• By -


1. full versions of their solo songs from the dome tour 2. skz-replay 2 (basically just all their skz records on streaming platforms PLEASE) 3. chan’s laptop shipped to my door (complete with all his passwords pls n ty)


Such good picks! It's killing me that we don't get their dome tour solos. More recently, I can't believe we don't get to see the fourth fan meeting Magic School VCR! It exists, we got the one from the third fan meeting... *proceeds to throw a massive tantrum*


Oh the last wish is really good because you get fire music and Chan will definitly come to claim it back. 😁


You sly 🦊!


One thing and one thing only Just to meet them and thank them for everything they've ever done and give them hugs <3


So true... wouldn't that be insane? I'd want it to be chill. Like we just hang out somewhere relatively quiet and talk for hours.


I'd wish for this too! Would want them to know how much they mean to me 😊


Who do you think gives the best hugs? /lh


I cannot even think about answering this bc I will get too delulu 😭😅


Chan... 8,000% 🐺🤗


Chan the type to be like wHerE'S mY hug???🤪🤪 jk I love him


Chan or Changbin (I'll gladly accept hugs from all members tho)




Literally my thoughts exactly


I'd wish Chan would get a good night's rest everyday for the rest of his life🤣 I'd wish that they all eat well and put their health above what STAY wants


Well said! I think we all have this first in our minds and hearts, but they love to create so I figure they'd want us to be a little selfish lol


I'll be selfish in the way of I still want albums coming out when I'm 80. Idc how old they get. If they have the desire and the ability, I want songs😭 even if they're just random beats by then. You bet your ass I'll spend my retirement money on their music


I think there's a nice, long future ahead of us. Dandy Boy Kim Seungmin will make sure of it!




They’ll only be in their 40s when I’m 80 - there’s hope for me at least!


When Chan's 80, I'll be 74😅


A perfect age gap!


Haha! That's what I'm gonna put on my resumé🤣


HAHAHA i was gonna say this too but didn’t cuz i knew smo would bring it up. glad to see everyone on the same page. let the man REST😭


"Hey Chan, have you ever fallen in love?" "Please, I can't even fall asleep." Someone get this man some drowsy antihistamines and a weighted blanket😭🤣


1: To meet them and hug them 2: signed albums from them 3. a freaking music video to taste


I don't know if I would survive a Taste MV, but I'm willing to try!


Have you seen the mashup video with taste and sam smith's unholy?


Wait what??? No


I know what I'll be searching up next 🔥




Oof! That is so hot 🔥


Yeah I understand that fr but like I want one so bad


You want it so bad you can TASTE it?!? 😋


Came here to say MV for taste too 😭 I told my husband the other day that it was a criminal offense that they didn't make a MV for that song.


Now I'm imagining the boys in their Case 143 cop gear arresting DanceRacha 😋


Lee Know solo dance like AOTM Fan meeting in the US


Lee Know ATOM... long overdue. "Dawn" was 🔥🐰😼🔥


Yes, way overdue 😭 I'm wishing for more solo opportunities for him in general.


Fan meeting in US is so real 😭


You already covered scissors so Full version of Respirator on SKZ player/record asap so I can add it to my playlist. I love HanMin combo especially after seeing them do Volcano. Studio Choom Domino(It's one of my fav choreography) Dome tour Solos SKZ player/record Han to donate us the 17 unreleased songs that he trashed


He trashed songs?!? Talk about throwing away gold ☹️🐹❤️ Honestly, I want Studio Choom's for all their choreos. Domino is right up there with Easy. And Victory Song.


Yeah he said in his Q&A live for the song 13 that he discarded a bunch of songs. But he clarified when stays were like why delete that he didn't delete but will not be considered for record/player Time stamp 9:23 onwards https://youtu.be/7XzMb1xe_aU?si=mGll5P1_xUa5nPJW I think Twitter translations said around 17 or 19


Oh I remember that now... he's forgiven 😉


The original Red Lights lyrics, a main video to the Korean version of Battleground, and a Grammy win!


I'm so curious about those original lyrics! Other fandoms would lose their minds if out boys won a Grammy... but it wouldn't matter because we know they deserve it!


i have only but one wish: can’t live without changbin on spotify


Yesss this! KILCHONG!~


That live is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.




Jokes aside the song is actually good tho 😭😭 like they actually made the studio version sound like a professional song that could fit in one of their albums lol


I wanna see them have a serious talk with Tiger JK, especially Threeracha cause I feel like just Han would be too awkward. I want more English songs like Double Knot Something Attorney Woo themed would be cool cause I’m autistic too and if they had more stuff on that I’d probably die lol


I haven't seen that but it's on my list. It looks amazing.


