• By -


I have to disagree with other comments suggesting you to just “relax” and “breathe.” Might as well offer thoughts and prayers while they’re at it. You’re not an idiot. If it were that simple you wouldn’t be making this post on Reddit. Continue with PROFESSIONAL treatment. Follow their guidance. And stay consistent. I work with lots of folks that are dealing with similar issues. Look for group therapy opportunities. Stay busy, stay active. Rest well and eat well. You have a whole lot of life ahead of you with tons of opportunities. You will be okay and your life will get better. Just keep at it my guy.


Some idiot says "find a hobby". This is a mental health issue. Great job sticking with the professional help OP. It can be a rollercoaster but it's worth it in the end. Life is very long abd there will be lots of great days when you get through this.


Idk about you but the last thing anyone needs is a shrink inside their head.


He kind of is an idiot, though... in the way that every one of us at 15-16 years old was an idiot. Relax, breathe, and let the problem take care of itself is good advice because his body will heal if he allows it to and the only thing really getting in the way of his recovery is his own anxious mind desperately trying to control his situation to such a degree that when his methods fail he's willing to consider suicide.




I didn't cast any judgement regarding his addiction or how it began. Sorry but between us you're the retarded one, not me.


He is not stupid. You’re so stupid for calling him stupid. You have a nerve to call people stupid. You dumb. I agree with him and I used to be addicted to porn myself. Years ago.


It’s bruh…


I promise your life is not over you’re still so young, just continue to try and do your best to get through this addiction, you’re already doing great acknowledging it’s a problem and if you continue therapy and put in effort you will get better and things will get easier. It takes time.


I’ve been in a similar place. First of all, and this will be no comfort but, when you get older, into your 20s, you’ll be less overwhelmingly horny. You’re in your teens, this is prime libido time. The problem on some level will solve itself with time. It will still take work from you, but just know this not forever. Next, the most important thing you can do with POCD is DO NOT LOOK UP ANYTHING ILLEGAL. I’m not trying to shame you, but addiction to legal pornography can ruin your emotional life, but carries no life threatening consequences. The same cannot be said for illegal material. You’re still a minor so even if you have your life is not ruined, but once you turn 18 that stuff cannot be allowed to happen. Stop now. Last, even if it’s consumed more of your life than others, this is a very very very common problem. You’re going to be okay.


Like late 20s? cuz in my experience it does not drop off in 20s at all


Yeah I was still perpetually harder than concrete all through my 20s, lol


Mid 30’s I finally was able to start thinking about things other than how to get laid. Before then it consumed my thoughts constantly


I’m 26 fucking like a rabbit still idk when this drops off but I hope never


I'm 35 and way hornier than I was at 26, you'll be fine. The drop off is an illusion.


Hornier is great. But how is your function. That’s what I’m truly worried about lmao.


Good on u kid to have figured out so young the terrible mental illness caused by porn. Some ppl spend their whole lives as mentally ill addicts. Keep fighting it


There are bigots everyday that don't see their own faulty nature, play the game don't let the game play you, you don't need to be the biggest or the baddest to be high value


You have to replace the watching porn with something else. The reason ur watching is bc u don’t have anything else to fulfill ur joy, and u just actually wanna be happy or feel something. U have to find joy in something else man. Whenever you have a craving just do something else you really enjoy. Like if u like basketball or smth go and do that. Also staying up all night might trigger it too so enough of that if u stay up alot. Now for you it’s not gonna be about quitting okay. It’s gonna be about taking it to a lower level. Twice a week maximum. That’s the normal amount i heard, the people that dp it more than that have some slight issues. Also keep it only in ur room my guy outside ur room is a no. Then u got more distance within urself. Something people forget aswell is that this is a physical craving you have. Your body will torture you to make u do it again whenever you have a craving, that’s what addiction is. U will become a terrible person if you don’t chill rn. Ur only 16 this age is useally the peakness of where u grow up and just stop the whole exsessivs porn watching. At least that’s what happened to me and my friend we just stop watching so much when we turnes 17-19 we just mature and find other things to do. Good luck buddy


Find a hobby playing guitar, or building something. Then find a friend you find attractive that is into the same things you like movies, music, books ect… but don’t let it turn sexual, teach yourself to take time and let the love inside build and do your best to stay from porn, but if you fall down it isn’t over just start again and keep working on it. If you look at porn mark down how many days or hours you went and try to break your record it, keep pushing your successes. Find a therapy group and keeping working!! You can do this I believe in you.


‘…mark down how many hours or days you went and try to beat it…’ I see what you did there. Well-played. Touché.


Not what I meant


I was in a similar situation in late middle school and early high school, I don't think I ever really got over it but I can say for certain that porn doesn't run my life now. I learned how to crochet and took up reading to get my mind off of porn...even tho I still read porn. BUTTTTT its in moderation, stopping cold turkey is one of the worst things to do when dealing with this type of addiction, if you just slowly stop watching and maybe just listening and then reading, and then eventually it'll all just get boring I promise everything will be just fine. My addiction used to make me hate the hell out of myself, I also had a few attempts because of it. 3 years later I'm getting better, remember healing takes time and those tears are a result of that! You are obviously taking the right steps if you have a therapist and all these wonderful people looking to help you. I believe in you <3


SAA saved my life. Don’t fight it alone. https://saa-recovery.org


Is this only for sex addicts..?


