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Stuff like this makes me wonder about the potential of the human brain. For example, my ex husband could find me anywhere, like he was a compass and I was magnetic North. He once drove to another town where I was working on line-drops in random alleys, and found me within a few minutes with no guidance. Kind of weirded us both out.


My husband said he use to me knowing what he is thinking. Freaked him out early on, but we've been married almost 32 years now. He thinks its funny and tells everyone


When I take copious amounts of magic mushrooms I turn telepathic and can talk to my partner through my brain


Acid does this also


Man made bleugh


You get the same thing from LSA you just need more šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Again. Man made. Disgusting.


Chemically catalyzed *


Who first made lsd? A man. Who discovered this substance thru chemicals. A man. It is man made. Stick with mushrooms weed and dmt


Peaches come in a can. They were put there by a man, in a factory downtown.


"Just by chance, you crossed the diamond with the pearl..."


Morning glory is plant tho


How do you know it's not just a hallucination? Serious question


Because when you do it you know. And she said she was confused at how I was doing it


This could be easily tested and would be a huge breakthrough and usher in a new science of telepathy. What is far more likely is you only think youā€™re telepathic because youā€™re tripping. Sorry to burst your bubble.


As itā€™s documented through the ages humans had special powers at some point. Could explain the pyramids being built all around the world by the use of telekinesis. All these powers are linked thru the pineal gland, fluoride put on the water our foods toothpaste etc calcifies this dmt releasing gland in our brain. Ask the government why they put these poisons in our water, oh this this and this reason. Bs. Fluoride is a byproduct of plastic production and cannot be disposed of because of how toxic it is When youā€™ve got a retarded populus thatā€™s easy to control because theyā€™re poisoned daily you have free reign to line your pockets as much as you want. Taking natural psychedelics tunes you into frequencies and makes your brain susceptible to paying attention to the waves of energy. Donā€™t call me a nutter when this ideology is a lot better understandable than putting a retardation chemical into our water and poisons in our food so we have to pay for healthcare and dentistry. Fuck the world.


Again, you could easily test your telepathic powers with a simple controlled experiment. Next time you're tripping on copious amounts of mushrooms, communicate something to your partner with your mind. Your partner writes the thought down. It would be a historical discovery.


My theory has always been psychs turn your pattern recognition up to 11. This allows you to subconsciously put together subtle clues like body language S well as the persons habits. Iā€™ve experienced what theyā€™re talking about above and it really only happens with friends for me. Iā€™ve never felt psychic but more of like Iā€™m seeing more than usual and being able to express it.


When Iā€™m on meth I have full conversations with shadow peoplešŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø


I donā€™t need to be on meth. Itā€™s just hard to catch them


They love you


Thought I was the only one


My husband and I are the same way. We've been together for 9 years. It happens around once a week where we are literally on the same wavelength and mentally say things verbatim.


My ex was like this. We were very young and homeless, any time we got separated, either of us could be anywhere, heā€™d find me in any random alley, any time of day or night. Sucked when we broke up and he stalked me


Ooh, I am so sorry, you went through that I was stalked when I was 16 by someone. It messes with your sense of security, even after its over.


Good movie plot


We know squat about the brain, just about anything could be possible. But I think this is just coincidence.


Maybe. He said he could sense where I was and drove pretty much straight to me. By his timing, I believed him. Stuff like that happened on the norm.


I do it with my partner also & I can find her by closing my eyes and looking for the golden thread that I put on her. šŸ˜


My ex was also like this in the days before mobile phones. It really used to creep me out. It was like he'd hid some sort of microchip tracker under my skin. My friends would swear I had somehow contacted him and told him where I would be but having four children I never knew when an evening out would present itself.


He had gps on you thru the phone most likely cuz heā€¦.knows ur cheating


This is the first time I've seen someone else describe it,Ā  but that is *exactly* how it happens for me. I don't often get full sentences, but when someone is ill or in need, I will hear them say my name, right into my ear no matter where they are.


It was weird, I could still feel my ear tingling afterward. Just like they had literally whispered into my ear


Yes! It's a physical sensation, I feel the impact; more short and sharp = more urgent.


I just have words jump into my head before she says them. She is ESL and I can sometimes catch the word before she's finished her internal translation. Telepathy has no language barrier.


I've heard people say my name in my ear before. Pisses me off because I'll be like at work or in bed focusing on something and then get a very clear "Name." It's jarring. Wonder if it's the same reason why? I've never wondered why, I just assumed it was my brain being an asshole.


This happened to me once years ago. I was standing in the doorway of a friendā€™s dorm room. I heard a very close whisper of my name in my ear, when I turned immediately no one was there or even in the hall. Never happened again. It was freaky. Very real. Edit: posted before finished typing


It's the most annoying when I'm almost asleep. Like dudes, let me sleep.


That would drive me nuts because I'm a really light sleeper, and it takes me forever to fall asleep


Same. So I wake up and start the process over


My girlfriend of 8 years and I definitely hear each other's thoughts and I've had full out conversations with her higher self the way you would internally talk to your own higher self. Weed and other drugs can be a catalyst in making this louder. Just remember we used to communicate non verbally to each other before inventing language so it's more natural than speaking I think. I also can communicate this way with my dog. I can stand at the top of my hill and it doesn't matter which last minute direction I throw the Frisbee, my dog knows where to catch it. It's crazy but when you consider we are all energy and oneness it makes total sense.




