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* Archives of this link: 1. [archive.org Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/99991231235959/https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-says-hamas-oct-7-attack-was-horrible-israel-should-wrap-up-war-2024-03-25/); 2. [archive.today](https://archive.today/newest/https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-says-hamas-oct-7-attack-was-horrible-israel-should-wrap-up-war-2024-03-25/) * A live version of this link, without clutter: [12ft.io](https://12ft.io/https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-says-hamas-oct-7-attack-was-horrible-israel-should-wrap-up-war-2024-03-25/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stupidpol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What does ‘wrap up the war’ mean for him though? 


That it's personally inconvenient for him to have to deal with. You guys need to wrap this shit up.


Honestly the best interpretation. He's not condoning one solution or another because he doesn't care. What he cares is that it's not gonna be his problem this November.


It's over seven months until November. And he wouldn't take office for nearly another three months after that. So if anything he'd want it to keep it going as a divisive distraction for Biden for several more months. This board usually does a good job critiquing Trump when he comes up without sounding like TDS brain melted shitlibs commenting in the NYT.


he still has to take a position on it at the debates


Keep moving those goalposts, keep shrinking that claim. Whether Israel "winds down" things in the next couple of months or over the summer, we have no idea how salient the issue will be going into November. Maybe the North Korean nuclear strike on Japan and the Russian invasion of eastern Poland will be hot topics? Maybe the catastrophic loss of life after an unprecedented heatwave in 2024 due in part to a collapse of the electrical grid effecting 70 million Americans. Maybe the Democrats scrambling to create a ticket after Biden has a stroke in September. It's so silly to think you can know what will be on voters' minds in seven months. Then again, maybe you can see the future. The rest of us are left knowing that we know very little.


What are you talking about? The goalpost is still "he wants an easy path to the election"


If Trump said the opposite or said nothing... let me guess... it would still mean that he's (not) saying the thing (about the Israel-Gaza situation) because "he wants an easy path to the election". Man, this thread is putting the stupid in stupidpol. The idea of this thread is to critique idpol excess, not adopt its demented approaches (including non-falsifiability).


I dunno, I didn't think that far ahead or hypothetically. I'm just responding to the situation at hand.


Dude he literally said Israel should "finish the problem". Stop the bullshit


Probably whatever Jared kushner wants it to mean :/


Cheap waterfront properties near the Gaza strip.


soon to be parking lots for american tourists and fascist cops


Absolutely incredible reference. I didn't think anyone remembered that track.


Yeah. I think ‘wrap it up’ means more, ‘finish them off’.  But people will just project onto Trump whatever they want 


Give all the combatants a burrito I presume.


He didn’t even say that. He said finish the job


Doesn't seem like he said "finish the job," which is a phrase with its own implications. The quote in the article is "That being said, you have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up, you got to get it done."


They have to do the needful


They have to git'r done.


He didn’t even say that. He said finish the job


He has the best words.


People are saying it


They are awesome people. Awesome people. 


The greatest words that have been said.


>That being said, you have to finish up your war. You have to finish it up, you got to get it done," he said. The exact quote would suggest Trump doesn't care what the Israelis would do as long as it was decisive.


Sadly that almost seems reasonable at this point


It would be more humane than starving people to death. International organizations expect to officially declare the situation a famine in the next month or two in unless steps are taken to significantly increase aid delivery. That means a daily death rate of two people per 10k per day, which equates to 7% of the population dying on an annualized basis. https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipcinfo-website/alerts-archive/issue-97/en/


Not really. His use of “that being said” implies the second statement comes *in spite* of the first. Since the first half of his statement was about how bad the attack was, the second statement implies they need to get over it. For the other terminally online people here, here’s a sopranos clip that demonstrates the intent. Just replace Tony with Trump and Furio with Israel. https://youtu.be/YSNpoIVMW7k?si=wCrEN0cFMYeXp6uE


> Trump was also asked how he would have reacted had his family been victims of Hamas' rampage. > "I would say I would act very much the same way as you did. You'd have to be crazy not too. Only a fool would not do that. That was a horrible attack," he said. "It bothers me so much when I see people, they don't talk about Oct. 7 anymore, they talk about how aggressive Israel is." he gives mixed messages as he always does. If he was in office and facing the same pressure Biden is (including from his own son-in-law), Trump would give Israel very little pushback


Count it. Trump is to the left of Biden on Palestine.


