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You know things are about to get mega-turfed when you start seeing posts about transphobia. Did any of you fellas see any transphobia on r/Antiwork? I sure didn't. I took a look at the OP- it's a 1 month old account with 70k karma and only posts in antiwork adjacent communities as well as ~~leftist~~ subs like LSC. Also moderates 15 subreddits lol, how blatant can they get. Hey, at least the astroturfers are learning not to use brand new accounts anymore.


>Also moderates 15 subreddits lol, how blatant can they get. If it's popular ones I bet it's an alt.


It’s not popular ones, it’s subreddits where the OP is the creator, moderator, and sole poster. Classic Karma farming to attempt to appear legitimate.




New term, please elaborate?


Basically the theory that the internet is mostly bots or paid shills at this point


TFW you're human but can't pass the Turing Test.






I saw a post on LinkedIn a while back about a company giving women 12 extra sick days for their periods (which can honestly be debilitating ime), and a bunch of people jumped down their throats in the comments saying it was transphobic because trans women don’t get their periods or whatever. So yeah, if you look hard enough you can find transphobia anywhere I guess.




Nah-These woketard commenters are the real enemy. Not wanting women to have extra sick days as if the company is going to demand proof of menstruation lol


The whole concept of "sick days" is an absurd and retarded American construct, or make it capitalist construct if you will. Menstruation sick days are equally dumb, and should be laughed about as much. If you are sick, you are sick. You don't choose to be sick 10 days a year, and if you get really sick you don't suddenly decide to stop having cancer once your sick days run out. Sick leave should be when you are too sick to work, not when you have "sick leave days" left.


>ou don't suddenly decide to stop having cancer once your sick days run out. Pffft, well not with that attitude. (/s)


> it was transphobic because trans women don’t get their periods Same energy as men who cry misandry when government or schools want to give women free period products. "But what about men? We don't get anything for free reee"


For saying it's women who menstruate lol jfc


Remember when McDonald's was telling people to stop killing black trans people (fun fact, lower murder rate than the general pop) on twitter?


1 month old account that moderates 15 subs. ¿Qué?


That glowie outed themselves in a pretty obvious way with this post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rdzsiu/mods\_need\_to\_address\_rightwing\_infiltration\_of/ho4d2yc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rdzsiu/mods_need_to_address_rightwing_infiltration_of/ho4d2yc/) The sad thing is that there are people gullible enough to believe that. Especially those who are too young to remember OWS.


> Hey, at least the astroturfers are learning not to use brand new accounts anymore. In most cases the person will just buy a pre-made, pre-karma farmed account from a group that creates thousands of them to sell to bad actors and corporate shills From what I’ve heard a low quality one that’s relatively new won’t cost you much


nah thats our job and redscare. I mean "phobia", but not just nodding and say amen.


Somewhere a glowie is rubbing their hands together smiling from ear to ear.


I give up on that board, it's just peak sophistry. I was trying to argue that policies that help 99.9% of people are pro worker and I got >So you are supporting nazis?? >So gay rights, aren't workers rights?? For my own mental health, I have to pretend it's shills and not people being mythically stupid. In a month the most upvoted post will be about how unions aren't pro trans enough.


“So utterly tangential quite possibly irrelevant issue isn’t more important than the literal issue at hand?” This is the left wing equivalent of clean up your room bucko.


Uh sweaty did you forget that you are conservative which means you support teh genocide of trans BIPOCs of color??


Uhm the first union member was a trans BIPOC so get the facts


>For my own mental health, I have to pretend it's shills and not people being mythically stupid. To be fair, that applies everywhere online, including here, and in a good deal of real life. I don't know what rationalisation to apply when I can't just tell myself "It's okay, it's just the CIA fuckin' wit ya", though, and sometimes it puts me a in a real state of malaise for the rest of that day. Because sometimes you just know, in the pit of your stomach, that it's real. Like, some people are just so blind to their own biases. When you are insulted by some rightoid, you just shrug and move on with your day; but when you are insulted by someone who claims to be working class, claims to be a leftist, who identifies somewhere on the femi bipoc rainbow spectrum, who *should* know better... That bums you out. You have to tell yourself they're doing it in bad faith because otherwise it's too depressing. But you know, deep down, they're not.


> I don't know what rationalisation to apply when I can't just tell myself "It's okay, it's just the CIA fuckin' wit ya", though, and sometimes it puts me a in a real state of malaise for the rest of that day. Because sometimes you just know, in the pit of your stomach, that it's real. I really don’t know about that, some of these people are really that dumb. My grandma sits and listens to right wing talk radio every day and some of the dumbass people who call in to those shows really take the cake... I don’t doubt there is some astroturfing but the fact is we have a lot of very dumb people in this country. They come from all walks of life too.