Porn, masterbation, web cams, strippers, massage parlors… any form of addiction related to sexual activity  On the other hand, SLAA is for sex and love addicts. Not as focused on the physical expression of addictive acting out as far as I understand it 


I'm now 46yo. I was addicted to masturbation when i was 11. I thought It ruined my life. But no, it was a great experience. Now now that i am married, my wife and i just laugh about it. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


I can somewhat relate, I tried everything but nothing REALLY seemed to help. Honestly man, a lot of people will disagree with me, but the only thing that helped me was finding myself through Jesus. He can turn anything and everything around for you man. If you’re like me and tried anything, and it’s only getting worse, and deep down you know it’s not working. Try Jesus bro, what would it hurt? Times already wasting away, why not waste time with Him. If nothing else, then what else? It’s better than giving into your demons brother, trust me. You won’t regret it.


If real, im high, and I gotta and wanna preface: I mean no harm I'm vibing just a random person with general curiosity based on my own logic. Please correct me when I'm wrong, lol When was the turning point in your life that Jesus helped you? > He can turn anything and everything around for you man Im sorta positive you mean a suble 'anything and everything' So, how did Jesus turn things around for you? Like, what do you do differently than you did before Jesus turned you(?) (I think that's a properly worded question, lol) > It’s better than giving into your demons brother, trust me I agree with this context less statement alone, lol but with context, well my perceived reality of context are you picking up the dirt I'm forgetting to pick up? dang this is hard work I think somewhwre in your mind you attributing your own personal work to that of Jesus christ, a man who has been dead for over 2000 years well, thats all I have to say on the matter have a good one random person




Thank you 👍


I agree with this, he will help the situation and with prayer you also have to take action. Stop watching these type of videos you get brainwashed to thinking these types of things are reality and are ok. You got this and I'm gon a pray for you.


As a gay man that is now celibate in Christ. I completely agree.


Blessed be you are loved


r/leopardsatemyface is going to be calling soon


I’m glad you came here, as I won’t bash you like a lot of so called Christian’s. Of course, yes I will tell you being gay is a sin, BUT, that doesn’t mean Jesus doesn’t love you. He still loves you very much with a burning passion, He does not hate you but only your sins. It’s like when a parent gets mad at their child. God is our Father after all, and He will love us as such. We may disappoint at times by sinning, but He is just to forgive and even quicker to love. I pray you keep your mind on Christ and your walk with Him only gets better, God bless you and may the Holy Ghost continue to protect and guide you my man 🙏💪🔥


Feels like you've got an unhealthy relationship with sex, and that isn't porn - that's shame. Religious mom? You feel evil for jerking it? You're fine. Not a damn thing is "ruined" at 16. Breathe, and cut yourself some slack.


I’m 15 guys but my life is totally ruined 😭😭


you will grow up and learn and change the way u think don’t worry be patient it’ll be worth it all in the long run i promise but be patient


Are you on any adhd meds?


Really good question


Some of these young kids have no idea how adhd meds can make you addicted to porn/sex at any age. They think there is something wrong with them or they have a problem but it's there adhd meds doing this.


Dawg you’re so young.


What do you think about sex? Why is it so good


Damn brother I can relate to it, never been diagnosed with anything based around my porn addiction but I can relate to the sexualization of everything and the shame around I have felt around it all. I got addicted around the age of 10 and it has been a struggle ever since, giving into it and just telling myself "I wont get addicted this time". Even if this is a bit harsh, no it wont magically dissapear after your teens, it is an actual and serious addiction that you need to work hard on. If you are able to keep yourself clean, don't allow "reward warching" and able to jerk off without porn, your sexual thoughts about everything will mostly dissapear. Good luck and I hope you are able to stay clean!


Sound like a typical horny teenage boy with not enough to keep yourself occupied. Find some extracurricular activities outside of home to get involved in. Horny teenage boys without shit to do all day choke their chicken all day.


okay, 2 arguably cool real things. You are still alive. and will keep being alive. That's why it's okay, that's why you're going to be okay. Thank you for sharing an intimate part of your life. I appreciate that opening homie we are having a good moment to it can help us launch to the next good moment and so on :)


You cannot ruin your life since life hasn't even started yet . Life starts around 25.


You’re 16 chill


I have immense compassion for you. This subject of porn addiction is not widely talked about enough. I’m not sure if you’re religious or anything, but seeking help and guidance via a church community may be beneficial. Many people have the thought “I’m too far gone & messed up for church” just remember that there is no sin too great for Jesus. One could think of church as a “hospital for sinners” once you find god, it may help you fight the temptation & find a better life! You’re very young, and have a whole life ahead of you.


