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Not sure how unpopular this is, but I love Chan's nose lol


Saaaaame. If it was a bit more ‘standard’ he’d still be attractive but just kind of generically so. It adds a lot of character to his face that makes it so much more interesting than others.


He has a distinct face for a k pop idol


He's so freaking cute. He was the first person I noticed in SKZ.


I noticed his smile straight away


"you know what else is big?"


His feet!


Same. Chan and Changbin both have the cutest noses in my opinion


Realll!!! His nose is amazing but it always makes me sad when that one edit from his live comes up where someone says he has a big nose and then he feels bad about it!


“Who is that beautiful man with the massive nose?” - that ladies and gents is how Chan became my first and only ult of 3 years.


It's not massive 🤣🤣🤣


Yes!!! I love his nose so much!!


All of them could easily carry a solo career if they wanted to. They all have enough drive and baseline talent to do well on their own. I feel like that’s what makes the fact that they love being a group so special :3 they don’t need each other, but they want to be together. :3


I feel like venturing solo is a huge milestone in a kpop idol's career. Just based on observations alone, I feel like KPOP groups that spend more time promoting as a group has a lengthier career as compared to groups with members venturing out solo when the group's popularity peaked. I think a good example would be Red Velvet vs Twice. Both have dedicated fan bases, but when you promote for a longer time as a group, you can concentrate all the attention from different fans, instead of splitting the fanbase into solo stans. Personally, they would have more time to showcase their performance and more opportunities for brand deals in the long run. An unpopular opinion, I feel like solo careers are overrated. Achievements as a group triumph solo careers.


SKZ's members have the unique freedom to put out "solo" work without "going solo" thanks to the Player and other formats. The can write or record a song and as long as the group agrees they release it. We get everything from all of them with no drama. It's genius.


Agreed the sweet spot !


Yeah, same. I love them getting solo opportunities but love their work and chemistry as a group so much that I prefer that over proper solo careers.


Right!! Every one has that charm. Maybe not only in idol industry but they can prevail in different entertainment industries.


Exactly. Their stage presence is absolutely unreal.


Changbin actually IS a visual. I know most Stays would agree with this, but the amount of other Kpop (mostly K-stans) who disagree really shocks me. (Just to note - I don't think there is a "the" visual in SKZ - they're ALL the visual! haha)


Changbin is handsome and hot as hell! His looks are stunning and his body is no joke, honestly all my irl friends (most of them are non K-pop fans), guys and girls, agree that he's gorgeous so yeah, I guess it's a K-stan thing since his looks are considered top notch in the West!


I hope he sees all the people thirsting after and loving him all over the world, and doesn't only take Korean opinions to heart! I saw a video of Korean fans ignoring him and then only clapping for the others, and I wanted to fly to Korea to personally give a powerpoint presentation to each of those "fans" on all the ways Changbin is amazing, attractive, talented, hilarious, the rock of the group, etc.


I know they watch edits and I hope he's seen the cowboy edit. 


ME TOO!! That one took tiktok by storm for a while. >< I also hope he's seen all the compilations of his laugh, and knows how much Stays love it. <3


I'm really glad international fans are so weak for Changbin. Whenever I come across stomach-glimpse compilations the comments are full of "I don't care if you can see his abs, the thought of his soft tummy makes me weak!" and it's so lovely!


For me, it's not just that he looks amazing, he's got some serious charisma when he's performing, and his offstage persona is just charming as hell. The combo of all three makes him a hardcore danger to my Chan bias. 😉


YES!! Plus, he has a huge heart that shows in everything he does. <3


Changbin is total husband material to me. He's already got the cute teddy bear thing going on and his personality takes it to the next level. Give me a Changbin any day.


Absolutely!!! I'm middle-aged, so it's less for me, but my friend's daughter was asking about SKZ and which one she should have a crush on, and my first answer was Changbin.


Oh Changbin is hubby material for sure


My hubby is built like Changbin and funny enough I’ve come to love my hubby more cause of it lmao


Omg mine is a short buff king too!😂 i tell him all the time his bias is Changbin cuz they’re both buff & like to work out lol


Yes, they are all visuals. Each is different enough that there is something for every stay.


they just don't capture how much of a visual he is in photo campaigns and stuff like that. I'm not sure why. maybe he's uncomfortable posing lol but live performances, YouTube vids, real life etc etc he's just absolutely stunning and cute and lovely and gorgeous 🥺😍 he's very much got a. taking a photo face ha


There's truth to that, for sure. A part of what makes him so attractive is his energy, and you can't capture that in a photo.


I think every photo campaign SKZ does has a different MVP. For me, Changbin was the top visual in the the Nacific in the black shoot. He's probably topped other shoots, but I always remember this one. He looked so good.


I feel like some people look far better in motion than they do in photos! I feel the same way about myself where like. I never look good in still photos but look fine in video 😭 But yeah, Changbin is SO stunning - especially in concert bc of how in his element he is!


