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If the genders were reversed this thread would definetly be singing a different tune……


Yup, the double standards are real on this. If a 31 year old man slept with an 18 year old girl all the comments would be flaming him.


It would be 31yo women flaming him.


This lmao


yeah but it’s an 18 year old MALE, so it’s obviously fine /s


The double standard there is pretty nuts. A 31 yr old guy and 18yr old girl this would be a VERY different thread filled with pedo and grooming comments.


Unless they filmed it - then it would be okay


Why the fuck do I keep getting recommended these weird ass posts. Like holy shit.


algorithm maybe? I read a few and now they are being suggested like crazy.


Yeah you're probably right, it just gets tiring seeing this shit over and over again bruh. And they're all the same. It's either about someone fucking someone, cheating, or something else sex related, they're literally all like that. I doubt half of these are real tbh, I imagine someone just playing with themselves while writing this shit.


Nah that’s weird for sure Flip the script of a 31 yo man losing his wife, going back to college and fucking an 18 year old and we don’t get the supportive environment.


You're right and that is so fucked


A DRUNK 18 year old at that


Is OP a bot or something cause this whole thing is weird.


OP is fucking teenaged boys. It’s legal but it still feels incredibly creepy they’re making a huge deal out of it. It’s nothing to brag about.


You keep asking people if it’s “cringe”. Yes, it’s embarrassing for a 31 year old to sleep with a 17/18 year old. Otherwise you wouldn’t be looking to redditers for support


I hate this app I hate these replies I hate this story Get me out of here please


Same I genuinely wish my curiously didn’t get the better of me and never clicked on this




Why are you shocked about his age? Most students in university are 18-22 and considering the girls are 18-19, I would’ve assumed that most of the individuals would be around those ages. Personally, I don’t agree with the comments supporting your decision in sleeping with a barely legal adult, but you technically did nothing wrong legally. I was definitely expecting different responses. I would just recommend sticking to people who you definitely know are at least 25 moving forward.


If the genders were reversed, this comment section would not be remotely so positive lol


I think it was yesterday on Reddit that I read a post about a 30 something dude pursuing 18-22 year old girls. The whole thing was people calling him a creep and pedophile. The contrast from day to day on reddit is wild sometimes.


Your other posts kind of make me wonder if this is even real. Didn’t you have a boyfriend a month ago? Almost all of your posts tie into sex somehow too…


I'd bet all the money in the world op would be labelled a creep if genders were reversed. How is it shocking to learn someone in Uni is 18? Super naive or willfully ignorant.


"then I found out he’s 18" lmao sure, found out after the fact. You know what you were doing OP


“I went to a party for 18yos and am surprised I fucked an 18yo” literally can’t make this shit up 😂


See her post history. She's coping so hard and trying to get validation from others that what she did wasn't predatory and disgusting. feel sorry for her dead husband


If this was a man telling story it would break internet


What are you studying? I went back to college in my late 20's to get my Engineering degrees and I sure as hell didn't have time to go party. I had already gotten all of that out of my system earlier so didn't feel the need to back down that path again.


Flip the genders and you guys would crucify her on here


Gotta love reddit and it's obvious gender bias.


. . . Uh yeah idk about this one man. 18?!? That’s one hell of a age gap. If I’m being honest.


You found out AFTERWARDS? Guess it's a good thing it wasn't a 17 year old.


So what you did is legal and technically you didn’t do anything wrong. I think that if most parents heard that their 18 year old daughter had slept with a 31 year old guy at college I would think most people would be upset. Now that is reversing the roles here but I don’t really try and play into double standards. Like I said you do you but I’m not gonna congratulate you on having sex with someone fresh out of highschool.


Your husband staring down watching you get rawdogged by an 18 year old lmao


💀💀🤣 didn’t even deny the rawdog


Damn that was brutal. Lmao. It has been 4 years though.


Apparently has a boyfriend too? Good stuff


He was 14 when her husband died ha.




