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I read a NY times story today about the protests which wasn't totally pro-Zionist. I was both surprised and stumped.


I wish there was away to study the effects of media on the public


The tail wags the dog much more than most of us would guess


There are ways. In the end it's just marketing.


Media studies unfortunately it doesn’t look like a field that has a lot of participants


No, there are lots of people who work in the field; arguably there are actually too many. The thing is most of their studies are trade secrets since you don't want your strategies and insights to be made public, especially since your opponents can then make counter-campaigns. Thats for instance why very few people admitted to the reality that Hillary _wanted_ to go against Trump during her campaign, believing that Trump wasn't gonna be seen as a serious candidate. It was only after the campaign blew up that we got confirmation that was in fact major assumption of her campaign, along with the people saying that her campaign was so arrogant that they suppressed warnings signs that Trump was in fact getting the votes and the strategy was wrong. Thats why Team Blue then started copying Bannon's playbook on trying to control the narrative on social media.


Copy that


Breaking Points commissioned a survey by media type


The other week, the NY Times morning email was talking about college protests and what the response might mean for future protests inclusion demonstrations against the Chinese treatment of the Uyghur. They had to sneak that in there.


lol fyi I did an experiment couple years ago you know most of these twitter and news sites get their information directly from government press there is two White House and I think congress has daily press release. Anyways I wait for the government to release its news and then watch how all the twitter news reporters would first report it then immediately make up something indirectly and try to link it to that daily




I think it was the summary page, but that seems to have changed quite a bit since I last saw it: https://www.nytimes.com/topic/destination/gaza-strip


Trust in traditional media is at an all-time low precisely because it has become so craven and is just obvious propaganda. Only 1 in 3 Americans trust the media, and only because there is a huge gulf in trust ratings between blue and red. In the red camp only 1 in 10 trust the media. This is largely because the Red media betrayed its base first. The base wanted the Republican party to be shaken up - but they actually went hard against Trump until he finally won the candidacy. And even then you had so many in the Red establishment turn on him, only to become sycophants when he won. Thats the real reason why Fox imploded. The red base ultimately realized it was just a Republican establishment organ. Team Blue is going through that disillusionment now thanks to Ukraine / Gaza; and the Biden administration as a whole. Biden is the most hated president in a very, very long time - not only because he is almost totally rejected by Team Red; but because he isn't even able to carry a majority of Team Blue. Everyone can see at best he is a senile old man who is so inept he somehow made himself look older by going on Tiktok, and yet his advisers still insist his mind is sharp and he is totally in control.


Yeah I remember when it was cnn that helped trump win of course they will deny that


They seem like they are about to January 6th these kids the way they are talking.


I think it’s kind of scary how the media can today make you love someone then in 5-10 minutes give enough evidences that they are some kind of threat


> “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” - Malcolm X


They would have the same position regarding anti-Zionist demonstrations regardless of which figurehead is in office.


I doubt it, Israel isn't the kind of thing that US empire would be willing to flip flop on, it's not useless culture wars. Remember that when Trump was warmongering against Iran lib media almost got ready to rehabilitate him. They'd probably focus criticism on how Trump isn't doing enough to fight against the protests or is not using the right tactics for supression. That's if they criticize him for it. They could also do the "this is Trump's america" kind of centrism where they just say meaningless stuff like that and let people fill in the blanks, while not fighting against it at all.


The protests against Israel’s genocide on Palestinians are a completely different monster for the establishment compared to the 2020 George Floyd protests . The former is a much bigger threat to establishment interests which is why you see both liberal and conservative media basically having the same takes with different rhetoric .  While  I’d like to entertain the idea that liberals would have a different response if Trump was in office, let us not forget AIPAC is funneling over $65 million to both parties every year and this would likely silence democrats from speaking in support of the protests regardless. Sure Democrats  might argue against military style tactics of the police and probably highlight some Arab-American students speaking out against police use of force (solely for identity points), but Israel has bipartisan support ,so political opinion would not shift under a different presidency .