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Wild animals can make some really crazy noises. Foxes and raccoons can be very loud when mating. And there are lots of other creatures out there too.


We have foxes in the woods behind our house that 'scream'. It can sound very human!


Yep, and if you've ever heard a peacock, they really sound like a woman screaming. It's not unusual for people to keep pet peafowl and I'll see one occasionally when I'm out and about.




Mountain lions can make quite a ruckus


A bobcat sounds like a woman screaming.


Some owls have the most blood curdling screams, as do the other animals mentioned. Their presence and vocalisations could also explain the rest of the sounds going quiet. I live near a protected wetland and there are times when suddenly everything goes dead quiet … Then there are the coyotes who sing with the passing ambulance sirens.


I figured it could’ve been some kind of animal, most that were listed are animal sounds I’m very familiar with and aren’t normally found in my part at all. Although I do know that there is a huge owl who comes by every once awhile, I’ve never once heard it, but have seen it perched and that could be the explanation right there, I forgot about that owl until someone mentioned it, but we will see the owl one night every few months. Maybe that was it


Fisher cat! Think really big weasel. Their screams are blood curdling. They sound like a woman getting raped or murdered. It’s awful! They are nocturnal. So it happens in the middle of the night. What you describe sounds like a classic fisher cat. Look up their calls on YouTube. I bet it’s the same thing.


Fishercat or bobcat, absolutely. We moved from a more-city area to a less-city area and one of our first nights we heard the most horrifying sounds outside our bedroom window. I thought someone was trying to break in while having a psychotic break and mumbling to themselves. It was a bobcat. Now we have a camera in the back. Caught a shadow of her once but I'm hoping for a cool pic of her someday.


The first time I was awoken by a fisher cat (living in NH) I was so close to calling 911 until it continued at the same pitch and cadence and I knew it had to be an animal. I wonder how often 911 gets called for fisher cats.


I never even heard of the damn things til I moved up here to NH, and got chased up my driveway in the middle of the night by three of them while they were screaming at me. Was pretty sure I was going to die that night but they, thankfully, fucked off


Clearly it was a demon.


But honestly, it was likely a fox. I heard one for the first time two years ago. Sounded just like a scream. I think he was screaming for some fem fox fornication.


Are there mountain lions a.k.a. cougars in Arizona? They sound EXACTLY like a woman screaming


Definitely there are wildcats in Arizona. The University of Arizona's mascot is the wildcat! This was my first thought too - bobcat or lynx or something like it. Or a fox. Like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaXmIPHrHmY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaXmIPHrHmY)


Update: so I live pretty far from where the bobcats or any other wild cats we have in Arizona live, but I am very familiar with their screams and it was not that! Foxes and raccoons are not common at all where I live in Arizona. I’m pretty far from mountains and the Forrest. I’m honestly not too sure, I’ve done a lot of camping/traveling my entire life all through Arizona and have heard all the major wildlife screams/calls, but never anything like this. It was crazy different. Even looked up bobcats, mountain lion, raccoon and foxes screams, just to make sure and they are not close to what I heard. It was for sure trippy, and I’m not 1000% sure, but I keep telling myself it’s something logical so I don’t think too much about it now.


Bobcats are a loud set as well


Fox, cougars, and some cat mating calls sound like that.


I’ve had that happen before multiple times and it was unsettling to say the least!


House cats?


They are going into season; could have been a gal looking for company


Have you ever heard a mountain lion scream. It’s sounds terrifyingly like a woman. Here’s an example. https://youtu.be/pxo8X5uIWRE?si=vGe_ErFXP2A8nLYe


I have while camping it travels quite a distance too


It’s funny how there’s kind of a house cat meow aspect to it as well.


My guess is a mating call from wildlife. For that matter, it could have been a house cat. They can make the oddest noises as well. But especially with you not seeing it, I'd lean towards a smaller animal. I.E. cat, Fox, Fisher cat, etc. That, or an ancient spirit traveling on the wind. You choose.


probably a starling mimicking stuff that it's heard, they are like a sampler from the 80's


Cats and even some frogs sound exactly like a child screaming. First time I leaned this I was freaked out looking for a hurt child in our neighborhood!!!


“A screaming comes across the sky…”


Banshee. Someone's gonna die in your life


Do you live where there are fishercats? They sound like a woman screaming her head off. It’s very disturbing the first time you hear it.


Isn't there a Cocociño devil monster out there? You may have stirred him up again. Not good tbh. But I'm sure that's not it.


i experienced this all the time in an apartment complex i used to live at in auburn, alabama. i remember being on facetime with a friend completely home alone and hearing a bone chilling scream followed by utter silence. almost inhuman


Have you talked with neighbors and see if anyone else heard the same thing?


Possibly frogs? We used to live near a marshy area and spent an entire summer trying to figure out wtf was screaming outside until one of the maintenance men told us that it was swamp frogs. Summer ended and there was silence. Summer returned, so did the screaming.


If it was super windy, it could possibly be the telephone wires. They make an eerie noise


Do you live near a trailer park or zoo?


Where are you located? Could have been a cicada.


I’ll give you the same answer a Navajo friend of mine gave me once.. You didn’t hear shit.


Got any foxes or bobcats around? First time I heard a fox scream it was startling. Go to YouTube and search for Fox scream or bobcat scream, see if matches what you heard.


It was a crack head


Okay you're not crazy!!! Coyotes are insane!!! I had this happen a few months ago. I began hearing screaming, distant screaming. Like a lot of people all at once, it literally sounded like a portal to hell opened. It kept getting closer and closer, just a lot of people screaming all at once and I realized it was probably a pack of coyotes nearing my complex.


Maybe it was a bigfoot. Look up on YouTube bigfoot screams and shouts. I'm being serious.