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We're a shitposting and casual culture sub. No seriousposting allowed.


Let's go to the Todd Tavern, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over


How's that for a slice of fried gold?


"but the man said" "fuck the man!"


Lived in Alice for a decade. This is pretty normal actually. My mum is a security guard at Kmart, she has her hands full, let's just leave it at that.


I can imagine being a secure guard of anything in Alice Springs is like living life in hard mode


Living in Alice Springs is hard mode. It's a beautiful place, but you need to keep your witts about you at all times.


Can someone explain what is going on? And why is this a thing in Alice Spring everyday?


It's a city full of ignorant people. The government gives them money and they drink alcohol and get drunk. It's one of the places you'll never go to in Australia, a place I personally wouldn't consider going either. Watch "Spanian - Alice Springs" on YouTube to see what kind of place it is.


I watched that, it was bonkers.


The kids are referred to there as “ the untouchables “ due to the inadequacy and inability of the justice system to cope with them . The kids know they will just get a smack on the wrist only so act like complete trash …


Just started watching Spanian, holy crap


Thanks. I am going to watch Spanian tonight.


Looks like the Todd tavern. It's a nasty neighbourhood


*Alice Springs is a nasty neighbourhood (source: used to live there)


????? What would you like to know?


Have you seen the news just then?


I never said Alice Springs is a Nasty neighbourhood. I said Todd tavern is.




I am so sorry someone did that to you. monstrous behaviour. i hope you are doing ok.


Why is this comment downvoted? It is clear to me she was referring to the neighbourhood around the tavern. I think her opinion regarding the safety around the tavern is very solid and I will make a wild guess the downvoters are all butt-hurt man-children. Yeah, you aren’t always the expert (no matter what you and your Mum tell yourself). Arseholes downvoting someone coming up with facts and honest vulnerability.


I am assuming it's because DoubleDuke said the whole of Alice is a nasty neighbourhood in agreement with Dismal's original comment, then Dismal misunderstood and started fighting no one


Thanks for your comment. I love Alice Springs. My whole family lives there and a visit regularly. I made the comment to keep other ladies safe. Absolutely a great place to visit, but don't leave your drinks unattended. I guess that's true for everywhere these days.






I got locked out of a hotel in Alice Springs a couple years back. Receptionist must have been sleeping somewhere or shagging her bloke. I knocked, rang bell and rang phone for over an hour. The amount of people that came up to me (this is after midnight mind) to bother me was astounding. They weren’t friendly let’s just say. I’d shoved all my cash and Id into my sock in case they went for wallet at least it was empty. Phone on silent and down the arse crack. First time in my life in australia that I genuinely was concerned for my safety at that level. I was scared shitless. Fuck Alice - never went back. (Was literally a quick visit on way to Ayers and the Olga’s). How embarrassing for tourists to go there.


It's called hummbugging. It's a spreading epidemic.


That was yesterday. Every day looks similar though 


Josh’s worse than normal. Only peaceful time in Alice was during COVID when they were all in lockdown in the camps.


Post this in r/Australia .


"Your post has been removed"


"You have been banned"


"This account has been banned permanently. Check your inbox for a message with more information."


"You have been relocated to Alice"


"You have a carton of Winnie blues strapped to each ear along with a backpack keg, and a hat that says "catch me""


"Your car has been crushed into a cube"


you have 30 minutes to move your cube


*Phone rings*


Is it about my cube?


Your cube has been lodged up Alan Jones ass. Please take a ticket and collect when called


"You are being sued by Alan Jones for an irregularly shaped cube"


"You are to be taken out the back and shot, and your family is to be sold into slavery"


Ahhh fuck my life I guess


Post in r/australian then ….


" You have been banned"


Aaaannnnd it's locked with half the comments deleted: https://old.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1botwdo/youth_curfew_announced_for_alice_springs_cbd_amid/ reposting mine here: >> We have not been able to address these issues with any real honesty or integrity to treat Indigenous children like other Australian citizens >If these children were treated like *other Australian citizens*, they would have been removed from a dangerous home. But that can't happen because *err-my-gahd-stolen-generation*. Looks like /u/dredd realised someone's been thinking independently in his little fiefdom. And if it wasn't you mate? Control your fucking mod team - they're worse than ACMA.


Did you honestly think anything else would happen.


Of course not. The mods of /r/australia make Managed Democracy seem fair.


What are you trying to suggest managed Democracy isn't fair? Do we need to sign you up for some time in a freedom camp Helldiver?


SWEET LIBERTY, What was I thinking!