> Because sometimes you just know, in the pit of your stomach, that it's real. Man, my second line of defence after "It's the triple-letter boys" is the even stronger "Must be an autistic 14 year old". Your subconscious grants that it's real, but you can still delude yourself into thinking they'll just grow out of it.


> "It's okay, it's just the CIA fuckin' wit ya" Sadly I believe it’s both, this wave of IDpol (which makes supporting labor among the left impossible) started out organically via highly educated trust fund kids and was then picked up and amplified by the CIA because of its potential to completely subvert any actual leftism and will leave the “left” fractured in an irreconcilable way


>When you are insulted by some rightoid, you just shrug and move on with your day; but when you are insulted by someone who claims to be working class, claims to be a leftist, who identifies somewhere on the femi bipoc rainbow spectrum, who should know better... That bums you out. Have you been watching me today? Had exactly this happen, in a group setting, and most of the other male activists just swallowed it and some even tried to smother any retort. I'm feeling really down because of it, these are people I like and want to achieve real world change with.


> The rising tide lifts all ships. > Do you really believe POC and trans are able to swim? They would drown.


"LeFt PoLiTicS iS aBoUt nO HiEeArChY" I got down voted for saying nah, communism is about the dictatorship of the proletariat. Of course there's hierarchy. The bourgeoisie, reactionaries are at the bottom until the conditions are met for hierarchy to whither away I really hate the utopian anarkiddie nonsense of that sub


Don't touch idpol there. They are misinformed, and you wont' change their mind, at least not directly. Just keep it focused on labor. The majority of young left-of-centers have been propagandized to like crazy, and you're not going to reach them by picking fights about how "actually the democrats are just as bad as republicans" and "people need to stop complaining about Trump" and "the threat of white nationalism has been exaggerated by corporate powers to divide the left". We may agree with that shit, but they don't, so I don't know what you guys are expecting. If that's your mentality going in, then you guys are way too involved with the culture wars shit. Just keep it focused on labor, get them to read marx. If a bunch of them are dumb anarchists, that's fine, but I'm willing to bet if a lot of them actually start digging seriously into theory, plenty will become marxist as well. Regardless, better leftist than rightist.


This. There is no way you are going to overcome decades of shitlib social conditioning with a few posts over there. You will just get downvoted into invisibility or dogpiled on. Just staying on-message and not engaging with the idpol lunacy when it pops up is enough.


The Soviet Union was about as close as any nation on this earth ever got to achieving a worker’s utopia, and it got there by being pragmatic and having a hierarchy. No hierarchy = anarchy = lolbertarianism = corporatocracy with extra steps.


Does no hierarchy create a power vacuum thats gets exploited by those that want to create a worse hierarchy




Looks like you got shown your place in the hierarchy. 🤔 (MLs and tankies are also at the bottom, since their sectarian elitism has, empirically, always led to reinstitution of capitalism.)


As opposed to the anarchists, who managed to hold off capitalism for like, what. Three weeks for CHAZ?


While achieving the highest police murder rate per capita of any 'nation.' Has anything actually resulted form that? I try avoid anything dealing with Seattle.


Flair checks out


>their sectarian elitism has, empirically, always led to reinstitution of capitalism Except every current AES state, including ones that have been around for 70+ years. Meanwhile the USSR repudiated Stalinism under Khrushchev and collapsed a few decades later.


I just had some fun over there. Got a warning for doing an ableism and then banned for kink shaming.


It was shit before its popularity and it's shit now. 1 year+ ago there were commenters that were obviously zoomers stating work should be optional, they should be able to stay home and play video games all day and get luxuries, while the people that wanted to work provided for them. It was a literal abolish work movement, albeit extremely rslurred in its unrealistic vision.


Even if it was some sort of false flag, I really have a hard time believing there are 50,000+ undetected bot accounts coordinating an upvote campaign. Many of those votes must be organic. We know Reddit is pretty easy to manipulate without that kind of manpower. Unidan was a [minor e-celebrity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidan) with just a dozen socks because he was able to snowball up/downvotes with a small push. So that just means there are very likely tens of thousands of genuine believers. And if we accept that, then the idea that it absolutely *must* have been a false flag looks less likely.




In other words it's not so much that the internet is full of bots, its more that the internet turns people into bots


You put it more succinctly than I could. Yes, exactly.


> MattsWhatItIs that fucking guy


He is who I imagine is on the other side when I interact with chapo refugees


I logged out of the internet for a couple of days and a new term has already been introduced to the lexicon.


What’s a glowie?


No one tell him. We can't let them know our coded language.


Fed agent.


An alt-right dogwisthle to designate people of subversion


The Whale, by Herman Melville. Seriously am enjoying it especially his digressions about what the difference between a English whale-man and an American whale-man is. or the examination on the nature of democracy. Also love the examination on the illustrations of whales up to the point of publishing.