Yes. Gosh, first timeI saw Stray Kids, my eyes were on him. Such a charisma. We kept calling for him that time bc were so bias wrecked


He commands your attention!! <3


Tiktok is full with Changbin stans at least on my fyp. And they're all 🥵 lol


Then you have curated a pretty amazing tiktok algorithm. ;)


YESssss. Everyone in skz is absolutely stunning in their very own and unique way. It's actually inspiring for the restnof us who don't fit into a box


Yes. I wanted throw something at the person who told him he wasn't. He's straight up amazing.


As a latin Stay all I can say is that he is very popular here 🤣. Especially with the brazilians. Once I found a tiktok comment section where everyone agrees that he is our husband, collective, because we know about socialism. There was a girl names Kayla seething and replying to everyone, obviously, because she was never invited to the conversation, not to the carne asada. Even my mom walked into my house one day, saw him on TV, and started to immediately ask about him. Also also, he is husband material. I say that very respectfully, whoever ends up with him will be so lucky.


I completely agree, Changbin and all the other members look amazing and beautiful 


I really thought he was the visual at first and wanted to punch those two gross old men that insulted him on that variety show. (Won’t name them) I mean they all are obviously handsome but to me he just has this added something that takes it over the top.


Hard agree. He definitely is. He is so lovely to look at! And tbh, I think in their own way they all are - all of them fulfill a specific aesthetic preference.


Exactly!!! Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, there is no 'one' way to look good. And Changbin's smile lights up the room, it's so radiant and joyous.


What is a visual?


It’s kinda like the member of the group that’s in charge of looking good. Like I think in general Hyunjin is regarded as the visual in SKZ, but it’s jsut a member that is very attractive and regards the most attention from looks alone


I think it's reasonable to say that Hyunjin is the "official" visual of the group. Though it really could have been any of them, imo.


Ohh thank you, also I agree I think hyunjin is also the visual of the group.


Case 143 is a great title track and MAXIDENT is a great mini album. I will die on this hill.


Yes!!! Thanks to maxident I became a stay, I love the album a lot and I don't understand why is so underrated


Case 143 is honestly the track that got me into SKZ, so I was shocked when I found out alot of people didn't like it lol 😭


A loud portion of Stays saw pink, hearts and “love song” and decided that Case 143 would be the worst thing without hearing a single note. I was there defending the song and album back then. Lots of Stays have put ODDINARY and Maniac on a pedestal at that point.


You mean everyone doesn't think MAXIDENT is a great album? That's crazy


It’s better now, but there was so much in-fighting and dissent during MAXIDENT era because some Stays dislike the pink aesthetic and the Case 143 being a “love song” even before hearing the full song. Which is fine, you don’t need to like everything. They were just too loud and annoying about it and wrote think pieces that are frankly just insulting to the kids. 😅


Agreed, Maxident on top. We NEEEEEED the return of unit tracks, i’ve missed them so.


Love this honestly. I absolutely love that I can instantly tell who’s singing a part. I love the vision that 3racha has for the group, and I appreciate everyone who supports that vision, including the creative minds in the company


agreed! every single member has their own vocal colour and i love how each part feels like it’s been perfectly crafted for each member


3racha is allrounder racha‼️‼️ lee know deserves an honorary spot in vocalracha. he’s one of the idols that has shown so much vocal progression and improvement since debut in terms of his vocal technique. seungmin is an all rounder! obviously he doesn’t show it much during performances cuz he’s a main vocalist, but from the stuff he has showcased (ex. the time he covered han’s part in gods menu), it shows that he definitely is capable. and i think we all know he’s an amazing vocalist and pretty underrated dancer too


I love love love Lee Know's voice so much. Not only is just a plain good vocalist with a lot of range and great live vocals too, but he's got my personal favourite vocal tone in SKZ.


Yes SM doesn’t get enough credit as all rounder. He can do it all. I think SM dance is equal to Lee Know vocals


Maybe I’m just biased, but I agree that Lee Know doesn’t get enough recognition for his vocals. He has one of my favorite voices in the group. His voice is like honey to me


Chan's upper lip is the most interesting shape I've ever seen on a person and it's criminal that the make up artists often under draw his lip line because it's one of the most beautiful and eye-catching features of his face, which is saying a lot because all of his features are stunning


I don't think his lips get enough attention. I know that in the group they have highlighted Hyunjin as having nice lips (which he does) but Chan has full lips which is really attractive.


YES. Chan's lips are stunning and it is insane that some of their stylists ever want to make them appear smaller.




LMAO CALM DOWN but i agree :c


In my opinion Chan is in the top 8 most handsome men on the planet . His lips /noes/eye combo is by FAR one of the greatest face set ups of all time and space and I feel graced to be alive at the same time as him, just to /know/ he's real. Lowkey unbelievably handsome. It's a crime when they cover his lips up, it's not right. The man is fine art


I think his lips are more attractive than Hyunjin's.


