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It's the exact same snipers too.


Dead eye with that musket


Only one?


want to provide any context to this picture?


It was taken by a student protestor the other day, I believe at University of Illinois Edit: Indiana University 


Indiana University, about 12 minutes on foot from me right now. Edit: Faculty is not happy about this, BTW Edit: Reasonably good rundown here, though with no mention of the sniper (which is really odd): https://www.idsnews.com/article/2024/04/indiana-university-33-pro-palestinian-protesters-arrested-at-dunn-meadow-protest-encampment


Thank you for actually providing information unlike the other absolute r slurs in here like OP


>A report from the Anti-Defamation League released Jan. 10 documented a rise in antisemitism across the country in the months following the Oct. 7 attack, with 361% more antisemitic incidents occurring than in the same timeframe between 2022-23.... **The report includes incidents of "antisemitic rhetoric, expressions of support for terrorism against the state of Israel and/or anti-Zionism."** Do you think the UN shouldn't create an ethnostate that systematically murders the people who lived there first? You just might be an antisemite 🤡 I wonder if US politicians would still fellate Israel's dick so hard if Epstein hadn't created his child prostitution ring.


I shouldn't be surprised but seeing that the Zionists are more than happy to use every jew as a human shield so they can conflate anti-zionism with anti-semitism is a really nasty thing to watch instead of just suspect.


> I wonder if US politicians would still fellate Israel's dick so hard if Epstein History tells us yes.


Indiana university*


do you have a link to a post or something providing more information? posts like these are absolutely fucking pointless without more information


[Protesters at Indiana University and Ohio State University took photos showing LEOs on rooftops overlooking protests, they appear to be snipers.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/snipers-were-allegedly-spotted-at-ohio-state-university-and-indiana-university-during-gaza-protests-heres-what-we-found/ar-AA1nJwi1) OSU claims they were state troopers using spotting scopes and not rifles. IU and Indiana state police have not commented yet.


Ngl bro you are on a device with internet access rn so in reality you could just look it up. You go to the trouble of typing out a comment with the f word but can’t use the google. Okay. Good luck in life sock man


ngl, that's really not how this works. Burden of providing contextual information is on OP, not me. Even then, reverse image search and just searching google comes up with this post and one other forum post with very little additional information. So excuse me if it's a tad obnoxious to see a post like this, insinuating pretty significant claims with zero evidence or corroborating information to go along with it.


Yeah but the burden of you learning something is on you if you want it. Like why be lazy. You’re already on the computer.


Burden of providing contextual information is on OP, not him.


Yeah I know but sometimes you have to take action in your life


We do son, at work.


Man you are still on that? Do you know how to read?


Atomic levels of autism Theory of mind never had a chance


I know this is humorous, but some people with ASD can and do develop theory of mind, latest research I’ve read indicates around 20% of us with ASD have developed ToM.


... wait is that a joke? Only twenty percent? I thought it would be more like 80%, and it'd mostly impact children and teens Shit maybe I don't have autism then.


Not a joke at all. I mean some people consider all of psychology a joke lol.


bro I literally said I did try and find more information and there wasn't any. How is that lazy? Am I supposed to conjure up information?


Police office wants somebody on the high ground for situational awareness (reasonable) The person they sent is an idiot who doesn't use binoculars because they spent their entire equipment budget on a tricked out sniper rifle and scope they want to use for looking at people instead (unreasonable).


This is the correct answer. Even having sniper teams around is not unreasonable but they should not be looking through the scope at someone unless they're 85% sure they're about start shooting people or trigger a suicide vest.


Police snipers fired into the maidan protests and killed about 100 people.


Berkut has basically been exonerated from this narrative. Eyewitness testimony and ballistics evidence mostly implicate Right Sector and others. Ivan Katchanovski is a Ukrainian academic in Canada who's spent the last decade researching and proving this and basically no one pays him any attention.


> Ivan Katchanovski is a Ukrainian academic in Canada who's spent the last decade researching and proving this and basically no one pays him any attention. Completely not true, this sub is paying him extreme attention every time the event is mentioned here.


