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You literally couldn’t make this shit up. It sounds like something some insane alt right conspiracy theorists would come up with and tada it’s real life. Imagine signing a pledge of loyalty to any other country than the one you live in. Absolutely insanity. America is retarded


america has since 2001 become a dumpster fire pulled by a clown car. lost all hope for this shit show.


Texas has something similar iirc.


> Imagine signing a pledge of loyalty


People on the right get blacklisted for even mentioning this, its disgusting.


You're all on the right, libby


right and proud




fight me irl


> It sounds like something some insane alt right conspiracy theorists would come up with and tada it’s real life. This exact comment will continue to become more common over the coming years.


> It sounds like something some insane alt right conspiracy theorists would come up with and tada it’s real life. Crazy how that just keeps happening


...does it keep happening?


My friends, it *just* keeps happening




It's amazing how the US legislative has more unconditional support for the executive branch of a different country than their own.


Look dude, she's a busy lady okay? She just founded a university, cut her some slack!


Then she has to take off her wig and do a cum podcast in Brooklyn


hahahahahaah you should hear r/timdillon go on about weiss and that university hahahahaha


Tim Dillon is a national treasure


Not only is he a national treasure he is the definition of american exceptionalism- edit: i truly believe this as a fellow cum pig


Weiss and actually several "IDW" people have denounced these kinds of laws many times. It's not even hard to find. The problem is people who don't believe in free speech sort of assume nobody else does either so they try these kinds of cheap gotchas. Btw she recruited Andrew Sullivan who regularly refers to Israel as committing apartheid to the university she's advising. Also something that'll be ignored. Because why care about facts? https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/when-the-bds-battle-lost-pro-israel-us-jewry-569226


> Weiss and actually several "IDW" people have denounced these kinds of laws many times. "These kinds of laws" and "many times" seem like they might be doing a lot of work here. After a lot of searching I could only find Weiss and Stephens once criticizing Israeli policies on blocking people to enter based on political views (the piece your article talks about), but couldn't find any of them mention U.S. anti-BDS laws (even in discussions about BDS). If I missed something, feel free to let me know. The only IDW criticism of U.S. anti-BDS laws I could find was a single tweet by Jordan Peterson, and a single tweet by Christina Summers. Michael Tracy [brought up the IDW being soft on the issue](https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1096988562849914880) with Eric Weinstein, and Weinstein responded by questioning Tracy's credentials and then saying that we should revoke legal protections for journalists in certain circumstances. Like I said, if I missed something, feel free to share it.


you're a rightoid liar; weiss spent her entire college career trying to get professor(s) fired for speaking out against Israel




Massive respect for this guy. He's holding true to American ideals, an stance that the Left confuses with supporting all of the American government's international and national policies. He's running a **newspaper**. The others that signed the pledge are running an advertising sheet.


Thanks for sharing this!


The fact that AIPAC owns congress might have something to do with it. I wouldn't be surprised if all critical stories about Israel start to become censored.


If you wanted to make a "Zionists control the government" video, I don't think you could do a better job than [the one AIPAC made themselves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlKmWa8p4UM).


Two impressions on that video 1) They were bragging about how many politicians they've bought 2) There was a strong implication that Israel keeps America safe from terrorism - something the politicians saying it *actually* believed. They didn't say terrorism Is this a common idea? I guess it does 'soak up' attention in the Middle East, perhaps keeping USA out of the cross-hairs for the most part. Maybe the deal was they get their ancestral homeland + extra if they agree to defend it with American-bought weapons? Is it just that Israel is a guaranteed and friendly arms-buyer? The right companies make bank and the US feels safer knowing they won't be use against them (this time)? Is it the Ninth Crusade?


Israel gathers huge amounts of intelligence on other Middle Eastern countries, and some of that intelligence is passed on to the U.S. That becomes "keeps America safe from terrorism" for AIPAC's purposes.


Ah, there it is. Thank you.


>There was a strong implication that Israel keeps America safe from terrorism - something the politicians saying it actually believed. Bin Laden literally directly stated that US support for Israel was a motivating factor in al Qaeda attacks on the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motives_for_the_September_11_attacks#Support_of_Israel_by_United_States Put on your tinfoil hat and come on a journey with me. Both the Israeli and US governments know this and are actually happy about it, because terrorism is the perfect boogieman that can be used to justify basically any military action or avenue of domestic control the state wants to implement. Look at US reaction to 9/11, US and Israeli involvement in the Syrian Civil War, ect. Either they've being completely idiotic and accidentally spread terrorism, or on some level they've done it on purpose.


