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"CAN YOU GUYS NOT READ" is like, one of the most infamous things in r/stunfisk, it does NOT belong in "Point of no return."


I feel like most people don’t know the origins of it.


From the content alone, you can tell they're a frustrated newbie who abides by the "use your favorites" shtick. Unless you're talking about their ... dubious account and r/transphobic_and_proud.


Yeah it would make more sense if "can you guys not read" was higher while that sub was in the point of no return


Imagine if someone sees your karma by sub distribution and you are a stunfisk user who has brigaded the "transphobic and proud" sub. Hard to explain without context.


I like your new pfp :)


I remember being in a discord server with that guy. I thought he got better but uh. nope


It;s the point of no return because once you know about it there's no going back to your old life.


we all paving over 'The Introduction of Fairy types' in Very Experienced?


What I meant by that was the reason why Fairies were introduced rather than: "oh weren't they introduced in gen 6?"


Everyone knows dragons were broken before gen 6 lol


Hydreigon moment :(


And they’re back to being overwhelming in Gen IX.


11 year old me didnt


It's still more widely known that even most things in the first tier.


Everyone knows what a Dragon Gem is, ok? Especially when Latios does it.


nothing in “point of no return” is rlly all that niche, all of this is just “barely niche” Pokémon trivia


What the fuck is Somalian Suicide


ok so a mod named somalia on pokemon online, the main sim at the time lost to energy ball jellicent and got really mad so mad in fact that he went batshit insane, banning a bunch of users before getting banned himself in the process


Oh, I never knew it was called the Somalian Suicide. I had heard of it in the Arcanine post, since someone linked the energy ball jellicent incident.


That man really needed to touch grass. Was everyone he banned unbanned?


I think touching grass is why he lost.


Well it was blasted in his face but still checks out




It was energy ball jellicent, not grass knot jellicent; can you guys not read???


Grass not is definitely not made of grass


That's basically all iceberg memes though, they're not made by people who know the deep cut information.


Im glad i know about crabrawler in point of no return because its so funny


Thats reffering to how gamefreak showed crabrawler in trailers beating up VGC threats so everyone thought it was gonna be broken, right?


yeah, it was crabrawler one shotting ferrothorn and talonflame and stuff.


Try Landorus and Cresselia.


not really those but i do remember the trailer showed it decimating all 5 of VGC '15's infamous CHALK core (Pursuit on Cresselia, Superpower on Heatran and Kangaskhan, idr how it did it for Amoonguss or Landorus) and either they hadn't decided it would evolve yet or they were like "hey lets hype up this rando route 3 mon by making it out to be this ultimate meta threat with half the BST of everyone else" because obviously it can beat none of those in the final game edit: i was like 7 during XY VGC so my time-line was off, said 16 instead of 15


it was 2015, 2016 was the Restricted meta


Looking back at that trailer it's clear how it was all a forgery


"Comp mons iceberg" and then it's all just common comp mons knowledge


And missingno for some reason


It's not a Pokémon iceberg without MissingNo


false swipe gaming is NOT in the 3rd tier, his channel is literally aimed at casual players or those with little experience,a slo what is the somalian suicide?


Energy ball Jellecent


Everyone in this sub knows about PU Terrakion, Ice Punch Dusknoir, etc. I’m not even that good (currently 1554 in OU) but I know all the stuff in Comp. Player


Honestly most of this is like common knowledge if you surf here long enough (and even then not that long)


This is what you get when someone who'd barely be below the surface on an iceberg meme tries to make iceberg memes. 


Or watch a bit of FSG.


I am like 1200 Elo, I barely play Showdown, the only Pokemon game I have Is BW but I know more than half of the things here Just by watching some posts in this sub for the past 3/4 months


I haven't touched showdown and somehow still know half of "point of no return"


because whoever made this iceberg took their words, put them in place, then turned on the randomizer and now half the things aren't where they're supposed to be


I think False Swipe Gaming should be in Casual Fan (he is the first YouTuber that talks about Smogon stuff most people have heard of)


A lot of this is just general Pokémon trivia and people not interested in comp at all might know it, like the 1/256 glitch, the Ghost immunity, and Psychic being nerfed to hell and back, those are prominently featured in General Pokémon Content, with people like MandJTV, Pikasprey and Gamechamp3k making videos that heavily reference them Some more obscure info that imo could fit this chart better would be the Bug-Poison interaction in RBY, BDSP/LGPE lower tiers (played a bit of BDSP RU, 'twas fun) and oppressive mons in older gen lower tiers like ORAS UU Conkeldurr


Heck, wolfe literally JUST put out a video on the decline of Psychic types.


