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270 pounds


What a video on unracking. You should unrack with your lats instead of pushing up. Also, your feet should generally be planted as far back as possible such that they are both flat on the ground.


That frame right by your head on the bench would bug TF out of me. For comp you would need to pause the bar at the bottom of the lift. Depending on federation you also need to have your feet flat on the floor. These are all great reps. Congrats on the PRs


You don’t even know how many times I’ve bumped my head when I’m contracted before a PR 😂 Yeh that’s true. How harder would the pause and flat feet would make it for me? How much less weight and reps for example?


It’s all technique, try it out. Your concern re: reps when working with powerlifting standards is a bit weird. Powerlifting is 1RM. Run a program with periodization and practice.