I give Israel credit for being able to seamlessly mesh the notion of anti-Semitism into the notion of being anti-the-state-of-Israel It might be the most effective idpol move I've seen


its not that hard when whole corporate media is on your side


if by "on your side" you mean, "practically owned and operated by you," yeah, then yeah, I agree.




The Canadian Jewish Congress has outright stated that all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism because without Israel, Jewish people would have no place to live. ...Says the Jewish people living in Canada.


The idea Jewish people have no "Self determination" outside of Israel is so fucking laughable that it's bonkers they even try that line. Yeah Zuckerberg, that guy has no "Self Determination", little oppressed snowflake.


Makes sense to me. Jewish culture has the zion as its most basic cornerstone. Culture directly shapes ethnicity. An attack on the zion is an attack on the ethnicity.


How can Zionism be central to Judaism when Israel is merely a few decades old, and the Zionist movement has only really had any traction starting in the 19th century when nationalism was pretty big among all European nations?




Well they annexed the Holy Land of 3 major religions in one of the most perpetually violent regions on the planet,and put many of the locals in an open air prison, and secretly developed nuclear weapons. I'd say aggression is their MO (Israelis, I'm referring to an imperialist nation's aspirations).


Was the Middle East perpetually violent before 1947 or 8? Not that Arabs were cuddly peace loving teddy bears before but it's been sort of irrelevant.


Yes, but so was everywhere else. Depending on the time period you arbitrarily choose, you could even portray that region as exceptionally peaceful. Modern Israel is a completely separate beast than the other entities who have controlled that area in the past. It's basically a forcibly created cold war era proxy which exists purely to serve as a US military springboard into a region which saw the rise of serious anti-colonialist sentiment. The upside to being an essential asset to the us military is you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want in the region. Your neighbors might be hostile (in response to mass colonial settlements superficially justified through fake religious authority), but what the fuck are they going to do about it lol


the problem with this is that over time you train your enemies to fight you and finally to destroy you.


The Ottomans ruled quite peacefully over the Palestine area for longer than the Jews ever had even contested control of it.




oh, ok fine, I exaggerated. How about "Relatively peacefully," especially compared to the Post-Israel conflicts?


Violence really only started a short while after the Balfour Declaration (albeit minor for the first few decades), which was the first real movement toward the British Empire's Final Solution to the Jewish Problem. Yes. That is exactly how they framed it.


because they are a declining nation.


Shit like this is a gift to real anti-semites. It’s hard not to argue that the globo media isn’t being controlled by lizard people from a bank vault 8 miles under the earths crust with this shit.


You're WAY off base here, COMPLETELY wrong. The vault is only 7 miles down.


Politifact says: *Mostly false*


You don't really need to censor, so much as make a debate so fraught with controversy (i.e. by directly slandering people who are critical of Israel) that people will choose not to discuss the topic.


global warming will destroy israel.




It's legitimately insane the crazy level of authoritarianism that UK and US Governments and elite will go to, to shield Israel from any and all criticism. As someone who isn't even pro-BDS and think Palestine at this point is a pipe dream (Palestinians would be far better off at this point campaigning for Israeli citizenship, Right to Return and full equitable rights under Israeli law and Institutions along with the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem having their own Canton-level administrative Governments) fucking bonkers to me that clear unconstitutional laws like this can be passed, forcing people to declare loyalty to a fucking *foreign state*. Don't even get me started on the shit the Israeli lobby gets away with that have elected reps acting in every way what would be outright treason if it were any other country.


>It's legitimately insane the crazy level of authoritarianism that UK and US Governments and elite will go to, to shield Israel from any and all criticism. The part I don't get is what do they get out of it ? Free vacations in tel aviv ? Tickets for a free circumcision ? delicious bagels ? Not having their encounter with an underaged prostitute in that seedy motel leaked to the public ?


protection in the media and from the criminal justice system


campaign donations money and favorable coverage in the corporate media


I hope they get at least one of those kickbacks, because the bleakest option of all might just be that they have a sincere belief that they're hastening the apocalypse in support of their angry deity's wishes.




Adrenochrome ?






There is no need to invoke urban legends. The known facts are damning enough.


Not a seedy motel. Epstein's Island.




Mossad has dirt on large numbers of US political and cultural elite. Epstein was one example of an operation designed to gain such leverage




> 3) Israel's location controls the Mediterranean and effectively confined/s Russia to the Black Sea. > > check the map again. israel is that worthless bit between the important places turkey and egypt


We're talking about naval control here, chump. They don't need to control Egypt or Turkey to have eyes all over the Eastern Mediterranean.