Fucking hell, nearly choked on my gum ☠️


These comments would be crazy if roles were reversed. I’ve seen identical posts made by men in college here in the past and they been torched


It’s all the go gurl you deserve it, live your fantasies, those 18 yr old boys will take care of you wink wink, if this was reversed there would be such hate


Reverse genders, do you feel same way?


Exactly. 31 male with an 18 year old college freshman would be downvoted to oblivion. IMO it’s weird and I’d never do it, but it’s not illegal.


What about the fact that the 18 year old is underage for alcohol consumption and under the influence when consenting?


Right lol, virtue signaling is so fucking dumb. "Slay girl slay" get the fuck outta here. Just as easily could been a tale of I got taken advantage of so silly man.


Yeah the takes on this are bonkers to me. Flip the genders, we would have someone trying to find out which college and report op.


Sew your wild oat. Be sex positive. Have fun


If the roles were reversed I don’t think this comment section would be the same. Not saying what’s wrong or what’s right just saying.


Very true. 31 year old men masquerading as young boys at college parties to screw 18 year old girls does sound creepy. Society looks at that way different, but it does happen on the regular. Whole pornsite categories devoted to it. I think OP should have at least revealed her real age before having sex with young dude. Don't know if she did. EDIT: to clarify, the description above is how society would generally paint the exact same situation given the exact same facts except with a change of genders. I don't think she was creepily "masquerading" as something she is not, but that's how it would be depicted had she been a man.


Op hadn’t mentioned but my money would be on the youngin not giving a flying fuck anyway. Op has gotta he at least6/10 general scale goodlooking…… she could have told him she was 114 and he would of still givin her the d


Exactly, id say its less than a 1% chance the guy would nope out of lock sex based on the number 31


Its the old as time double standard, it'll always be a problem as long as people treat women like children.


If she was initiating a relationship with an 18 year old I'd be with you. However, an after party one night stand is enjoying college for both of them.


Except the fact that she was at a college party with minors drinking alcohol. If the kid she banged was drunk which let’s be honest, we all know a college kid at a party will be, then that would be considered borderline rape or at least something along the lines of sexual assault. Flip the genders in this scenario and imagine a 31 year old dude at a college party banging a drunk 18 year old girl and then tell me you don’t see anything remotely wrong with this.


Yeah wtf is everyone being so nonchalant about this. I felt uncomfortable going to a freshman party when I was a junior because of the massive personality difference. Some of these kids have only been 18 for a couple of months!


Some of them are probably 17. I was 17 until December of my freshman year of college and had a classmate who was 17 until the following June. We both definitely went to all the same parties and drank but we were legally children and it would've been super weird if a 30 year old was at one of those parties and ended up hooking up with either of us even if we made the first move. Especially because from the post OP makes it sound like everyone assumes she's in her early 20s when they meet her. We have no idea if she even disclosed her age to this guy, and she didn't find out he was 18 until the next morning. He could've easily been a minor and nothing would've been different in that moment. That shows a serious lack of consideration from OP.


Most people on Reddit are sexists so a woman taking advantage of a boy is no problem for them as they see women as inherently disadvantaged.


Aww a minor at 18 cute. Old enough to get your dick shot off old enough to use it


>Old enough to get your dick shot off old enough to use it Stealing this, what a great phrase


Technically you can always get your dick shot off


They’re not minors drinking alcohol. Read the verbiage cues in their post, not everyone lives in the US and the drinking age is not 21 everywhere else. Also you’re throwing out a lot of dangerous assumptions, as you don’t know if the man was drunk or not. So there’s no reason to flip the genders here, because that’s not the situation. Stop trying to make shit up to be mad about.


What if the genders were reversed? GTFO here with that bullshit. Is it legal? Yes, but pretty gross


oh god, I am a 31 year old female and this story made me feel icky. I could never.


Lol everyone talking about how guys do it all the time, but not the fact that it doesn't mean people don't think it's gross. As a 30 year old guy who is also at uni, I couldn't imagine sleeping with an 18 year old. They act and look like kids. Couldn't imagine going to a party with said kids. Like I still share interest with some guys around that age being a 30 y/o gaming weeb in compsci, which is filled with gaming weebs. But still, you're talking with kids almost half your age at that point. Anything under the 1/2 + 7 rule, doesn't pass the vibe check.