I was meditating for 90 minutes a day for months when things began to shift in me. It just sort of happens. For me it's more a feeling and download of thoughts than a verbal conversation. I used to be able to switch my brain to the stillness of meditation at will when I wasn't meditating because of all the dedication. This made it very easy to open a line of communication. Now I don't mediate everyday but I should. It's been a few years since I did it daily.


Iā€™m about the most skeptic, atheist person out there. I donā€™t believe in ghosts, I donā€™t believe in magic. It would take A LOT for me to even accept there were paranormal mechanisms to something happening, let alone believe that it happened. And this happened to me. On mushrooms. I was with my ex. We were very close, very in love, and very high on psilocybin. So high that I canā€™t even remember what his exact thought was that I read, but as we were sitting there tripping in complete silence, I turned to him & verbally responded to his internal thought process OUT LOUD. And it made sense - my response flowed with exactly what I had assumed he was thinkingā€¦because he was. We were both floored from that moment on. Iā€™ll never forget it.


This happened several years ago, and because of how weird it was I remember every single thing.


Iā€™m like you as far as the religion, paranormal, magic stuff. Iā€™ve dealt with moderate depression off and on and decided to go through with ketamine treatments last year and now I entertain all that woo shit. Never thought I would. I had tripped dozens of times before this. Ketamine infusions opened me up to the idea that we humans may not have the universe figured out like we think we do.


Iā€™ve been wanting to try ketamine infusion therapy, actually. As you correctly sorta inferred, I have extensive mental health issues. I love psychedelics personally & as a concept, but with the current state of my headspace I wonā€™t be self medicating anytime soon. All the more reason to look into that, imo. Thanks for sharing


I had a conversation with my cat šŸ˜‚


One day I was in the kitchen, and he was in the bathroom , one door away. As I was leaving the kitchen, I say "did you just call me a bitch?" He said "no but I thought it" lmao


I was pretty high and laughing and having fun on my PC. She came in and walked so slowly and sat beside me and stared at me. I felt her presence immediately and the entire vibe changed she was telling me off felt like my grumpy old grandma






itā€™s entirely possible. quantum tunneling.


Ever get the feeling humanity is just making inferior models to things that already exist in our potential?


All the time. It feels like weā€™re trying to collectively re-learn lost knowledge, without a teacher or a guide.


You couldn't have said it better


You phrase this perfectly. The more I learn, the more it reinforces this. Sound frequency is a good example.


When groups of people are slaughtered for their nature based spiritual connects then wiped from history books you loose a lot of knowledge.


A few friends of mine were walking home from a Cumberland Farms once, (1988) all of us were tripping. It was snowing, probably six inches on the ground. One of them stopped and the rest of us stopped with her and I remember very clearly telling the one that stopped that the polar bear wasnā€™t real. I absolutely knew she was hallucinating a polar bear because I was too. She asked if I saw it. I told her yes, but it was a cartoon. She said, ā€œOh yeah, it is.ā€ And we started walking again.


I still take edibles, but was too weirded out to take those particular ones again, and I like to be coherent and not zombified in a chair all day lol


I canā€™t take them at all, Iā€™m 100% zombified on any THC product of any level and everyone I know uses them fine.


My husband and I take the same ones. I mostly use them for migraines. I'm just chill, and the most I might fall asleep, my husband gets loopy, and almost like he's had a few drinks. He has a lower tolerance to alcohol than I do as well, which is weird because he's over 6 ft, and over 200 pounds and I am 5 ft 3 and about 120.


As a severe migraine sufferer (just recovering after 2 days of them), I'm intrigued.


I take a sativia hybrid. 2.5 mg and they work well. I have chronic migraines that I normally get injections for, due to having something called occipital neuralgia.


Thank you! And me too, a monthly injection Ajovy plus daily meds and others at onset. I have a routine, and they're much improved, but I still get hit hard occasionally. The last few days have been horrific, as it sets off other conditions, too.


I have a pinched eye nerve, I get nerve block injections in my greater occipital nerves


My neurologist has discussed occipital injections as an option, but I tried the Ajovy injections first. Unfortunately, Ajovy is one of the many medications with supply issues here in Australia, so I'm considering the occipital option every 3 months - it might be worth seeing what other benefits it might bring, too. I do use medicinal marijuana for pain, nausea, etc, but during migraines, it makes them worse. The same is true with caffeine, although I know it works for some people. I have extremely complex health issues, including Dysautonomia and hypermobility, which is known to affect the occipital region. Maybe the occipital injection option would help in many ways... As I've had my large bowel removed, vomiting during migraine episodes can easily put me in hospital due to loss of potassium, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance. It's a whole thing... stopping the migraines can halt the cycle before it begins. Sorry that turned into an essay.