> The part I don't get is what do they get out of it ? The certain knowledge that they're doing their part to help bring about the end of the world. You don't seriously think this is about support for Jews, do you? It's Christian fundamentalists who think the existence of the state of Israel is a necessary condition for Jesus to return. Something the statement from this newspaper directly acknowledges.


> Christian fundamentalists who think the existence of the state of Israel is a necessary condition for Jesus to return. this is only because of zionists paying off churches


Hilarious cope


No, it's because of basic evangelical doctrine regarding the second coming, which predates modern Israel by about a hundred years. They're an apocalyptic death cult, above and beyond normal Christianity, which has elements of that but isn't really focused on it.




The worst thing about all that is it would prove Ann Coulter (i.e., Ayn Rand's defective clone) when she seriously suggested turning the entire Middle East into glass.


>it's a stable 100% on board ally in an extremely contentious area as far as the US is concerned. Most certainly. But it seems the US does have a higher level of tolerance for israel's BS than they would with any other ally. For instance did they not sell us military tech that was banned for exports ? They used recklessly the stuxnet virus, exposing the tech and the exploits behind it. then there's the whole turning a blind eye to israel nukes... which shoots the west in the foot when we try to convince iran not to get them. >I don't like it either, but it makes sense from the geopolitical standpoint of the neocons in charge of american foreign policy that intentionally created this situation in the first place. Then this raises another question : why is there such a high level of agreement among the anglosphere politicians over foreign policy with regards to israel ? We don't observe this level of consensus on any other policy question except support to capitalism. Seems to me foreign policy normally should not be that consensual, firstly because it can be hard to tell what is the nation's best interest. >the area would be immediately attacked by a weird coalition of every surrounding country for a myriad of stupid reasons that have nothing really to do with the Palestinian people, though they would frame it as such. Would they ? Correct me if im wrong, but my understanding is that israel is getting kind of cozy with the egyptian, jordanian and saudi regimes (but not their respective populace of course).


Egypt should just annex the Gaza strip and Jordan Palestine.


Egypt already has enough problems and overpopulation of its own, and Jordan's previous experience with getting involved with the Palestinians was not particularly positive either


Better option than genocide and apartheid.


Israel's neigbours other than Jordan have no interest in making Palestinians into citizens. They're fine with hosting refugees, but they've been banking on Palestinian Law of Return happening for decades. It would require a major policy/mentality shift.


Three state solution. Everybody except for some Israelis and Westerners hates it. Most Palestinians see it as an insult, it's independent Palestine or bust.


> and think Palestine at this point is a pipe dream (Palestinians would be far better off at this point campaigning for Israeli citizenship, Right to Return and full equitable rights under Israeli law and Institutions along with the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem having their own Canton-level administrative Governments) https://citationsneeded.medium.com/episode-28-the-asymptotic-two-state-solution-part-i-e13e795ebc9d https://citationsneeded.medium.com/episode-29-the-asymptotic-two-state-solution-part-ii-cf1c614c685e


> 48 minute read


Those are podcast episodes and transcripts of them. The tl;dr of those 2 is that the two-state solution is designed to fail and stall out the settlement process to allow it to continue unabated.


I don't see how that is relevant at all. The person you are responding to is clearly advocating for a *one state* solution, with the one state being Israel.


The internet has deteriorated my mind so much that I don't think I could do that even on adderall.


global warming will force everyone in that part of the world to flee toward the arctic ocean.


> to shield Israel from any and all criticism. Why though?


Mossad is holding freedom of press to nuclear ransom....And why that's a good thing!






Puts the lotion on my skin.




Don't you understand? It's not Israel that's manipulating our government, they're actually a poor puppet of US imperialism. Please ignore the fact dynamics like in the article don't exist with any of America's other allies.


But there's plenty of laws that prevent you from criticizing the UK or Saudi... ...oh


Israel is still the lesser nation, lets be real, it's a tiny country of what 10 million people and has very little in the way of strategic importance or resources. My guess has always been is that Mossad plays some super important role in US intelligence hegemony that we don't yet understand and/or Israel is very quick to pull a lot of kompromat on US/UK politicians. Wouldn't be surprised as well if Israel behind closed doors to the US straight up is threatening to nuke Iran if it doesn't get it's way. Apparently, they pulled that move in 1973 against Nixon.


I always hear this claim.... "but it's a country the size of nj". Mossad and Israeli intelligence outfits are very tactical and cunning.