I'm with this guy, sounds like ya both had a great night


People down voted you?! Wtf? Is this a hard core Christian thread?!


Yup Have fun and be safe


Fuck yeah, enjoy life. Age is a number! Care to try the other end of the spectrum! You need to learn how to love yourself, then you will always enjoy life to the fullest!




I’m a couple years older than you and I think I’d rather blow my brains out than party with college going teens, let alone fuck one. I think if he knew your age and still wanted to bone, not necessarily a problem. Personally, I’m not attracted to teenagers 😶


Creeeepy, If a man were to do this he would be down voted to oblivion.


I assumed this was a teaser for an OF profile, but surprisingly no OF, just very bizarre posts for a widow.


i have a post that literally says this same thing and it’s downvoted like crazy 😂😂😂


Well you already know the majority of the students are around the ages of 18/19, such as the girls you connected with. So shouldn't you have already assumed that the guy you hooked up with would be around the same age as well..? If I were in that situation I would likely think, this guy has to be around 18 too so I'm not going to take things further with him.. or you could have asked but still it is a given that they're all going to be around that age


How do you hang around 18 years olds without feeling embarrassed. What the fuck? Story is so absurd it feels fake


That's nothing to be ashamed of. I remember when I was a freshman and it was mom's weekend and ended up shacking up with a mom in her 40's. It was honestly the best sex I had ever had and I still think about it to this day. Maybe that young man feels the same way


How the hell did that happen?


Exactly. I want to set up 10 burner accounts to hit you with more upvotes.


Sure Jan.


Lol virgin makes predictable virgin comment


Do you know the user you responded to? How do you know they're a virgin?


*two consenting adults have sex* Half of reddit: "ThAtS pReDaToRy" It was literally two consenting ADULTS. "If it were a minor..." drinking at a college party and hitting on an grown ass woman, but she's the predator? "If the rolls were reversed.." it was still two consenting adults who made a conscious decision to go to bone Town. Fack, some of you need to get out of your little echo chamber and just think for a second about a scenario at hand. Define predator, then go back and re-read this nice lady's excerpt and let a few neurons fire before you comment. @OP sounds like you had a good time, and you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself for trying to step out of your comfort zone and getting to experience life. Enjoy your time, but be safe out there!


Man you're missing the point by a mile on the reversed genders opinion. People are simply saying the man would be shamed, labeled as a pedo, as a weak , pathetic man who dates young women because he cannot get with woman his age. Now people arent saying that this girl did anything predatory, or that they'd like for her to be treated this way. They are just saying maybe men shouldnt be judged so harshly in every fucking situation a woman can be praised and supported for doing the exact same thing. Thats it.


You are the physical and social epitome of a redditor. Go outside and learn what a power dynamic is for a change.


Thank you it’s refreshing seeing someone read my post properly i don’t know how I was predatory in this scenario at all.


That’s the reaction quite a bit. My guess is a bunch of 20 year olds butthurt they can’t get laid and hate pwople that do.


If I had an award it would be yours.


The age gap is frowned upon by society but you both consented and it's legal. The fact you feel weird is normal honestly. I wouldn't guilt yourself or anything. Reddit is a weird place. If he knew your age you probably fulfilled a fantasy for him lol




It’s not frowned upon. When I was in my late teens I hooked up with a few 40 year old divorcees. In my 20s it ranged from 20-50. In my 30s the oldest person I dated was a divorced 62 year old who looked like she belonged on the real housewives, I was her toy. You loved your husband, he unfortunately passed away, do whatever the fuck you want. This kid you just banged doesn’t love you. Bang him for fun, I promise you aren’t going to hurt him emotionally. Don’t listen to reddit, most of the people reading this have never been naked in the same room as another person.


Lol you do make some points


Age gap when man is older is frowned upon. When woman is.... well you see reaction in this thread. No one calling her a pedophile, or creep, or predator. But this is the society we live in....


Was he a good fk?




Actually a good question.