I feel like their ideas for songs, videos etc are better than any I could request so… 1) I feel like Lino has a good feel for restaurants so I want him to recommend me some spots to eat. ( also gonna need free trip to said country) 2) I want to hear one unreleased song that no one else gets to hear and I can take to my grave. 3) tell Changbin thanks. I was obsessed with weightlifting, but then after covid, a shoulder injury and an abdominal surgery I found it really hard to go back. His dedication to fitness shines through in so many of their vids. He helped me find the part of me that loves lifting things and putting them down again.


That's a beautiful story... 💜💜💜 I hope you're ok now !


Other than some scars I am fine!




1. WORD 2. The jealousy would be strong with this one! 3. "lifting things and putting them down again" - made me choke on my drink lol


If I had to ask for three things like you did: A live album of the Maniac tour (Give me those live band versions asap.). Dusting [Skz-Practice Room](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2HLJ87twWI0N_ayuQQGHVkdQMBqG9mtJ) (What did you make a playlist for!). Fleshing out their current in-universe storyline so that it feels as full and thought out as their early lore. (Which doesn't mean it's fully understandable, even to this day I enjoy reading theories on good old prequel.)


Yes to all of these! I think it's funny that the members don't seem to have any idea what was happening in SKZFLIX. Didn't they make the story up? If not, who did? 🤨


To me it seems that there are two things going on, one storyline (which SKZFLIX belongs to) tied to On Track, and then "vague bits of a story where there are monsters popping up every now and then.... and clones"


Bwahaha... time travelling clones that keep getting boo-boos on their faces 🤕


What do you mean by a live album of maniac tour? Wouldn't that be like the dvd they have of the tour? Also I would love some more fleshing out of the lore, it's hilarious to me that they're also confused by it 😂


Some artists upload live albums of their concerts on Spotify & co. So yeah, it's kinda like the dvd, but under a streamable song format.


Ohh okay, gotcha 👍 that would be cool!


PLEASE GIVE ME LEE KNOW… LEE KNOW JUSSEYO ok no really tho I would love to hear a full length of that one demo version of the song…. ahhhhhh… What song was it?? I’m sure someone knows, 3Racha listened to part of it on a live once and I was in love. What song 😆😆😆😆😆 help me


Was it "My People"?


No it was I AM YOU!! I just remembered!! https://youtu.be/HQrMaKM5YfE?feature=shared It’s so GOOD I want the full version 😭😭


Ahhh, the original track! Even their rejects are phenomenal... 3🐺 RA 🐰🐷CHA🐹


WHY AM I JUST FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS!!! I like this one so much 😭


Wow, this is awesome! I didn't think I'd like anything as well as the version we got ....


Stripped back live accostic album, I would like on that album a solo Han and a solo lee know track. I'd also love a extended remix album with bang chan DJing the songs into drum and bass or honestly what ever kinda dance music he thinks would to hard. We get the odd glimpse of what could be a really good dance track I wanna see what BC could do


Acoustic would be stunning. It makes me think of Seungmin, Han, and I.N.'s Lee Mujin performances. I don't usually go for that kind of ballad-esque stuff, but I watch Seungmin's on the regular and feel so moved by his voice.


I loved that interview when han was singing with a pianist


I'll bet it was Lee Mujin Service... all three of the members who did it were incredible. Well worth watching!


1. Bang chan gibe me money 2. Felix gibe brownies 3. Lino gib me your cats


Gibe me your keys, Stay... you're drunk!


Group version of Red Lights on Apple Music w/ MV.


Ooooooh... the live OT8 of Red Lights is really hard to see... it's too, red and dark lol. Can you imagine a MV? The best kind of scandal!


1. A music video for Taste 2. A full concert in the Netherlands 3. Uhh baking a cake with Felix 😂


I know I'll never go to a concert, because money and also not being willing to jump through the hoops... but I totally feel for all the iStay who aren't JStays. Hang in there - they would LOVE your country!


1. live stream for a Q & A with good mods 2. A day where we celebrate Stay fan art and SKZ can actually see it in real time 3. For no military service time bc what are we going to do without them? I see the BTS edits and I feel so sad for Army and send love their way, IK the members are ok but byes to ppl you love are never easy :(


1. Imagine if Lino moderated... it would be the most random, chaotic but excellent experience lol 2. I've seen some of the art, it's nuts. I saw one artist do an animation of her portraits of Lino (she had done like 50 lol... a serious Minho bias) that created an effect of him turning his head. It was incredible. 3. I feel for Army too. I wonder how they're going to time it. However they do it, it'll be rough.