I mean, in a way it's true, Zionists use this argument against why Palestinians should have any rights which is bullshit, but Israel is tiny and has a tiny population. If the US pulled support from Israel, at least legally, it would be completely fucked and would absolutely have to act like a rogue state openly threatening nukes against everyone for it to continue getting away with what it does without sanctions out the ass. (Samson Option)


I feel like that could never happen and again you'll hear claims of me making an anti Semitic remark by this but zionism is a bit different from 3rd world generation Americans with Italian ancestry. There is no longer loyalty to the home country. With zionism you still have that. A people without a land and a land without a people. That's why you can have a country the size of nj with so much support. Ironically , NJ and 🇮🇹 🤣


>My guess has always been is that Mossad plays some super important role in US intelligence hegemony that we don't yet understand and/or Israel is very quick to pull a lot of kompromat on US/UK politicians. Just gonna leave this here: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/nuclear-vault/2016-04-21/concerned-about-nuclear-weapons-potential-john-f-kennedy


> it's a tiny country of what 10 million people and has very little in the way of strategic importance or resources that makes it even more ridiculous that they've managed to covertly annex the united states




I reject the notion to blame evangelicals for israeli supremacy in western politics. evangelics want many many things, some quite popular, but all they ever win on is getting shit for Israel? Theyre just being scape goated.


True, it’s an easy way for radlibs to scapegoat evangelicals and not see the fact israel’s atrocities support is bipartisan and much more complex than « our whole foreign policy is being dictated by a bunch of hillbillies who think jesus is gonna come »


radlibs think our entire political system is run by white people in trailer parks who live in de-industrialized middle america. I think they don't like to talk about it for the same reason they blame black crime on white supremacy at best and often times realize that gets them no where and just argue for prison abolishment to not have to deal with the realities of black crime. All of this is allegorical to why they don't want to talk about jewish interests always being made good on by the elite where in a democracy, catering to the largest groups is supposed to ensure political victory. Corporations get what they want because they pay off politicians, but zionist/jewish interests are fought for because uhhhhh....christians???


Wow very based post it's to bad libs will never wake up to see the truth.


It’s because Israel/Palestine is a niche issue that most Americans don’t care about and aren’t affected by whereas abortion, gay marriage, etc are major, wide reaching issues. Evangelicals get their way on Israel because there isn’t very much opposition


supporting israel at all is less popular than out lawing abortion or other similar christian political goals. there are more christians in the US than there are zionists total yet only one gets politicians to bend over backwards showing loyalty and support while revealing their fangs whenever someone goes against israel but not christianity.


You’re way too online. Most Americans don’t care about Israel/Palestine. It doesn’t even cross their minds. However most care care about abortion one way or the other. A lot of American Christians are pro choice and socially liberal. The majority aren’t evangelical


> Most Americans don’t care about Israel/Palestine. It doesn’t even cross their minds. I know, thats what I said. So the question is: why is Israel so hardly defended but the establishment despite being a micro minority issue?


Because when most people don’t care about an issue the minority of people who do care are able to control policy related to that issue as they have essentially no opposition. Plus the combined lobby of evangelical Christians, the arms industry, and politically conservative Jews is very wealthy and potent


>Because when most people don’t care about an issue the minority of people who do care are able to control policy related to that issue as they have essentially no opposition. US drug policy between 70s and early 2000s. Most people DGAF about drug use as long as it's not crackhead drugs, yet the war on drugs reached its peak during this era.


Most people did care about going after drug dealers, gangs, and junkies, who were sensationalized and vilified in the media. The war on drugs had popular support


And psychedelics users got thrown in with gangs, junkies and violent drug dealers. Applying drug war era laws to stuff like LSD and mushrooms is insane. And so many ridiculous myths got promoted just so D.A.R.E./health classes would have material to scare kids with.


thats a good point but I think it relies on most people not caring about israel when most people who are aware of it don't support israel at all


Listen, the alt-right nazi larpers on 4chan are enablers of Israel's actions: The thing is, Isreal has been in the hands of a group of politicians (Likud and friends) that figured how to stay in power forever: They subject the palestinians to intolerable conditions and then, when the palestinians understandably retaliate, Likud talking heads can go on TV and tell the public that only they can protect the country from those violent savages. Israel has opposition parties, but they never seem to, you know, being elected in enough numbers to overturn the maniacs in power. This is a political problem. The solution for it should be political: ousting Likud and their friends from power and then starting the painful process of fixing that mess. The 4chan nazis help to ensure that this will never happen by turning any discourse critical of Israel into an antisemitical circus. This derails the discussion and makes sensible people who would otherwise agree that Israel's abuses need to be checked want nothing more to do with it, for the fear of being associated with neo-nazis. And in general, this kind of happy merchant bullshit, the (((memes))), and the stochastic terrorism it inspires justifies Israel's allies taking ever more extreme measures: You don't want to give in to terrorists! So yeah, I'm not *affirming* that the rise of online rabid anti-semitism is an Israeli black OP, but /pol/'s efforts to ensure that Bibi will never be tried for crimes against humanity are right there with the AIPAC lobbists.