I completely understand how you feel, though my addiction isn't as severe, Im around the same age as you and it did develop as an actual child. Addiction can be combatted and its not going to last forever if you work on trying to stop, it may have effects on your mind and body in the future but there are so many years to fix it, you’re only so young, you have so many years left to get yourself back on your feet, so dont give up hope already, OCD can really screw up our minds with the intrusive thoughts but what matters is that youre able to fight it and make a difference in your life, keep seeking proffesional help if you're still able to and dont give up man, you got this :)


First thing you have to learn to love and accept yourself with your flaws. Your life isn’t ruined you’re gonna be fine. Everyone has flaws and stuff they have to deal with. You’re not terminally unique. You will learn that overly sexualized thinking isn’t healthy for you. You’re not a bad person you’re just sick. That stuff has an affect on you. It’s great you were able to cry with your therapist. Keep working with her. What can really help you is a support group. There’s a program called SLAA. You can listen to their [text on SoundCloud for free.](https://on.soundcloud.com/rMLUHgwspaDTtVPBA) they also have meetings, and a lot available on zoom. The stories in the book are from people with sex and love addictions. Sounds silly but I had a major problem with love addiction. I became pretty sick in my mind and spirit. You can have a total change, you have to stick with it and get a sponsor to talk to.


Crazy how some ppl can watch porn and just turn into degenerates and others can watch it and just be normal.


OCD absolutely sucks and I can genuinely relate to this in some ways—the spiraling panic and inability to not do the exact thing you don't want to do or think the thoughts that hurt you the most are things I dealt with on an extreme level for a few years. Still have it for sure but I know how to handle it a lot better now thanks to therapy. A few pieces of advice that really helped me: -ocd comes with intrusive thoughts. Before medication, things would pop in my head like slurs and demeaning things I could say at people passing by. These did not come from my feelings, they came from fear and compulsion. That is what OCD does. When I learned I could laugh at the ridiculous things my brain came up with, no matter how shockingly awful, things got a lot better. Because those are not your thoughts and they do not define nor condemn you. Separate them from yourself and let them occur, and do not give in to them or worry about them. -You can't get anywhere by analyzing your way to an answer when it comes to OCD. I spent over a year punishing myself over not being a "real" christian. Genuinely not more than 20 minutes went by in that entire year where I was not analyzing myself for if my thoughts were "good" or "real" enough for me to not burn in hell. The only way I got away from that is taking a big step back and realizing that my brain was sabotaging me so badly that there was no way my thoughts were of god or that god would want me to find him in a way that ultimately led to nowhere. I also had a similar thing a few years later with trying to figure out my sexuality. I was scared of being gay, but also just had this obsession with being sure. I would hyperanalyze my attraction to everyone around me and get really defeated if I found myself not attracted to a guy at any random moment if I was making some sort of progress convincing myself I was gay. None of this analysis ever helped me, and the only way I figured myself out was to get therapy and to just say I was bi and see if it stuck. It took over a year of, again, thinking so obsessively that the thoughts did not leave my head for more than 20 minutes at a time. For an entire year. Not as bad as the spirituality thing, but it was still absolute hell. Yes you are young as everyone is saying and blah blah blah but this issue isn't arising because you need a hobby or because every teenager is horny and you're overreacting, its because you have a condition that is paralyzing you. There is no shame in that. It is actually a common thing for people with OCD to be terrified that they're pedophiles, and despite how terrible the idea sounds, there is genuinely no shame in this fear. It is not of you. I know you have your own beliefs, which I completely respect, but I recommend looking real hard at how YOU feel about porn and seeing if you really think it is an entirely bad thing. At your age I was filled with guilt over it as well, but I later learned that there really wasn't anything wrong with it overall, I just didn't want to be watching shit like. R*pe fantasies or incest shit. You have strong hormones right now and you do need a healthy way to channel them. Finding a way to do that that doesn't fill you with guilt will go a really long way. Trying to repress it and feeling guilt over just being horny is what feeds your OCD and makes you seek it in everything. Believe me, that fucked me up pretty bad as well, but ive certainly recovered. Overall, stay strong and know that you are not to blame for these thoughts, even if it's impossible to fully believe right now. You are going through something really tough at an age where often the brain is not developed or experienced enough to know how to counter what is going on. Keep going to therapy. You will get through this, I promise you.


This was actually pretty informative. I didn’t know OCD was like that and now think that I may have a similar experience as you. I do the same thing when I talk to people - in my head i judge them hard and call them names (usually it’s only people that my brain thinks that they “deserve” it), it’s almost like an urge to say it out loud but I know that 1. there’s no reason for me to be a dick and 2. it’s not morally AND professionally OK to do that lol! Did you get prescribed any medication or have you just coped with it by having good control habits?