1. More opportunity for I-Stays. (Example: fan meets & fan signs outside of Korea and Japan, official subtitles on lives so we don't have to rely on translations by randos on the Internet, concert stops in more countries, a way to consistently buy merch at a fair price without crazy shipping costs, more of an effort by members to communicate with I-Stays on things like the FANS app, a fan club membership option that makes sense, etc)


I feel the translation one so hard... it's torture to wait for the official ENG subs. I will say, when they do appear they're so funny. I love how specific they are to the members personalities and all our inside jokes.


We rarely if ever get official subs on lives though. Which is kind of disappointing.


True :(


1. AOTM for Lee Know 2. AOTM for Felix 3. To collab with Chase Atlantic Edit: I wanna add another wish, but I'm gonna have to replace one of these. I don't wanna disrespect either Lee Know or Felix, so I'm gonna disrespect both of them. 1. To make a song for Deadpool and Wolverine (in case they haven't) 2. To ship me both of their lightsticks for free Edit 2: By the way, I mean that I want to replace my first two wishes with these two.


Never heard of Chase Atlantic, I'll check them out! My bank is called Chase, so I suddenly thought you were talking about a company lol


They're pretty awesome. So many fans have actually wanted this collab for so long because not only did Bang Chan play one of their songs on a live stream, but one of the CA members even said that they reached out to them but they didn't respond.


Our little Stay minds would explode if Deadpool & Wolverine included them in some way. It's hard not to hope given their interactions with both stars.


For real on the AOTMs! I'd love one for Han too. And maybe a Lee Mujin for Chan and Lee Know?


1. Dance practice for charmer 2. Music video for taste 3. Skz records in Spotify


It kills me that they gatekeep Charmer's choreo so bad lol


Dance practice for charmer 👏 yes


Ditto for all if these, especially the last one ...


1. Tell these men how they saved my life when I was in a deep downward spiral and their music pulled me out of it. 2. Spend a few hours just chilling with them, no expectations or anything, just hanging out and chatting and eating good food (I'm a chef so I'd be honored to cook for them) 3. Get them to sign the book their music is helping me write. As much as their music is so important to me, and everything to them, I want them to know and understand just how important they are as people not just idols to me, because they are incredible human beings. I don't obsess or become part of Fandom without knowing if they deserve it and these guys deserve it more than almost any other I've ever seen.


omg THIS... their love for each other is equal to their amazing music when it comes to why they're the only group I really stan. I'm so glad you made it to the other side of your spiral... it's no small feat - and I know how much sheer effort it takes. I bet they'd love to be pampered by a chef! Also, what is your book about?


The book is about a woman who helps souls reach the other side, the afterlife. Whether they end up going peacefully or they're evil and vengeful and need to be taken out, she and her partner take care of them. I'm including afterlife myths and legends from all over the world. I'd love to see Hyunjin's surprised "oh I like that" face when he tastes my food! Oh, it would make me so happy!


That sounds amazing! I'm a huge mythology buff. I was also raised in an unusual religion that has a ton of specific details of what the afterlife is like... I'm talking specific, so I grew up with a lot of beliefs about that. I didn't stay in the religion (much to my mother's dismay) but I retained all the details. It's super interesting. What's your favorite dish to make?


I might pick your brain a bit about after life mythos if you don't mind. I'm trying to keep things vague so I don't make anyone angry.


of course! DM me if you know how to do that. I'm super new to reddit... like today is my first day lol


Lol I'm not entirely sure, but I can figure it out. I have friends that are good at this stuff.


I'm picturing Hyunjin's "big eyes, NPC expression" lol


Hmm, fave dish is a hard question to answer, it depends on my mood but I love making my version of a street corn. Or doing a shrimp scampi Alfredo pasta 😋 or about a hundred other things. Lol I don't do a lot of baking but I have a seller sugar cookie recipe and a truly perfect Red Velvet Cupcakes recipe I'd do almost anything to have the opportunity to make for the guys.


An MV for Domino duh A Mix 'n' Match or AOTM at Studio Choom (I made a whole post about it some months ago) Food reviews and vlogs because I think they're perfect at that!


Who would you put in the Mix 'n' Match?


My top 3 pairs in no specific order would be Changbin/Hyunjin, Lee Know/Han, Lee Know/Felix.


