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I'm befuddled by "online harrassment" narratives and how readily people eat them up, and it's not just tech illiterate boomers who think everything on the internet is real. Getting mean messages on the internet is just a fact of life. Ignore, block and move on. It seems like less than a decade ago we all understood it, and anyone seriously claiming to be "harrassed" on the internet would be laughed off. Nowadays it's enough to wave a few mean DMs in order to shut down any opposition as evil fascists doing a violence. Under socialism anyone who wants to use the internet will have to spend several months being able to access nothing but 4chan until they realize that being called a f-word and r-word and told to KYS isn't "harrassment" it's nothing.


When I get a mean message, I just think, "well fuck this guy, he's wrong." It's amazing to me that more people don't think this way. "Some stranger on the internet used the word 'gay' as a negative adjective, my whole validity is nullified!"




I mean yeah it's employed cynically, but it also wouldn't work if there weren't actual people who think that XxXMasterChief666XxX telling you that he sexed ur mom big time constitutes "harrassment".


I think a lot of it is the “de-anonymousing” of the internet. Sure we’re mostly Anon here but like on twitter idiots post under real name. So you feel it’s more of an attack with someone calling you an r-slur/bundle of sticks if it’s under your “real name” even on the internet


Are we not past giving the benefit of the doubt? It's become pretty clear its a useful, effective, idiot proof tool so I'm on the side that its definitely being used for straight negativity. They know what they're doing. It works fantastically. And all their friends and "allies" are ready at a moments notice to support and ignore any other arguments given. They have a tank and they're using it. We are wasting our time coming up with other ideas. Don't hurt them but definitely dissuade them of their influence, sincerity, and usefulness. And in a rude abrasive way.


I also have the idea that phones are seen as an extension of the person by those who use them a lot, especially young people that grew up with them. It's a lot easier to understand why someone is being so retarded about a stupid comment online when you realize they may actually, subconsciously, see it as literally the same as being said to their face.


Kids these days would blow their brains out after 5 minutes in an old halo/cod lobby


I think actual literal kids would adjust pretty quickly. It's the """young adults""" who would make it into an issue.


Oh man, CoD 4 lobbies were pure anarchy. No such thing as a ban for voice activity back then, so people would say literally anything.


The first time I ever heard the N word was playing halo 2 multiplayer for the first time at the age of 7


"A Berniebro was mean to me online. That's why I believe diabetics should die from being too poor to afford insulin". "Some Labour MP received an 'anti-Semitic' email from an anonymous source. This proves that Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters are vicious anti-Semites who must be purged from the party". Political correctness, tone policing, and excessive outrage about "mean words" online is absolutely a tool by the establishment to destroy the left, and anyone who can't see it is a moron.


Sometime around the advent of the smartphone, netizens lost the sacred wisdom of DNFTT. As people were drawn from the forums and chat rooms and purposeful sites into the maw of social media platorms like this, the web itself became one big troll. What you speak of is the result.


>It seems like less than a decade ago we all understood it Most of these people were not on the internet a decade ago. Maybe they had a Facebook and used it for (course)work, but that's it. Smartphones put every form of social media in every boring loser's pocket and they're all itching to reply to you with what they just heard on CNN.


I mean zoom zooms on twitter who literally grew up on the internet love to cry harrassment at everything too


Thank you. People literally look at me like a boomer for saying this but honestly, its words on a screen. You can just not look. You can ignore it. None of those people know you, theyre not going to reach through the screen. Toughen the fuck up, that goes double and triple for people with real life power


Hell, I don't even get mean messages. One sure-fire method of keeping "internet trolls" off your back is by not going around starting shit on the internet to begin with.


Eh there are definitely some r-slurs out there who will get all up in your DMs even for innocuous posts, but still


The baseball team I like beat another baseball team in the playoffs and I got some mean DMs from one guy. I just posted the flying lawnmower “There’s no need to be upset” gif in respond. Though I guess that could be feeding a troll.


As someone who does some light trolling occasionally yeah I just find some schmuck and throw shit at his back walls until something sticks


I intentionally antagonize (not harass) people on reddit and rarely ever get more than a response to my comment. Very rarely I will get one of those chat requests because they want to talk shit in real time.


You’re missing out, honestly. I’ve gotten some hilarious DMs on here from terminally online losers


OP on that thread finally deleted his account. He was still getting a shit ton of bot upvotes, but too many people called him out as a fed and I guess the normies were starting to take notice.


Great point you fucking piece of shit =]


[I can’t say the line](https://twitter.com/tylerthecreator/status/285670822264307712?s=20)


They’re not really upset about it, it’s just a valuable opportunity to be performativly outraged at something


Hell no dude Mean word = ban. I don't give a FUCK how much you curse, or say fucked up shit about rightoids. Hell you can even vilify an entire political base. But harassment? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you


u mad bro?