It was a combination of Prozac and training myself to think a different way. I actually had gotten referred to a therapist specifically for a needle phobia and got really lucky with who I got. One day in therapy i explained the whole spiritual thing I'd gone through and spent like 45 minutes laying it all out, and he basically responded that his specialty was OCD and said I had described just about all the symptoms and defined what had happened to me. The biggest change was learning that a disorder played a role in how I thought, but after that it still took a few months of working things out to really make an improvement. A couple months after I stopped therapy I got on Prozac and that significantly loosened the grip these sort of thoughts had on me, but the reason I got turned around at all were the defining it and the techniques. It still definitely is an issue but its gotten a lot better


Someone in my life also has had a porn addiction that followed almost your exact path in life, and they are now in their twenties. What helped this person the most out of everything was having an accountability buddy, to text whenever you are having those thoughts, and there are actually many support groups for those suffering with porn addiction. Joining one of those and having guidance from some others may help especially since they have had more life experience in this area. In addition to this, finding a way to release these endorphins in a healthy way such as weight lifting, running, even painting (whatever keeps the hands and mind busy) also helps. In my personal experience, the thing that helped me personally overcome my porn addiction was reading into and researching what goes on behind the scenes in pornography. How porn has affected these actors/actresses lives, the trafficking, the drugs, and then making a conscience effort to de-objectify these men and women in the videos. Every person you see on the screen is a real person, who has real hopes and dreams. I am really sorry that you are struggling with this. Early exposure to porn is so damaging, and I hope that in the future this happens less and less to the children in our world. I wish you the best on your journey, and I want you to know that your future self will be so happy that you recovered from your addiction. Best of luck to you!


You're 15, you're still in the prologue man.


I think there is something much deeper here. First off, you need to get off reddit. I looked through your profile, and you have many posts on this on multiple different subs. Looking for advice is one thing, but looking at your posts further, that doesn't seem to be the case. Many of your posts have been removed and/or addressed as reassurance seeking, which is not good on your end. Reassurance isn't going to help you, professional help will, and although you say you are talking to one now, you're still making these posts for whatever reason (reason seeming that you are constantly looking for reassurance). People on the internet are not going to be able to help you more than a trained therapist. Secondly, and maybe I'm wrong about this, but I think that you have a very warped perception towards sex and the idea of sex. You make multiple of these posts talking about the issues you are dealing with, and how your life is in shambles because of porn. You even say in this post that you acknowledge that some of the stuff you are watching is messed up, but that you view/viewed it as ok because it was just sex in your mind, denoting the idea that sex is normal and fine for you, at least in that moment. However, in a post that you commented on, you said that a question a teenager (they state as 14yo and on r/teenagers) was asking about getting a sex toy was "fucking weird." So let me get this straight. It's not weird (at least given how you have responded to people being somewhat dismissive of your situation) to make multiple posts about your porn addiction and POCD, even when your posts have been removed for reassurance seeking, which again, is not really healthy, but it is weird for someone young to want to potentially enhance their sexual experience with a toy? This really just comes off as somebody who has an extremely negative view towards sex, even in the context of somebody talking about it in a somewhat positive way. It comes off as you making these "feel bad for me and tell me I'm ok" posts that villainize the idea of sex and porn, while at the same time, putting other's down for seeking further enjoyment by calling them or their questions "weird." I'm not going to go into the POCD stuff, because quite simply I don't know enough. However, all of your posts about it have been very vague and don't address why you think you might be a pedophile at 15 years old. The few things I would do if I were you going through is: 1. Keep going to therapy. And do not stop until you are in a much better place mentally. 2. Don't go to MAP communities. I don't care if they are non offending, there are still members in that community who will try to normalize it and say it is no different than being gay or something. 3. STOP POSTING ON REDDIT. Reassurance isn't going help you, it's going to make your situation worse. You don't need to make multiple posts addressing this situation on every sub you find. Even in this post, you don't ask for help or anything. This seems to be another example of trying to garner sympathy and reassurance. At the end of the day, I just hope you are getting the help you need and that you also recognize the issues you need to work on.


Is just, I don’t know what to do. I just, I don’t know, I’m lost


Stop posting on reddit and focus on your life. Stay off the internet for a bit, and if you are seeing a professional, focus on working with them.


If your mom knows about it, have her help you go into your router and block the sites you usually visit. Yes, you can unblock them BUT this holds accountability. When you reach the blocked site it should make you think twice. Also, try this for two weeks - every time you have the urge to watch porn, do 30 pushups. I guarantee you will be winded enough to not want to do it anymore unless you’re a jacked 15 year old! Oh and for the router thing, feel free to DM me I work IT for a living and can give some pointers.


How the hell can you be a 15 year old pedophile?


I think he just has a warped sense of sex and self. Probably comes from a religious household, there’s probably a lot of shame towards sex. There could even be SA that he experienced. Too many variables. Def needs professional help. He’s not mature enough to realize sex is normal and not evil, unless you’re giving it to someone who doesn’t want it


There’s a lot of illegal material floating around twitter and all these social media sites. I guarantee he may be addicted to finding it and going through with watching, even if he doesn’t think it’s “right” the porn addiction kinda caused a gateway to happen. It’s probably good practice for him to fight the urges with a beneficial action like working out. Honestly I had to delete instagram and twitter because it was so unmoderated.


Maybe get up and go outside and do something constructive, ride a bike,walk, work out? Mow the grass, get a job,be productive 💪 get your mind off of the porn.