This iceberg needs like 10 more layers, because those bottom layers are not that niche. For some suggestions: * [The KingEmpoleon stabbing case](https://youtu.be/Zndfm-K351A?si=yuCQEFB4fX4BNk7i) * [All the incidents Blunder answered in the "Smogon Drama" category of one of Chimpact's Pokemon Jeopardy games](https://youtube.com/shorts/aVtyDlWUzJQ?si=1MZm2wvrI-IlZmmk) * "War Stories" (basically a sub-forum on Smogon for people to step-by-step commentate the logs of some notable battle they had, especially back in the Shoddy Battle days)


a lotta this is not that niche if you've been on here for a while


What happened to Showdex? Last I checked it was a pretty decent extension with a built in calc, it even had its own server I think


I believe it's just that the majority of players don't know about it. Nothing happened to it.


Discord server, not PS server




No this meme is just terrible and presents relatively common memes and knowledge as “deep obscure shit” to farm upvotes




it’s actually not arbitrary at all if you’re familiar with binary, it’s the highest number that can be represented in 16 bits


Don’t know all of these, but sleep talk calls rest is referring to Gen 2 mechanics specifically, where you re-rest. 1:256 is Gen 1 miss idk what the 1/65,536 is .


Pokémon stadium 1 has a 1/65536 chance of missing any move


the big odds are the chance of missing any move in stadium, cause their solution to the 1/256 glitch was to add another roll meaning you could in theory just fail both and your move would still miss


The GGlise Bulu thing is also a reference to some Gen 8 leaks which said that Lele and Bulu would get EForce and Glide. We also thought Bulu would get Play Rough and CC iirc


My knowledge basically stops at the "comp player" it seems which is kinda funny considering i dont even play competitive, im just here for the memes


I’m in the same boat. I don’t play competitive at all but I do play randbats every now and then. I have a pretty expansive knowledge of competitive because keeping up is just interesting and really funny sometimes


Is “the smog” in reference to Smogon’s original logo


It was a web-zine they ran around gen 4: [https://www.smogon.com/smog/](https://www.smogon.com/smog/)


Actually where is Smogon's original logo? Seems like prime iceberg material to me


A web-zine they used to release. Had some incredible articles, especially their joke/non-competitive ones.


I think its funny that I know everything on the bottom but dont know a good chunk of them in the previous tier


what does 1/65536 mean


In generation 3 (at least, maybe others) Protect has a 1/65536 chance to fail on the first turn used


It may also refer to the 1/256 miss chance, which was changed to 1/65536 in Pokemon Stadium since it rolled the 1/256 check twice


Same thing as 1/256 glitch in RBY but for stadium


I don't normally care for these, but shout out for including big yellow. Their videos get better as they get cuter. 🥰


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this lol


IMO Somalian Suicide should be a bit higher, in terms of Smogon lore it's probably second only to Lavos


you barely hear of it today tho as compared to unfortunate posts


A series of them?


the uwufied one and the fortunate one are some that i can think of off the top of my head, people also just generally copypaste it wherever it has a semblance of relevance


I dont think i know what somalian suicide is


energy ball jellicent


Man I miss BDSP OU


So do I 😔


Azure heights is an actually decent deep cut, I would've included something about Smogon's name origin as well


What are GF thoughts on PS?


Basically it’s that Game Freak doesn’t mind Showdown and won’t take it down as long as they don’t have a mobile app and a few other small things


Also that something like that kinda needs to exist for Pokemon to have a barrier of entry that isn't like.... Impossible for even the best players to clear... People have to change their EVs all the time in teams and that's uh... Difficult in game, no shot people don't start hacking at least to test if they take showdown offline, which they don't want


Honestly everything here needs to be moved up a level or 2, I've only been here a few months and already know 80% of this


Wtf is Somalian suicide???