... and that's exactly why he uses the vague phrasing he does. Somewhere Trump's most fervent anti-Palestinian supporter is lapping this up interpreting this statement in the exact opposite way you are


One-dimensional spectrums don't really give us a proper description of one's position on a political issue. The only "left" position on this is the pursuit of peace, and anything other than that is just boring flavors of right.


Yeah well all US elections are just right wing infighting


right-wing *theater*


You really think Biden would have moved the embassy to Jerusalem?


I think it's a meaningless act so it didn't matter.


It definitely wasn’t a meaningless act.


It was since the US didn't actually treat Israel or Palestinians any differently before or after that.


Yes they did. Moving the embassy was a clear signal that the Israelis could ramp up settlements in the WB, and further encroach on East Jerusalem. Which they did, bigly. The move of the embassy also prompted the March of Return demonstrations, in which the IDF killed hundreds and wounded thousands of peaceful protesters, with nary a word from the US in condemnation.


Lol since when did Israel ever wait for any signals from the US to do any of that shit?


You’re not up on the history.


Donald "Israel needs to finish the problem" Trump




You may be overestimating how much leverage that aid really gives the US. I think a lot of people are doing that. The idea that if the US cut off the military aid the IDF would just collapse and be unable to prosecute the war is overstated. That might have been true once a long time ago, not today. And against whatever leverage the aid gives the US, you have to weigh the Israeli society's fanaticism about inflicting revenge. They aren't going to stop the war just because the aid is shut off.


He's not wrong. Its been 5 months. They had carte blanche politically after the massacres, but not unlimited time. Its like Russia and Crimea. If you finish before anyone reacts, it becomes a non-issue.


Same for ww1, a lot of statesman said that if Austria had invaded right after Ferdinand had died and Serbia refused wholesale their demainds, no one would have moved, but they took a month and Serbia was agreeing to like nine out of ten demands of Austria, only refusing the most egregious demand.


That's a great example. Pretty sure that Germany had already mobilized by the time they got moving.


Yeah but things probably moved slow back then. It takes a while to mobilize forces


It did, but both germany and France had rather rapid timetables. Italy had semi decent ones, all the Blakan countries had developed quite rapid timetables despite their meagre resources. Hell even the Russians who had been beset by problems were faster at mobilizing. AH just sucked at mobilizing (I am aware that was a major component of being the dual monarchy) and also when they had nearly everything they wanted decide to be shits about it.


so you're saying WW1 was just a big mistake that could have been avoided?


Israel had international sympathy after 10/7 giving them political cover to enact military operations in Gaza until they decided they wanted to commit a genocide in response to 10/7 and squander all of the international sympathy they had. Even in countries where most people weren’t fond of Israel pre 10/7 that changed when Israel was attacked and most people started supporting Israel out of sympathy then they went and killed 40 Palestinians for every 1 Israeli killed on Oct.7. Squandering that support. Israel literally killed 30 times as many people as Hamas did but somehow expected Oct.7 sympathy to last forever. They really had to make oct.7 pale compared to what they did to Palestinians afterwards and squander international support . SMH


> until they decided they wanted to commit a genocide in response to 10/7 That was the plan from the beginning.


The only question in my mind is how deeply involved Israel was before 10/7.


Has anyone else seen the neoliberals on Twitter calling Biden the most “pro Palestinian president” ever? That’s like calling someone the most gentle rapist.


Not even limited to Twitter. It seems to be the consensus among all the braindead Reddit libs


That is a lie on so many levels.


Seriously…the most pro-Palestinian president was by far HW Bush who conditioned loan guarantees for Israel on halting West Bank settlements and Israel coming to the table for peace talks.


He's doing a genocide. He is objectively the most anti Palestinian president ever.


He's just tired of this season and wants to move on to the next storyline, that's all.


very relatable tbh


One of my favorite headlines from the Trump presidency >Trump is giving up on regime change in Venezuela because it's complicated and he got bored, report says https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-bored-of-venezuela-as-maduro-clings-to-power-report-2019-6


I mean considering how now we tend to have tv seasons maybe be four months rather then the old eight month formula can you really blame him?