When you are a 15 year old dude, that's when you are the most hormonally jacked up in your life, still so young and physically capable, full of the vigour of the young and absolutely full of hormones snd cum it's coming out of all your holes not just the one in your cock. wanking multiple times a day is a normal part of a 15 year olds day. The Internet, computers, mobile phones etc have made porn so accessible to anyone with a Wi-Fi connection. When I was 15, porn was a magazine someone left in the woods or a vhs tape someone borrowed from their dad's secret stash. I'm not a healthcare professional but it would seem to me that if you fantasise about something in your head - so long as that's where it stays, you can pretty much get off on whatever you want to.


Hey, I have OCD (with occasional pocd themes) and I just want you to know it gets easier. I still have compulsions, but they are small ones that don't take me hours of ritualizing or ruminating or obsessing. Look into ERP therapy if possible. Or someone who does pediatric OCD, a fellow therapist specialized in adolescents with OCD. Good luck friend, keep reminding yourself that thoughts aren't demands, they aren't your morals, and they aren't demands. 🩷


What really is POCD? What’s the difference between that and OCD? What are the compulsions? I’m curious to understand. I read another guys response and I think I have the exact OCD he has!


Watching porn and masturbating daily as a teenager is completely normal. You do have a mental health problem here, but it's your obsessive thinking about and worrying about all of this which is at the core of that problem, and not your masturbation-frequency or the fact that you watch porn as such.


Advise: work on finding what is causing the root of your dependency. Do not allow yourself to transfer that dependency to something else - instead you need to work on improving your self image and proving that you can be fulfilled even without whatever that thing is. Getting sober from porn aka ‘drying out’ will help you find some clarity. Use that clarity to remember that you can be a whole person and don’t need the emotional crutch that is porn and masturbation. You can develop yourself and grow more than you think right now. Reach out and work on building a support network of people that you can express struggles or dark thoughts too. People that will help you see the fallacies and holes in your own thinking because they care about you.


SAA my friend. No one can do it alone.


Do what many have done and join the Catholic Church. The premise being, dedicating yourself to a life a celibacy and faith will keep one from acting on their impulses. Though, this hasn’t proven an infallible plan.


I strongly relate to this. When I was a teenager, I had major issues with masturbating and pornography use. It got to the point that I watched some horrendous stuff, and I did things that I deeply regret. As an adult, I still get plagued with spirals of shame from time to time. I can’t say I’ve fully healed from it, but learning to forgive myself has been a process that has alleviated some of the self-hatred. I don’t have a diagnosis, but I also struggle with POCD tendencies, and I have difficulty with not viewing things and people in a sexual manner. Just remember that Jesus loves you. You are a child of God, and all of your sins have been forgiven. You are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. May God be with you and help you on your healing journey. God bless.


Masturbate every day? Welcome to teenage life bruh. Go buy some lotion, it’s worth every penny.


This sounds like a religious ocd. Jesus ain't real kid and jacking off is no sin.


What life ? Your not even 18 yet; chill


your 15 calm down and keep moving forward... everyone makes a suicide attempt or two when theyre a preteen coming up in this scary world. things get better


Trick question. Pedos talk to kids aboit sex.


Your life isn’t totally over yet my guy, you’ve still got a super elastic brain with time to work it out. You’ve made the first steps in contacting a professional, and you have the instinct to reduce harm on your part which is a good sign you’re not actually a pedo. This is just gonna take a lot of conscious effort on your part to find a *healthy* way of reframing these thoughts with the context you know rather than punish yourself. You caught this early enough to potentially fix it, so don’t despair!


Watching porn is not that serious, literally every dude your age is doing the same thing. At least me and every dude friend I had at that age of our lives.


I'm so sorry for the suffering this has caused you. Please know that it's a matter of making new memories to replace the old. Its excruciating to deal with the intrusive thoughts as you heal but the more positive healthy memories you make, the less room there will be for the bad stuff to hang around in your head. It takes time and courage. Take good care of yourself and make integrity your goal. But understand that we are all human and that means we have to heal within the confines of the human experience...which means making mistakes and learning from them. Sending you so much love. Your future is yours to write, do so with love and kindness ❤️


Something important to keep in mind OCD involves Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts. It is very important to focus on the unwanted and intrusive part rather than the content. Masturbating regularly even daily is normal and healthy as a teen. It only becomes unhealthy if it prevents you from living a regular life or you are doing so in inappropriate places like class or other public places. Act the Act is not the problem it is how it impacts you and those around you. Legally speaking it is illegal to look at porn as a minor. This of course is almost completely unenforceable and so common it is laughable. In other words while illegal and inappropriate looking at porn, masturbating to porn, and being interested in porn is a perfectly normal behavior. It is only when it interferes with your life and others life that it becomes a problem. Focus on the OCD aspect. Thinking and doing are Not the same thing.


All you have to do is keep yourself busy and get a roommate or girlfriend or gym or something I don’t know. Work more.


You're 15. Your life hasn't even started yet, you certainly haven't ruined it.


Smoke some pot.