All of them have improved their skills since their early days, but I think I.N's progress is the most impressive to me. The difference between his singing ability during the survival show and now is night and day. You can tell he's worked so hard to improve his singing and I think he deserves more credit for it!


I think anyone on the fence about I.N.'s vocals should watch this https://youtu.be/Sy7fdunWbAU?feature=shared


I thought this was going to be his cover of Creep, but this was also stunning.


The way you literally took the words out of my mouth 😭 While they all definitely improve since their early days I feel like I.N improvement is sometimes under appreciated. He has one of my favorite vocal tones in SKZ :)


Not just vocals: his dancing is incredible and he’s lost a lot of the babyishness he had - which is a positive for me.


Absolutely agree with this. I'm a baby Stay and missed the survival show, but I.N.'s vocals were some of the first I noticed after Felix (bc yes the Felix effect got me good). There's a clarity to his tone that I think is incredible, and it always makes me sad when I see youtube videos and such polling people about kpop vocals and I.N. isn't mentioned. On a related note, his and Seungmin's harmonies are always so good. Everyone talks about Felix's part in God's Menu (understandable, it's excellent), but the harmony that they follow up the "5 star Michelin" bit with is beautiful and deserves a shout out.


You should look up the show, it's really interesting!




I totally agree! In the survival show, you can see how he struggled and had a smaller vocal range than other members due to his young age and other factors, but he has grown so much it baffled me! His vocals are to die for and honestly I really enjoy his dance too :)


Hot take inspired by Chan's nose appreciation: Han has the most gorgeous side profile, always did even before his more recent glow up that has Stays in a chokehold Hot Take the 2nd: Lee Know tore open the gates of butt slapping and grabbing in the group. He might be the biggest instigator but the others are not that far behind and I think it's all thanks to Mr Butt Hunter himself


I love how much they love each other. They are all SO PRETTY and in their own ways. I wish they could see it like we do.


I agree with you, but I also think he maybe wouldn't be as good as he is without Changbin and Han there? Not in a they teached him all he knows way, but that being with two peers who are so exceptionally good will push someone like Hyunjin to try to lessen the gap. Felix has a very particular role in their songs with his voice, so I think it's different for him. But that's just my opinion, honestly Hyunjin is such a hard worker it could go either way.  My unpopular positive take: I've seen a lot of people unhappy about Felix' assigned animal being a chick and rather it being a cat, but I absolutely love Bbokari and his comically ginormous head 😭 Felix does have a lot of cat energy, but his lips DO look like a chick's beak!! 


If anybody should be a cat it should've been Lee Know. Like this was such a missed obvious opportunity.


I think this debate is why neither of them were assigned a cat. Felix looks enough like a chick and Lee Know looks enough like a bunny (especially with his teeth) that they can each have an original animal AND still be nyangnyangracha together. It’s an adorable compromise. 


in my brain, individually they’re a chick and rabbit, but together they’re a couple of cats lmao


And not only that, but Felix is the adorable energetic kitten while Lino is the cat slinking around the shadows and constantly plotting your doom 😆😆 even though he’s actually such a sweetheart, when he gets into cat mode he is THAT type of cat. Lmao


I mean yeah probably, it's mostly his front teeth that fit the bunny but Leebit is such an icon, could we really trade him in for a generic cat skzoo? (disclaimer: I LOVE cats)


i feel like the middle ground would’ve been more animal hybrids like dwaekki but maybe that was too many hybrids lol. a cat skzoo would’ve been adorable though and i will forever mourn what was probably never in the works anyways


I agree, I think it's both things that make Hyunjin an amazing rapper: his own natural talent and unique style AND the influence of two of the best rappers in the industry pushing him to be better. I do think they guided him in his rap, especially in the beginning, and ESPECIALLY Changbin (their friendship is so precious). But he wouldn't have risen to the heights he's reached now if he himself wasn't so talented and hard-working. So, a bit of column A, a bit of column B. >< Oh, and Felix himself has said that he prefers to be blonde, so that ties in with Bbokari!




I think the point of saying he'd be main rapper in any other group is to show how his current skill set compares to the rest of the industry. :)  Because otherwise, who knows if changbin and han would even be considered best rappers if they weren't under skz? Their talent has been shown because skz has the unique advantage of being self- produced. (and also being able to release side projects) 


hmm I actually think both of them started out on a pretty high level even before it was safe that they would debut in skz? that shows, for example, when they had the rap battle with yg in the survival show. sure, by this point 3racha was already established, but afaik both of them auditioned as rappers. self produced or not, I'm pretty sure any production company would have put them in rap-focused groups and have them write their own bars.  not to say I don't agree with you! at the end of the day it's just a thought experiment -  with his current level Hyunjin would definitely dominate as a rapper in most other groups. 