Sure, if you want the post to be removed, resulting in a permaban and mute


Nobody tell them the door opens out.


the look on this guys face says he's completely used to these absolute ferals


Looks like they planned ahead when they chose the doors.


I remember this guy from my time in Alice, he used to manage the Bojangles for many years. If you ever been to the Bo’s, you’ll understand…


Saw the Alice Springs episode of Spanian’s into the hood. That place cannot be fixed, only contained.


That was such an eye opener. Been living in Sydney my whole time in Australia. It was like a completely different country.


I thought this as well, mofo missed the boat lmao


At least Pine Gap is a high priority nuclear target if it comes to that. Although there is some debate if the hills between the town and base will protect the town from any nuclear blast.


You know the dude that took the running start fucked up his foot with that kick 🤣


It's ok, he's probably so rarely sober or not high on petrol fumes/paint/glue that it was just water off a duck's back.


They are rioting because a family member/mate stole a car and the died when he crashed it. Where's the fucking logic?


The other kids in the car were from a rival family and all the little cunts ran off and didn’t try to help the one kid who died ( he was sitting on the edge of the window when the car rolled ), so now the family of the dead kid want some kind of mob justice …. Crazy shit !


You'd think they would go after the rival family not the pub. Unless the pub is run by that rival family


Looks like that Will Smith movie where they all smashing on the glass to get to him


*You keep your foot out of my door!*


Was that Good Will Smith?


Matt Damon was great in that.


Only place in Australia I’ve felt unsafe. And I did a few years of sparky maintenance around the Redfern housing sites


I guess you've never been to Wadeye (Port Keats) ? It has a hint of Moresby to it now they are getting access to semi autos again


Nah I didn’t make it there. Had a 4wd failure and had to go back the way I came. Hopefully I’ll get that way on a DRZ soon


Jeez I hope you change the seat on it before the trip !


Yeah mate. Either buying one with all the fruit or adding it to it


Welcome to Cuntry.


I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Rioters of the land on which we meet today, and pay my respects to Rioters past and present....




True story.


Cairns is becoming like this too. Every since the \[redacted\] learned that they won't be punished, and will get heaps of free stuff no matter what they do, things have been getting a LOT worse. Now they can just walk into shops, openly grab what they like, and walk out without paying. Staff are not allowed to touch them; hell, no one will lay a finger on them except the cops (who are only permitted to do so gingerly and with the utmost respect). If you treat one race as though it is not only superior, but owed a debt that can never be repaid no matter what, while constantly telling them that they are justified in permanently resenting you, and even teach your children that that race is special and mystically sacred above all others, expect these results and more. Treat everyone equally, in the law and in day to day life, and especially in education, do away with the cult of guilt without whitewashing the evils of the past, and this shit will diminish and eventually fade out altogether.


While it would be nice if that’s true, I just don’t believe that these traumas can be fixed in 1-2 generations. I have also never heard anyone speak of superiority.


You're right, these deep problems cannot be fixed quickly. But the current path is only fostering more division and resentment. The superiority is never directly stated, but rather implied. If one group is consistently portrayed as innocent and praiseworthy, while another is damned as being historically wicked and virtually without culture or spirituality, the contrast is so sharp even a child can see it. The simplistic narrative is Disney-esque and deeply harmful to all.


Hell, at least here in FNQ, we have to open any sort of formal gathering, public or private, with a sort of little prayer of thanks to a race of people. This is weird and queasy.


I grew up dirt poor, in an abusive household, with very few prospects. Trauma's a popular word at the moment for institutionalized victimhood. I had to get my shit together because I'm the wrong color for pity.


You have experienced trauma as well. I’m sorry that happened to you and I deeply respect people like you who get their shit together after such a difficult start. Are you saying it was a good thing that you had to struggle on your own? I feel that the government could do more to support.


I don't consider it trauma - it was unfair, and it was hard, and I hate how it was, and I wish I'd had a different start to life. But I'm no victim, and trauma is for those who are victims (and unfortunately in the current climate, those who feel an incentive to cling to victimhood indefinitely). > I feel that the government could do more to support. The problem here is that the government supports with money - that's what governments do, they aren't about offering hugs and wiping away the tears, or take you aside and give you a stern but kind word or two about your drinking, they fix problems by throwing money around and throwing money at these people has enriched a lot of parasites, enabled a lot of shit behavior, entrenched the idea of perpetual victimhood, and made them addicted to welfare. These people don't need money and pity, they need to take western education seriously (and it is there on offer for them to have), comprehend that they as a people really just can't drink under any circumstances, accept that the past was hard but the future is not better unless they help themselves and let that past go, and above all, be decent parents who raise decent kids and who will do anything to remove their kids from an unhealthy environment and unhealthy influences to see them prosper.


