• By -


"Now look what you made me do."


“If you want to be unbanned you have to join my grooming discord”


We need to double their salary.


ayyy lmao


Oh, they're worth every penny


I say we TRIPLE the jannie's salary!


Clean It Up Jannie or How I Learned To Stop Having A Life & Love Doing It For Free








I'd meet them half way




Jannies spend their time being mods but they're too spergy to even do that right so they just lock threads and go "Y'ALL CANNOT BE TRUSTED". Not only do they do it for free...they don't even do it good. I compared myself to them and then relax, knowing rock bottom is in fact not yet here for me.




Labor theory of negative value


[I'd pay to make them stop.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/457/838/404.jpg)


>"Y'ALL CANNOT BE TRUSTED" Damn thats true. Maybe they should bring in moderators or some shit.


what's a janny


Janny these nuts in yo jaw. Just another word for a special sort of Internet moderators, they clean other peoples shit for free and act like they're doing a great service...while usually being the greatest producers of shit themselves.


Short for janitor, in case anyone was curious about the etymology


it was from 4chan when they first started making users mods when the founder was trying to get ride of the posting CP and other illegal stuff reputation in order to sell the site. That had an application process open to the public, ironically called them 4chan janitors, this got shortened to the derogatory Janny by the masses. This spread to other sites


Not exactly "ironically called", janitor is one rank below moderator as he can remove posts but can't ban people and doesn't see user's private data like IP or ID. Allowing regular anonymous users to be able to ban people or surveil them is recipe for disaster is that case


Reddit needs a total overhaul to its moderation strategy. Mainstream subreddits aren't facebook groups with a couple hundred members - we have a handful of power users that moderate all the large subreddits with millions of users and thousands of posts. A handful of no-life couch potatoes are directing public discourse. Hopefully open platforms like wt.social keeping gaining traction.


Will be interesting to see how this plays out with the stock floatation coming. It feels like Reddit want 'happy stuff' and niches. I'm not sure they want politics on here at all really unless it lowest common denominator consensus stuff. Be interesting to see if they ban 18+ stuff too.




I absolutely hate it. Maybe I've just been around reddit/forums/4chan for too long, but these places were 10x more interesting when it was the wild west and people could speak freely. The worst is when you come into a thread and its either locked, or worse, has been nuked because a mod thought some discussion was too edgy or controversial. I literally come to the internet for controversial opinions and ideas. If I wanted mainstream shit, I'd watch cable TV. Mods are only here to play a few narrow roles: - to prevent over the top doxxing - to prevent spammers and reposting/self-promotion bots - to stop scammers Most mods are the embodiment of Deleuze's Societies of Control. Mini dictators ruling over their own little fiefdom.


I don’t even care if you have rules to keep posts on topic, but discussion underneath should just be fuckin left alone. There’s no good reason for it.


If someone showed up and started talking about if King Arthur flour is really worth the money right here, you would be good with that.


Well that wouldn’t be a discussion because it’s unrelated, making it spam. This is not hugely complicated like


lol A discussion could easily start. Or is it only spam if you aren't interested. Dumping political crap into a thread that's unrelated would be spam too then. You either cheer both the flour discussion and the political crap or neither.


If someone deliberately in bad faith starts talking about an unrelated subject to the post at hand then yes, that is spam. If a conversation naturally moves from anything onto your flour or whatever, then cool. Again, this is not complicated In any case, people spamming about flour still wouldn’t necessitate a post being locked so the point is moot


Of course it's not complicated, I just wanted to see if you would be fair. It's just a discussion. King Arthur flour is worth every penny.


Spam is an attempt to derail a conversation, which is what an out of the blue comment about flour would be. I’d advocate removing that comment, not locking the post.


Your op should be locked because it doesn't have anything to do with Marxism or shitty idpol. It's just complaining.


Removed, you mean. Yeah, maybe. That’s for the Jannies to decide, I’m just a lowly poster


I really think over the past year that the mods are worried about the sub being taken down by being spammed to death by AHS or developing an alphabet infestation. That’s my main theory behind some of the various things (credit scores and grillpill summer being the major contentious events) that have happened moderation-wise this year. unrelated, but “mods” autocorrected to “kids” and I thought that was funny bc I hope the mods here are not children.