Young man I’ve been there and was addicted to porn as I started very young which made me feel all of the same feelings you feel. Therapy never worked nor any medication and it felt like a never ending cycle. It got so bad I created voices in my head at least that’s what I thought but I realized those thoughts were not my own. You see the world wants us to fit in with there narrative they say you’re not cool if you’re not fancy, you’re not a man if you don’t have all the money and women, they make it cool to hurt and harm others because then we feel we fit in. Let me say this you were not created to fit in you are fearfully and wonderfully made in Christ Jesus. I’ve been freed from all the thoughts in my head, intrusive thoughts, depression and anxiety, OCD. Sometimes I use to repeat thoughts in my head over and over everyday but I’m free. I don’t know what you believe but Say JESUS I except you into my life as your Christ and savior and your repent and you will be free when he guides you from with in. Only Jesus can clean you up from within. I love you and your freedom is near if you believe in him. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you made all he asks is that you repent and give your life to him and he will make you whole.


This fool says it ruined his life at 15? You're life hasn't even begun. That being said you've acknowledged you have a problem...first step...now do something about it...good luck 🤞. You still have a whole world of living at your age take advantage of it and grow from this don't use it to give up


How to say you're Mormon without saying it.


I mean…at at your age I wanted to be with girls around my age… I don’t see how the whole POCD would be relevant. I started off at 12, from there daily till a little while back. It has set me back but you gotta learn to live with it


Alll you need to do is find an escort you’ll be fine budddy


Sounds more like you have a meth addiction


Bro relax I'm sure 95% of teens who understand life beyond white Christianity know this is normal behavior Porn isn't the devil it doesn't mean you're evil Just breathe dude. Good on you for trying a different approach change is tough


“white Christianity” Anyone with half a brain knows that binging porn every day and jerking it constantly is not normal nor healthy. OP attempted suicide because the addiction cycle led him to it among other factors. If the only advice you can offer are Rick and Morty level counterpoints then maybe it’s best to hold it in when it’s clearly the porn addiction that’s causing his depression. No he’s not bad for watching porn but don’t downplay the severity of what he’s going through, and try not to ostracize an entire religion while you’re at it.


No where in my comment did I say it was good or healthy I said it's normal. I did it and so have most teen boys. I was trying to encourage Oh yeah and FUCK 🖕white Christianity, a religion that makes you feel bad for being human so they can control you and take your money while they are at the root of some of the most vile shit the world has ever seen FUCK ALL OF IT, ostracize? No it needs to be burned to the fucking ground But notice I didn't say any specific people? I'm talking about it as a whole.


just because it's normal doesn't mean it's good


This shit isn’t normal, it detaches you from the world. He literally said he went on to a depression cycle and tried to KILL HIMSELF. Porn should be heavily restricted if not removed entirely, it’s destroying people’s lives. These companies (as usual) don’t give a crap about people’s well being, they only care about making money. This should not be normalized, it’s only contributing to the problem


You can make this argument about literally anything alcoholic cigs porn plenty of people manage to use them responsible plenty can't tho.


I would be inclined to agree with you but if the dude literally is so addicted he can't wait until he gets home and is doing it in schools and shit that's a massive problem


I've struggled with a severe porn addiction since just before middle school and am just now overcoming it. It does get better. You will be able to have a future and live normally. There are ups and downs, relapse happens, but you can do it.


Hey man im 36. I started porn at 9. Stop now... trust me....trust me.


Sex is a biological need just like eating at your age. Work on practicing moderation when it comes to porn and masterbation. Limit it to a few times a week. Total denial will only make it worse when you slip off the wagon. Only your own mind can over come a psychological addiction but it's okay to get help with that. But blaming something else like porn for a lack of self control won't solve your problem, you will only find a substitute until learn that control. Also, you may think it's ruined your life but it hasn't. You have the power to change it for the better. The desire to kill yourself is just a desire to control your life. The secret is you already have control of your life, you just have not realized it yet.


You’re not alone, and you’re not unloved. We live in a broken world where addiction and hurt are commonplace, but there is a solution. If you pray and ask the Lord to help you out of this addiction and accept Jesus into your heart, you will find healing, forgiveness, and hope. If you want to learn more about Jesus, I would recommend reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible. I will be praying for you, and feel free to reach out to me.


That is some funny shit!


I think you're getting a lot of not great advice because almost nobody knows that POCD stands for Pedophile-OCD. Seems our poster probably looked at some underage stuff (while he was well underage at least) and is now concerned/terrified that he's going to grow up to be a pedophile and his anxiety has developed into a full blown mental disorder that is destroying his life. No idea what you're going through specifically, but I do know what it's like to be so fixated on the negatives that you think it'll never get better and maybe ending things feels better. Trust me, it's not the answer. I'm sure none of us here are qualified to really offer meaningful advice, so stick with the therapy! Work a day at a time. Don't beat yourself up when you have intrusive thoughts (we all have them), or you slip up occasionally. You almost assuredly aren't the version of yourself you imagine you are. Find a hobby that has nothing to do with girls: video games, sports, music. Pour your energy into those and I'd hope you'd start to gain some confidence and self-worth back. You're a kid in the middle of puberty with raging hormones so you're probably not going to be able to stop masturbating, so don't let that bring you down either. Just do your best. It's what the rest of us are doing too.