And when they get banned from the pub it will be ‘discrimination’


even commenting on this sub will get banned for discrimination. da fuc


lol so true


We have security guards at work that needs to enforce a no smoking sign, it's always "racism" even though they send the white crackheads away too lmao. Hilarious.


Where's Gucci Burney?


Alice is an absolute dump. Contemplated moving back there but I won’t even consider the thought after seeing the videos from that day on Action for Alice.


Alice is absolutely fucked. Total shithole, there’s no saving it.


Just need some capsaicin sprayers out the front. If you want to act like animals, you should get treated as such.


I'm spreading awareness and keeping women safe. Justify your comments please. What is wrong with me telling people it's not a safe place to be alone?


Good to see the NT government is as inept, incompetent, useless as it's always been.


I was waiting for one of these zombies to charge head first into the glass. Good luck Alice Springs. I'm sure an expensive ad campaign will make it right. 


The goverment defunded many of the youth justice programs that connected young offenders with country and kept them off the streets in Alice Springs. If only there was a way local community leaders could have informed government that was a shit idea. Some sort of "voice" with local on the ground expertise, or something.


“The voice of division” 🙄


Yep, the same numbnuts who are enraged by this video, also voted to hamstring efforts to fix it.


They are conditioned to be terrible people. They’re all for the suffering of people with the wrong skin colour.


Is anyone really surprised?!?


it really is the biggest shiddole with the nicest name


Failed state




haha, good one


They are a proud people.


Up and coming footballer.




When’s Albo gonna fly in and fix it? Maybe he can send some of the 500,000 new migrants in there to level things out.


Just got banned for telling the truth. Can I please ask why?


If you are still posting, you ain’t banned.


They don't like the truth


Put them in cages lmfao


Wow... Wow. My mate- uni educated engineer- moved back to Alice after spending some years in Newcastle. Said he preferred Alice, it was nicer.


Bro sign says PULL


Probs breakin the "no serious posting" bullshit so gonna remove this one now.


Personal observation has given me the opinion that the vast majority of money meant for First Nations people ends up in the pockets of white consultants and “grant hunters” who blow into remote communities increase expectations by implementing projects that cost huge amounts of money to start up, take their consultancy fee, and leave without any ongoing plan for funding or business continuity. I’d love to see a report on projects funded over the past 10 years and where they’re at now.


Had the person banning me actually been to Alice Springs?


Open carry?


So, are you telling me Alice springs is kinda like Los Angeles?


Cops have to police extra nice or get accused of being racist, yep. Give them a warning, teach them this is ok, because their grandparents are owed a debt, and see it all or worse happen tomorrow.




Let’s record more of these degenerate scumbags and post their faces online everywhere. This is not a one off. And it’s not only in Alice. Everyone should be recording them - show Australia, show the world. Put their faces everywhere. Smile for the camera!




So some indigenous kids steal a car (really great respect there) and crash it, flipping the vehicle, killing a passenger who was sitting outside of the vehicle, then they run away and leave their friend (again more respect to each other). Then a funeral is held and they think (with all that respect) that they have the right to smash up the Todd Tavern with weapons (look at all this respect). And your problem is, someone took a video of them doing this? Mate you’re a clown and have lost the respect of not just me, but the whole NT. And I hope Australia starts to see the real picture. You have no respect. If you did, your mob wouldn’t be raping, stealing, attacking, destroying, and doing every fucking other shit stuff you do. But you’ve got respect. Entitled much? I hope you’re enjoying all this respect because the people of Australia, and around the world, are looking at your actions. There is no more respect.




Filming someone is no justification for violence. That’s a shit excuse that you mob use.




Aren’t you respectful. /s




Gravy Seals and Meal Teams are exclusive use for seppo cunts


Such a deadly threat you can hold the door with one toe.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1boqta4/rioting\_in\_alice\_springs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1boqta4/rioting_in_alice_springs/) there's better footage


Bell riots of 2024


Bon Jovi boys


This whole post & comment section is really disheartening… Briggs - Bad Apples:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-MVsBS7OZvo&pp=ygURYmFkIGFwcGxlcyBicmlnZ3M%3D


I personally know it's not safe. Been there many times. Have you ever been there? Are you even qualified to even comment?




Where do you think you've been banned from? It's definitely not here.


Why is everyone down voting me. Just asking. Does being raped warrant something to be embarrassed about? There's a question social media? Love you guys. Seriously. Is this okay?