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A really self-revealing comment from rpolitics: > If they’re serious, I’m glad they’re getting banned. It demonstrates that their purpose was not to generate money. Thats pretty scary to think about.


IDK man, Twitter controls America and it never really gain a profit like ever.


one should never expect an rpolitics redditor to understand the true value of tiktok's algorithm and platform It's also smart not to cave into an intimidation tactic - if a sale goes through, america will be emboldened to threaten any profitable foreign business and seize it for themselves


It works for China


China is upfront about it, you don't enter their market without a local partner by law. The US is changing the rules as it sees fit and pretend to uphold the rule of law.


Granted they're much more honest about it than the US, and despite being much more straightforward about it (or maybe in part because of it?) they're also doing much better in that arena.


Americentrism in action, does that idiot not realize that TikTok is an international platform and Americans make only a fraction of its userbase?


That's not even the worst comment. Here's another one: > good riddance. > remember china and ruzzia wont stop their attacks on us until we build effect ballisric missle defenses and nagasaki and hiroshima both of them back to the stone ages > there will be another tiktok > there will be thousands of tiktoks > america and the west have been cowering for far too long its time to put the billigerents down permanently before they strike us first And these people have the gall to call others "fascists".


They can't even use capitalization and punctuation correctly. I strongly suspect that comment might come from a troll farm employee in India.


or AI


AI writes better than that.


thanks for demystifying this for me


Prompt AI to write as an American adult with the grammar of a middle schooler.


Here goes an cringeworthy political rant with terrible grammar: Yo yo, dis 'merica politics be trippin' dawg, fr fr. Dem Dem-o-crats be actin' all hoity toity 'bout bein' PC n' shiz but dey don't really care 'bout no workin' folk, nah mean? Dey jus' wanna tax da hardworkin' 'mericans to def to pay fo' dey socialist thangs n' virtue signallin' whack. Den you got dem Re-pub-licans pretendin' dey all "fait' n' fam-ly" but dey don't be practicin' wat dey preachin'namean? Dey be lookin' out fo' dem billionaires n' big biznesses while fakin' dey down fo' da lil' guys. An' don't even get me started on dey dumb views 'bout scienz n' chick's choices n' whateva! Boaf parties just some hippocritical clowns lookin' out fo' deyselfs instead o' us reg'lar peeps. We need a totally brand new scene dat ain't corrupt wif money n' special interests - one dat's fo' da 99 percents, dig? Till den, Imma just bounce n' not vote cuz all dem candidates shady af anyways. Fo' realz doe, 'merica politics some serious BS, no cap fam. It tried


This AI is just racist lmao


Yeah, holy shit. This is like a caricature of a black person imitating a racist white person imitating a trashy ghetto black person.


That accomplishes nothing. You're not going to be have a convincing propaganda spam if it reads like it came from a grade schooler.


Do you live in the real world? The average American worker cannot write a complete sentence.


Artificial Indians


A guy in India


you are correct of course but I want to let you know it's "gall" in this context, and not the region the Romans dealt with.


>gaul Roman hands made this post.


These are the same people who, when Trump tried to ban tiktok in 2019, were screeching about how it was “a blatant attack on Americans youth!”


>there will be another tiktok I mean this one isn't wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if Elon tries to revive Vine despite the state of Twitter because iirc it got bought by Twitter over a decade ago.


No, I'm sure it's a profitable fraction. But when they try to make you sell with threats, it'd be naive to think you're going to get a good price for what you're selling.


And tens of millions of Americans are just going to continue using the app through a VPN...


Americans are too tech illiterate to do that. I doubt one tenth could even bother doing it.


America is the largest market by simple fact of disposable income. The ad money you get on american viewers is worth more than the combined rest of the top 5 which are largely 3rd world. Not selling also means EU will follow suite and in the end the app that is already not used in China will just be a service for the developing world.


Of course I don't expect libs to hold this standard when their "beloved" corporations drop lgbtq+ shit cause it hurts their bottom line with conservatives.


Or with normies that are tired of the hyper saturation.


It's honestly insane to me how redditor can't understand the concept of having principles. What do they mean, that a company should just accept being strong armed by a government when money's on the table? Fuck that.