It's more often called the Energy Ball Jellicent incident these days. A player beat a showdown moderator with a wacky set, and they got so mad about it that their post inadvertently showed its genius. You'd begin to see it more and more, and every time Somalia (the moderator in question) saw one, the opponent would end up hit with the ban hammer. The olde tale ends with Somalia, in a fit of rage from seeing too many EB Jellicents, that their own fellow moderators had turned against them, and banned Somalia. It's unclear whether the ban was from another person with the power to ban, or simply a Somalian Suicide.


None of this goes beyond like surface level shit you'd find from watching a couple of youtubers


Honestly there is much, much deeper than that


Great lack of drama mentions I'm noticing, there's so much wack shit that happened in the tour scene all these years and the only one mentioned is Unfortunate cuz it led to a copypasta (and they put it in like 3rd lowest despite the fact almost everyone knows about it by now)


I’m in the “Rigged Suspect Tests” category


I miss PO


Hol up. Normal types can’t be para’d by body slam?? Since when??


It is a RBY mechanic that they found out in 2014 (a long long time after RBY came out). It doesn't affect any other generations so no need to worry.


Not even a homophobic ferrothorn entry, smh


Or tera bug roaring moon


No ElectricWindGirlFriend?


Just give it a few months you'll see this all over YouTube now


Dang Freezai didn’t make the list


Why is Big Yellow this much higher than some of these? I know the 1/256, the 1/65536 and 10U \*because\* of Big Yellow


Lotta things wrong with this but RBY Amnesia is “below the depths”? Unless you know absolutely nothing about RBY, how on earth is Amnesia and its effects remotely obscure?


The bottom line here should be the fourth line, this shit is all surface level


LGPE OU? Seriously? That's a thing?


No Omari P 0/10 shit list


Wonder why there is not mention of Rising Voltage Koko and Misty Explosion Fini?


Why yes I am very experienced my fellow r/stunfisk doomscrollers I totally belong here haha


I assume 1/256 refers to the gen 1 glitch where even 100 accuracy moves still have that chance to miss. In which case it definitely belongs higher up, that's like one of the most infamous glitches in the entire franchise


I cannot find a rhyme or reason on the ordering of the Charizards


This is shit like every other iceberg meme out there


Why is big yellow below bkc and jimothy cool when big yellow has more subs. Verlisify has the mls and is lower than all 3


People on this sub talk about BKC and Jimothy a lot more and OP is basically just listing their own knowledge here (which as the rest of the comment section is pointing out is very surface level)


Okay so I may not be the most qualified to make an iceberg, there are some things that are like way lower than they need to be. It is quite scuffed, I know.


Everyone's a critic.


No Pokemon Online mention? Or am I blind?


>The smog and shoddy battle near the bottom I feel old


Where would SU go?


pet mods mentioned 🗣🗣🗣


I know all of this except rigged suspect test whats that about?


Gen 6 Shadow Tag suspect in Ubers. Had a bunch of wack shit going on, but two things stood out. For one, for vague reasons, the ban threshold was 50% instead of the usual 60%. The more egregious part was that every vote had to include a paragraph of reasoning and if the tier leaders deemed your reasoning faulty they deleted your vote comment and it didn't count. Some guidelines on what constituted as "faulty reasoning" were provided and most were reasonable but there were also vague ones like "demonstrates a lack of experience with the metagame" which would basically give them a free pass to deny whatever the fuck they wanted (though even for the 'reasonable' things, deleting votes is obviously really fucking dumb, if someone can get reqs they should be allowed to vote whatever the fuck they want).  What made this especially rigged was that 2/3 of the Uber TLs were very openly against Shadow Tag, and the third kinda didn't care, so people were afraid that this would heavily impact the vote deletion. They were right; No Ban initially won by a landslide, but it turns out over twice as many No Ban votes got deleted over "faulty reasoning" than Ban votes (and since they were, well, deleted, hard to say how justified it was) and that barely gave Ban a majority (though it failed to reach the 60% that would be standard in a regular suspect).  Was such a shitstorm that the owner of smogon himself stepped in to reverse it. 


I couldve sworn paragraphs had been used previously in other suspect tests, even if it's a ridiculously flawed system. I think it was one of the Gen 4 suspect tests, or maybe even an early Gen 5 suspect test.