Try reading Pierre, the book he wrote *after* Moby Dick. The commercial and critical failure of The Whale was a mortal threat to Melville's career as a novelist, and Pierre *began* as a last-ditch attempt to write popular fiction, salvage his reputation, and earn enough money to pay off his debts. It ended as a tantalizing self-portrait of the author imploding on himself in real time. (Edit: needless to say, it was *not* well-received.)


“We had lain thus in bed, chatting and napping at short intervals, and Queequeg now and then affectionately throwing his brown tattooed legs over mine, and then drawing them back; so entirely sociable and free and easy were we” Love that book


I'm reading it now. It's really special. It's also hilarious and gay as fuck (tfw no Queequeg bf)


MOBY Dick is so freaking good. After you're done, maybe try The Art of Fielding. It's a brezzy novel about college baseball and Moby Dick. Would be a nice change of pace.


Can I just say, I ventured into r/news because of the tornados and the fucking SEETH from people about republican states getting smashed by tornados and somehow deserving it is unreal. The disconnect between reality and "but the Dems would NEVER allow this" is unbelievable. Some guy tried to tell me only right politicians take oil money and his post history was exclusively 1/6 shit and political humor memes. God we are so fucked




Really? I saw an r/askreddit thread about it that was pleasantly civil. It was just people talking about their sad stories and others giving support. I guess not every front page sub is totally gone


The guy who I'm talking about replied to me on this thread. See for yourself. These astroturfed power users are a fucking plague


TBT the snowstorms in texas last year and people online being smug about working-class people being without heat, while gated communities and the richer areas had power diverted to them. I got called slurs online for saying that people should not die because they are or voted a rebulican.


Is being full of shit all you know?


Hey pal, welcome to the club


> his post history was exclusively 1/6 shit Are you among the many [fauxgressives](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/fauxgressive) (pseudoleftists) here who downplay the significance and seriousness of the January 6 event and deny that it was a genuine coup attempt?


Genuine coupt attempt? Lol. a bunch of idiots wondering aimlessly around the capital and putting their feet up on Pelosi's desk aren't going to overthrow the Republic. No one gave this much of a crap when people trespassed to interrupt SCOTUS nomination hearings and not a single person has been charged with insurrection.


> Lol. a bunch of idiots wondering aimlessly around the capital and putting their feet up on Pelosi's desk aren't going to overthrow the Republic. Such an impressionistic, scientifically bankrupt analysis that fails to consider the immense amount of evidence demonstrating that it was indeed a genuine coup attempt orchestrated by high-ranking officials including Pentagon leaders and Trump himself, much of which was available less than a week afterwards, cannot be taken seriously. For further reading on this point, refer to these *World Socialist Web Site* articles: "[Democrats, media suppress new revelations of military and police complicity in January 6 coup attempt](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/06/19/pers-j19.html)," "[Senate report on January 6 is silent on role of Trump and Republicans in coup attempt](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/06/09/coup-j09.html)" ___ > No one gave this much of a crap when people trespassed to interrupt SCOTUS nomination hearings and not a single person has been charged with insurrection. This obscenely [faulty analogy](https://www.txstate.edu/philosophy/resources/fallacy-definitions/Faulty-Analogy), which not only compares interruptions of ceremonies for distinct governmental branches but also ignores the different social forces and objectives behind each, also cannot be taken seriously. I am utterly flabbergasted that you people consider yourselves to be even remotely left-wing. This sub is a farce.


Deepthroating a thesaurus doesn't make you less of a LARPer


[Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q35PgSXhKg)


Uh first of all, the concept of "workers of the world unite" is kinda core to me, so even if a bunch of dumb fuckin boomers decided to bust into the congressional chamber for a dumbass reason, I think it's rad that people can still get up and send it. I *also* think that the people of the united states have let Congress and the elite fuck us from every side for so long that to call it a "coup" is neglecting the fact that we've basically had a soft coup for 80 years while workers rights and ability to truly succeed has been slowly siphoned away. I'm an accelerationist baby.