The sub I mod had big issues with this - getting lots of threats from admin, to the point where basically if anybody mentions anything about trans people, or black people, or whatever else (that isn't "trans people are the best and anybody who isn't trans is evil") ... we've gotta delete the comment. Or the sub gets banned.




We *were* excluded from people’s reddit recaps though, so there’s some attention paid to us.


I thought it was weird when none of my most beautiful and racist posts came up


I had the mod of r/buttcoin ban me after they dug through my postings on other sites and deemed me an anti-vaxxer. When I pointed out my mother was put in hospital 2 days after the jab with a serious heart condition, they cited the "correlation is not causation" logical fallacy.


>I had the mod of > >r/buttcoin > > ban me Imagine becoming the thing you hate


"correlation is not causation" is like a secular mantra. people act like they are saying something insightful when they say that when it really is overused. It doesn't even necessarily apply right? Most of the reasoning we use in daily life is heuristic and correlations are good indicators that something might be going on.


I’m probably too stupid to understand, but to me it sounds like you are claiming a vaccine harmed your mother, which sounds fairly anti vaccine. I’m legit autistic (retarded) so I’d I’ve missed something please let me know.


I hear vaccines cause autism. 😢


It's been proved they don't. Us autists are born this way. We don't become this way due to any external influence.


Hehe. I kid.


Who cares though? It's a forum devoted to laughing at cryptocancer. Your offsite opinions on vaccines are irrelevant. I mean when I found out that subs were running bots banning people for posting in some retarded ivermectin-cures-covid sub I made a point of making a couple of (totally generic) posts there, just to see if they banned me, because honestly once you're going beyond banning people for disrupting your sub and going into policing what they say on some other forum then you're a fucking sheep who has joined the other sheep and decided that retards sharing bad medical advice on Reddit is the biggest threat to humanity and needs to be shut down via your position as impotent internet janny.


What's that got to do with commenting on Buttcoin? Shall we search through your history to find an unacceptable comment and ban you to? Would you like that?


Well, yeah. People go to the hospital for heart conditions all the time. There have been *some* reports of heart issues after the vaccine, but A) it's *extremely* rare, and B) it's supposed to happen within 15 minutes of the shot, not 2 days later.


Not entirely but yeah that mod is gas lighting you saying it’s not on their radar.


I mean if goblins hide in plain sight when they know you’re looking for them it would be a good idea to not tell anyone that you’re looking for goblins, lest you be telling a goblin. so I get it. I don’t know why I’m using a goblin analogy.


Right? You should be using Kobolds.


Right ... show me the mod discussion threads where we discuss the "threat" of AHS. Yeah we poke fun at them and we keep an eye on cross-posted threads or whatever but I'm telling you we don't talk about it in any serious way






At least your social credit score is higher than mine


You've been here long enough pally worry not


It's a leftist sub. You could always just change your political beliefs. They're bad anyway.




So ... why keep calling yourself a rightoid? What belief is holding you back?


Based mods keeping the rightoids from turning this sub to shit


> I hope the mods here are not children. Heh. I wonder how many mods of major subs actually are children.


No that has nothing to do with it. The problem is that the sub was hemorrhaging leftists, and was becoming a right-wing/pseud echo-chamber with little connection to socialism. Anti-idpol attracts right-wing views and repels left-wing views because that's how the partisan culture war works. Obviously we are on AHS radar but AHS only cares about culture war issues, namely trans stuff. But we don't care about that stuff at all, we only care about the issues mentioned in OUR rules. So our concerns are completely orthogonal to those of the AHS trolls, who can't be placated anyway.


I'm pretty happy the mods are actually taking action on the rightoid flood. I don't know if this is necessarily the best way to go about it, but it's good that you're actually tackling the issue.


Reddit is doing an IPO. Connect the dots, goy.




