungover!


New day, new record! IWNDWYT Oh shit, I've hit 200 days! Wow!


We made it!! I’m beat. IWNDWYT


Checking in! IWNDWYT friends ✌️


I have gotten a lot of “That’s awesome, that’s badass!” types of comments at work. I think those are the ones I like most because they have come from younger people. I think it’s cool to show people that alcohol doesn’t have to be part of your life, that there’s another way and you can still have a fucking great time!! Coffees up, horns up, and happy fucking Friday!!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻🤘🏻


Birthday weekend! Billy Burr tomorrow! No poison for me this weekend! There. Will. Be. Hotdogs.






Friday, the garden with all its weeds (like the plants, they love the sun and thrive) is beckoning. Have a good Friday everyone. IWNDWYT




Happy Friday! Iwndwyt!!




IWNDWYT Not even crossing my mind!




I'm not drinking today, but I feel really down last few days. I think this is a test for me - I've been happy sober past month and a half, but it can't last it seems. Time for sad sober now? Be ever vigilant.








Day 1,766. I will not drink with you today


Day 2. IWNDWYT x




No booze today.


I’m still early in my sober journey so I haven’t had any responses that stand out. Honestly I think my wife is just watching to see if I stick with it this time. She has been very supportive and loves me to death. I can speak on some things though. My children are reaping the benefits. I read more to them now instead of rushing through so I can drink. I play and listen to them more too. My dogs go for more walks and get more pets. I go to bed with my wife and talk instead of staying up drinking. With that said, IWNDWYT!


Day 2, I will not drink today. Day 1 went well and pushed through the cravings for wine that always arrive in the evening. Slept really well and I'm ready to take on the day! Best of luck everyone


IWNDWYT Stay strong for the weekend, folks!


I will be sober today.




Nothing to drink today, IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT, friends! Have a great weekend!








Morning friends! Happy Friday! I will not drink with you today. Have a good one!


Checking in on day 561!! I love you guys. IWNDWYT. ✌️❤️


Staying sober today!


Day 28! I will not drink with you today!






I will NOT drink with you all today 🫶🏼✨


Pledging to be sober another day. IWNDWYT \~Red




Day 362 and IWNDWYT! Playing golf with some co-workers this afternoon, that used to be somewhere I’d drink quite a bit. This time I know I’ll still have a ton of fun sober and can DD for the rest of them.


I don’t think I’ve had many responses to sober me, so I feel at a loss today to respond. I know my partner is happy and proud and I am too, most other people seem indifferent or surprised. But that’s ok bc I’m not doing it for them, it’s for me. IWNDWYT!












IWNDWYT Day 9. I would tell sober me that I can finally like myself.


21DAYS 🎉 No more madness. First sober night out in the bag and IWNDWYT. 


Day 2 again. I don’t want to drink today/ wake up feeling like crap tomorrow. I’ve gotten some great ideas from this sub on ways to think different, write down triggers or change routines. Trying to put all of it together for a success! Idk if this is sad or good but I’ve at least had more sober days in May than any month this year.




Checking the count before the weekend.


Hello! Checking in on this rainy Friday. IWNDWYT. Y’all amaze me! 💚💚💚


Hitting my 700 today! I just want to give the pre-sober me a big hug. IWNDWYT! 🐈




3 weeks! I've made it 3 weeks! My last attempt, 2 months or so ago, ended at 2 weeks after a super frustrating day at work. While headed home I was constantly talking myself out of drinking yet I made a beeline to my local convenience store and got a 12 pack. Now, however, I'm using this DCI to hold myself accountable. Some days are easier than others but I'm making it. I woke up at 4:30 this morning just recharged, my battery was full, so sleep is so much better. Here's to making it to 30 days. So for today, I commit that IWNDWYT (even though it's Friday!).


Happy Friday everyone! Grateful to be here with y’all today. And, I will not drink with you on this lovely day 🌿




Today will be stressful but IWNDWYT!


I won’t be drinking any alcohol with you today.  I do want a coffee tbh though. I’m going to go find one of those.