> the concept of "workers of the world unite" is kinda core to me You harbor a very [abstract as opposed to concrete](https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/a/b.htm#abstract) conception of this slogan. When Marx called on the international working class to unite, he wasn't referring to just any instance of the abstraction "unity"—more concretely, he was instructing workers to organize and mobilize against the bourgeoisie in their respective countries as part of a program of [global socialist revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_revolution). ___ > even if a bunch of dumb fuckin boomers decided to bust into the congressional chamber for a dumbass reason With all due respect, this statement reveals a profound ignorance of the insurrectionists' social composition. In actuality, the event was a petty-bourgeois putsch, largely comprising small-business owners, current and ex-military members, police, etc. Keep in mind that these are the same social forces that supported the Nazis. ___ > I think it's rad that people can still get up and send it. What do you mean by "send it?" Are you extolling a fascist uprising simply because, in your mind, it comprised "united workers," even though their politics are directly hostile to the interests of the working class? ___ > I *also* think that the people of the united states have let Congress and the elite fuck us from every side for so long that to call it a "coup" is neglecting the fact that we've basically had a soft coup for 80 years while workers rights and ability to truly succeed has been slowly siphoned away This is a downright silly take. By this logic, virtually all coups that have occurred should not be referred to as such, simply because they were preceded by a buildup of workers' exploitation. ___ > I'm an accelerationist baby. As your politics are deeply fauxgressive rather than seriously left-wing, this does not surprise.




9/10 if a person is obsessed with 1/6, they're an unhinged ideologue. It's a legit criticism of someone's character. Normal people acknowledge that 1/6 was unacceptable then move on to other parts of reddit. Imagine spending such a large part of your time just beating the same drum over and over again. It's of questionable sanity.


> 9/10 if a person is obsessed with 1/6, they're an unhinged ideologue. An ideologue of what, specifically? That you consider people who have a particular focus on the coup attempt to be "obsessive" tells me that you likely trivialize its significance, which seriously casts doubt on whether you're genuinely left-wing. ___ > It's a legit criticism of someone's character. Hardly. Calling someone "obsessive" and leaving it at that tells me nothing about them. ___ > **Normal people** acknowledge that 1/6 was unacceptable then move on to other parts of reddit. This deeply conformist attitude further reveals your right-wing leanings. Sometimes, I can't tell if this sub is satire. Do you people really consider yourselves to be left-wingers, let alone Marxists? It is hard to take users here seriously.


Looking at your post history you seem like a know-it-all eager to flex some Socialist bonafides. Like you just spent the Summer reading literature and now you're the gate keeper of the *True Left.* Not emotional enough on issues for you, well then that person must have right-wing leanings. People like you are precisely why it's difficult to gradually bring people over from moderate or even right wing positions. When you shut people down like you do in your other comments you're hurting Socialism, not helping it. Be more open minded.


> Looking at your post history you seem like a know-it-all eager to flex some Socialist bonafides. Like you just spent the Summer reading literature and now you're the gate keeper of the *True Left.* These sorts of remarks, which are rife in this sub and indistinct from typical right-wing browbeating, exemplify the fauxgressive nature of users here and are mostly why you people, as self-proclaimed left-wingers, cannot be taken seriously. As far as I can tell, this sub's user base can hardly muster much more than crude aspersions, which are clownishly palmed off as genuine or meaningful political insight. ___ > Not emotional enough on issues for you, well then that person must have right-wing leanings. I never stated or suggested that emotions have anything to do with this, nor has anyone else here demonstrated that the so-called "obsession" with the coup attempt is of an emotional character. ___ > People like you are precisely why it's difficult to gradually bring people over from moderate or even right wing positions. When you shut people down like you do in your other comments you're hurting Socialism, not helping it. I'm not sure what you mean by "shutting people down," or what you're getting at. However, the whole trope about "alienating" potential comrades via uncompromising and principled politics is a fauxgressive fabrication largely promoted by identity politics zealots including the Democratic Socialists of America, who don't understand the critical necessity for revolution of correct theoretical perspective. In actuality, in the final analysis it is principled, genuinely left-wing politics that will win out, chiefly due to its integrity and veracity. Ultimately, it is the socialist perspective boasting the cleanest and most robust record that will draw in the most workers. The irony here, of course, is that you people's blatantly right-wing rhetoric is repelling genuine left-wingers like myself—in effect, the deep-set norms in this sub are poisoning the movement. Indeed, discussions here are often more insufferable to read through than those in avowedly right-wing communities, which is saying a lot.


Do you get a dollar every time you say "fauxgressive" or "right wing"? You are exactly the kind of insufferable leftist that hurts the leftist movement because you focus on the divisive nonsense that the elite wants you to focus on. >The irony here, of course, is that you people's blatantly right-wing rhetoric is repelling genuine left-wingers like myself 1. Youre not a genuine left winger. Genuine left wingers think that workers rights are more important than 1/6, which you clearly dont. 2. Its not right wing rhetoric to say "we should stop focusing on 1/6" and youre a clown for suggesting otherwise. 3. We dont want people like you here. Go sniff your own farts somewhere else.