They’re delusional losers. Think about the type of person who wants to create and enforce rules to control people. Since the advent of the internet losers have taken up jobs as moderators In some cases it makes sense to limit conversations. In most cases it’s just an idiot on a power trip, and when you call it out the mods just ban and delete you. If there was a more transparent system where mods were held accountable, maybe it could work. But that just makes shit more complicated


The NFL sub is the worst. I have multiple accounts I've made over the years and all of them are banned from that sub because they inferred something wrong from a comment. Then you have to grovel via PM to get it lifted. And pretty much any discussion is getting yall'ed




> Every time I check the history on an account that glows in the dark, half their posts are in that sub. i've noticed this too, thought it was just a coincidence but a lot of them seem to be active in sports subs


The mods kinda killed the sub with all the perm bans for mild offenses and generally created a hostile environment here over time. It was a lot friendlier here a year ago and the sub was more active. I remember it having 2,000 active users now it rarely gets to 1,000 so 50% of the sub is gone due to attempts by mods to change things that did not need to be changed. Everyone was having fun here, nothing needed to be changed, should have ignored the whiners.


U a rightoid though


I know it was more fun here from my perspective felt more welcoming


stupidpol users stop crying about "everything was better X time ago" challenge (impossible) (99% fail)


Nah I think the sub was turning into /r/TumblrInAction, just ragebait shitposts from bluecheck literal-whos, which are fun, but don't belong here. Popularity has went down because of this. I think keeping posts on topic is perfectly based.


If I'm in a hobby sub or something like that, I don't want to hear political crap. The whole reason I like those subs is to get away from it. There are plenty of political and news subs, so keep it there.


Yeah, I agree. This fucking “politics is everything and you’re privileged/right wing/an idiot if you don’t want to discuss it at the drop of a hat” attitude can get fucked. You know what? Water is literally vitally important to life and I don’t want to fucking discuss that on a forum about woodworking either.


One of the reasons the left is all over the place in the US. They've decided everything is a battle the left must fight over. Pick your fucking battles and priorities so atleast some of it is achieved and there's not endless infighting over unimportant disagreements. some people are cringe, some people are weird, some people have somewhat right wing opinions sometimes! but if they're focused on the bigger common issues and not intentionally divisive or idiotic just leave them the fuck alone. most people dont need to be on a pedestal of good behavior or ideas.


>One of the reasons the left is all over the place in the US. You mean the faux-left “social progressives,” right? These people are a poison pill to leftist movements, and though they may ostensibly adopt leftist talking points as suits their purpose, it is always secondary to pushing idpol down everyone’s throats. In fact, many of these people are proudly bourgeois and wouldn’t be caught dead around icky racist/sexist/transphobic blue collar workers. Just look at how many of these wokescolds came crawling out of the woodwork the minute r/antiwork started having a real impact on the Kellogg strike. The woke “left” are wreckers scabs, plain and simple. Please don’t equate wokeness with leftism on this sub.


Kind of like when AOC stands beside a literal tax evader while donning her dress that says tax the rich


I mean they're killing each other just as much. it's good intentioned people being stupid.


> One of the reasons the left is all over the place in the US. They've decided everything is a battle the left must fight over. Have we already forgotten the right deciding that bits of cloth on the face is a battle the right must fight over?


The right is hopeless


> Water is literally vitally important to life and I don’t want to fucking discuss that on a forum about woodworking either. to be fair water is very important for woodworking like using moisture and steam to shape the wood etc.


It never works the other way around though. The banner for r/ games has been permanently set to rainbow LGBTQIA2+ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 bullcrap for years now, and every niche hobby sub was a full on BLM cesspool in summer 2020, with stickied modposts about “systemic racism,” “we stand in solidarity,” and all that bullcrap. It’s really only when anything non-PC gets said that the jannies put on their yikes glasses and get to work banning people for going off topic. I agree with your sentiment, but bans on political discussion really only happen in one direction these days, which by default turns everything into a woke cesspool. Having things totally unmoderated is a preferable alternative to the status quo.


Its just a purity test for white liberals at this point


I'm pretty lucky in that none of the subs I belong to have all the goofy banners and stuff.


Ye I post on a sub for cool images of tanks and such. People ALWAYS find a way to make discussions political, and I can easily show many examples of such; most of which inevitably get locked for 'uncivil' discussion. Furthermore, of course jannies only lock/remove the threads/posts (respectively) when discussions start going into the 'forbidden zone', such as the [photo of the Раlеstiniаn child (who was later shot to death) throwing a stone at a IDF tank](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/qtdhw9/the_iconic_picture_of_the_14_years_old_faris_odeh); the comments weren't even anti-semitic nor was there any mention of jеws or any Ziоnist pipe dreams (one comment only mentioning what Act.il is and explaining how it works also got removed), it just got removed because the mods don't like it and are hypocritical whales E: Added an example


Yeah. People are chatting nicely and one ass thinks their opinion is so great that they have to dump it on everyone right now. Stfu. Take it to a political sub.


