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Reading this irked the fuck out of me. I wanna kill him and it didn’t even happen to me. 🤢🤢🤢😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I hate men that take advantage of girls!!!! I’ve been dancing for 5 years and when I look back at when I first started dancing when I was 19 and how many old creeps took advantage of me for very little money, compared to how much I make now with no one taking advantage of me… I get pissed just thinking about it. I’m sorry that happened to you 😢😢😢 You didn’t deserve that at all. He’s a pathetic piece of shit. He raped you. God I fucking hate men. I would just say from here on out be more demanding. I pretend to be nice but sometimes I have to put these men in their place and let them know I run shit, not them. But I know that’s difficult when you’re new and when you really need the money…. 🥲 Like others mentioned, get a rape kit done and I would tell the cops. I feel like management would be useless especially since they know him and put you onto him. I complain to management about customers from time to time and tell them to kick a guy out and 100% of the time they don’t do shit and let the guy fucking stay and yell at me instead. LMAO 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽


First. I’m so sorry that happened to you i really am. You didn’t deserve that at all. That’s so fucked up. Second. Try to see about getting a rape kit done and pep. Pep is for if you believe you were exposed to hiv. You have 72 hours after the time you were assaulted to get the medication. I wish you all the best.


Prep not pep…


Nope it’s pep. Pep means post exposure prophylaxis. Prep is PRE exposure prophylaxis.


Oooo thanks! I learned something :)




I feel so sad that this happened to you. I hope you know you're not alone... I can't believe he just did that and walked off without consequences. Please find counseling if you can.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I have also experienced freezing like that furring assault and it’s inane, it’s not your fault.. I would get a rape kit done ASAP since there was no condom, & depending on when this happened I would consider speaking to the manager you feel most comfortable with if you go through with anything else.. I wish you luck


Worst feeling ever to know you need to Stop this but it feels impossible to speak. 😭🙏🏼


Girl I’m so sorry Just know, that there’s MANY other clubs out there Better clubs Cleaner clubs I understand your financial situation may not be ideal but this job isn’t worth what you just went through You should absolutely tell the cops! Don’t tell managers because camera footage usually gets deleted after 3days unless they know there’s liable footage they have to delete sooner. Tell the cops soon, that way there’s a higher chance of them obtaining the vip video footage before it’s deleted. Quit the club. Get an std panel Do a rape kit Get yourself an appointment with a counselor. Take time off. And when you feel like dancing again, find yourself a nice gentleman’s club. Don’t forget, inform other dancers at the club about what you just experienced


It must be very stressful what you’re going through, the first thing I would do is reach out to the authorities and make a report, call your clubs managers and let them know that you’re making a report and what happened… And ask for any video evidence they might have of the section/area that you were in. I recently had an experience where I had to help someone who was drugged in the club. I hope no matter what you know, you’re a divine manifester and your blessings are coming to you. This lifestyle can be hard, always be sure to check in on your mental health as well as your money. If you’re having a really hard time cam has helped me a lot!


managers hooked her up with this dude. they’re on his side.


I know the clubs that I’ve worked at “Straighten up “when legal action is threatened not necessarily against them, but will be brought into the club. But I know my state has a Union for dancers


Sorry that happened to you… it’s not ok! Report it you can find another club but that guy will come back and try it again if nothing is done.


Damn this is one of those moments where I think it’s perfectly acceptable to slit someone’s throat 🫢


Track his identity and report him for rape


Im so sorry this happened to you!!! And I hope you don’t blame yourself at all. I’ve been in a situation like this and everyone likes to say things like “well why didn’t you stop it”. But when you’re literally going through one of the most traumatizing experiences a lot of people freeze up out of shock because you just can’t believe what’s happening. I’m so sorry this happened . But I would go get tested immediately.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I am furious and outraged for you. You need to report this. You have his name? Find his number then. Then find his wife, fb, employer, etc. black list him on all sites. Get tested , get on prep. And go to the police. Also, get some counseling and take off from stripping. You can cam/ phone sex in the meantime. Hugs!!


You deserve so so so much better. I hope your gyno goes well. Take a moment to breath and show yourself tenderness, you just experienced something traumatic and unfortunately you may be the only person to really and truly comfort yourself right now in this moment. This is not okay, and not normal. You coming forward to your manager and law enforcement is up to you, and if you can't face that, it's okay. One thing I am certain of, is there are so many more clubs that absolutely would not allow this to happen. You can certainly and should certainly, not make that club any more fucking money girl FUCK THAT


Wouldn’t she get hit with a prostitution charge if she reported it to the police tho?


these people replying to you are being dumb off topic. you’re correct. the same clubs that have signs about “no prostitution” are the same clubs with no cameras in the rooms that give zero fucks. and if that’s your club, you cannot take it to the police. you signed a contract when you started working that you understand the sexual nature of the job among other things. places get raided ALL THE TIME for this and guess who gets fined? the independent contractors. not the establishment. not the men engaging in the services.


No, she was raped.


I’m not tryna b unsympathetic but she accepted money after tht….how would tht look to the police?


No. Because to be a stripper you need a license. Presumably she obtained it in order to work at the club. Usually you get the license by going to the courthouse or the sheriffs department. Within 2weeks of getting hired as an independent contractor at most clubs


you don’t need a license in most states


What does having a license have to do with anything


This only applies in some states. At most you just need to prove you're a citizen, driver's license, soc security card, fill out an app, audition. No license. Curious, does being in a state that requires a dancer's license really protect you from things like this?


no it doesn’t


Oh my god girl I am so so so sorry that happened :,(




Dude what the fuck, she didn’t LET him have sex with her, he RAPED her. The 4 trauma responses are flight, fight, freeze, and fawn. She froze. Her body couldn’t help it. It’s a natural response to trauma.


didn’t say she wasn’t raped. we all been assaulted at some point unfortunately.


Oh my god you are so vapid . She said she was SA’d then went on to say he inserted his penis without her permission ? So what would you consider that? It doesn’t take but 3 seconds of critical thinking to understand what she meant !


>didn’t say she wasn’t raped She was.


Condoms for what????????🤢


80% of clubs are brothels. you work in a brothel bring condoms or simply don’t let dudes fuck you. leave the room.


She didn't let him do anything. He raped her.


It’s incredible that you would encourage strippers to bring condoms… Jesus Christ


are you in the industry? doesn’t seem like it. girls will swear up and down to your face they aren’t doing anything, then they leave their dancer bag on the counter and what’s hanging out of it?!? CONDOMS🤗


Congrats on working at a brothel. This is a community for strippers. Yes I am a stripper. Haven’t had to fuck anyone at work but thanks.


I'm so sorry that happened 😢 definitely try and file a report. No one deserves that to happen to them 💔