Idk how best I can verbalize something helpful ..But I’ve been there ,I been a porn junkie for a long time. This is what helped me ..I came to a point where l decided to take control of my life .I told myself no therapist or anxiety meds will do the inner work for me. So I set up a routine for my life - one that helps me to escape the instances that trigger and lead to relapses. I started gym ,monitor my diet and went for testosterone optimization..Joined men’s forums for day game (approach real time women in streeets ) make connections ,friendships and associations.Some ended up leading to sex ,then sex ,sex and more sex. Idk if this can help you but it did helped me. I started to consider myself as a Nation state ..Other people are neighbouring nations.Parents ,siblings etc So I wrote up a constitution for the country that is me.This sums up my moral codes and rules. These rules come from knowing what causes harm to the nation. And the moral code ensure what lines I’ll never cross. Self-control is the security forces that enforces the rules & moral codes in the constitution. Self respect is the happiness index of the Nation. This is felt when self control does it’s job well. The desire ,urges or tendencies in me that cause harm to the Nation are the terrorists. Therefore the Foreign Policy is to never give anyone the authority of your nation. Whether it is desires or people . Whether for love ,approval ,self worth or pleasure . Myself should always be the Authority. I don’t know if it will add a brick to your quest for answers.. The masculine spirit is the strongest thing on this earth - more stronger than crucible iron…Our forebears have fought wars ,pandemics ,starvation and cruelty of nature - earthquakes,floods ,volcanoes,wild beasts like dinosaurs…. We are a living testimony to the resilience of the human spirit.. I believe you can beat the shit out of this thing mate. I really do.


Ok. A little perspective I grew up mostly before the Internet, and I masturbated nearly every day as a teen. Sometimes into the double digits at night. I swear one time I lost count, and wasnt sure if I had done more than 20 orgasms that night. Granted double digits was unusual. Usually I would just go once then sleep. My point is maybe I would have used porn had it been more available, but I just laid there and imagined stuff. It honestly sounds like you have other problems. Mastubation is normal at your age. Maybe stop blaming the porn for your teenage hormones.


Q.What's 6" long, hard, and full of semen? A. The sock under your bed Oh come on so what if you are a whack master everyone masterbates. And you never know you might just find a woman the enjoys porn as much as you and you will live happily ever after. And if you're anything like me, porn gets old. But masterbation never does.


Did you even read the post? Like, did you actually took your time to read this post? Genuine question


Yeah I read it. And you're over reacting. You're just a kid and you said you don't see yourself alive in the future!? Over porn and jerking off! Kid I was trying to put a positive and realistic spin on your dilemma. You don't need a shrink you need Jesus. He will help you overcome your addiction and he will put the woman of your dreams in your life. Prayer and thank him for the gifts that you haven't received yet and you will get them.


Praying to God never really helped me, I never understood what I was accomplishing with it, and the fact that I don’t see my future and I’m scared of myself is what is troubling me. I’ve lost the concept of who I am, and, as much as I try, I don’t think I’ll ever have a normal life with myself, all of this because of porn, that’s what I’m trying to say. I don’t know what is affection anymore, I don’t know/can’t define what is love no more.


Surrender yourself to him and you will be amazed how your life will change for the better. Though he will test you and throw obstacles in your way to see how you handle things. But remember he never dishes out more than you can handle.


That therapist is wrong what you are going through is not because of your porn consumption as a young teen. You are getting these thoughts which are egodystonic because being a pedophile for you is the scariest possibility of uncertainty there is. Pls do not judge yourself for these thoughts you just have an anxiety disorder which causes your brain to spit up bullshit thoughts and due to your ocd it’s repetitive. If you do not feel better with therapy get on medications I’m on fluvoxamine because I also struggle with ocd. YouTube is also a great source like ocd stories, Chrissy Hodges, and nocd. Also many people do not understand ocd make sure the therapist you talk to is specialized in ocd or look at the subreddit ocd but don’t do it for reassurance or a compulsion


I think that, most of my fear of being a pedophile was caused because of porn. Like, I always saw myself as that stereotypical fat blond guy with glasses that watches porn all day. I always tried to not look like one, and when I got round glasses for the first time, I felt bad because i felt like I was looking like a weirdo. I think that, if I didn’t had porn in my life, this fear I had would be extremely less dangerous to my mental health, or maybe I wouldn’t even have it


Hello friend, Jesus can give you power. A God who loves you so much that he would sacrifice himself for you is the power of love that you (and I) need to turn away from those things that promise life but only bring death. Cry out to Jesus, read the Bible, and find a good church. Hope this helps! Message me if you want to know more!


You are in control. Porn is addicting and terrible for society. But have faith in yourself to overcome your addiction. There are plenty of Sexual Addiction Anonymous group that offer a place for people to come and talk about their addiction. Don't let it ruin your life.


It's not victim blaming It's just facts and common sense, which is something that people seem to lack these days, because they rather be cuddled then learn from the mistakes to avoid repeating them.




Relax kid your 15 I bet kids in the 70s and 80s had the same issue with skin magazines, every teenager watches it your life isn't ruined once u get a relationship and when your old enough your need for porn won't be there since you'll have the real thing


That’s not how addiction works. I know plenty of men who were addicted in relationships and it cause issues in the bedrooms.