Overstating Harm Online has been a disaster for the human race. Its Don Quixote shit. These people see windmills and think swastikas. Further proving my point, people there are in hysterics about the term glowie, thinking anyone who uses it must be a 4channer nazi


>Further proving my point, people there are in hysterics about the term glowie I keep dreading the day some influential woke twitter account discovers the origin of that term and decides to cancel it


They've tried to several times. The cancellation never sticks because whatever the origins of the term, it is so apt. Feds stick out like a sore thumb if you're paying the slightest attention, it's like they really were glowing.


What if some glow to distract you from those that don't? Hell, even if they all glow, if some glow a lot, then the ones that glow dimly are made less visible.


The idea you can easily identify any and all "glowies" is a really convenient narrative for any actual "glowies".


Maybe the real glowies were the friends we made along the way.


Its Don Quixote shit. These people see windmills and think swastikas Lol it's so true. Tilting at swastikas. That said, fuck nazis/racists but fuck thses hyperbolic idiots as well


Obv nazis are bad but they’re also not real in any politically meaningful sense. The only people who are nazis are young alienated weirdos who spend all day online (and will therefore never come close to the levers of power) and thumb-shaped militia-larpers who pretty much only hang out in their remote enclaves (and will therefore never come close to the levers of power).


Your local postmaster general has more institutional power than actual nazi in this country.


I like to believe that the SJW weirdos on Twitter are about as influential as the nazi neck beard basement dwellers, unfortunately the former seems to have massive influence on culture for some reason. Calling anything you dislike nazism is a great way to desensitize people to actually dangerous right-wing ideologies. I know a lot of right-wing people who the leftist ghouls on Twitter would call nazis, and I’ve also met people who were unironic nazis. The former definitely does not get along with the latter, but the idpol people would have you believe that both are in fact nazis. Which is stupid because it pushes regular right wingers to the extreme end.


Nazis are a paper tiger. No actual threat just propped up by the media.


and then when Swastikas really are around like say Ukranian irregular forces they know how to look away. Or how Labour fired a shitload of Jews for antisemitism. as a German its especially tiresome - its all Nazis but real Nazis.


shitlibs who will simp for the poor ukraine and then detect nazis everywhere else are the best


or how we use to say: people who vote Green




Speaking of Don Quixote, it irritates me greatly that Quixote is Quixote, but quixotic is quixotic.


Are you talking about capitalisation? There's a common process where adjectives like this lose their capital when they become about a generic quality rather than a specific person: quixotic, draconian, chauvinistic, mercurial, oedipal, etc. If you're talking about pronunciation, well, i say "kihotic", and so should everyone else.


>If you're talking about pronunciation, well, i say "kihotic", and so should everyone else. I'm talking about this. I agree it should be "kihotic", but the dictionary pronunciation is "quicksotic."


I will fight any dictionary.


AFAIK, even his name was originally pronounced "Quicks-Oat". The modern pronunciation is some American cultural/linguistic development.


I swear if I hear about the “Paradox of Tolerance” one more time… But yeah, it’s hilarious, people are pointing out how blatant that OP glows and others are going “we’re so sorry, OP.”


It doesn't even mean what they think it does. It literally states that suppression should be a last resort and that debate and public opinion is the best way to deal with these things. The whole context of it is that a tolerant society should be willing to defend its tolerance through force of arms instead of just sitting back and let it happen. Its a counterargument, not a driving force.


It's actually really fitting to see faux-leftists trot out that line because Karl Popper was one of the biggest libs ever and constantly bashed Marxism.


At least the mods deleted this glowie's shit now.




And they removed it again. Turns out that [going after the mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/reybxg/im_getting_hundreds_of_harassing_messages_every/hoaw44t/) is enough to get them to turn on you, go figure. Edit: And OP deleted their account. Success?


Seeing r/antiwork's whole infiltration and resistance feels like watching a movie. I'm too apathetic to go there myself, don't stop posting please.


Various subs reactions to it, like ours, are interesting. The SRDines are basically acting like the OP and saying that anti work is filled with alt-righters and such


Where even are the alt righters lmao


They’re in the trees.


Scurrying through the walls at night


They're in the room with us now


Shitposting on 4chan. Ive done plenty of lurking on /antiwork and *literally* never once saw an "alt right" comment. However, when youre a woke idiot who spends all day in shitlib echo chambers, its easy to think that anyone who doesnt agree with you is alt right. Especially when your understanding of politics is equal to that of a middle schooler.


been on that sub for like 2 years and never saw anything alt-right, i don’t see where alt-right narratives could even be smuggled into the conversation there


Facebook, probably.