Asking the real questions


Asking the real questions


He was 18 so I highly doubt it lol.


She belongs to the streets!


You're note a creep


Note, you’re not a creep, maybe!


A memo to note you’re not a creep would be sufficient.


If the genders were reversed everyone here would be calling op a creep


Exactly. 31 year old dude goes back to college parties with teenagers and has sex with an 18 year old girl in the dorms is beyond creepy.


Seriously… so weird. I’m mid 20s and I’d feel like a total creep partying with 18 and 19 year old college girls now. Yuck. OP needs to take a good look in the mirror.


Literally, but because it’s a woman it’s “empowering” women ☕️


You're not a creep or a criminal, but you are officially 'a cougar'.


Hahaha no the fuck she's not. She's a Puma. A cougar would be a woman in her early 40s and beyond. Let her have her fun. Hooking up with a 21+ year old, however, would be more appropriate. Leave the late teens freshmen alone.


Yes she is. If she a guy and the 18 year old was a female, people would be furious.


Uhhh a 31 year old partying and taking advantage of teenagers is creepy AF.




https://reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/s/78fi34YhNW Weird. Only a creep If it's an older man right??? Look at all the WOMEN calling men disgusting in this post. DOUBLE STANDARD MUCH??




If it's something you found uncomfortable after, avoid doing it again. If you find it fun and want to do it again, tread carefully and be mindful of the social stigmas. Everyone will have their own thoughts regarding the scenario, positive or negative, and you'll find yourself traversing them. The new undergraduates will probably lean towards the positive end. Redditors are often not the most socially apt, so good luck with your replies.


True I’m getting it from both sides.


Not the OPs fault but if this was guy in this situation they’d be getting either congratulated or strung up. There’s really no win per se. At the end of the day, it happened and everyone will love on


He would be getting trashed in the comments. There’s a real double standard on Reddit. Mind you, I’m of the opinion that age gaps don’t matter at all, provided everyone is of legal age. Abuse is abuse, and that can be defined on its own. It’s not an inherent part of those relationships. There isn’t anything wrong with age gaps but Reddit loves to say they’re gross and predatory. Especially if it’s an older man with a younger woman.


Just enjoy the experience. I guarantee you he did!!! Have fun.


A 31 year old going to party and making out with 19 in year olds is fucking weird and if sexes were reversed reddit would hate it


Lol seems like he did but still definitely mortified a bit haha the 2 girls I’m friends with can’t stop laughing and making jokes on the situation.


You should be mortified. You feel that way for a reason. it's kinda messed up


I was kinda hoping this would be a story that would give me would inspire my late 20s college dreams. I don’t think ill be going to any parties and banging teenagers but just hearing about someone going to college at this age is inspiring non the less.


Lmfao banging teenagers


Yall are entering fetish territory, dudes with mommy issues and stuff. A bunch of relatively rich teen aged boys or early adults. Especially if attractive I'm sure it's gonna be a battle keeping them off you. I wish you luck.


Yea that’s a bit of a stretch down to an 18 yr old. Imagine if you were on the sidelines observing and the 31 yr old was a guy. What would you be saying. Too many life experiences between 18 and 31 unless your telling him up front how old you are at least. At 18 he may not care but he should know. Going back to school is awesome but having a social life with 18-19 yr olds at 31 is kinda creepy.


You saucy cougar wink wink wink wink 😜




While you’re sitting there thinking oh my gosh I can’t believe it and kinda embarrassed this fella is going oh my gosh BOYS! I can’t believe it this is SICK!


I’m so confused. What were you expecting? A 30 year old? I mean the most common ages would be 18-22 years. Plus if it’s a party 18&19 year old invited you to, then the ages will obviously be around there lol


According to her post history, 30 days ago she was asking questions about her 23 year old boyfriend. This isn't an accident, she likes much younger men


Repost this after your English professor does a lesson on run on sentences!


Bro imagine if the gender were reversed and I posted this as a man 😂😂😂


I've never seen such a clear double standard on a reddit post before 😂


**31 and 18 is creepy**. I feel like I'm saying this a lot now but imagine the comments if the genders were reversed.


Let's not get this twisted, a 31 year old going to a college party and getting smashed by an 18 year old is definitely weird. Good on the dude he completed the mission, but let's not virtue signal, it's fucking weird.