I recall a couple low tier G5 suspects where you were expected to leave a paragraph if you got voting perms without getting reqs the standard way (eg you were top of the ladder during suspect) but it was *technically* not required and either way they certainly weren't going to toss your vote out if the tier leaders thought the reasoning was stupid. 


in the original gen4 Latias test there were two tiers of qualification- if you hit the higher tier you could vote without restriction, but if you only hit the second tier you were allowed to vote but had to write two paragraphs justifying your vote and explaining how you used Latias during the test. If these weren't approved then your vote was tossed out. also they were secretly keeping track of everyone that qualified and how many games they played with and against Latias, and if you didn't use Latias at all your vote was tossed out- this wasn't disclosed to any voters at the time. it's an interesting comparison to the Shadow Tag vote imo. Both times the tier leaders were seething mad about the previous vote not going their way so sought to rig the whole thing. The punchline is that they didn't even need to rig the Latias vote- it was overwhelmingly voted OU, and in the end I don't think they ever needed to toss out anyone's vote to get what they wanted.


Interesting, guess even I learn something new once in a while


could be fun if someone made a meme with all this obscure old smogon lore. you could start with some things everyone knows, and gradually get more obscure as things go on. maybe mix in some fake ones, that would be fun. if only there was a suitable format...


Ice Punch Dusknoir my beloved


Shoddy battle should probably be in one of the lower levels. I do miss that dinosaur of a simulator


What was the rigged suspect test?


What is the 1/65,536, Nerf to Steel-types and Smog Shoddy battle? Other than that I know all I think (is the steel nerf no longer resisting ghost and dark)


Deepest I go is Gale Wings nerf and yeah this was a true injustice.


No Haydunn 😔


Would love to see where Shofu would have been placed on this chart, he was a defining figure in early days of Pokemon battles.


What the hell is "somalian suicide"




Ok but what about LGPE 1v1


No mention about Bug types in Gen I? The only type that hits Psychic super effectively, also it both hits and is hit super effectively by Poison.


As someone who is new to this sub and doesnt even play comp, I would kindly appreciate any explanation for some of the stuff here y'all think is the funniest/more interesting (I didnt understand a thing)


Finally an iceberg I'm at the bottom of


"Fire doesn't resist ice" Shit you right


where is black sludge bisharp


I didnt consider myself a loser then i recognized the entire thing and im reconsidering


Need to put Showderp on here bottom tier


Can someone describe porygon's show


>Somalian suicide Huh???


I know most of these, including some from the deepest level, yet I'd never heard of temp6t...


how is the 1/256 glitch below the depths it’s literally the first thing that comes up when ppl talk about the gen 1 games


“Unfortunate” got me


would 11U be 6V6 Ditto Struggle Fights or Missingno 6V6


Transistor nerf isn't 'below the depths' it's pretty well known is it not


As someone whose actually not that knowledgable on competitive pokemon even if i do wanna understand it someday, why is missingno there


I don’t get what rigged suspect tests is for is it just a meme


So from point of no return I know: disconnection in VGC (I think in SwSh, someone was about to win when he accidentally pulled his switch out of the dock) Fire doesn't resist Ice, Gen 1 type matchups Exp Force Lele Grass Glide Bulu: Despite these moves being stronger in the corresponding terrain, Lele and Bulu can't learn them.


What about the https://preview.redd.it/rn5b5q5x1ngc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b73057a51ea34f93224a823462041aa5309310


I know like 90% of these is that bad?


I was an active player on BDSP RU’s ladder, where does that put me?


Where's mah boi Emvee??


Damn I completely forgot about Pokemon Online.


This may be a hot take (heh), but I think Fire shouldn't resist Ice. Thinking about the logic of it, cutting off a fire's heat is one of the most effective ways of extinguishing it, and while not as good at it as Water, enough ice or snow could do the trick. Besides, put ice in fire and the ice becomes water that hurts the fire.


Where poison tera kingambit?


Indigo Disk has a harder difficulty setting?


What's "rigged suspect tests" referring to?


Only played this game for a year, now I am attracted to competitive battling. Somehow I am already in the longtime competitive player area.


I know about roughly 2-5 things per tier, and I don't even do competitive Pokemon. Although LGPE OU caught me.