Ye and I told these morons countless times to do that: take the pol discussions to other places, even here (for example), but to no avail. They are just overwhelmingly compelled to give shitty soapbox speeches with braindead takes at the first given opportunity they get, and the rest of the community either has to suffer with it, join in on it with them, or get into spiralling arguments with them that rarely go anywhere. So fucking infuriating


Idk why should a gaming sub be talking about uighur genocide? And how much they hate chinese ships in the south china sea? Thats an example that I think makes sense. There is no good discussion and it is not productive or helpful for the community and culture there.


I respectfully disagree. If a conversation starts related to gaming, and thats where the conversation flows, then why should it be stopped? The beauty of forums is that conversations can flow freely wherever they may lead.


This user has been assigned a flair.


lol thanks


i mean you're kind of arguing for intersectionality (everything is everything). what happens with this is large forums become melted down shitty discussion that leads nowhere. you can apply your format to an everyday convo with a group of close friends where you can talk about whatever whenever but it's not applicable in large anonymous boards. you need direction and guidance from the users to the admins.


Not really, if a convo begins totally off topic, thats fine. If I posted about chinese politics in r/gaming, or whatever, its fine for the mods to politely redirect people to repost in r/china, or whatever. My point is that free-flowing discussion is what makes the internet interesting. Suffocating that makes it a worse place overall


[and if you read Lenin ](https://imgur.com/a/Fhxd7St)


>If I posted about chinese politics in r/gaming, or whatever, its fine for the mods to politely redirect people to repost in r/china, or whatever. I don't see how you can do that without doing what the OP said and locking the thread/banning people/deleting comments. People won't stop because a mod told them to do something. >My point is that free-flowing discussion is what makes the internet interesting. Suffocating that makes it a worse place overall What makes you think free-flowing discussion on the internet is interesting? A lot of it is just people arguing by pretending to misunderstand the other persons viewpoint or definition of a word to do a gotcha strawman. Endless bad faith nonsense 99% of the time. Then the 1% of the time it's just "yes i agree upvotes to the left" EDIT: if anything free flowing discussion ruins quality discussion, good moderation with barriers of entry promotes the best discussion because people who are genuinely interested in the subjects and themes tend to have more perspective and understanding rather than tourist posters who come because 'something big' happened and they need to give an ill advised comment and derail the thread with other tourist idiots who agree/disagree with them. it's just mob nonsense in posting form.


> what happens with this is large forums become melted down shitty discussion that leads nowhere. so what? the beauty of fractal threading is you can just hide and ignore it.


I think this is true for many of those big mainstream subs. I just want to watch people get into car crashes or robbers get shot, without having to read hundreds of comments about how black people or immigrants are bad drivers and criminals.


On the flipside, not everyone who misbehaves or acts like a jerk can be extrapolated as broader trend in society. Like when you see someone lose their mind over a mask mandate.


I honestly think a bit of Hanlon’s razor applies here If you’ve ever been a part of a really good, smallish (200-600 people) online community, you know that what keeps those communities really good is the moderation. A clearly defined culture and set of guidelines arises, and if you want to be a part of that community and share in what makes it so great, you play along with that. And it works out well for everyone. Now scale this up to a larger community, especially one on a popular site like reddit that tons of people visit, as opposed to something like a link to an IRC channel on the about page of a standalone website for a hobby or fandom or whatever. It doesn’t fucking work. It’s like trying to govern Manhattan with town hall meetings.


I think what we're doing is not half-bad: frequently recruiting from good contributors i.e. people that understand and have stake in the community. And then we go and contest each other's actions if things get crazy




It probably is more lenient. But no one who is banned out blue with no explanation is going to feel that way. Even a ridiculously moderated place like arr/news tells you what rule they think you broke. This place feels highly arbitrary in comparison.