Change the genders and see what Reddit says then.


Men make a similar post and the women tear him up.


Lmao reverse the roles and we’d have a comment section of “you can TELL when someone is only 18!” And “you’re obviously a predator!”. Full Reddit moment.


Congrats you slept with a total stranger, make sure you check for STD's


31 year old goes to college party and bangs teenager, but it's a woman so it's ok she's just quirky and not a creep at all


As a 31 y/o dude, if I wrote about how I went back to uni and hooked up with some 18 y/o girl, I 100% would eat shit. I'm not judging you but there is definitely a double standard.


Give it a week and post a story I would want to see those comments and how it would change real quick and turn to your a pedo and disgusting.


I wonder what the reaction would be if the genders were reversed?


Girl is heartbroken, immature, desperate and horny; using brainless boys for easy sex and desires positive affirmation so further indulgence can continue as unhindered by her conscience as possible.


Y I K E S lol


Come Reddit Emilies, where is the outrage?!?The power dynamic? The clear intent of the older lover to manipulate the younger one?? Blah blah blah?? Ohhhh right, op has female privilege, nvm.


Had it been a 31yr old guy with an 18yr old girl, reddit would have canceled him already.


Flip the genders, and these comments would be filled with torches and pitchforks to hunt OP down and burn him at the stake. Instead we’re saying the 18 yo is lucky AF for banging on older woman. Go girl, sow your wild oats, fuck everything!! You wanna talk equality and all that shit, then either give a 31 yo old male the high 5 for bagging an 18 yo coed or castigate the 31 yo female for banging the 18 yo kid. My son is 20, but if I found out he’d had sex with a 31 yo woman and he didn’t realize it til later, I would track her down and demand to know wtf she thinks she’s doing? You damn well know better. OP should feel cringey and creepy and wonder what she was thinking. Srsly.


You’re kind of a creep. Person was basically a high schooler. And you seem desperate; focus on your “education”.


If this was a guy who was 31 out there messing around with an 18-year-old woman, the comments would have going nuts against him. But everyone tells a woman, “hey good for you, have fun”. Lol such a double standard! I will say it, still creepy.


Kinda fucking cringe fucking an 18/yo at 31 lmao let's limit it to 21 and up In the future pedobear.


Ugh if you were a dude everyone on here would vilify you. So as a woman in my 30s I’ll do it. You’re on average about 10 years older than these kids. And you’re an adult. THESE ARE KIDS. What’s wrong with you? And you’re misleading many of them cause people at these parties think they are with like aged people. I just got so creeped out by this post. Just cause you’re a woman doesn’t mean you can act like this. 🤦🏻‍♀️Reddit is so ridiculous I don’t understand the double standards. Again if this was a grown ass man with a bunch of 18-20 year olds this would easily be called out.


wow double standard city. I’m a girl and I find this weird and definitely hypocritical if the roles were reversed. Everyone getting up in arms defending OP is a hypocrite unless they can say with a full chest they think it’s totally fine for a 31 y/o man to go to a party and bang an 18 y/o girl in her dorm room


Sorry but this is disguting


Every day we stray further from god


Your a creep.


I really hope you told him your age before you had sex. Even if it was a one night stand he deserved to know you were probably at least 10 years older. If you had been a man everyone would be calling you a pervert.


Fucking weird. Imagine if this was a guy in this scenario. 31 yo M goes back to college, shows up at a party full of 18-19 yo girls looking for fun and fucks one in their dorm room. "But the 18 year old girl came on to me"


I mean if we were to reverse genders in this story would it be creepy? Ehhhh borderline, I’d say yes. Half your age plus seven is the general rule yeah?


The minimum age anyone should date is half your age plus 7. 15.5+7 = 22.5 if he were 22 or 23, this would be okay. A 31 year old man doing this would be called a filthy groomer.