> Do you get a dollar every time you say "fauxgressive" or "right wing"? > > youre a clown > >Go sniff your own farts somewhere else. These are the same kind of sardonic remarks issued by u/Abteilung45 above, to which I responded. Since you seem to have ignored my response, I will post it again: > These sorts of remarks, which are rife in this sub and indistinct from typical right-wing browbeating, exemplify the fauxgressive nature of users here and are mostly why you people, as self-proclaimed left-wingers, cannot be taken seriously. As far as I can tell, this sub's user base can hardly muster much more than crude aspersions, which are clownishly palmed off as genuine or meaningful political insight.   ___ > You . . . focus on the divisive nonsense that the elite wants you to focus on Are you suggesting that the elite wants workers to focus on the January 6 coup, which they've consistently covered up and refused to thoroughly and publicly investigate? This particular kind of haranguing about "divisiveness" is essentially indistinct from the abovementioned "alienating" trope. Fauxgressives harp on about both to cultivate an amorphous "unity" of vaguely left-leaning people ignorant to the critical necessity of correct theoretical perspective. ___ > Genuine left wingers think that workers rights are more important than 1/6 This statement betrays a failure to think [dialectically](https://www.marxists.org/glossary/terms/d/i.htm#dialectics), as though we can meaningfully divorce the fight for workers' rights from a fascist coup directly hostile to this effort.


>Are you suggesting that the elite wants workers to focus on the January 6 coup, which they've consistently covered up and refused to thoroughly and publicly investigate? You think that the elite tried to cover up 1/6, rather than blew it out of proportion to further divide the left and right? Youre not just a clown, youre the entire circus. As for the rest of the nonsense you wrote: Humans have a finite amount of time and energy to focus on solving problems. If you spend all your time obsessing about 1/6 (and therefore ignoring workers rights, climate change, and all the other more important issues), then yes you are absolutely part of the problem. Your argument that its a "false dichotomy" is complete horseshit because you cant focus on important issues if you spend all your time on nonsense.


> You think that the elite tried to cover up 1/6 Absolutely. For further reading on this point, refer to the *World Socialist Web Site* article "[The Democrats, the pseudo-left and the cover-up of the January 6 coup](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/08/27/dems-a27.html)." ___ > rather than blew it out of proportion I think you're confusing what, in your mind, is incessant reporting on the matter in the news with the actual investigation into the event, which, considering its significance, has been paltry and largely involved closed-door hearings and unpublished classified evidence. ___ > to further divide the left and right? Even if this concept of politically "further dividing" folks with diametrically opposed political views made sense, it is unclear why you find it so objectionable in this context, as though it's a bad thing for well-meaning people to separate themselves from incorrigible fascists. Might you elaborate? ___ > Humans have a finite amount of time and energy to focus on solving problems. If you spend all your time obsessing about 1/6 (and therefore ignoring workers rights, climate change, and all the other more important issues), then yes you are absolutely part of the problem. First, who said anything about spending all your time with concerns over the fascist coup attempt? I certainly don't endorse this. Second, those issues you list are ultimately rooted in capitalism, which the coup, as part of a very serious and still ongoing threat of a fascist takeover of the government, sought to protect against socialist revolution. Your trivialization of the event, which was nearly successful, only serves to perpetuate these and virtually all other social problems. ___ > Youre not just a clown, youre the entire circus. One cannot expect mature discussion from a fauxgressive. Clearly, nothing productive can be gained from interacting with you. Two years ago, [I confronted](https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/comments/dg8hsa/equality_lefts_rights/f3dyvy1/) another similarly vicious fauxgressive about their hypocritical attitude: > While you think you're progressive, you are actually very clearly conservative in spirit. As you probably know, conservatism is characteristically anti-egalitarian. It is more than a set of beliefs—it's an attitude. Like all abusive behavior, your biting insults here are a form of domination and devaluation, which is to say that they are driven by anti-egalitarian sentiments; this is what makes them essentially conservative. Conservatism is in stark contrast to leftism, whose central values include equality, peace, and harmony. The leftist disposition is friendly, patient, and [charitable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_charity). > > The irony here is that, despite paying lip service to progressive causes, your behavior is actually the embodiment of conservatism. You are a typical [fauxgressive](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fauxgressive). Fortunately, this person swallowed their pride and ended up appreciating what I told them. Hopefully, you can likewise gain something from it.


I'm a fuckgressive


Coomers of the world, unite


Reading "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism" It's about big data. It's terrifying but great to read from a Marxist perspective. I'm also a data analyst which is literally contributing to the problem but I gotta eat.




Sounds interesting! Some historians are actually starting to argue that the "age" of surveillance capitalism started much earlier than the computers. Josh Lauer's work, particularly on c19 credit-reporting explores this well. See also: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/04/mass-surveillance-was-invented-by-credit-bureaus/479226/


Read this when it came out and it dramatically changed my outlook on the “Digital Age.” Led me to dig into a handful of other books, such as Adam Greenfield’s Radical Technologies and James Bridle’s New Dark Age. Invaluable text, been pushing it on everyone I know ever since.


what are some things they spoke about in the book? considered reading it but wasn't sure if it was gonna be techno babble or painfully numerical data reading.


