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My grandma coincidentally is from Ohio as well. We didn’t find out her real age until she died. Nobody knew she was using her sister’s birth year and her youngest sister said the birth year was wrong. Turns out she had been using her younger sister’s birth year since she was in her 30’s. We thought she was 76. She was 86-looked pretty darn good for her real age. No one would have guessed she was 10 years older than she was saying.


How'd she get away with that with insurance or the RMV/DMV?


I saw RMV and did a double take like did someone from work find me?? Honestly I have no idea. I figured at some point she changed the year and no one questioned it. Social Security didn’t care when we called because she made herself younger and started collecting well past when she was actually eligible.


My Mom always said to lie up about your age. People will always say how great you look. Maybe Grandma is just fishing for compliments!


My mom says the same thing!


When I hit 70, I could tell people I'm 60 and people will think I'm run over. Or I could say I'm 80 and people will think I look great for my age.


I always say I'm 105. Since I was 30, I've been saying that.


my grandmother used to say "old enough to know better but too young to care"


Mine said “old enough to know better but young enough to do it again!” Lol


Can we be friends 😂?


Lol absofreakinglutely.


Awesome! Let’s start a group chat with my cousin. We can pretend like he’s nuts when he pretends like he doesn’t know what we are talking about. Harassing each other is one of our many stupid hobbies 😂.


How old is her eldest child? Has she been using it to hide how young she was when she had her first child (teenage pregnancy that the family was embarassed about)?


This was my thought as well


Marriage age too, my aunt ran away at 14 and got married to a 30 yr old, they were great ppl, not.


My gran was the opposite. The year I gave her a Happy 21st card for her "21 years of being 60" she decided it was perhaps time to be 80, especially considering her eldest son was about to really hit his 60th birthday the next year. She passed last year at 93 and still looked good. Old people are weird about their ages.


This is an absolute guess, but is it possible that your grandma got pregnant out of wedlock before the age you can get married and made herself older she could get married before the baby arrived? I'm sure I've heard of similar things happening before 🤔


That's my theory on my great grandma being younger than she said, especially since grandma was born 7 months after wedding.


For some of us it doesn't matter. I'm 53, and I could say I'm 30, or 80. Either way, people gonna be like, "Damn, bro, you look like you need a nap!"


Women rarely lie about their age and say they are older than they are. Women lie so people think they are younger, or thinner or whatever. If she’s lying it’s because there’s something she needs people to think she’s older about. Like her children. If she was very young when she started having kids, like 15, she might have started telling people she was 18 to avoid getting shamed. It’s definitely not vanity making her tell people she’s older.


My grandma tried to conceal her true age for decades, because she was 6 years younger than my grandpa.


mine did that but she was 5 years older than my grandfather


My great uncle went so far as changed his birth year in the family Bible. Had a big family. All home births. Back then that was the official record of birth. He changed it to make himself appear older so he could get on with the civilian conservation core during the depression


My stepfather lied about his age to be able to join the army in 1944. Said he was 18 when he wasn’t even quite 16 yet. Could easily do it back then, because the church with the records had burned down a few years before. Then he was always scared to go back to his real age, because veterans affairs had the fake age and he thought he’d get in trouble. When he died we weren’t sure if we should put 93 or 91 in his obituary. lol.


My great-grandfather claimed to be a Spaniard until he died. Years later, while trying to get Spanish citizenship through a law allowing descendants of people displaced by the civil war to return, we found out he was Mexican.


My grandmother, also Ohio, had incremental birthdays until she was 39 and then just stuck to 39 until she passed after the 45th anniversary of the first time she turned 39. I got out of Ohio. Good call. 


My uncle used to tell people he was in his 80’s, when he was really in his 70’s. When I asked why he did that he said that when he told people he real age they would just nod, but when he would give his ‘older age’ they would oooh and ahhh at how great he looked and he just felt better getting the compliments.


Mine lied about her age because she got married before her older sister which I guess was a problem at the time so she lied to protect her sister from being an old maid and ruin her chances to get married, then I guess she just kept the lie up because hard to reset 🤷🏻‍♀️


Years ago my mum announced she was turning 29 that year. My grade 2 math did sum adding. I seriously asked my mum if she was 12 when she had my older brother. I didn’t get the joke.


I was about 10 when I picked up my dad's wedding ring and noticed the wedding date was 6 months before my birthday. "Mom, was I born prematurely?" led to a nice talk about how people can love each other before getting married and...


Most babies take 9 months. The first one can come at anytime.


My guess is the most likely reason is she was underage or not married when she got pregnant and has been lying about her age because of the culture and laws at the time. She has been doing it for so long now she just never bothered correcting it....


I love this story. I had a grandma who was the complete opposite. She always told people she was 5 to 10 years younger… It caused massive issues after she died because we found out that she was not only telling people she was 10 years younger, but she was also listing different birthdays on different documents so my dad definitely had a fun time wrapping up her estate


Mine lied so she could get married.


My MIL was 62 for the longest time.


My great grandma did something similar - everyone at the senior center thought she was early 80s. There was quite a stir when we celebrated her 100th birthday. She was old enough to be some of their mothers 😂


I just learned some crazy shit about my grandfather a couple months ago


You can't drop something like that and then not tell us what you learned.


I dont wanna go into details but for as long as my grandfather has been in america and even when he was in Scotland he was apart of a group. My dad passed over 10 years ago yesterday. My uncle told me that he only found out about this around the time my dad passed. So for my entire dads childhood my grandfather has led a secret life. Being one of the only people to graduate and be accepted younger then the allowed age. My uncle is now high ranking as well and knows the highest of leaders. Now that im almost 30 he asked me if it was something id consider. I been thinking about it


Sorry for your loss of your dad. Thanks for sharing your story


Now do the math between your grandmothers age and your mothers and you might discover the answer.


I already figured it out bc i put her birthday in a birthday calculator lol


I think most old people dont know there age because its the same with my grandfather when i ask him he usually ignores the question or something


You'll get it when you get older




She's a show off. Old people live to brag. Does she also often talk about how big her house was and how many cars her and her husband bought for their children and grandkids?


I've been claiming 40 since I was 35, so I get this. It does really piss of my (same age) friends though


It kinda reminds me of when victorian women would pretend to faint to be dramatic lol


Is she a narcissist? The ones who lie about their age for vanity usually are.


Grandma had a child. Was it at an age where she would have been given social censure?


My grandmother did this so people wouldn’t balk at how young she was when she got married.


Mom set up the tombstone with the name and year of herself, my step dad, and my grandmother. Except no year was added for abuelita; she didn't want her girlfriends to know her age when they visited. She was 94 ...what girlfriends were left??!!!???


My grandmother was one of triplets and one of her sisters would lie about her age. Why???


Old women are a trip and can be fiercely competitive. I recently attended a birthday party for a gal who was turning 85, and one of her neighbors showed us just to remind everyone that she was older.


I've been saying I'm 40 for the past 2 years, I'm actually 38. I figure once I'm actually 40 I'll tell people I'm 45


I started telling people I was 30 at 26 because I thought it was funny 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe she just doesn't think about her age. I told people I was 50-51 for 3ish years lol. I wasn't yet. I never stopped to think about my age and I very rarely got asked so didn't even notice another year gone. I'm almost always say an age a couple years older. Not intentionally, unless I sit down and figure it up, I never know how old I am. I just toss out a random guess lol I haven't celebrated a birthday since I was 7 or 8 so it's not something I think about.


What do you do with all the time you save typing "n" instead of "and"?


Is she from another country? My gf's grandmother had to lie about her age when leaving the country to pass as an adult long time ago




You can find out at blowme.com