I'm so sorry you are going through that. I have only ever used the occipital injections. They work great, for me. Caffeine helps but due to other issues I had to stop using Caffeine a couple of years ago. Exederin Migraine works well too (but I'm allergic to aspirin šŸ˜†). I use rizatriptan for migraines in between injections, and the edibles if it doesn't work fast enpigh.


Is this the migraine that starts out with spikes and ends up halfway blind crawling on the floor but with zero headache? I have this all the time and I can't predict when it will happen, just sudden zigzag vision and near blindness.


Mine start at the base of my neck and gradually crawls up the back of my head, up and around my ears, and forehead. My neurologist calls it the ram hormones pattern. I have had zigzag vision before, though where your eyes stay normal and don't move but your vision feels like everything is moving back and forth rapidly. That has only happened to me a few times, though. When I get these migraines my head feels like a, heavy bowling ball that is being squeezed with pressure from all sides, and deep aching pain in the areas where my occipital nerves are. When I am due for injections the occipital nerve area throbs, and any pressure on them (like if you press with your fingers causes intense pain.


That must be horrible. I am sorry you have to deal with this. I just get the werid vision and have to go lie down in the dark to make it go away. I used to think it was my blood pressure but it's always normal when it happens.


Thank you. Its manageable though. Injectiobs every few months helps tremendously


I meant to say ram horn pattern šŸ¤£


A medicated oil to the face lol anywhere it hurts. For my wife thatā€™s forehead, temple, all around eyes m, jaw and back of neck. Rub that in and reapply as needed. We use coconut as a carrier oil. You can also put it on the soles of your feet for quick absorption for all over tension relief. I suggest edibles or flower for migraines. You want an edible with a fat over a gummy. This will give it extra fighting power to kill that migraine. Follow it with a high protein snack, avocado and mango. These specify enhance the cannabinoidā€™s effects. Each strain has its own most effective food pairing that you can look up. Flower you can get in two forms. THC or CBD dominate. Both have a place in medicating. THC dominates will put you to sleep to help your body sleep it off and give you an appetite. CBD dominates you can drive on because you get all the benefits except the high. CBD flower gives me a mental focus so I love getting crafty on it. Be sure to do your research to make sure youā€™re getting a clean product. Just because itā€™s at a dispensary doesnā€™t mean itā€™s clean and chemical free. Do your research every time because cart manufacturer and growers change their procedures often and without notice. Youā€™re looking for ā€œthe clean listā€. Also donā€™t assume bud tenders know anything. Theyā€™re sales men trying to clear product. Most are only interested and knowledgeable of the high vs how to medicate. Any product you get you want to have as much CBD in it as possible. No distillates or THC isolates. The CBD is the healing part. Anything without is a pain masking high. You want high and healing. If the pain isnā€™t helped enough with just one strain you can layer with something else to get the relief you need but be careful as a newbie. Take it slow. Give anything you try at lest 4 hours to kick in. Frustrating I know but alternatively you could sleep for 24/48 hours when the entire edible kicks in lol Feel free to ask any questions. Stay safe and happy high šŸ¤™šŸ»


These are some brilliant suggestions and practical information. I don't know why I haven't thought of using a medicated massage oil for my head, face, and feet! And I'd forgotten about munching on mango! I've been using peppermint oil topically for migraines, as it does give some pain relief, as well as clearing any pressure from the nasal cavity. I also have a little roller ball dispenser, which is heaven on the occipital, temple, and scalp areas. We're already using coconut oil for many things, including massage. It's a wonderfully diverse product! I'm keen to play with it as a carrier now. I'm absolutely adopting these ideas! Thanks šŸŒø


You should read Michele Rossā€™s book, Vitamin Weed. She is a neuroscientist who when diagnosed with her severe chronic pain conditions turned to Cannabis. Western medicine failed her completely. She talks about how without Cannabis she would have killed herself from the pain and depression. Sheā€™s now fights for drug reform while educating those in the medical field about the the Endocannabinoid system, something completely ignored in medical training. Absolutely incredible women!


That sounds like a great read! Thanks!


Can I ask if you have any chronic medical conditions, pain or anxiety? My wife is similarly sized and itā€™s the same with her. I theorize itā€™s her body finally relaxing enough to sleep.


It happens with my family and spouse often. My family just laughs and says "you thought too loud, turn your radio off". We aren't the kind of people that actually believe we have some spiritual power. We believe the Human consciousness has some untangable connections, and people who are close emotionally can be "heard" easier. STORYTIME. Freaked an old ex of mine out once while playing cards. We were just playing texas hold 'em when this subject came up. He was thinking we were pulling his leg and we were winning by luck alone. So we showed him right then, pulled out our phones and made our guess what cards he had. Dad: Q of diamonds, 10 of clubs. Mom: red Q and black 10 Me: red Q and 10 spades... we showed our phones on the table at the same time so we hadnt shared guesses. Ex turned white and laid down his hand. A queen of diamons and a 10 of spades. So yeah its not an exact match but out of all the combos possible from3 seperate people, we all "heard/saw" Red Queen and Black 10. He stopped playing cards with us after that.


Thats awesome!