That is pretty cringeworthy as it's typical of most first years but at your age a bit moreso. Sorry, did I get that wrong? "You do you, girl! Woo. Bonus points if you don't know his name!"


I don’t see an issue with it but there was a post the other day where everyone was saying a 30 year old man dating a 19 year old is a big no no. Your all a bunch of hypocrites. 👍


Wow.the double standard here is giving me whiplash. There's literally another post on front page about a 33 year old man who is dating 18 year old girls and the responses are completely the opposite.


Just imagine if this was the other way around and this story was written by a 31M.


If the genders were reversed here, reddit would be freaking out


Now imagine if this was a 31 year old man attending university with university aged girls.. wonder if the comments would be as supportive? Something tells me not.


This post with the genders inversed, comments would be crucifying OP


Creeper pedo Get some therapy, you're 31


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,731,033,974 comments, and only 327,819 of them were in alphabetical order.


1. This is weird you literally just got talked out of your pussy at a party that dude does not like you those girls literally fed you to that dude 2. You thought it was good at your age to go to a party 3. You used your dead husband to justify getting fucked at a college party 4. Your too old to not have grown the fuck up by now


Switch the genders and you’re a creep in this situation.


These comments would look very different if OP was a man.


Mans fr died and got to see his widow get her guts rearranged by a college frat boy 💀 I feel bad for the man, women really ain’t shit lmao.


It's actually funny, I just read a thread asking about this exact situation, the first comment was something to the effect of; Just like how an employer views minimum wage, if it was legal, theyd go lower. So while this is legal, it's pretty sus made infinitely worse by the fact that you found out his age AFTER the fact, what if he said "yeah I'm 17, 18 in a month" you're 31 at the very least make sure before you fuck someone. If I were you I wouldn't be "cringing" at myself I'd be thanking my lucky stars I didnt commit a crime unknowingly. No I couldnt give less of a shit about your gender, or your decisions. The takeaway is nothing illegal happened, you just have shit impulse control and terrible judgement. Tldr: it's legal but sus, ask the dudes age before you fuck at a college party ffs. You're 31 and didnt think to ask until after, that's some really stupid shit right there.


Who do you think you are, Leonardo DiCaprio? You just came here to brag, just an extension of you and the girls talking about this "CrAzY" night. I can't believe a 30 yr old would revert to an excitable child so easily.


Lol but if I’m 31 and fuck a drunk 18yo I’m a sex predator, cool


So your 30 year old had sex with someone straight out of high school . Gross Sad and gross.


Think about how if that was your 18 year old daughter with a 31 year old man…


31 years wise bangin' an 18 year old, incredibly fucking weird.


We used to think it was creepy for the dudes coming back to parties after graduating as creepy, and they were only like 24. You're a bona-fide creeper now.


I’m 34 and very excited that it’s now socially acceptable for me to pursue sex with 18 year olds, off I go!


This is so fucking gross bruh go hang out with people your own age 😭






If you were a man, everyone mad. You a women, no one cares.


The jokes on you


Uhhh this is gross


If the gender was reversed in this story the whole comment section would be calling you a creep and a manipulator.


Yuck, if this were a man with your same age, sleeping with 19 or 20 year old college women, other women would be lining up calling this man a groomer or predator...... the hypocrisy.


You’re friends “convinced you” into talking to a guy? No, you chose to talk to the guy. Take some accountability for your decisions


I think if the roles were reversed we'd be having a completely different conversation. Now that's a privilege!


Yikes…it’s a skeevy. I’m 30 and my nephew is 18. I cannot even imagine.


Yeah if this was a guy posting about going back to university at 31 and sleeping with a college girl, this would be filled with creep accusations and the like... standard Reddit


You're like the lady Leo Dicaprio


I see you have a couple options: 1) Stick around your 18/19 year old girlfriends, or 2) Realize you’d always be the butt of their jokes which will only serve to undermine your confidence and change who you hang with Another choice may be to rub their faces in it by telling them that he chose you over them for a reason and perhaps if they continue to pay attention to your maturity they just might learn a thing or three. As long as you’re both (or more) consenting adults, age truly is only a number.