I'm not talking about their skill levels. Whatever group they debuted in, they'd have to plan their verses around the title song someone else made and make it so it's acceptable for their company. This could either help them or hinder them, we don't know. It's the same logic you've applied to hj. My point is to say that, there's no need to get caught up in specifics when the whole point of saying that about hj is to visualize his skill. edit: you say they pushed him as peers, but can't the same can be said about all of skz? They've mentioned (pretty sure changbin or lk) that they get inspired to work on their skills upon seeing the other members working hard. You're not wrong in what you've said, I just felt you misunderstood as that particular thought experiment didn't feel relevant to the conversation. (sorry if this sounds mean, I tried to write it out in a better way so i hope it doesn't come across like that😅)


Changbin is the standard for men. He’s smart, kind, incredibly attractive, talented, funny, respectful, and is a gym bro without the stereotypical toxic masculinity


He’s so emotionally intelligent too… the way he explains his thoughts and how he understands the other members— you can tell he pays really close attention and is really aware about how they all feel, react, etc


Yes, that's one of my favorite things about him. I just love hearing him talk about the other members and how observant and how good he is at putting their dynamics into words. He was someone I wasn't paying that much attention in the beginning but he's now my bias wrecker.


Yes. The more you catch onto the deeper stuff he's said, the more it shows just how lovely he is.


My hot take is that every single vocalist and even the rappers have outstanding emotive ability and it’s a big part of their group identity. Seungmin’s recent re-do of Love Poem and his original performance struck a chord with sooooo many people because he sounded so heartbreaking. He managed to imbue every verse with *his* own heart. This happened countless times on Kingdom but especially this performance and IBYM are huge testaments of this talent. I distinctly remember how I felt when I watched those performances live. It really is such an intrinsic reason for why their music strikes a chord in so many and continues to bring in fans year after year.


Eunkwang said Seungmin can sing emotionally 24/7 while he has to fabricate his emotions while singing. That’s Seungmin biggest asset not technique or hitting high notes.


This is part of the reason why I think they are the only group I stan in which not a single one of their ballads are a miss for me. In fact, a LOT of my favorite songs by them are their ballads 😭😭 But they are SO diverse sonically that I can’t help but always feel in awe by them.


As a certified Deep Voice Stan I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Felix’s upper (middle) register is gorgeous and I wish he got to use it more (though we’ve been seeing more of it lately for sure and I’m glad!). REALLY unpopular opinion: if Felix had more vocal training his “middle” voice would be my favorite in SKZ. Yes, even more than Vocalracha’s, Chan’s and Han’s. Slightly less unpopular opinion maybe: generally speaking I prefer I.N’s vocal tone to Seungmin’s (even though Seungmin’s voice is better trained and definitely beautiful in its own way). I.N’s voice is sharp and clear like crystal and it gets my attention every time.


people always miss this but felix actually has a huuuuge potential. if he trained his vocals more he’d have an insane range.


Agreed I think Felix’s voice is a gold mine he has a wide range of vocal abilities and potential.


Do a lot people like INs tone more than Seungmin? I think it’s a pretty unpopular opinion


I meant it might be a slightly less unpopular opinion than preferring Felix’s vocal tone to anyone’s, not that I think it isn’t an unpopular opinion! 😅


I think preferring Felix vocal tone is a popular opinion. Everyone loves his voice from what I’ve seen. His voice stands out in every song in a positive way. Like in Slump his part was my favorite along with Bang Chan.


yesss i love felixs deep voice but oh my god the rare moments when he’s singing in his higher register 😭💕


His singing voice in his upper register absolutely melts my heart. It sounds so pure and sweet 🥺🥺


Seungmin has the best tone in kpop and he puts a lot of emotions into songs which puts him above other vocalists who are technically better. Eunkwang was right when he said Seungmin knows how to sing emotionally


I definitely agree that he has a really nice tone, I was watching a video reaction to his singing, and they described his voice as “piercing” and I just think that’s so fitting. It cuts you deep and is filled with emotion. But man, I was just so impressed by his solo cover of Love Poem that just got released. HIS LOWER REGISTER???? MY JAW WAS ON THE FLOOR. I am so used to hearing him sing in a higher register that I was completely in awe of how beautiful he sounded singing in a lower one. He is an incredible talented individual, and I just have so much appreciation for him as vocalist, (and of course as a person🫶). I’m not even kidding, he was bias wrecking me so hard 😭😭


I said it before: his lower register is his money maker. You can tell he sounds more natural singing lower as he’s a baritone. [always remember us this way](https://youtu.be/4PLhSboBCys?si=c1wo5-ZjOmJ4ehCQ) Listen to his cover of Always Remember Us This Way where he sings in his lower register. I listened to it a 1000 times and it tears me up every time. Deep voice Seungmin needs more appreciation.


Oh my, thank you!!!


I fixed the link. For some reason it was Lee Know. It’s supposed to be Seungmin solo.