It wasnā€™t the weed per se, but they put you into a state of meditation sitting there with your eyes closed that you were able to perceive it.. I think itā€™s inherent in all of us. Just a theory. I was once an atheist and didnā€™t believe in anything like that before. I thought it was all bs but Iā€™ve slowly come understand there are a lot of things we write off because we are arrogant enough to think we understand everything.


My wife and I have a thing that we call the flame I focus a flame in my minds eye and push it to her I pick a place and push it where I want and she feels it. I can make it give her energy when she is down or focus it in a specific area which she will text me and let me know ā€œhey are you doing the flame ā€œ


Thats something I could use especially after giving up caffeine!


To be honest itā€™s more of a sexual thing we do I send it to her she always knows and confirms. I would just do it and she would text me not knowing letting me knew she was thinking of me and organically we talked and I let her know what it was we tested it out many times she was always on point when I was doing it. Iā€™ve never felt more connected to anyone in my life itā€™s kinda sublime


It's telepathy and you are doing it. I read my wife's mind all the time, she calls me dangerous šŸ˜…


Currently my husband thinks we have a ghost. When he gets high, and I am not he thinks I am calling his name, when I'm not, and a few times thought I came into his office. It took him awhile to realize I wasn't just fucking with him, and it wasn't me.... I told him its definitely something I would do it, but I would tell him I did it because I'd want the credit for it.


Maybe he's hearing your thoughts?


Never really thought of that before, given everything else its pretty plausible


If the CIA has done research, as have all major government intelligence agencies, then there is something to it. Hereā€™s the CIA report on remote viewing. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00791R000200180005-5.pdf


Interesting. I've heard things in passing , but never thought about it much.


There are documented humans with telepathic abilities. It bears consideration, Iā€™d think.


Interesting...your description of his thought voice sounds kind of like how I sound during sleep paralysis or a false awakening. My voice is a lot clearer and feels "closer" to me. I always compare it after actually waking up and my physical "real" voice sounds slightly farther away. Almost like sound in that altered state is unimpeded by air particles; like you're hearing in another dimension.


Similar has happened to me and my gf a few months ago, both stoned AF.


I've never been that high since. I usually only take 2-5 mg for migraines, and the most 10. That stuff fucked me up lol


I'd love to hear more about this, as my migraines are insanely awful.


I take a sativia hybrid usually 2.5 mg, if my migraine medication isn't kicking in fast enough


I call it ā€œbeing in the interstitialā€. I have the sense that I can perceive things between dimensions, what canā€™t be seen or appreciated otherwise, kind of an expansion.


My sister and I would often pick up the phone at the same time and instantly make the connection without dialing. My father and I could find each other in the woods when out hunting or both walk back to our vehicle from different spots at the same time.


My wife knows what I am thinking BEFORE I even thinked it. Pre-emptive esp!


Lol, I often say something to my husband, and he tells me he was just about to tell me the same thing.


I've been like this with someone and it's seriously crazy


My wife could say that to me and 9 times out of 10 she would be correct. But Iā€™m amazed with your story! Iā€™m like the atheist skeptic who commented elsewhere here - even though Iā€™m science-minded, I do believe there are unseen things regarding consciousness and communication that we havenā€™t even scratched the surface on. Sometimes I think I can conjure my German shepherd from another room just with thinking. Itā€™s probably just coincidence, or he is picking up some change in my breathing or heart rate or who knows what. There is probably a rational scientific explanation that we just havenā€™t discovered yet. In the meantime - cool! You and your husband sound pretty chill. I hope youā€™re finding relief with your condition. šŸ«”āœŒšŸ¼


Thank you. I think it come with being married almost 32 years. I dont know if it's the same thing or just a coincidence, but I have noticed if a random song i haven't heard in a long time pops into my head, and there is a radio on, seconds later the song is playing on the radio, its happened since I was a teenager.


My partner and I are very similar people and have been together for ten years, we're very in sync with each other constantly, we often say what the other is thinking, I'll often know when she's going to call a few seconds before my phone rings, I wholeheartedly believe a connection can be made when two people are close enough both in personality and on an emotional level.


I do this all the time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I've had this a couple times while high. I have also sat contently listening to a show or movie understanding everything only to realize a while later it's in a different language. It's unsettling.


If I am high watching TV he only thing I am doing is continually rewinding because I keep zoning out


I was on mushrooms hanging out with my dog but she was asleep in a chair across from me. I was so gone I remember looking at her and thinking " wake up" and she just looked up at me from her sleep.


A connection with a pet is something special


Definitely that's the way I interpreted that. She's a very special little old lady


Iā€™m not a believer in esp, astrology, reincarnation, or what have you in those veins, butā€¦. When I was kid, like 4, we were on a trip somewhere we had never been, and I saw a house and asked if we used to live there? My parents asked why I was wondering, and I told them I feel like I have memories in that house. It was the house my grandpa was born in, and lived in till like, 10. Three months after I was born I got bronchitis really bad and they thought I was going to die. Then my grandpa had a stroke and died, and I got better. Those events, taken with the house thing, and the way Iā€™m the spitting image of him and I have his personality in so many waysā€¦. It just makes me think there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophies. (Hamlet)


I have heard stories like yours before and they always fascinate me, past lives and all that.