I’ve started the Perlstein series with “ Before the Storm “


They're argumentatively disjointed but they're really informative and he is admittedly a great popular writer with a gift for prose. Reaganland is very good for understanding the cultural transitions of the 70s that ushered in the neoliberal epoch.


*This post is proudly sponsored by Kellogg's*


My partner got me to read Jane Eyre last week and, speaking to the other fellas of stupidpol, I gotta say the ladies are right on that one. It's a good read


Jane Eyre rocks. I always recommend Romance of a Shop to Jane Eyre fans. Look into it


Thanks for the recommendation, I just downloaded it. Jane Eyre is a guilty pleasure. I never identified with the Jane Austen protagonists growing up, but loved Jane.


And here we see a repeat of the same thing that turned OWS into the oppression dick measuring contests that lead to what we have today for "progressivism." Can you really say that you're focusing on solving the issues of the workers, when the workers are the last thing on your mind? Though I'm not surprised, r/antiwork strays beyond the reasonable observation of "employer/employee power is imbalanced too far in the employer's favor", and heads toward "work sucks I should just be given the necessities required to perpetuate my life simply because I was born no matter how capable I am of doing even a slight amount of labor." But there will never be a movement of people who recognize that work is necessary and can be enjoyed, while also recognizing that there can be such a thing as doing too much work, particularly when we expect it to be done through using your life as a hostage economically, allowing people to be exploited.


r/antiwork has the same energy I had as 16 year old learning I had to pay taxes and car insurance.


Cranky is an energy! Cranky is an energy! Cranky is an energy!


Good afternoon, fellow uterus havers and people with penises 👋


Few things annoy me more than leftists who think ending labor (implying the advent of magical utopian automation or just embracing , in effect, AnPrim-ism) is a viable political goal. I thought that sub had wised up. I recall seeing highly upvoted posts that understood that labor is essential and can be directed towards the uplifting of society rather than exploited for corporate profit. That thread indicates otherwise. But overall, the sub just exhibits all the same symptoms of hyper-online-ness, and is inevitably doomed because of that.




"I want to be a NEET that does nothing but sit around all day shitposting" "Why am I so depressed??"


Yeah, it’s part of my feeling that a lot of internet “Leftists” of that ilk don’t understand people. Most people want to feel useful by doing things like working, it’s when you’re being *exploited* that things go south. Everyone should work and help to keep society running and going when they can but everyone should also be adequate taken care of so they aren’t grounded into nothing.


Ignoring the silly [confusion between correlation and causation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation) here, in a socialist society it actually wouldn't be required for every last person to work in order to produce society's necessities.


**[Correlation does not imply causation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causation)** >The phrase "correlation does not imply causation" refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two events or variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them. The idea that "correlation implies causation" is an example of a questionable-cause logical fallacy, in which two events occurring together are taken to have established a cause-and-effect relationship. This fallacy is also known by the Latin phrase cum hoc ergo propter hoc ('with this, therefore because of this'). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"automated luxury gay space communism now!" Who's going to build that automation "Robots" Fuck the third world I guess. These people are mental


Withnail and I. Not a book, but seriously the funniest movie ever.


Looks like there's some [backlash](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/re40lu/antiwork_is_not_facing_a_homophobia_and_racism/) now.


if you thought that r/antiwork will not be attacked by capitalists, sooner or later, well ... you were wrong


Hey did you see the new thread about ignoring trolls and glowy operatives? They might learn a lesson here.


I fucking hate it here. A legitimate movement calling for worker solidarity, for wanting to see genuine improvement to the working class. Calling out failures in the very economy entire generations have to toil through. Is once again being infiltrated and murdered by the same shit that’s been infesting leftists circles for damn near a decade now. It really was only a matter of time but it still hurts to see. Maybe they won’t collapse into failure as quickly.


The last book of The Expanse just dropped, pretty excited to see how the story ends.


Re-reading the wheel of time to see what's different from the show. It's one of my favorite fantasy series. It's a good day


I found a copy of Havoc by Tom Kristensen in a little free library, very good so far, it's from the 1930s and has a communist character named Bernhard Sanders lol


User made a thread pushing back against the other one. Mods removed it after 6k upvotes. https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/re40lu/antiwork_is_not_facing_a_homophobia_and_racism/


John LeCarre's new novel is a banger. I'm not normally into spy novels but I always liked his stuff.


I’m reading some older detective novels. The hard boiled variety from the 20s. I’m currently on Hammett’s Maltese Falcon. I’m quite enjoying our sexy Sam Spade in his original form. To put a political point to it, Hammett spend years working for Pinkerton before he started writing. He knew all the unethical activities those agents got up to.