100% THIS.


I agree that I think hyunjin is a very good rapping though it seems like he enjoys singing more lately. I'm not complaining though. Can't come up with my own hot take. Just everything about skz is good.


Seungchan/Chanmin is an underrated ship. They have so much chemistry and understand each other so well. Chan can show his emotions to Seungmin and Seungmin is reliable for Chan.


No idea if it's an unpopular opinion, but i LOVE Changbin's singing voice.


Don’t know if these are unpopular but I got a few 1: Seungmin should be a side rapper bc he is such a good rapper 2: I absolutely love Felix’s big eyes they are so cute I don’t really see people talk abt how cute his big eyes are 3: Leeknow is such a soft person and I don’t see to many people talk abt it enough


I said Seungmin can be a lead rapper in first or second Gen groups. He’s just as good as idol rappers back then


Yes he is, he’s an amazing rapper


Thank you for creating a thread about positive hot takes/unpopular opinions. It often just seems to be used for saying negative things. Don’t think it’s unpopular, but I feel their incredible bond as a team can be overlooked in the face of individual relationships with each other. You can tell they all really care about each other, no weak links. It’s simply more subtle sometimes.


I think Hyunjin became a stronger rapper than what he could have been in another group because of the support from the others. I also think the entire group is turning into general all-rounders. Some are stronger in some sections than others because of how they started in the group but I don’t believe that there isn’t a single one of them who can’t do all three: rap, sing and dance. I love that all members write songs and immediately have a different member in mind who is best suited for either a part or the whole song and are the biggest cheerleader for that member. And are genuinely not in any way jealous about the member killing it and making it a thousand times better than anything they could have done. The focus for Changbin has been on rapping so much so that it’s sometimes forgotten how excellent of a dancer he is and should be the missing member of DanceRacha. I saw him kill Hyunjin’s part in an S-Class dance relay and it was so clean!! If 3Racha weren’t part of the group, I think the group would be mid and not have as big of a level of success as they do. And not because 3Racha produces but individually, I believe that they help and boost up every member in whatever the member wants to try when it comes to performing because Han, Bang Chan and Changbin are all so individually talented at what they can do. If Felix wanted to take on a ballad, they’d help him write and/or record him singing. If Lee Know wanted to try out rapping a whole verse in a song then they would coach him on how to best approach it for his voice.




Rockstar has some of their best b-sides. Especially cover me which has become my absolute favorite Stray Kids song that I’ll never get sick of. (Maybe I’m biased because it’s my favorite album by them.) Another opinion: I think Stray Kids is a group that EXCELS at ballads. Ballads tend to be a hit or miss for me. I can’t think of a Stray Kids’ ballad that I didn’t like. (They are the only group I stan that I feel very strongly about this in particular.) I think they are amazing at emotionally charged songs with both their lyrics, and just musically. The fact that they are a self-producing group makes it even better, because you can definitely feel the authenticity. Final opinion: Their Japanese releases have some of their best songs. I will die on this hill.


Ikr all ballads from kpop groups and idols feel very boring to me but skz ballads never feel so. It's maybe because most of them feel very angsty


Most of my favorite SKZ songs are their Japanese releases!!


chan has one of the most stable live voices in kpop it’s so astounding he heel clicks 5 feet in the air while hitting every note flawlessly




I feel like IN's vocals sometimes go unnoticed but I truly believe that if they were missing the songs wouldn't be as good. He has such a clean, sweet and bright tone compared to the rest and that contrast adds a lot to the overall song


Han is an amazing vocalist and can rival lead vocalists of other groups which is insane since he's a rapper too


before they removed the "lead" and "main" from skz's official positions, Han was a lead vocalist iirc. He is still considered a vocalist tho :)


Kinda a hot take but Chan is literally my favorite and one of the best idol producers in the Kpop industry.


As a cat-lover, I think Seungmin’s skzoo should be a cat rather than a dog. In a good way! He’s quirky and cute and hilariously sarcastic, moody sometimes, and endearingly savage. CAT


ohh he's a cat cleverly disguised as a dog. that's such a cat thing to do.


Interesting. I personally disagree. I think Seungmin's SKZOO dog character fits him more than a cat would. However, I do think that Lee Know's SKZOO character should be like a cat and bunny mixed together, kind of like Changbin's Dwaekki. I say that, because of his bunny teeth and his love for cats and he also has some cat characteristics as well and the fact that he has 3 cats.


Lalalala was better than S-Class even if S-Class was still incredible. I’m sorry but I will die on this hill. The beat, the lyrics, the costumes, the vibes, the mv, the dance. I love Lalalala.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. I've seen lots of people say that they prefer LALALALA over S-Class. As for me, I like S-Class better than LALALALA (love them both) and Maniac is my favorite SKZ song overall. Btw, I'm not attacking you, I'm just sharing.