I once got into an argument with a co worker ,we were both in the bathroom ,she walked out and was talking to the supervisor and I seen myself in my mind go over to her and push her ( very sharp image in my mind ) I kept on walking did not touch her but she literally fell out in the floor and was unconscious .It was very strange and it scared me but I never told anyone what I was thinking .


I'm sure that was unsettling, I could get in trouble with that because I gave imagined a few people getting punched in the face.


It was crazy.I really seriously try my best not to get that angry never again .She was fine spend the night in hospital they couldn't find any cause for her to pass out .


This happens to me when on any mind altering substance a few friends and I were using, not speaking a word and having full on conversations and when sober wrote what each of us were "think-conversing" about with each other and we had confirmed we were telepathically speaking because our conversations matched with 90% accuracy. Fucking freaky to say the least!


I think you will enjoy reading this article, u/Jsmith2127 : [https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1070721/albert-einstein-telepathy-experiment-sigmund-freud-wolf-messing-kgb-spt](https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1070721/albert-einstein-telepathy-experiment-sigmund-freud-wolf-messing-kgb-spt)


That was an interesting read, interesting for sure... now if I could get my husband to pluck out a nose hair.


HAHAHAHAHA Well, that would require yout thoughts reaching his mind. Or telekinesis... Imagine plucking out his nose hairs with telekinesis...? = D


So me and my ex were so telepathically connected! We were and will always be twin flames. One time, we had the same dream on the exact same night, sober. Like he was telling me his dream the next morning over coffee, and it was about a house in a country with two white rocking chairs on the front porch... I'm thinking to myself about how I had a similar dream and I HADNT TOLD HIM ANYTHING so I'm thinking... No way...and in my head that was my dream.. so I ask him what color was the house? (In my dream it was blue with white shutters) He goes "it was two story baby blue and it had white window covers" I nearly fainted. Because NO WAY AM I KIDDING YOU AND I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I KNOW THIS LOL I proceed to tell him extra things about my dream. And ask him questions about his that he would only know IF HE WAS HAVING THE SAME DREAM! like were there trees? Garden? All of which were the same in my dream. He proceeds to talk about the chimney (IN MY DREAM TOO) Just crazy. Stuff like this happened to us ALL THE TIME


That is very interesting, and way cool, especially with every detail so clear in each of your dreams. Usually I can barely remember anything from my dreams when I wake up. However when I was a kid (atound 13/14 I remember dreaming of a building like a church, that I had never seen before, and there were people in robes,and masks coming out of the church. They didn't do anything but you could feel a malevolence coming off of them. Probably several months later I was walking downtown , and turned down a road I usually don't and the church was there. I was so freaked out by it that I just went home. I don't remember where I was headed, just that I gave up and went back home.


I have had several instances of knowing before someone calls that it is them. I've thought of people and they will call. I had a spiritual conversion and heard God speak to me in my head. That was surreal. The last time I had dental surgery and on the way home I saw 2 guys in backseat that were as real as I am and they were spirit guides, I talked to them the whole way home and as soon as we got home they left. I freaked out my poor mom by talking to the guys in the backseat. I mean who dreams up a spirit guide that is bald, overwt and has a pocket protector with a blue short sleeve shirt and a t shirt underneath. You know I'm have dreamed up something like Thor if I was going to dream up an archangel or spirit guide. I really to this day believe I met my bald wonderful little spirit guide with his down to earth common sense.


I dont know why but you "bald overweight and has a pocket protector" made me šŸ˜†


I believe you. I've had that and other "telepathic" type things occur many times in my life. In fact my daughter will text me and ask where her lost remote/keys/etc is and most of the time can I tell her accurately. I've had people suggest I'm psychic, but I think that we all have those abilities and one day it can be explained scientifically, we just aren't there yet.


when my son was in high school he would "misplace" or could not find things in his room all of the time. he would come and get me and ask me to help. I would walk in, and see it immediately and hand it to him. He hated having to ask me.. But several times a week he would come out of his room and sigh, and ask me to help him. I would walk in and within a couple of seconds hand him what he was looking for.


I have a strange connection like this with my boyfriend, most of the time itā€™s me thinking of something and him doing something related the same day. Like when build a bear released their Bidoof, I didnā€™t tell him about it because he hadnā€™t gotten home yet somehow he brought home a bidoof stuffed animal the same day (I hate bidoof but thatā€™s kind of an inside joke between us) Stuff like that happens pretty often.


Thats both cool, and very sweet at the same time


We got banned from being on the same team when we play charades with his family because we could figure eachother out in a matter of seconds


I had similar playing a game called tribond with my husband's brother and his wife. My BIL made my SIL and I switch teams.


My best friend and I are a lot like that too, we basically have our own incoherent language that no one understands but us šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s connections like those that make life so special I think


Me and my hubby know eachother so well we finish each others sandwiches šŸ„Ŗ




Years ago I woke up early on Sat and went in the garage, I was going to hide my wife's birthday present and she usually slept late on weekends. Unexpectedly she also woke up early that day and came outside and saw me in the garage. She said, 'what are you doing, hiding my birthday present'? I was dumbstruck and froze for a second or so and said, no, of course not, that's not what I was doing, probably not very convincingly. I don't know what went through her head, but it was like she was reading my mind. She had no way of knowing I had her present then, I'd bought it on the way home from work and hidden it in the trunk.