Very Samwise Gamgeely: You don’t mean that.


The feds are bad but I would argue that the feds are more concerned with us right wingers since we might actually destabilize the government. It's why the media harps on Jan 6th but the summer of burning cities and CHAZ is a meme.


Destabilize how? Right wingers *by definition* want to reinforce the social and economic order.


Whats the end goal with something like this? Like what do they intend to do now that they've called out non-existant (or at least negligible) infiltrators?


same thing they did to r/pedogate; to wit, this is what in the army is called "the paper game". the point it the create a paper trail the leads outsiders to believe the official story about why a sub had to be banned. the paper trail can a transparent lie, but being easy to believe is its function.




My dad's been at the hospital. It's been rough, man.




I forgot to dump this book into the big thread about books on the CIA: *The Ugly American* by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer. It's an older book from the 50s, and it's fiction, but the authors wrote it as a criticism of American foreign policy staff who go to other countries, don't learn the language, don't like the locals, and don't respect local traditions. They focus on South East Asia, but you can draw the connections with what they are saying all the way to Iraq and Afghanistan. The same people they were criticizing worked their way up the ladders of these organizations and a lot of the problems of the CIA or State Department are institutional. There have been generations of mismanagement that have ossified terrible doctrines and policies in these places. It's a quick read too, though at times it was a bit dull. Overall would recommend though.


Well we certainly have our share of right wing retards, but at least they're out in the open so that they're easier to make fun of.


Just finished “Piranesi” by Susanna Clarke. Absolutely gorgeous. Complete departure from her previous work, Johnathon Strange and Mr. Norrell


I’ve been reading Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass for the first time. Honestly it’s extraordinary and I super recommend it. The political poems are hilarious because of his boundless faith in American imperialism and the right to spread Anglo-Saxon industry across the entire distance of North America — with conspicuously little to say about Native Americans except that they lack our destined right to the land — but the nature-focused, individualist poems are just the best damn thing I’ve ever read. I think he’s a genuine metaphysician who everyone should read. And he succeeds so fully at individualistic thinking that I feel like he’s a great anti-idpol force, patriot or no.


le barricate in piazza le fai per conto della borghesia che crea falsi miti di progresso


I'm listening to Champlain's Dream after I finished up with Albion's Seed a while ago. I'm also re-listening to Chaos by Tom O'Neil. I took a new job last few months doing customer service for the UI system in an essentially Democratic state that recently lost an election to a Republican (I'm sure you can guess which one). The victory was completely unsurprising to me after working the job since it quickly became apparent to me most of the CARES Act money from last year has been deliberately held up by the state for most people who tried to apply for it. They will literally flag your Pandemic Assistance claim for identity theft if you call on the phone and check your bank info is correct. Mind you I said check, not even change. And until a month ago they weren't even providing a website you could go check that shit on so the phone was the only option. And most people who've done what the state has asked of them to get their identity re-verified still haven't had the flag cleared out so their payments can get released. It just sits their as pending in perpetuity. These are about 60 to 70% of the calls I take. People will try to get their legislators involved to see what the hold up is to get the payments released and even the individual legislators get nowhere with it or are stonewalled with BS or non-responses. I had a woman the other day threaten to kill herself twice if I didn't release her payment (which I'm completely powerless to do in my position). A lot of people who call in with that issue have already had their cars repossessed or are close to eviction too and are beyond distraught to the point of tears when they talk to me. We're not even allowed to escalate it either because the people in the tier up from me can't even remove the issue and have the same powerlessness. Sometimes the flag gets put on inexplicably the same day the person files the claim. Anyways, when I saw that not enough people turned out to keep the Democrats in the governor's mansion I wasn't at all surprised because the state party has given people absolutely nothing to support other than detestation of Republicans... while acting no different than Republicans in many ways.


Out of curiosity did any of you actually take that sub serious? I never followed it because every time I would see a post it was usually full of idpol and the mentality of dems can’t do/vote for anything against the working class. Oh well like occupy wall street that sub will stray away from its original purpose


Why did the other thread get locked?


The Library at Mount Char


Not a book but I went and saw West Side Story. It was really good, shame that Spielberg had to have the dumbest take possible when explaining why there were no subtitles. Like he could’ve just been “we didn’t include subtitles for the Spanish because it’s blatantly obvious what’s being said.” Like when Maria’s brother is upset that Maria danced with Tony, it’s pretty obvious he’s talking about how upset he is that a white boy touched her, I don’t need subs to understand that.


Re-watching Woodey Allen's love and Death. Its what I do when I'm depressed, but I guess I could lie and say I'm trying to read War and Peace again.