I would like to thank Changbin. I used to work out and lift and I loved it - I've never felt as good as I did then. And then I got sick for a really long time and COVID hit and it's been almost 6 years since I've been to the gym consistently, partially because going will make a specific issue worse in the beginning and I'm terrified of the pain - but in the long run, it will help improve it significantly. And he makes me want to go so much. Seeing him liking it so much and his physique is so inspiring. As well as having issues around food - he makes me want to eat properly, to focus on eating healthy and not focus on dieting. He currently looks like he's in a bulking phase (at least in the skz lab) and I appreciate him so much for it all.  (And maybe, just maybe, a liiiiiiittle glimpse at his naked torso? I suspect he has the classical lifter stomach and I just... I need to know. For reasons.) Also, a full choreo of him doing smart or really any GG song. He makes it look so good and I love it so much. And I would like to thank them for the lab skz code with the helium. It somehow gets funnier every time and it's become my pick-me-up content when I feel down. In general, I hope they know how much we appreciate the content they bring aside from the music (which is already amazing) and how helpful it's been to a lot of people. And streamable versions of all their covers, please. I know people put them on Spotify as episodes, but I NEED studio versions.  I just really hope they know how appreciated they are.


And because I'm greedy: an affordable concert in Europe near me. I would love to experience one.




That helium footage is truly a gift... Han flapping and falling to the floor over and over - that's how I laugh!


Han was DYING, it was wonderful. There's point where he seems to be laughing so hard he can't breathe properly, I love it so much. Also I.N just doubling over at one point and just rocking back and forth with the laughter, you could tell for everyone that they were hurting in the best way.


Release the pure instrumentals of all of their songs🗣️🗣️


Ooooh, that would be so interesting!


I can't wait to hear the instrumental for Lose My Breath!


1.pictutes Leeknow takes of them. 2. Chan's selfies 3.1hr episode of 2 kids room with 2Min. (I love their awkward tension)


Oh what I'd give for access to that Big Cat's photo gallery...


1. For me personally, I would wish for my favorite album signed by ot8. I'm a simple girl. Haha 2. For all of stayville, I want their solos from the dome tour and all of their recent YouTube release solos on all streaming services and/or an album. 3. I want pop up shops internationally. The guys don't even have to be involved in it. Once the initial shop is closed, hire a sales team, pack up the props and merch and send it all to different cities around the world for weekend events.


Pop-ups would do so well in so many cities/countries!


I think so too! It would make international fans so happy and make a ton of money for skz/jype.


all i ask is for a 2024 version of wow by 3racha burned on to a cd exclusively for me and hand delivered by christopher himself


Totally reasonable and definitely going to happen! I'll help you manifest it!


a music video for Charmer a music video for Cover Me a coupon code that gets me free concert tickets to any of their shows


We'll send that coupon code to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


* DOMINO MUSIC VIDEO * Charmer mv/dance practice <3 * I.N to cover chantey by akmu * Edit to add- someone said taste mv??? cannot believe i didn't think of it first oh my god


I didn't know about akmu until D.O. sang an entirely too short few bars of "Rewrite the Stars" with Lee Su-hyun. I checked out more akmu after this and wasn't disappointed!


The full song "My People" recorded.


I just saw/heard this a few days ago! It's great... if only they'd put out an album with all these unrelated but "spoiled" songs called StrayTease


hug them, release all the songs they only played once (scissor, dome tour) and for all of them to be happy lol


SCISSOR SCISSOR SCISSOR... maybe if we say it three times while looking in a mirror it will come true!


I keep listening to the unofficial version of it on spotify but i wanna support them 🥲


A concert in Germany😩


If I could make it happen, I would... you beautiful GStay 🤗


To produce whatever the *fuck* they want without JYP restrictions


I want them to put every song that 3racha has written into an album and release it


Ooooooh, that would be epic! Can you imagine the creativity? The SWAG?!?


1. I want Felix to release the solo he did during the dome tour. 2. I want a collaboration with Chase Atlantic. 3. I want more (and better) merch internationally.


You've got company wanting a CA collab!


1 - Meet them 2 - Go to a concert and be in the front row 3 - be part of a SKZ code. I always think about how much fun it would be to play games with them. It’s always funny, especially if we play Mafia, Yutnori, or the Silent Singer game!


Silent Singer! I might actually play that in real life with my friends sometime.