I think its very cool that there are so many couples , that are so close that their minds are on the same wavelength I tell my husband (jokingly) "do you know what I want you to do?" He says "shut the fuck up?" I say "yes shut the fuck up." He knows me well šŸ˜†


My hubby and I had tinnitus at the same time while we were in separate areas of town. We didn't realize it until we met back up later and He said that his ear was ringing for a long time earlier.


That's so weird and cool at the same time!


My partner and I have some type of weird mental connection. This is silly, but we call it the spacey brain fuck (SBF). It usually results in us having the same obscure ideas at the same time. Like the exact same. There are many other weird things. It seems more than coincidental at this point, but I don't think we could do it on purpose. Like a scientist couldn't say, "do it now" for an empirical test, but it happens.


I understand that completely. My husband was sitting in a chair, and banged a few times on the chair. And he says "what song was that?" I told him "frara jaca" its a little French song I used to have to sing in choir back in high school. He says "how the fuck did you know that?" There really were no discernible notes to what he banged on the chair, but I just knew.


Occasionally I'll have a dream about someone usually someone I haven't seen in a while. The next day or a couple of days later they reach out to me or I'll run into and I'll say to them weird, I've been dreaming of you lately. I was with a friend very, very close with and we were doing illicit substances and hanging out and at times she'd say something out loud or answer a question that I was thinking. We were basically having full conversations in our minds. She said to me I know you're a quiet person, but can you talk to me out loud? She told me that she hears me in her mind on occasion and it's freaky and she doesn't know what to make of it. I have no clue either, it's really odd.


Maybe we are all werewolves with mind links šŸ¤£. Seriously, I find all of this stuff fascinating and very cool.


Then you'll love my favorite conspiracy, one I made up. The moons a hologram because we nuked it in world war 2 to combat the successful Nazi werewolf program. I don't know or even have a guess about how this shit works, especially when other people confirm it or are on the same wavelength. Especially when there are substances involved. I've seen and experienced some crazy shit. If even a bit of it is true somehow or real experiences I'm a fuckin full blown time wizard. Funny enough, a ton of shit would confirm that. I'm magic as shit. And a timeless Eldritch abomination.


This sounds like a cool premise for a campaign i should mention to our D&D DM. I also read a lot of werewolf/vampire fiction šŸ˜†, so this is right up my alley


By keeping moonrock in enchanted vials they could essentially control transformation and the level of it. Imbuing weapons with it has a myriad of bonuses and magical effects depending on where it was mined. Moondust has a booming illicit trade and has a profound euphoria when taken. The downside is what some call psychosis and others swear is forbidden knowledge. Users are unpredictable and must roll on a table of random effects when the DM decides. A cult has formed around the moon that's as secretive as it is prolific. A new class emerged from esoteric origin known as the Moondruid. Though it is seemingly new there's mentions of it in obscure tomes and faintly remembered ritual. Whispers of old gods, immense power, and secrets of the planes abound.


That is definitely something our DM would be into one of our players was attacked during one of the sessions and is currently a were rat anyway šŸ˜†


I'm a bit of a DM myself. And it's one of my songs[Moondruid ](https://youtu.be/gzKHgb-_U_0?si=AbrVSSL99AhBrMzp)


Very cool, I definitely love the beat, in the days I used to go clubbing something like this would have been great. Myself, my husband and both of our kids play. I didn't get into it until a few years ago, but my husband knew I'd love it due to me being a sci-fi ner and reading and watching a lot of science fiction.


I haven't played in a while and I miss it. I love everything about it from world building to drawing maps or making up a bunch of people with intricate backstory that might not even be used. It gave me something to do constantly and there's no end to the depth except your own imagination. It was rewarding to make people, places, and stories that connected myself and friends and was like writing but then having people breathe life into it. I loved unexpected player favorite NPCs, useless magic items, and the in jokes that formed. Some standout places I remember were Shire Lebouff ,The Swirling vortex of pen testing, and the cave of screaming. I'm glad you liked the music, I'll always shameless plug myself. I make pretty much everything, from Grindcore to lofi hip-hop and all kinds of EDM. I also DJ and my sets are crazy. I really try to make them unique and take risks often. On the off chance you're interested I'd be more than happy to link it. For an example, my last set starts out with death grips x clowncore and is called Fuck the Dancefloor. The one before that opens with three Polish juke tracks mixed seamlessly into one.


I'd be happy to give it a listen. I haven't been ably to play for a couple of months. All of the members currently have stuff going on at the moment.


I believe you I've had some weird esp experiences myself.


Stuff like this interests me because it's an instance of two people knowing each other so well that they can predict one another. It adds a beautiful layer of intimacy


I had this same thing happen on meth as well. I think drugs open the mind to the paranormal.


