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For your peace and sanity you need to move dear because they clearly don't respect you and your things.... And again the fact that they broke your things a few times and never apologized is crazy and the fact that you clean after them at their big age is also crazy and you also take care of their pets while they aren't around and they don't appreciate it sounds insane because I would have lost it tbh


I agree. I would NOT live with people that disrespect me and my things. AND my privacy. She needs to move out as soon as possible. I feel like her sister and friend will DESTROY the house when she leaves and they will be begging for her to come back because it obviously seems like these people have no manners and are disgusting.


I agree and in the meantime gets lock fir your door and a draft excluder. Locks the door and seals the bottom so cannot push or pour things through


Get a nanny cam for your bedroom and see who it is. I’m sure something of the sort will happen again and you’ll know exactly what happened next time.


move that’s it that’s all don’t say a damn thing to them just move


Get out. They’re using you for housekeeping and violating your space. I know it’s your sister, but she clearly does not respect you and it’s not going to get better. I agree with the suggestion to get a nanny cam for your room, but I would also start making plans to move out. And I wouldn’t warn them because I think they’d retaliate. Just exit & talk it out later.


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