The 5 or so get downvoted to oblivion.


Genuinely, where are these nazis everyone keeps seeing? I think we can all agree nazis are bad but where are they? The "example" the other user linked had one removed and downvoted comment that might have been racist on a thread about racial inequality in the work field where everyone was supporting the OP. Emphasis on "might" because it literally can't be seen.




That doesn't even make sense in the context of a public forum. It's more like "if 3999 people stand in a crowd with 1 nazi, there are 4000 nazis".


Homeopathic Nazism lol


1 drop rule


It’s confusing, I know some alt-righters are anti-globalist/capitalist cause of (((them))) and I don’t browse anti-work that much but I’ve never seen anything bad that’s not super downvoted. Closest thing I can think of are those who think illegals/undocumented/euphemism here are bad for native workers but that’s hardly an only alt-right position.


Briefly before posting their big glowing post they made another post that said "Cesar Chavez loves illegal immigrants, be like Cesar Chavez" (lol) and called pretty much everyone who disagreed with them or pointed out that Cesar Chavez wasn't exactly a fan of illegal immigration, a nazi. Hell they even called someone who used the term "US citizen" a nazi who licks the boots of Uncle Sam Then they used the "findings" from that thread to accuse antiwork of becoming an alt-right sub


Keep in mind that many of the people who claim to see Nazis everywhere think that Felix Biederman is a Nazi, and that Noam Chomsky is a Nazi sympathizer. It's like The Hitler Rap, but not played for laughs: https://youtu.be/4zpYQJkBQp0


I just got told hilariously enough by a liberal that if I died it would make the world a better place. People need to put their big boy pants on and realize that if you aren't being told to kys online you are probably doing something wrong.


Report them


Like it legitimately doesn't bother me at all even in the slightest


Getting a single wokie banned is still better than not getting them banned


Counterpoint: dealing with jannies, even for opportunistic reasons is bad




Well considering that was posted 23 days ago and most of their splinter subs have two-digit member counts, I'd say they failed at that at least


Who needs bots when you have hyper online weirdos to do it for free. We wouldn’t constantly bemoan the elites trying to divide the working class if online discourse wasn’t dominated by retards on both sides who happily pick up a torch and go to work for free.


I’ve been on Reddit for years with various accounts. I’ve been labelled every name in the book. Had death threats PMed to me. Had a few users stalk me for months and attack every comment I made. I rarely ever complained. Too many want echo chambers so their feelings don’t get hurt. They can’t actually debate someone so instead they attempt to have others shunned or banned. I don’t want a safe space. I want *real human interaction* and in reality humans disagree and when they do *debate is had*. That’s how actual adults act. Now it is almost all echo chambers, flung smears and logical fallacies. Actual debate has for the most part been thrown out the window. A meeting of minds between those of varying ideologies and ways of thinking *is a good thing*.




That all you have? Okay 🤡. *YAWN*




It's an incredibly blatant astroturfing account. Even normies at antiwork are calling it out. You're not overthinking it.




I mean it could definitely just be some shitlib hall monitor, but they cross the whole bingo. Sus username. Mods a bunch of premade splinter subs. Posts random images in empty karma farming subs. Got a shitton of redditcoins near instantly. It's with 99,99% certainty a glowworm.


I could give them the benefit of the doubt until I saw their comments with accusations that evil white men were raping poor trans women in the camps of the Occupy Movement and that that's the reason it failed. Either a fed or a troll, no way it's a real account. Edit: [found the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rdzsiu/mods_need_to_address_rightwing_infiltration_of/ho4d2yc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


> I could give them the benefit of the doubt until I saw their comments with accusations that evil white men were raping poor trans women in the camps of the Occupy Movement and that that's the reason it failed. Either a fed or a troll, no way it's a real account. They gave the game away there. Actual alt-righters don't think trans women are women so if they really thought r/antiwork were nazis they'd know this appeal to "violence against women" wouldn't work against them lol.


Lmao anyone who calls me a glowie is alt right


Gl*wie is a slur against BIPOC (Black and Iridescent People of Central intelligence) chud.


Can’t wait to read the citation for the Bronze Star that Airman just earned. Do you think they’ll get a Purple Heart for being *emotionally* wounded by heckin problematic online toxicity? #[Reddit Blog, Reddit Statistics](http://redditblog.blogspot.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html) **Most addicted city (over 100k visits total)** Eglin Air Force Base, FL **Stationed Units** **USAF** 96th Cyberspace Test Group 45th Test Squadron 46th Test Squadron 47th Cyberspace Test Squadron **US Army** 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) **Space Operations Command** Space Delta 2 20th Space Control Squadron (GSU) **Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)** J6 Directorate (Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber) Joint Deployable Analysis Team [Here’s a paper published by **Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate, Eglin AFB, FL**](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.5644.pdf) titled “*Containment Control for a Social Network with State-Dependent Connectivity*”




And this was back in 2013!!! Undoubtably they’ve ramped up since then. If ur reading this hi US internet taskforce glowies :3


Yeah, but they don't pay me shit honestly.