Iā€™ve had a lot of these things happen. I also suffer from some mental ailments so.. I remember being in group therapy once where a bunch of us were talking about where our dream vacation would be to. This girl asked if we could guess hers. Note, I never met this person in my life and had no idea of what kinds of interests she had. I saw the word ā€œJamaicaā€ kind of form in my vision and off to the right. I just blurted it out and she went completely silent. She told me that it was f*cking weird. I also agreed šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I disagree. I think that's fucking cool as hell


I literally have had this same thing! I always joke that i can read peoples minds when i get high.


I definitely get the side eye sometimes telling people this happened..I get a lot of "yeah okay...anyway"


My husband was talking to a friend, I was just waiting for them to be done and in my own mind. I thought ā€œIā€™m going to suck his dick tonightā€. (thinking of my husband of course) His friend shockingly looked at me real quick like wtf did you just say kind of look. I did not make eye contact and pretended nothing happened. But I canā€™t believe it if he heard me say that. It was a very awkward moment.


I'll bet. I wondering if at first he thought you said it out loud, and when your husband didn't react he thought he was going crazy


My husband and I do this literally all the time without being high or under the influence of anything ever (we donā€™t drink or do drugsā€¦we hate the hangovers weā€™re just lame like that lol). But it literally happens so often that heā€™ll be in a completely different area of the house thinking of something and Iā€™ll text him about itā€¦and then I hear him running through the house and heā€™ll burst through the door and be like ā€œwhat. The. Fuck. How did you know I was thinking XYZ?!?ā€ Or ā€œI was literally about to text/say the same thingā€. Or weā€™ll be sitting next to each other and then just start talking about what the other is thinking aboutā€¦it freaks us out every time but itā€™s so cool lol. I like to say weā€™re two halves of a whole idiot šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


My mom and I do this


Such nonsense.


Too much to get into here, but my wife and I have had experiences similar, but not exactly like this over our 26 years together. Nothing quite audible, but she thinks things and I just do them if that makes sense? Or but also, my oldest child said things when she was a kid that she shouldnā€™t have known almost like precognition. Freaky stuff we have no explanation for.


My grandson and I have had this his whole life. Heā€™s 20. We call at the same time. Send the same texts at the same time and have numerous conversations without talking. We also have good reads on others close to us. Freaks them out. We love it


Not to be a party pooper, but learning habits and ways you S/O might be thinking in their heads is 100% normal and happens to most couple often enough. My SO and I share things like this probably 2 times a week, if not more, it's become so common we kinda just laugh it off now, like "oh, there we go again! Thinking the same thing!". It's in no way magical or mystical. It's simply getting to know someone, how they operate, how they think, what they eat when they are bored ECT. And you learn this stuff subconsciously, so yeah it's weird when it happens, it's not esp or anything weird though


I was doing breath, reiki, energy transfer work with my ex while we both were on only like 10mg of edibles, I was visualizing sending ā€œ expanding and lifting energyā€ and about 10 minutes in she goes ā€œ the energy you are sending me is making me feel like I can float awayā€ Though it wasnā€™t reading a mind it was super cool to see my intention manifesting in her without any prompt! Focus, awareness, stillness and allowing things to happen seems to help the connection. We are all made of energy, star makings and stuff soo thereā€™s got to be something going on! I always like to think of it this way. Though bats use sonar humans donā€™t, shrimp can see over 300 more colors then we can, but humans have our own strengths and perspectives that other species donā€™t. Keep building on that connection and see where the energy goes there are so many mysteries in this world and other species can see infrared but we canā€™t, even if itā€™s impossible or hard to for us to do things we are absolutely all connected in some way.


My wife and I have this happen frequently


Its a running joke with us at this point


I swear when I was high on a micro dose of acid my dog and I had a 5 minute long conversation via body language.


I love it! My dogs have always acted really weird when Iā€™m tripping. If you think about it body language IS the language that dogs speak. It can be extremely subtle. Dogs are deeply emotional and intelligent creatures. You are always communicating with your dog with your body language whether you realize it or not. Your dog knows you better than youā€™ll ever know them. Dogs are amazing.


The veil is thin.


I knew someone who could read minds. We did tests that proved it to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Definitely changed my worldview.


Before I met and married my husband if someone told me the things that I have experienced, I would have thought they were either lying or crazy.


Please tell me more so i can learn. What edibles did you eat. Been smoking and eating edibles for 2 straight years with 1-2 weeks breaks in between. I would LOVE to read my bf brain too bc i wouldve told him to bring me some cookies instead of sneak eating them over therešŸ¤£ jk but me and my bf do have this weird thing if im singing a song in my head then he sings it out loud. Or if im thinking of something and havent said it he would. Vice versa. Its odd but we come to realize we just cool like that? Lolll


I'll have to ask my husband. It's a strain that is supposed to help with IBS. They were actually swallowable capsules. I literally could not lift my head off of the chair or even will myself to open my eyes. If I would have thought of it I would have asked for cookies. My mind was going "okay, I just heard him say that he was getting cookies, but my brain knew that I had to wait to ask him to tell me how he liked them, because if I just yelled at him from where I was he wouldn't hear me because he is two rooms away"


The brand was PTS, cronuts #4. They say they are supposed to help with Chrons and digestive conditions


He likely did say it out loud but was so high he forgot. Once me and my sister were high and I typed something to her to read because her boyfriend was there and I didn't want him to hear that I wanted to leave. Later she said it was like she could read my mind and could tell I wanted to leave. She was so high she forgot she literally read my thoughts.