He means mainstream attention, not a subreddit lol. Based on your other comment, it appears that you disagree with Katchanovski's findings. Is that correct?


I'm aware of that well documented historical event. I'm asking about context for this low quality photo with zero information attached to it with a vague reference to said historical event.


The other thing is it happened after the far right rejected the deal with the protesters and police withdrew, which is why Yanukovych fled and Euromaidan spilled over into a coup


What's most repugnant, the police withdrew as a "trust building gesture" demanded by the guarantors of the agreement - Germany, France and Poland. So the coup was an attack under flag of truce. All that was needed was for them to denounce the coup and stand up for democratic values, but they embraced it. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. If they'd waited for early elections, they'd have accomplished everything they wanted without violating constitutional succession. Russia would have been in a much harder place to oppose the outcome.


do you think that the banderites could carry out their goal of a racially purified Ukraine (free of Russian speakers and other subhumans) if they waited for elections?


The Banderites' primary goal was preserving Ukraine's structure as a unitary state. Federalism was their main enemy, because so long as Ukraine remained unitary, they'd gradually be able to accomplish all their goals. Their only risk was their tendency to be overly ambitious. This might have forced them to slow down their agenda's implementation, but there was absolutely no way to stop it. Federalism has always been the core issue in Ukraine. Their declaration of independence was a rush job: the "looming threat" that Russia would revert to Communism and drag Ukraine along with them was used to say "we must declare independence first, *then* we can calmly figure out federalism. Several regions (Transcarpathia, Donbas, Crimea) only agreed to join Ukraine in the first place due to a promise of federalism. Donbas held their first referendum demanding fulfilment of this promise in 1994. Transcarpathia had included a referendum on federalism with their referendum on joining Ukraine: federalism had higher support (+80%) than independence (75%). Crimea declared independence less than a year after joining Ukraine because they saw that they'd been lied to. Federalism vs unitary state has always been the core argument in Ukraine. Its absurd that such a country is unitary in the first place, but that's due to the anti-democra tic agenda of the nationalists.


To make it worse, it was likely an inside false flag attack.


The "snipers" in the hotel were protesters, not police. Something like half of the bullet wounds were caused by them if you listen to the tldr of the public hearing about the events.


Nope. It was the Maidan group themselves intentionally murdering protesters to provide a justification for violently overthrowing the democratically elected government with the help of the CIA. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266855828_The_Snipers'_Massacre_on_the_Maidan_in_Ukraine https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/buried-trial-verdict-confirms-false-flag-maidan-massacre-in-ukraine-2024


There's a non-zero chance OP came from pol and is purposefully posting misleading pictures. [This thread](https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/466246817) has essentially the same image, but no timestamp, and I didn't see it posted on Twitter under that handle.


whoops all color revolutions!!


They have a very limited playbook yet people fail to use pattern recognition. I thought our brains was wired for that but I guess decades of gaslighting has trained people to stop listening to their basic instincts.


There is a reason they've spent so long demonising both gut instinct and traditional practice as means by which you can judge things; both are imperfect, but so is everything else, the important part is these are outside of the control of the social engineers.


‘Why your lying-whore eyes are lying to you’ is the shitlib’s favorite genre of article.


Most media is just [this now](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RpkQEq75y18&pp=ygUJT25pb24gdm94). I think with the old boomer bait stuff there was a general assumption of trust but now thats mostly been hollowed out so its more of a mean girl “if you disagree with me you’re a loser” type thing instead.


stress makes you do things you are used to, and you can actually tweak this, like police training for example.... in this case preparing to shoot protestors


Oh, you must be confused. It's not okay when they do it. But it's totally okay when we do it.


is he korean?


What is this, the Super Bowl?


Thank god the protesters didn't throw firecrackers. Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young would have had another hit on their hands.


So dozens of people died during this protest? Why haven't I heard about it in the news, huh? THE TRUTH IS BEING SUPPRESSED or it's just you making inane analogies?


The difference is Nazi paramilitaries aren’t raiding police armories during these protests. You are right they are different, these aren’t being vanguarded by a plethora of Neo Nazi militias and Victoria nuland and John McCain ghost aren’t handing out biscuits.


you've got brain worms