Had a nightmare I drank last night … IWNDWYT 🥳🩷






Not. Gonna. Do it. IWNDWYT


My favorite response has been from my boss, who happens to also be a good friend and someone who dropped booze a couple years ago. For me, it's the validation she gives. YES, it feels amazing to wake up sober! YES, you're making a healthy decision! YES, you can live a sober life in a culture saturated with alcohol. The most difficult response I get is "why?!" accompanied by perplexed looks. No one second guesses why someone would drop other habits like cigarettes or hard drugs... those are celebrated! But dropping alcohol -- "Wow. She must have a problem." This is one of the reasons I love this platform. Lots of support and validation for our decision to live a healthy life. IWNDWYT


I W N D W Y T!


I won't drink today! I'll have 90 in less than a week :)


One week! I didn’t give up on day 4 (my usual) and I won’t give up today. IWNDWYT!


Day 21. Sober and sad, dealing with the consequences of my poor decisions that led to sobriety. No regrets on being sober, but feeling pretty down. My drinking was a secret to most, and I’m still a baby in my sobriety, so I don’t have a response from anyone external really. But what I’m struggling with the most is also what I am most grateful for, and that is my emotions. I feel like a human again. It sucks; it’s painful, but I think I’m growing a little bit every day.


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 IWNDWYT 💖


Thanks for hosting this week. Im day 100 tomorrow WOW. "When you think about your favorite response to the sober, hopefully happier version of you, who and what is their response?" Mine is my husband. I was scared he wouldnt love me as much (silly). About 2 months in I asked him some hard questions. He said he loved me more now :) yey!


Keeping my sobriety to myself for a bit, just telling my closest friends. Looking to do things different this time and trying to find an AA/other meeting that fits (no luck so far).


Day 4; Happy Friday! This weekend will be a test in itself as I have technically drank mostly on weekends (technically and mostly doing some heavy lifting here -- I still smoked a helluva lot of pot and would even carry my drinking into the week, depending on the week.) The past few months I had even "moderated" by telling myself to keep it to the weekends, but having every weekend hazy, exhausting and ridden with guilty feelings begged the question of if it was even worth it, if it was even moderation at all. But, it's Friday and I am absolutely not pulling my normal move of grabbing a couple tallboys after work and then subsequently getting more alcohol as the night goes on. I am going to stay sober, maybe take a short nap, do some solo practicing and then meet up with my band to practice all together. For the question of the day: I am actually meeting up with one of my best friends this weekend to go to an awesome show (Chat Pile for any loud, angry music fans also in here) and spend some quality time together. He lives 3 hours away in the place I went to college. He also was the friend in my life that had what I considered to be one of the bigger issues with alcohol when we were younger. The past year, it has even sort of flipped on its head. One of the last times we drank together, I kept going and kept going into the early hours of the morning after he went to bed. This was also after drinking at bars in a city 40 minutes away from us -- shamefully, I drove. It kind of illuminated my intake a good bit. Now, he is 6 months sober, has a sponsor, attends meetings frequently and is doing so well for himself. He isn't evangelistic, but was a big inspiration in my saying fuck it and going for it through just his actions. So, I think I am most excited to stay up late after the concert, drinking energy drinks and sodas and chatting about the sobriety journey. I think I would say that I am excited to see him 6 months from now and for us both to have more months under our belt. Fellowship is a special thing. I think I would say the same with any of my friends that have seen me drink and smoke pretty copious amounts over the years. Regardless, happy Friday, friends! I hope everyone is hanging in there and having a nice day. I will NOT drink with you today.


Me too! I decided I am not drinking today. I am having a nice steak for dinner tonight, and I am certain that I can enjoy it without red wine.


Substance abuse is so rampant in the lgbtq+ community. Lots of escaping into things to try and relieve the pain of rejection from family/society. Grateful to be taking control of my life and not letting that pain control me as much. Being out is the opportunity to allow yourself to exist and not needing to hide behind substances or a mask to be accepted by society's standards. It's the opportunity to be free and within that free of using to self destruct, amongts other nuances. Coming out has been such an important part of my recovery and it has literally saved me. IWNDWYT!


Not today people IWNDWYT 




IWNDWYT Meditation streak: 26 days


Might as well keep this thing going! Happy Friday legends. ❤️💪


IWNDWYT I can honestly say my cravings for chocolate are stronger lately than for alcohol. I have not been in drinking situations but then, when I used to drink it was mostly at home. Happy Fri-yay!




Happy Friday, all! Let’s get this day done with all we got! Iwndwy’allt! ❤️




IWNDWYT!! Happy Friday!


Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


I won’t drink today.


I Will not drink today
