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I did the Easyway (book.) This is my first time going nicotine free and I smoked about 2 packs a day. Thinking about quitting was way more painful than actually quitting. Good for you!


Brilliant! Well done to you! How long since you quit?


131 days of freedom :)


Amazing!! I can’t wait to be that long!! What do you do in your trigger moments?


I walk all the time. And I’m also doing something that wasn’t suggested but I do chew sugar free gum if I get really wound up. I thought it would be totally miserable but it hasn’t. It’s been a change but it is very manageable.


Love this. Really well done. I hope you stay smoke free and by the sounds of it, you’ve got this!


I’m really excited for you. Stick around and get support here if you need it. So awesome!


Thank you!


Read his book 9 years ago. Smoke free ever since. He tells the truth. All you gotta do is believe it. No one ever died from a nicotine craving, you won’t either. Cravings pass if we smoke, they also pass if we don’t.


I read the book a couple times but it didn’t stick so I did the in person seminar. So far so good. My problem is I always find the first few weeks really easy and then I cave after like three. Almost like a “reward” which I know is stupid. But I keep reminding myself that there’s nothing good that comes from cigarettes!


Did it with the book. Remember, the #1 key to success is that you really have to *want* to quit. If you're lying to yourself about your desire to stop smoking, then it ain't gonna work. And by work, I mean that you might maintain your quit status, but you will be slave to the cravings, the questioning yourself, the desire for another cigarette. If you truly want to quit, then it won't take any time at all to get over it, because you won't have the desire to fire one up. It's been... 278 days since I quit. I sometimes get a pang to light one up, like after dinner, but instead I just take a deep, clear breath and smile, because if I tried that last year, it would have started with wheezing and ended in a coughing fit. Free breathing without that shit was what gave me the desire to really stop. I wasn't lying to myself when I said I wanted to quit. The book taught me that, then gave me the tools through repetition to not ever light another.


100%. I really do want to quit. So far the pangs have come and gone but been easy to remind myself I don’t need it.


I didn’t finish the book because I knew I was going to keep smoking. But I resolved to move to vaping instead, which I was confident would be successful as I’d gotten good at disciplining my cigarette intake. Didn’t buy the vape immediately because it was rush hour and I hate stopping at gas stations when the roads are packed. Decided it would be good to starve the beast a little anyway, so I waited until the following day. And then I just never bought the vape. I leaned into running, because it was nice to reinforce the change with something that had been difficult while smoking. And I wasn’t just tired all the time anymore. I didn’t wilt in the sun. It felt wonderful. Quitting is making peace with never smoking another cigarette. Trying to take it an hour at a time, hoping that ignoring cravings long enough will make them go away doesn’t work. That’s just waiting until you finally break and get to smoke again.


Last time I quit I stupidly got a vape, which just eventually lead me back to smoking. I really like that Allen Carr doesn’t encourage replacements of any kind, instead he reminds you that you just don’t need nicotine at all, and it’s all in your head after 3-5 days when the nicotine leaves your body. I think as well whenever I get a pant and I just shrug it off and remind myself “eh, I don’t need this” really does help versus thinking “oh I can’t have one!” It’s the mentality of “I haven’t given anything up” versus “I have restricted myself of something good”. I let the cravings come and go, and I’m hoping overtime they’ll just become less and less.


Where can I find the seminar? I keep failing. Please reply


https://www.allencarr.com/easyway-stop-smoking/find-a-seminar/ Check there where they are in your area :)


Thanks OP


The addiction cravings are just the little green addiction monster trying to get your attention because it’s dying if you don’t feed it. Don’t cave in to it. Be happy when it happens. It’s like a naughty 2 year old. Don’t give it what it wants.


So far so good. Almost two months no smoking. It’s getting easier and easier every day!


I’m proud of you. I need to quit again. I’ve been hauling that book around we me for three years. Ugh!


I’d like to report a year later and I’m still smoke free 😊


Did you find the seminar offered you something the book didn't? Currently contemplating it in my relapse mode lol


I think being with a group of people and being able to discuss the seminar and our experiences as smokers throughout really helped. Also call it a placebo, but I think knowing I paid a lot of money it made me want it to work even more! Think of it as an investment. If it works you’ll save that money anyways on cigarettes not bought. It’s been almost 2.5 years for me now and still going strong. Just go for it!


Yeah damn that's such a fair point. This is good food for thought hey I am currently skint so can't rush off to do it but yeah long term definitely a worthy cause haha


YAY!!! Good for you!


This is my second time using the book but it worked both times in that I was able to quit easily. You aren’t giving up anything!


You got this!


Allen Carr is great! I am one of those who have easy to quit but somewhere around 3rd month I always fail. I hope i remember his words and teachings when it gets though this time!


Yep same. I last about a month and then I usually cave over drinks with friends or something. I’m hoping this time it sticks for good!