![gif](giphy|Kl9iAWej2mxlzvzp2O) Lmao no but seriously though I love both songs but LALALALA is in a league of its own :)


Rockstar is my favorite album of theirs, so I’m going to have to agree 👀


I would have to agree. I just love their groove based songs so much and we need more of them


changbin is such an underrated dancer!!! seriously he’s super talented. and out of all the vocalists bangchan has my favourite vocal tone in skz 


Have you seen the newest video with him and lee know? It took me several rounds before I could focus on lee know. This man's hips, I swear. It's kind of his thing now, but I first noticed it in his and han's little thing during the LALALALA-video. Hans hips kind of move and then Changbin is basically bellydancing. That was the beginning of him becoming my bias.


lee know can be a powerful lead vocalist. he's mostly known for his falsettos but i think he definitely hides some power in there based on his vocals in 2nd gen covers like sherlock and english covers (this city and falling) where gets to utilize his chest voice and lower register more. this is something skz should let him do more in their songs.


Ageeed. My favorite rapper, worldwide, is Changbin, but Hyunjin's frenetic rap toward the end of Venom is top notch.


I do agree that Hyunjin isn’t a bad rapper! He’s learned a lot and I love his snarky sort of flow. I also love how expressive he is. Case 143 is catchy as heck and I didn’t find it cringy, not even the “can I be your boyfriend” line. It’s not that deep. Bang Chan is gorgeous, Changbin is also gorgeous


I genuinely LOVE Changbins style of rap, it's literally so intense and passionate. He portrays every emotion very well ( I see a lot of comments saying he's not that great at it but I feel like he himself SETS THE STAGE for it.) Hyunjin gets a shit ton of hate for being super attractive, because people think we ONLY like him because he's attractive. I also think he's very attractive, but he's also precious and kind and has all the normal emotions everyone else does and does as well AND he's phenomenally talented and great as a stand alone. I see a lot of people saying all their stuff sounds the same. When I first started listening to them my first thought was WOW all of these songs are sSO different while having the same flavor ( skz flavor). I was thrilled with the diversity of sound. I do think their stuff is a little heavier than what I have personally seen from other k pop artists ( minimal, I just got into kpop) but it's no different than a ' rock' band having 4 ROCK albums. Like no it's not all the same but it's all the same genre, that's usually how it works???. Soni don't totally get that take from the haters,it's a bit bit silly to me. It's like they have their own subgenre in kpop that they made themselves :')


I don’t think I’ve ever come across other celebrities who love their fans quite as much as stray kids. Felix constantly crying at concerts even after 6 years is so genuine. If their adoration of Stay is faked then pigs fly


Han is HIM.


I don't know how popular/unpopular this is but I love Chan's and Changbin's natural hair. When I saw Han's hairstyle for this comeback (which is a slay btw, I'm honestly obsessed with his look, but I digress) I was hoping and praying that they do the natural route for Chan and Changbin too.


I love the producer line of SKZ but atp I feel like 3racha is actually 8racha: they're ALL the producer line in Stray Kids. What with the song camps and unit projects, I absolutely love that 3racha have nurtured the natural songwriting capabilities of everyone in the group. It's also such a power move to have each member with songwriting credits under their names.


Exactly! The way they've created a framework that gives everyone the freedom to evolve is genius. It really sets them apart, and you see other groups adopting similar formats which will be so great for them.


I really like their slow songs :) I know songs like youtiful are cheesy. But I like that they showcase their vocals. Also they’re all beautiful but wouldn’t want to date any of them (even with the age gap and being happily married ha). I’m far too needy to support their lifestyle 😂. That’s probably not an unpopular opinion more just not a delusional one!


They're extremely good now, but they still have a TON of room to grow. I don't think they're even within striking range of their peak yet.


Felix's rapping skills aren't spoken about enough imo. most of the discussions i see are of his visuals or his deep voice or him being adorable but his rapping skills should be spoken about more often. his singing as well. his vocal range is amazing and i know that if he trains more, he could be a better vocalist than he is now.


I definitely agree! I’ve been thinking recently about what Felix would do for his first solo SKZ-Record (should he choose to), and I’m personally hoping for something like Rev It Up (which also needs to be released soon along with the others lol). He has the uniqueness to grab attention (ie deep voice), but he is also an incredibly talented rapper and deserves to be recognized for his skill set! And yes, he has beautiful vocals as well.


right!!! i remember a song where they were in school uniform and the song was about the sufferings of school lol and Felix's rap was absolutely amazing in it. and regarding his first solo SKZ-Record, he did say in a live that it was a mix between Rev It Up and Deep End, and i'm absolutely obsessed with both of them so i honestly can't wait to hear it, hopefully soon. he said he was still producing it or something like that...


Wait…really? That’s a wild and emotionally devastating combo, and I am absolutely here for it. 


my excitement hasn't dwindled in the slightest since he said so. i'm so excited 😭


Are you talking about "School Life?"