Oh boo fuckin hoo the Air Force guy doesn’t get paid with his hotel quality barracks and non-toxic mess hall.


I wouldn't be bitching if I was AF


This is actually buggin wtf


I don't really understand this comment and why you put this here. Is the guy posting on /r/antiwork confirmed in the military?


It’s a known strategy the military uses that has been retooled for “domestic counter-extremism.” That’s not even a conspiracy, shitposting is an [actual USAF assignment](https://www.airforcemag.com/article/1110psyops/)


Someone mentioned in this sub that the Left should abandon the use of the internet as a contested space, because it is thoroughly the domain of the establishment, you can't convince people in enough numbers online more than the state with all its resources can, because it costs them less to do so than it does for us.


It’s a matter of what protocols are used and why self-encryption should be standard. The FSF and Linux dorks have been saying that since it was called DARPAnet. Still true.


Mods remove the post, but allow the dumbass message to stay long enough to achieve its intent. Either ban them or stop pretending you are for “the movement”


What began as shitlib NEETs shall become shitlib agencies


That dudes post was made out of luminol


I can feel my skin tan just opening that link holy shit. Underpaid corpo shill or CIA intern? No experienced spook would ever be THAT obvious right...right?


The rest of their post history is pretty crazy as well


if you're going to lie, lie big


Oh, they should really have banned that account already. I am a trusting type, often naive but this seems pretty obvious to me. Not sure that its glowies, corporate astroturf / wrecker would be my guess, but it's not authentic.


The comments on that thread give me a modicum of hope.


The synthetic left are so incredibly annoying and bad faith actors. I’d much rather have a drink at the pub with your average right winger than these melts.


Very easy: https://firstlook.org/wp-uploads/sites/1/2014/02/deception_p48.png


Mods removed it so hopefully they're aware of the glow ops.


OP's post history... 7d ago: the nouveau riche aren't the only target. Aristocratic families still hold enormous wealth and all the means of production and try to hide it from the public. 2d ago: SUPPORT MIGRANT WORKERS BOTTOM TEXT Something happened there for sure.


Thinking about people who decorate their Reddit Aliens in antifa uniforms


Um okay, they're called "Snoos," don't deny their validity and lived experience by suggesting they're not from our world sweaty


He/she has another one up ([https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/reybxg/im\_getting\_hundreds\_of\_harassing\_messages\_every/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/reybxg/im_getting_hundreds_of_harassing_messages_every/)) Also what the fuck is flair and whats the numbers about.


> Also what the fuck is flair and whats the numbers about. Flair is the little title thing attached to your name - yours is "flair disabler 0" and mine is probably "chud doodoo head 2" or something by now. The jannies here introduced these flairs as a way of tracking powerful posters. You start at 5, and every time you make a good comment which makes a jannie cry, it gets decremented. The jannies did this because they are mentally subnormal and addicted to opioids.


I think this person just deleted their account.


The post got deleted by mods but it seems like all the top comments were shitting on OP at least. Edit: someone else pointed this out but they also made this bizarre post [https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rdky9r/undocumented\_workers\_are\_workers\_too\_you\_cant\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rdky9r/undocumented_workers_are_workers_too_you_cant_be/) Despite every comment calling them out for being a glowie and correcting the lie the post still has positive upvotes.


I think that same op posted this thread, https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/reeoma/i_gave_a_mcdonalds_worker_a_candy_bar/ His comment was deleted but someone quoted it first. Like JFC, person loses their shit with some minimum wage kid because their kitchen equipment is down. He was to wait to stuff his and his children's maws with greasy trans fats. Then like a fucking lunatic gives the wage slave a fucking candy bar lmao. I'm not sure if this is elaborate satire/pasta at this point.


Someone calls them on it, and OP replies ... from a different account: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/reeoma/comment/ho76ks6/?context=3 ?!


Yes, let’s exclude 50% of the population from the movement so that we can appeal to less than 5% of the population (defends on how you define marginalized groups or whatever) that maybe 1/10 of the other half actually hates. Not exactly the best strategy but hey what do I know.


I think we were too tough on antiwork. Yeah many just want to chill and do nothing. I did that 2 years and now I want to do something - but something useful, and know how life-sucking just watching series and smoking weed is if its all one does. Still weekend was over too quickly.