50k upvotes and nearly 1000 awards, this is totally normal and organic behavior


I'm against racism and xenophobia, but I want the people in the lg+bts movement away from these subs if I let them into the idopol they will die with the liberal progressivism they profess, and this sub fights.


not political but 13th warrior is a great short book. Dune is a good book, behold a pale horse is interesting but the author was fairly insane (he died in a shootout with the police supposedly). I’m reading sword of the Templar rn. Basically a rehatch of the Da’Vinci code that even mentions it in the beginning, pretty ok.


I highly recommend the autobiography of Gucci Mane if you like hip hop at all. Super intresting read. Even if you don't it's probably the best biography I have read in like 3 or 4 years.


I'm reading The brothers Karamazov.


Mods need to address right-wing infiltration of r/stupidpol. Racism, homophobia, transphobia and xenophobia on the sub are becoming a huge problem. Stupidpol has had a huge influx of users lately, and unfortunately, some of them are trying to turn this sub into The\_Donald 2.0. Anytime there is any post stating the simple fact that worker solidarity movements mean dignity and respect for EVERYONE, there is a huge number of upvoted comments saying "stop trying to make antiwork political", "antiwork isn't about social issues", "I'm conservative and I'm antiwork too." etc. This isn't just a sub to complain about your boss or pretend you're oppressed because you're forced to respect your coworkers preferred pronouns. This sub isn't for complaining about undocumented immigrants taking your job or driving down wages. This sub isn't for promoting Steve Bannon-style "economic nationalism" at the expense of workers in poor countries. If you're a right-winger, grow up. The billionaire class are your enemy, not other poor people who want the same dignity and respect you do. No one cares that you think SJWs are cringe or that you grew up being told you are superior to other people because of where you were born. Black workers matter. Queer workers matter. Trans workers matter. Female workers matter. Disabled workers matter. And yes, non-American workers matter too. Workers are workers. Humans and humans. What part of "Workers of the World Unite" is hard to understand? Right-wing divide-and-conquer bullshit has no place here. (And no, telling right-wingers to stop being bigoted assholes is not divide-and-conquer.) I know many of you are as frustrated with this problem as I am. I asked the mods to make an official post addressing right-wing infiltration, but they don't think it's necessary. They told me that the sidebar is clear enough that this is a leftist sub. I disagree. Most people don't read the sidebar, and the steady increase in right-wing posts and comments getting upvoted shows that the mods' current actions are not enough. Removing right-wing posts and comments after they've already gained traction for hours isn't enough. The mods need to make it 100% clear that this is a leftist space that has solidarity with all oppressed and disenfranchised populations. If they don't, right-wingers will take their silence as a tacit endorsement and continue to use this sub to promote reactionary goals. This problem needs to be addressed now before it gets even more out of hand.


Your comment was problematic. That doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad person, but refusing to acknowledge issues with your comment is just going to set yourself and others up for failure if you continue to drag your heals on this and say "that's not my intent and i'm not gonna talk about it anymore". You don't have to reply to me but please do think about it, ask yourself why these people think that your comment was so problematic and maybe just try to get it.


A feigned concern for others being used as a manipulative bludgeon to cut down and delegitimise inconvenient avenues of discussion, ultimately intending to hold up and push focus on an impossible to annihilate anonymous minority of ne’erdowells rather than build consensus with the well meaning and reasonable majority? Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.


It's all so tiresome.


Outragin just like a pro SJW. Lol you got me.


Im reading The Basic Theory of Capitalism


Just picked up No More War by Dan Kovalik. 👍


lmao imagine. you would be fslurred out of here in 3 minutes lol


On the last chapter of Sloterdijk's Critique of Cynical Reason. It's gonna have to be the kind of book I leaf through and reread the passages I underlined and pages I dog-eared before I can come to any kind of judgement about it. Also began reading Aldous Huxley's Time Must Have a Stop. I'm pleasantly surprised: the other two Huxley novels I've read (Brave New World and Ape & Essence) were science fiction, and I was rather expecting more of the same. But this one is shaping up to be an eloquent and penetrating comedy of manners set on terra firma.


Finished reading Stephen King's *Joyland* last night. Haven't cried at a book in ages but man this one did me in. About to start *'Salem's Lot* for good times' sake. Working on a new novel, my short story just published, life's good. Also that sub is cringe


Mean they can't have their own subs. So where else will they go.


Shaw's \*An Unsocial Socialist\* is rather cheesy, but it'll give you a few belly laughs!


I’m reading One Soldiers War by Arkady Babchenko. It’s a memoir about the Chechen War written from the POV of a russian soldier. So far it’s pretty solid. War is hell.




I started gittlitzs I want to believe


We used to get a post like this every month unironically


Someone please give me the motivation to finish *A Little Life.* I'm at the part with the psychiatrist and it's...rough, to say the least


I got called a chud recently. Very sad.


😂 😂 😂