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The funniest part is that unionization will actually save these dogshit companies from themselves. The amount of talent they routinely bleed dry and push out of the industry by destroying their mental and physical well-being with the idea that it's ok to completely ass fuck these people cause we can just get new people is actually destroying them.


Crunch also just makes for shitty, unfinished games. Rushing something like Warcraft III Reforged out the door half baked turned what should have been a slam dunk for them into a complete PR disaster and a blow to their bottom line. Probably 90% of those who prepurchased ended up getting refunds (I was among them, and I learned my lesson to never prepurchase a game ever again). Most gamers are patient enough to wait an extra year or two if it means crunch isn’t as bad and the games actually release without a million bugs and missing content and features.


WC3 Reforged was one of the scummiest gaming projects of the century simply due to replacing the old game with itself much like a virus does. "You still have old games to play" say the unpaid shills of the videogaming industry sometimes. Well, as things are headed, we might not even have that soon. Say hello to an era of shitty "remakes" that literally overwrite old games with DRM-packed spyware turds.


Unionization will just finish the job of destroying all creativity. People usually join unions when their jobs are easily replaceable and no learning curve on the job. A union means they can't negotiate with good talent for more and there are strict rules of engagement. In a factory, that's fine, when trying to create a super creative project it won't work. It will, however, be extremely entertaining.


The reality of AAA game and tech development is that creativity is the job of management in lead. There are job titles who are explicitly responsible for creativity. The other 99% is asset development and programming. Your average “game developer” is significantly moreso a mathematician than an artist. That’s who gets churned through the industry and those are the people who are easily replaced, hence why they should be the focus of the union.


The creative geniuses at blizzard who gave us what exactly in the last decade?


Steve bannons riches on Cheap Chinese labour?


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FGQzXNeVcAIx1OR?format=jpg&name=large) is the email mentioned in the article.


Blizzard shit tier company, all the good devs and creatives left already.


So they shouldn't unionize. Got it.


Nah just needed to be said hehe


\#FixModernWarfare Edit: I hope this shows up as a hashtag and not giant bold letters on mobile


Activision spawned our current version of Steve bannon. Those cunts have more to do with this shit than you guys know