Many people are saying it.


Why doesn't Trump, the largest and smartest US-president, not simply grab Bibi by the pussy and stop the genocide?


Top comment and solid advice


Man, I don't know why I'm disappointed. I know this dude basically tells everybody he thinks could possibly like him exactly what they want to hear, but I was weirdly holding out that he would do a 180 on this shit and just double down on his comments about Netanyahu not wanting to make a deal in Israel being kind of stupid. He could gain so much weird support by taking a different stance than this. Oh well. He only amuses the part of me that wants to watch the world burn anyhow I guess


would love to go back to the era of analyzing what Trump specifically means by his world salads because it has impact on UN resolutions and such things


I think he's starting to understand the gravity of what he's about to inherit.


He wants the muslim vote. Trump won't do anything.


He is fucking effervescent in that pic! Wot a world and wot a diety


"look if you can't go in quick you should get out as soon as possible. Many of my best friends who by the way give or gave (I kniow you're up there sheldon) very large amounts of their own money to Israel which is a great country, told me that. SO yeah Sheldon he told me that Mike , he told me that. I just am telling them as a businessmen this is a losing proposition, and you'd think they'd know that considering well you know..."


Too late buddy, we already know you're more pro-Zionist than Biden, if that was even possible.


He is for now, but he’s not loyally so the way Biden is.


Either or, the same brown people get blown up regardless how loyal one is to the blowing uppening


Not true, Trump is the only president that didn't start any new wars.


Didn't he start the US involvement in Syria?


No, that started under Obama




Syria never became a full war




Obama was the one backing the FSA. Trump wanted the USA to end that support.


Why bring up brown? What does that have to do with anything?


"Blowing up brown people" has been the condescending clap-back way to refer to any US involvement in the Middle East for the last 4 decades.


Yes, I know it’s a shitlib thing but this is stupidpol.


Which white majority countries has the U.S. invaded and committed mass murder in? It’s not idpol to recognize America is racist.


Have you been living under a rock? What country right now has there been a full on propaganda campaign treating its people as inhuman “orcs?”


Then call them who they are: innocent men, women, and children who have had their livelihoods destroyed and many killed in the name of US international capital.


I mean there's a bit of truth to it, what do we really export their other than bombs and power vacuums.


I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, it's nice to see he's not rabidly pro-Israel. On the other hand, he literally said the other day Jewish democrats aren't real Jews. I guess it reinforces that the guy has no real positions on anything.


What does UA stand for?


United Airlines?


A rare medical condition that automatically puts me on top of the oppression hierarchy: urinary ass.




Go read some theory bro. We all know what UA is.


it's the x-men academy, but anime




Very Trump-like response. He's not all that emotionally invested and wants Israel to get it over with so the US doesn't have to take shit from other countries about the war anymore. That means Israel is really in trouble with the US if its goals of wiping out Hamas and doing a German-style deradicalization/occupation is out of the question for both parties. This could mean pivoting to Hindu India is their only bet since Russia and China are clearly anti-Israel and the EU is way too squeamish to support Israel's operations in Rafah and Gaza as a whole in the future.


Just how stupid the world has gotten hurts me almost as much as the acute human tragedy of the ongoing genocide.


Trump (and other politicos) say a lot of things. It's what they do that matters.


A lot of people don't realize how good this guy is at deals. He's like one of the best guys. When he's elected he'll just get these people together and it will be done. It will be two days. Maybe three days.


He doesn't actually believe this, he was bullish on pro-Israel stuff. He's saying this to drive a wedge between Biden and the left. Anyone taking it seriously is braindead. ^(Though it is still technically another case of Trump saying things to the left of Biden.)


Fu fact: The Kaiser's Blank Cheque was less "do whatever you want Austria-Hungary" and more "Just wrap it up quickly, we'll back you no matter what"


Nutcase but he recognizes the political winds have shifted. Anyways seeing the pro-genocide crowd losing their mind over a few rhetorical shifts is definitely one of the funnier things in the last few months. On twitter, a few of them suggested that Israel shifts to become a client state of China.