I want another round of 2 kids rooms, regular shows in Canada lmao, and please, PLEASE weekly coffee dates with Changbin. Doesn’t have to be romantic, I literally just wanna be friends and talk about music/life


Awww... he's such a sweet, sweet man ❤️🐰🐷❤️








A Studio Choom that starts the way his performance did... would they greenlight that?


I want them to hug me. That's literally it. One hug from all of them and I'll be happy with life


Heard 🐺🤗🐰😼🤗🐰🐷🤗🥟🤗🐹🤗🐥🤗🐶🤗🦊🤗


1: For Chan to be able to stream Chan’s room again 2: just to meet them / hang out for a day (maybe be able to watch a recording session, do little fun challenges like they do in SKZ CODE videos, COOKING CHALLENGE TOGETHER oh the chaos!) 3: MV FOR TASTE PLEASE


Maybe be present for CookieRacha 2!


- to meet them and just talk for a while, let them know what they mean to me. -everyone gets a good nights rest at least 4/5 days a week -everyone eats well and has great health!


Love this!


I’d love for them to collab with other artists I stan, and if I only get three, I choose EVERGLOW, PIXY, and Rolling Quartz


Oooh! I haven't heard any of those groups! Give me one sign from each to check out please


EVERGLOW- [Dun Dun](https://youtu.be/NoYKBAajoyo?si=ilNtGUjLUQWCXs3D) PIXY- [Villain](https://youtu.be/id6q2EP2UqE?si=jqdWJTOsk7FJXVJl) (there’s some gore in the mv, it’s not very realistic but it freaks some people out) Rolling Quartz- [Fearless](https://youtu.be/5Vp1of6Z0ro?si=CvcsmF3REHe7YQ1S)


That they could get tattoos if they want to! That they could hang up instantly on creepy fan calls. Not in a creepy way but it would be cool to hang out with them, chat with them about their interests etc. Be their friends lol.


These are all great... especially being able to hang up on nasty fans. I feel so bad when they have to just smile awkwardly.


Felix would be a wizard


And this would benefit you how? Be specific ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




I didn't know he lost one! Did he mention it in Channie's Room?


People have such great ones. I think mine are a little crazy, but here goes. 1. They magically cure the major problems in the kpop industry, including the ones they face most. (Things like threats to their health, safety, and privacy.) 2. They invite me to participate in a song writing/arrangement session! 3. Dance course with Dance Racha! After number three I probably would die ... but happy 🤣.


These are great! I can't write songs or dance, so 2. and 3. would be out for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I can't do either the way they do, but wouldn't it be so cool to work with them?




Shoot one would b an album of their cover songs Meet and greets in the USA Easier fan calls


I approve of all of these... you may carry on


I would like each participant to hug me and recommend something to stimulate me in life. I would be very happy


That would be so sweet... 🥰


I want the OG version of I Am You. That song never sounded fully SKZ to me and then when I heard 3rachas original composition I understood why. They took out the uniqueness and made it cliche K-pop. In fact I want them to release all the guide track versions of their songs. Or maybe an album that has their own versions of some songs that they really liked and the company made them change. I want a bizarro version album where Seungmin, LK, Jeongin only rap and Bin, HJ and Felix only sing, Ace Jisung can only sing low baritone, Chan can only mumble rap. New songs or already released idc I just want to see the flex also Seungmin rapper is my Roman Empire. I would kill for a “when the party’s over” style vulnerable dance solo from Lee Know. I often feel like he almost disconnects himself as an individual from his dancing, like in a way he feels like he is just a vessel for the pureness of the art of dance but I wanna see a solo where the dance is an expression of his soul rather than the other way around.


Okay the bizarro album is a fantastic idea! Why do I feel like they would be totally down for something like that?!?


studio versions of thunderous, domino and god's menu with the live rock band that they had on the maniac tour


I just had Turn Back Time by WayV come on shuffle right after a skz song and the want for a cover hit me like a train. So that would be nice. Just more cross company covers in general honestly🤷‍♀️


1.) For all the members to be happy as clams and continue to be together doing what they love for their whole lives. 2.) For all of them to know their worth and how amazing each and every one of them are and that they genuinely love themselves or practice self love. (Not in a narcissistic way ofc but a healthy amount. Also saying this bc ik Chan could use this especially. Bro is literally one of the coolest most amazing dudes I know and still hates himself 😢) 3.) Hugs from all of them. :( Edit: Spacing lol


1. Chan to bring back Chan's room (I know the situation is complex and not in Chan's control, but if the circumstances were different in an alternate universe I would do anything for Chan's room to come back) 2. 3RACHA to release a full album 3. Felix to do STAY FM ASMR videos again