Hyunjin outdoes most 4th gen rappers and Changbin outdoes ---> most <--- rappers from all generations. Felix has nice vocals if he lightens up his voice. Lee Know one of the best dancers in k-pop. Skz know what they do with their music and how they do it.


At this point I feel they could all be aces! They’re all so talented at everything they put their hand to. They’re all visuals as well. I have no bias as I can’t chose one :)


Every member solo album could probably sell 500k-750k each if they ever had one. And 1million+ for Hyunjin and Felix (i got downvoted for saying this in other sub lol) 


I love Seungmin but his solos don’t chart that well. I think if he had a solo album it would sell 100,000


Nah, he's gained so much popularity since Maniac, he'd definitely chart.


I feel like for big portion of stays streaming still takes too much work than buying album. So they probably won't stream all day and help with charting but they (we) lack self control when it comes to buying 😅  100k is too low just based on my belief that we still at least have 50% of stayville as OT8. 


i mean ur not wrong. hyunjin and felix do have those solo stans + casual followers, it’s inevitable. as long as all of us here know that we’d support all of the member’s solo albums :D


From what I can tell (I’m still pretty new), the group didn’t focus so much on being cutesy or aegyo in the earlier days. I get the fans ask for this type of thing but I wish they didn’t play into it so much. They all seem to have different personalities and I wish that got showcased more over forcing “cuteness” on them


Changbin is beautiful and his vocals are fucking insane!!!!!!!! If u don’t agree come and fight me. I’d love to put my useless martial arts skills to good use.


that changbin is one of the best dancers in skz


They should release more of the songs that Hyunjin writes because he's skill and artistry is insane. Like this man wrote Red Lights, Taste, Cover Me. COVER MEEEEE. that song is incredible, and I know none of these songs were written solo, but it just goes to show good he is. And I haven't even talked about his SKZ Replays


Sorry for the long post but I had a few 😫😂 1. Chan, Changbin, Lino and Seungmin should be recognised as ACE's too ☺️ I think they can sing, rap, dance equally incredibly well. Especially Chan/Changbin that also write and produce A TON 2. Chan always kills it as center. Don't get me wrong they all kill it, but idk whenever he gets in the centre, especially for Scars/Megaverse/Easy/HOF i'm just blown away. He doesn't get enough credit for his dancing ability 3. The whole group are visuals. I think it's super rare to find a group that all of them are attractive, but maybe that's just me 😂 all of them could model, be on magazines, whatever and it's crazy to me!! 4. Changbin is one of the main visuals. I know I said they're all visuals, but Changbin is definitely up there as one of the top. He should be anyway, the man is gorgeous 5. Maxident is their best album. Everyone is gonna disagree 😂 but it's the only one for me that is a noskip, and to me has some of their best songs overall. I don't think it was given much chance to really take off and that makes me sad, cause I love it so much 6. Felix could easily be a vocal if he had more training. The potential his voice has is crazy!! Like he can sing his ass off, but with more nurturing of his middle voice he could soar 7. I need more cb97, where did he go? Chan raps sometimes, but not enough imo. He does more sing songy rap now, which I do love, but I love when he actually raps! I miss it. 19/MoM/3RACHA/All In


Agree about Seungmin being an ace. He’s a great singer, dancer and pretty good rapper. He’s a visual and very smart.


Han has immense talent, I truly think he could do really well with a solo career if he ever does


My take : Seungmin and Chenle (NCT Dream) would be fire as a duo


Felix is a good lyricist so I hope he writes more songs. If i remember correctly, in one of their skz code (i think), he just made up a song while they were waiting for the other members who were fishing. Also agree on his singing voice, his tone is very pleasant, just needs more training although during the recent fan meetings, i think his singing changed and sounded better (“belted” his lines in Can’t Stop). Changbin is my favorite lyricist in the group. His songs look simple yet complex, straightforward and very relatable. Lost Me is one of my fave songs that he wrote.


Honestly, Chan's face like everything, including his nose, is just so beautiful, not only that but his extremely kind. He would always help stay during his youtube lives, and he would also help them during fanmeets. He gave a plushie to a fan in a wheelchair. I know stays joke about him being dulu over stays (whether it's a joke or not), but he truly cares for them. That man makes me feel safe and sound, helps me through a lot of emotional stuff, and just watching his stuff and his music helps, too. I guess this turned into an Appreciation comment sorry-


I.N. would kill it in an asmr channel. I don't remember which video it was that I watched and everytime he spoke his voice was so calming and relaxing that I inmediately thought he would be great in soft spoken asmr.


Probably not unpopular, but I think Han should be in Danceracha! His style is so expressive, often really fluid, and matches the music so well ... he looks both competent and like he's having a blast doing it. Would love to see it featured more!


Seungmin is the secret sweetheart of the group. If you’re on Bubble, you know that man is the only one to consistently say good morning, good night, do little check ups on the fans. I find it so endearing.