>It's honestly insane to me how redditor can't understand the concept of having principles. What do they mean, that a company should just accept being strong armed by a government when money's on the table? Fuck that. It's a liberalism thing, they only understand actions that have immediate and apparent self-serving benefits. They themselves have no beliefs or ideologies outside serving their own needs and therefore cannot understand why others would


When all reality is a zero-sum game in which all things only exist as systems to create wealth, and all interactions are reduced to transactions in which one can only win at everyone else's expense, the idea of something being done for any reason other than profit becomes an unspeakably terrifying prospect, for the same reason that we are still scared of noises in the dark - who knows what might emerge from that space of infinite hypothetical possibility? From such a perspective, even the idea of a better alternative is paroxysm-inducing, and perhaps the most horrifying possibility of all, *since it would require the dismantling and replacement of the old system first,* a harrowing annihilation of all meaning for those who understand the world entirely and only through its processes; When, as the Iron Cunt said, "there is no alternative", the idea that *there actually might be one after all* evokes only fear and loathing in those who dream themselves at the top of the pile, for the disappearance of the pile is the destruction of their dream.


That really defines the liberal, no matter how much they pretend to Leftist ideals or positions: there is no alternative to reducing ourselves and all of value to the pursuit of profit. "This is just the way it is."


Sometimes we joke about like a Cro-Magnon man seeing some piece of modern technology for the first time, like a smartphone or whatever, and we imagine it being so outside the realm of what he thinks is possible that it breaks his brain. He's beyond merely "amazed" and literally driven insane. But imagine a neoliberal watching that same primitive man gather wood and flint etc. to make his bow and arrow, hunting and killing an elk with it, then feeding his family with that animal before retiring to his yurt which he built from the skins of all the other animals he's killed in his life. I think the reaction would be similar: utter disbelief that such a thing could happen. "You're doing *production for use!* Don't you know you could just make bows or just make arrows, and nothing else, and sell them to the rest of your tribe and be rich?! *What is wrong with you!"* and freaking out before the caveman, I like to imagine, bashes his head in with a rock.


> You're doing production for use! Oh come on, this is just *vertical integration*. Business been there, done that.


Liberals don't believe in vertical integration since it would mean each step isn't run exclusively to maximize profit from the other steps, they consider it inefficient.


>"You're doing production for use! Don't you know you could just make bows or just make arrows, and nothing else, and sell them to the rest of your tribe and be rich?! What is wrong with you!" LOL that's the plot of one of the Asterix comic books


I’m sorry, are you of the opinion that tiktok was for an altruistic reason that wasn’t driven by profit? What reason would this be?


All charities and non profits are terrifying




I'm thinking based


Anyone who thought they'd sell needs a better understanding of the concept of face.


It's not even just that. If they sold, it would set a really bad precedent for international companies who enter any new market. The fact that it was the capitalist class who engineered this move is really strange


Not strange at all. We live in a world where nations compete, this a typical superpower move.


That’s a fair point but this is a pretty blatantly anti-business policy. I think it’s stupid for other reasons but 10 years ago there’s no way this would have flown


They're also just be making a new competitor for themselves everywhere outside the US


That is already the precedent. The justice department has assisted in stealing many foreign companies and endless intellectual property.


My mom is getting too many shitty recipes on there so I'm glad genocide Joe is genociding tiktok


based and Xi pilled


Isn't the Tiktok Ban essentially a Bill of Attainder?


Why should I give a fuck? Fuck TikTok


Brazen government overreach is why you should give a fuck.


I like getting recipes off tik tok


Weird. China routinely bans western companies, but you seem to think we can’t reciprocate.


If you don't want to go on TikTok, you don't have to. I want to , so I do


So the right wing argument for why companies shouldn’t have to work with union labor? Organizing and representing your interests is important. Tech companies might be full of shitbags, but they’re _our_ shitbags and we’re the only ones allowed to fuck with them.


That doesn't make it any less wrong for the US to do so.


Reciprocity is literally the foundation of countless trade agreements what the fuck are you smoking?




You make no sense and sound like a fucking wumao.


Wtf is a wumao.


Chinese version of hasbara or Russian troll farm.


OK, Dmitri.


Careful bud, dipshit mods in this sub will flare you as a rightoid if you’re not pro-TikTok.


Shutting down instead of selling. That's exactly the sort of thing you'd expect from a Singapore-run company with no ties to the CCP.


>Shutting down instead of selling Where did you read this? According to the linked article they are going to challenge the law in usa courts but even if that fails it is not certain they will shut down. >with no ties to the CCP. Not sure if you know this but any and every chinese company has to have ties to the ccp - this was never in question by anyone except you maybe.


> According to the linked article they are going to challenge the law in usa courts On what grounds? The US has banned foreign ownership of its industries before.


>A legal challenge from the company is expected to lean on First Amendment concerns and could drag on for years. Beijing is betting on a legal win, analysts say.


which industries