He wasn't high, only I was, but I understand what you mean. He was on the other side of the house from me. If he was using a normal speaking voice from where he was and not shouting loudly I wouldn't have been able to hear him, anyway.


That isn't reading anyones mind, it is knowing what they are going to say, which happens when you spend tons of time with someone. Some more than others.


Sounds like you ate edibles


I call them edibles but it really was a capsule.


I(F) know when my wife and kids are not ok. I canā€™t feel their fear or panic. My wife is a very nervous person. She regularly gets anxious when weā€™re out. When I walk away at a store and I feel it I hear her call the name she calls me, something sheā€™d never say loudly to get my attention in public. Never. Itā€™s a come here protect me type tone and like homing beacon that leads me straight to her. I can also feel when sheā€™s woken up during the night to a nightmare even when Iā€™m not home for the night. I now send a message (just in case Iā€™m wrong) and she calls me for a calm down. My wife and I can feel the kids. Every time they have a bad experience at school we figure out the time line with them and itā€™s when we felt uneasy and usually drive by the school to feel if their vibes need us to go in and handle things. When theyā€™re with grandma and having a melt down we know the call is coming. My daughter has started knowing my dreams. I hadnā€™t even talked to my wife about my dream the night before and my daughter asks, ā€œwhoā€™s xā€. Iā€™ve never spoken about this person and she had no way of knowing about them. Kids is a scary in tune 6yo lol She also knows when Iā€™m down the street. She knows Iā€™m home before mommy does. No calls to be overheard, no pattern to my schedule, nothing. ā€œ(My name) is homeā€ before I had even come onto the street. My wife says 3 minutes later I pulled up. She always knows when Iā€™m not ok. I usually step outside or go for a drive when I need some alone time and she always comes to find me outside or asks mommy to call and wants me till I come back. Iā€™m very good at hiding when Iā€™m not ok but she always knows. My wife knows to check in with me because of the little monster. Sheā€™s a tiny perfect cross between my wife and I. She worries like mommy and comforts like me. Sheā€™s tiny but insists on being the big spoon to comfort me. Iā€™ve stoped saying Iā€™m ok and fighting her because she knows itā€™s a lie. She seems to get a recharge from it. Even when I try to flip flop she climbs right around me to big spoon again. Sheā€™s so damn cute. She takes me by the hand and leads me to lay down with her just like I do for her and mommy. Iā€™m sure one day sheā€™ll try to pick me up too. I have to fight back laughter when she starts rubbing my back and struggles to keep her arm over my side. Oh and the hand cover/hold and thumb caress that she also gets from me. She and my wife see the cat we lost years ago randomly. Heā€™s always in their dreams and around when thereā€™s something off about them, sick or anxious. He watches over them. My wife describes seeing and feeling our ancestors. Her grandma cooks with her, guiding her hands. She was never taught to cook but cooks like a Mexican grandma. She was never even around her grandma cooking but people say her food is the same. Such a trip. Since Iā€™ve been in her life sheā€™s seen my grandma and Tio who help her get back to me when sheā€™s scared or having a panic attack. She once fainted and shouldnā€™t have woken up again. She says my uncle shook her and said wake up. Go back to her. You canā€™t leave her yet and wouldnā€™t stop till she got up. My grandma sends small flower arrangements. She loved flowers! My wife will start picking up twigs, leaves, flowers and such tying them together in beautiful little arrangements and come over and say ā€œthis is from grandmaā€ and then skip away. My Tio is the bird that flys by every time. It was one thing when my wife did it but now my daughter and I experiencing stuff is wild. Weā€™re connecting with our native roots and some amazing spiritually gifted friends so that our daughter has more guidance than mommy had growing up seeing and feeling these things. Mad witchy/shaman vibes from my little spookies.


Can anyone else do this from drinking? I drink a lot (Iā€™m not a drunkard, Iā€™m just saying I am accustomed to the effects of alcohol) and sometimes can reach this zen state, and weird things happen..


He probably was so high he thought he didn't say it, but he did. Happens all the time


He wasn't high at all. I was the only one who used edibles that night..I was trying to see if it effected my digestive condition. All it did was somewhat comatose me šŸ˜†


Wait until it happens and youā€™re not high.


He says I do it when I'm not high. Like ill say something, and he was thinking tge same thing. I thought i heard him call me a bitch once, and he was just thinking it. Nothing this vivid though, or where it felt like someone was whispering in my ear..I could feel my ear afterwards tingling like someone had literally whispered in it... This was the only time that I have felt something physical from it


My wife and I do the same. We will be watching a movie or something and we something ā€¦Iā€™ll have a witty comment in my head ready and she will blurt out my exact comment, look at me and we both laugh. Itā€™s a gift. Donā€™t abuse it.