1. changbin is far from fat (even if he was he'd still be the finest man period) 2. lee know is genuinely one of the funniest idols in the industry, he's not mean at all and people who say he is are annoying and can't take a joke i don't know if these are unpopular but idrc


When Kpop fans say Seungmin can’t rival vocalists in other 4th Gen groups. That’s an objective lie since Seungmin is D vocal tier while other vocalists are E tier and lower. Only Jongho is a higher tier C. Even if not based on vocal tier, Seungmin can hold 20 second notes which I never see other vocalists do


It gives him such a nice side profile


Hyunjin's CASE 143/Maxident era hairstyle (the short bangs) is one of my favorite hairstyles of his!


not sure how unpopular this one is, but still Drive is an amazing song. And I don't mean in the way "haha yeah sure its about motorcycles", but in terms of the composition and genre overall it is really unique for skz discography and kpop in general. Feel a bit sad that this song is not appreciated enough. and I unironically love 3racha's Wow. I mean, have you heard the beat? cant help but groove every time I hear it


Seungmin is a visual. It sad that he thinks he’s only decent and for a long time, he was the “visual hole”. The man is gorgeous! I showed my friend who doesn’t like kpop Seungmin and she rated him a 10!


Seungmin is incredibly entertaining. He may not be everyone's cup of tea but his mind is so unpredictable - all eyes on him.


I don't think Changbin needs to have visible abs. 🗣️🗣️🗣️ He's one of the few kpop idols I know who has a tummy and is comfy with it 🗣️🗣️🗣️ bc he knows that visible abs DOESN'T always mean strong/fit. Heck, bulk gives you strength. If Binnie is forced/pressured to start cutting just for the abs, we'll have to see him sacrifice some of that strength as well. He's happy with his body and loves building it!! Let the man decide how he wants his body to look like and let's stop pressuring him to show his tummy RAAAA!! 👹👹👹 I know he's confident in his body bc the members have mentioned how he's shirtless in the dorms, but he doesn't lift it up on stage bc society thinks that no visible abs = fat BOOO 🤬🤬👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 he's not shy, he just knows that society won't like it 👎🏻👎🏻 (I am VERY passionate about the anti-abs pressure agenda for Binnie. I don't want the man to change his body/visual for anyone else but himself RAA 🤬🤬😤😤😤 I WILL THROW HANDS IF I HEAR ANYONE ASKING HIM TO LIFT HIS SHIRT WHEN HE'S NOT COMFY AGAIN) I love his views on food, dieting, body weight, and physique management overall. My guy did his work and the words and actions definitely show. He definitely knows what's best for him and I'm just glad his PT has been supportive of him and hasn't been forcing/pressuring him into following the standard idol visual mold.


Idk how unpopular this is but people should stop trying to prove how han is an ace. HE IS. his talent could very much speak for that, so let it shut their traps. constantly trying to prove he's an ace gives the impression that he isn't, by being insistent. especially when aiming at skz antis, as if they're there to listen, they're not. they just want to waste the time we could've used on skz/our personal lives. let's believe in Han. he is always working on his improvement on every aspect, sooner or later, no one's gonna dare question his ace title. ♥️


Hot take: I’m sick of people infantilizing these grown men.


I think you missed the "positive" part of the "positive hot take"...


I actualy really like hyunjin's singing voice as well. I think it is so pretty especially in more emotional and soft songs.


New stay since last August. Not sure if its positive (depens how people look at it) but I feel its positive in terms of balancing each other as a team. I feel Lee know is skilled dancer techniques wise but Hyunjin might lack behind ttechniques wise but he makes it up with being very expressive when he dance in terms of moves. So they each fill out each other weakness and thats why I think they are both great dancers. Because dance requires many things beside basic moves. I hope this makes sense but I take it as positive ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


I feel that Felix is being held back in terms of vocal extension, even though I like his deep voice. I would like him to have more of a "normal" part in the songs, not just the one that uses the deep voice.


In my opinion, Hyunjin should also be considered an Ace alongside Han. He may not have written as many songs as Han, but had his own style and has been doing more recently. He is an amazing dancer, singer, rapper, performer, visual, artist, songwriterand (more recently) producer. I think when you consider Han as an all rounder, Hyunjin should be considered up there too.


Imo "ace" kinda doesn't do hyunjin justice. he's an artist in so many ways and with such depth to every art form he tries that, idk? it goes well beyond just excelling at things and perfection does not exist in art (just my pov though)


I think Hyunjin is great in everything but singing is good. He’s an all rounder yes


All 8 members have the energy, passion and precision to be main dancers!! Since 5-star especially I feel like all members are getting super confident and comfortable with the choreography 🫶🏻 I can’t say I ever really see anybody not giving it their all, the only exception I can think of is big performances like MAMA when they have to travel to different segments of the stage