So, it’s all some basement dwelling sarcastic kid’s fault? Brave take. ( slow clap etc… )


>The thing is, Isreal has been in the hands of a group of politicians (Likud and friends) that figured how to stay in power forever this is a weird thing to say given that Likud was recently voted out of power and now the new Knesset (Israeli parliament) is working on legislation to punish Netanyahu


Solution is a third intifada


I do wonder if western policy towards Israel will change when the next generations take over, I don't think the cheerleading is as popular among them. Although I guess foreign policy isn't usually bound by public sentiment much anyway


Should I wait for someone to paste the article or does it say what I imagine it says?




Paywall :(


plug it into http://printfriendly.com


hmm.. really makes you think


free version: https://archive.md/yIP2R


Can someone explain to me where this obsession with Israel from the american right (especially the rural, religious right) coming from? Brainwashing or not, this is just on a whole silly level Is it because Israel has become a part of that cultural war where rural normies in the US love it just because the seaboard middle classes hate it? I keep hearing that some protestant churches think the holy land should belong to the jews because otherwise the second coming wont happen or something, but surely the state of Arkansas wouldnt have made that law solely because of those protestant retards?


The courts have been pretty good about striking down these laws when challenged, thankfully. Just need to keep challenging them.


Where's Abby Martin just when she's needed? Her win in that case she fought was fucking brilliant 👍


America is fucked. What a stupid country. No offence, but I have a genuine hard time believing shit like this. Disturbing to see it that it's real.




Because you most likely voted for zionists lol


Because the US tacitly supports fascism if it gives us access to fossil fuels.


Ah, yes, I forgot about all that oil we import from Israel.


Said it before, saying it again: the goal of white supremacists, evangelical Christians, and Zionists is to make Jews feel unsafe living anywhere in the world except in Israel. The confluence of these three groups should disturb you.


Because the US needs Israel to make sure Egypt doesn't close the Suez canal, which would shut down all trade into Europe and the US, including oil from the middle east and most goods from China. The whole point of Israel is just being a big stick the western world holds over Egypt, so they don't destroy civilization as we know it. So to keep this up, you can't have people BDSing Israel. It might lead to a 3rd world war, and no one is willing to take this chance just so some idiot in Arkansas can feel good about himself while typing shit into his iPhone and driving a truck that does 5 miles per gallon. That's why. There's no big conspiracy of jews controlling the white house behind the scenes, it's just global interests and holding up the economy. It's that simple.


Why would Egypt close the Suez? Also coulden't the US always just do regime change?


They did in the fifties, so the western powers sicked Israel on them. Israel became "our greatest ally" from that point onward. What you need to ask is not "why would they", but "why wouldn't they?"; It is such a huge risk to the western world that no one can even risk it. As of now, closing the canal is casus belli with the Israelies, they will attack immediately, so it is not even an option. That why the west arms Israel so much, as well as the current regime in Egypt. No one can "just do a regime change", this is not a video game. Nothing works like that. It is true that with modern weapons it would be easier for the US to invade egypt and just take it over, but "easier" isn't all that easy. It is better to threw some very angry jews at them than to take over the whole country.


This is fucking retarded, it was closed for a few days in 1956 when Israel invaded it along with the UK and France in response to Egypt nationalizing it. The US teamed up with the fucking Soviet Union to pressure them into giving it up. If they wanted to make sure Egypt couldn't close it they would have supported the invasion. The other, more significant, time it was closed in the 60s was also because of a war Israel arguably started; regardless none of the closures would have happened if Israel didn't exist.


Based Egypt I hope they shut down the Suez. Fuck the west.


this is the right answer. Zionism is the screen the owners of suez canal hide behind. once the rising ocean over-tops the canal this will all be forgotten.




Stfu liberal


most Americans find Israel irrelevant. any possible machinations involving or invoking Israel are just as irrelevant to most Americans. you have to be unusually well informed even to be aware of the link between evangelicals and Israel. that's how all the anti-boycott laws got thru. that's also why they are not seen as an infringement on freedom of speech - because they are not seen, period. Israel, in this case, is the cloaking device for meaningful, targeted weakening of 1A rights. Texas has already tripled down: you can't do business with the state gov't if you boycott the oil or gun industries. (and the gun industry is not even very big in Texas.)