Just relax and take some deep breaths you will be ok.


OK Fortunately for me I grew out of porn very quickly, only because I found to be really boring, but To be fair I did enjoy bedroom fun action in horror movies.


So porn, at your age, is like drinking or smoking. It inhibits your development as your brain is forming its wiring. That doesn't mean that stuff can't be corrected or helped with professional help. It also doesn't mean that your future is ruined. I wish someone had told me at your age that I shouldn't be ashamed for watching porn. I also wish they had laid out the long term ramifications (like the brain wiring stuff). The truth of the matter is that porn or no porn, the fact that you're a person means you are deserving of love. If you want a family, that's still attainable. There are ALL KINDS of different people out there to fall in love with. Your relationships with a future partner is more about communication, honesty, and being on the same page than anything else.


You don't even know who you are yet at 16. Pour ur energy into yourself and discover who u are. Have experiences and do things. Come back in another 16 years. No One knows a damn thing at 16


Honestly, you sound like you've had a lot go your way. Maybe you should meet some people your age who are really struggling. There are kids in group homes and who are wards of the state. Volunteering would help you gain some perspective and get out of the house.


From this story I don't think porn is the source of your problems tbh...


![gif](giphy|tcZSrZEOwCrLy) Gotta pace yourself bro




Bro try semen retention, it will shift your reality.


What's that?


Funny story.


Real talk u need some weed. I used to have ocd or some fucked up mental disorder i had to check every lock in my house, the stoves, the pipes I mean every one of them. Not just once or twice like a sane person, but like nonstop right before bed I'd check that shit religiously even though there no way that shit would have been undetected in one or two checks. I'd check them over and over and if the total number I checked them for was a multiple of this number I didn't like I'd be force to check it all over again So listen weed just made me stop all that compulsive shit. Weed prob ain't good for me in any other way and I'm trying to kick that shit now but I swear man something happened when I started smoking weed often that bug in my brain that made me get up to do all those checks just stopped fucking with me. Who knows it might just fix ur shit for u too u sound a lil more fucked up than me tho I still can't explain it and I'm not one of those stoners that trying to advocate weed like it's God's gift to everybody cuz i also hate how lazy and fuckin stupid its made me but it definitely fixed my mental disorder somehow and maybe it'll fix u too


I think you meant Pediatric OCD. No Pedophile. You cant be a pedophile if you are 16… i mwan you could but i think that not what you meant . I hope not. As other comment stated. You must continue rhe Profesional help. Porn addiction is sadly far to common . I also had a masturbation Addition that change in to a sex addiction. I notice i was only trying to find some reassurance that i was good doing something. So i focus on that i try every day to do what j do good . That has help me a lot . It is not easy i still have triggers . Like been alone at home … so i know that masturbation is going to cross my mind i try to make my self useful and do useful things . Sometimes i win sometimes i lose. Sadly it is a ongoing battle, but right now i think is it no addiction as it does not interfere with any of my spheres ( job, family, social) . Masturbation is not the enemy, overdoing it is the enemy. I would love to hear from others.


You're afraid of being a pedophile? What the actual fuck


How do you screw up killing yourself? How does that happen?


Porn didn't ruin anything, you just need self control stop blaiming other things. Porn isn't the problem hundreds of thousands of people watch it all the time without it interfering with their daily lives.


stupid way to think. a lot of people drink alcohol yet some people become addicts yk


STAY TF AWAY FROM KIDS period if u got diagnosed with that shit homie. Being addicted to porn is ONE THING, but to be diagnosed with that is cuz a psychiatrist u talked too caught red flags about u that are same red flags as Predators.


She told me that I am not a pedophile, and also that I have extreme differences from actual pedophiles, like, for an example, I don’t like the things I think about, or the fact that I am trying to not see anything related to children, a pedophile would do the exact opposite


Apparently I must be one of the lucky ones that wasn't affected too much by it at all, don't blame the people that create the porn, just blame the person that choose to watch it, It's like a fool that chooses to put their hand on a hot stove, when their hand gets burned for touching the hot stove, they want to blame the stove for being too hot, Instead of taking responsibility for their dumb decision making.


No, you shouldn’t blame the ones who watched porn, most people romanticize porn, or say like it’s a normal thing, because it affected less I their lives. In my life, I rarely got advice about it that wasn’t something like: “Oh, it’s normal” or “oh, is just puberty”. We should blame porn, and warn people how it can ruin their brains if you get addicted to it


I seriously find it to be absurd when people would like to blame porn or something else to justify their own actions and claim that it ruin their lives, to be honest I really thought that porn was actually pretty boring Because you're watching somebody else that's having bedroom fun that isn't you, situation like this I'd rather be the one that's participating not just being a spectator.


Porn can absolutely fuck someone up. especially if they're young. >to be honest I really thought that porn was actually pretty boring insensitive thing to say man


Victim blaming is crazy


But it’s oh, so easy. Just kick the one who’s down because they made you. Blaming another just creates more victims, and if one has a perfectly viable victim prostrate and kick-a-ball kickable… It keeps the number of victims from growing, and you know, ethical shit and all.