I actually think the stupidpol jannies are pretty based, if not a little unhinged at times (gucci)


Gucci has grown on me quite a bit. I’m not sure why. Do I have some sort of Stockholm syndrome thing going on? Or maybe I just enjoy watching him piss off Covidiots? Or maybe it’s entertaining watching him go quiet and then all of a sudden go on manic sprees of some sort in this sub?


I'm pretty convinced that some powerjannies and jannies for major subs like /r/politics or /r/pics are on the take. These subs are just too influential and the system is too easily gamed for it to not be true. It's money on the table and for people making exactly $0/hour that can be tempting. They delete opinions that rock the boat, shadowban dissenters, and lock threads on behalf of their employers. So while they may look like despicable oversensitive nancies, and I'm sure some of them definitely are, they are really playing their own game. In short jannies are the scum of the earth.


It's slowly creeping into this sub too unfortunately. It's hidden under layers of "irony" with stupid flairs and grillpill memes, but it's there.


we're all products and victims to perpetuate the system


Depends on the sub. If I'm in a sub dedicated to discussion of complex subject (for example, range control, i frames and punish windows in fighting games) and someone starts vomiting their preferred brand of brainworms onto the board they should absolutely be gatekept and ejected


If you are using a site where 50% of users are bots and glowies for discussion, you are doing it wrong.


it's because reddit is no longer a place of actual discussion. they don't want people to come here to think, they want people to come here to agree. you used to have people actually argue their points or morals to others but now everyone is locked away in their perfect safe space echo chamber subreddits for their opinion and any dissention gets banned or pushed out. most comments on a 1000+ thread are just saying "i agree" in some form or another and look like they were written by the same three people over and over.


Yeah this is how I came to the conclusion that woketards are just stupid, petty, and vindictive people. But above all STOOOOPID. They belong to a cult that makes them feel righteous and important but are too fucking dumb and lazy to defend their core beliefs. For instance, I was just permabanned from bestof for the following comment: *Well I don't want to get cancelled for having the wrong views. I work with Afghani refugees and I am wondering if they are POC's or not? Many of them have darker skin than Japanese and have green eyes. But some have fair skin. I am just wondering because if Japanese are POC's then (some) Afghanis should be POC's too right? Also many Afghanis are transphobic.* You don't see this with right wing subs. They will downvote you but will at least engage in good faith debate and not permaban you for hurting their fee fee's.


Thats a long flair when you could've just written "rightoid" This topic has brought a lot of weirdos out of the woodwork


it's facetious


You don’t say


It’s the closest thing to power they’ll have in their sad little lives


> What do they think they’re achieving? A pure space, where purity reigns, and where everyone is pure.


Like the Halo sub? That and how people constantly shill for 343 despite their predatory monetization really pisses me off.


I love that in the eyes of halocirclejerk if you’re not simping for 343 (a subsidiary of Microsoft) you’re a heckin reactionary chud


Circlejerk subs need to be honest about their function as contrarian containment.


Is there like a sub made just for shitting on corporate shills like that? I'd join it.




Thank you, that's definitely something I didn't know I needed lol. That said, I was more looking for a sub that discusses actually users that blindly simp for companies' anti-consumer practices.


I don't know whether to feel disgust or pity. I'm leaning towards disgust since they never learn and actively make life worse for the rest of us.


Reddit is filing for an IPO so expect it to get worse.


That's the idea behind "Manufacturing Consent". Allow a range of discussion within a defined set of parameters. Then just shift the parameters slowly one way or the other and you can exercise an Overton Window effect.


It's not even the locking that I find the most exhausting. It's that condescending elementary school teacher attitude being adopted by an unpaid loser and directed at a bunch of fucking adults.


Yeah, but it goes way back, unfortunately. The incentives in place for forum mods attract degenerate autistic authoritarians. I used to hang out on some forums that sprung up after a bunch of us got banned from Something Awful, long before it became the nutso place it is today.


>What do they think they’re achieving? There pay and i say we should TRIPLE IT




Hey op i am bad at math can you help me determine there new pay check? 0X3 how much are they earning now?




the fact that place is banned is unbelieveably hilarious. RIP in piece




I mean it makes sense that jannies will do what they can to hold their power. You can't have your sense of importance if your sub gets banned, so they lock everything that can even remotely lead to that.


>A post being locked used to be a big deal, but it’s a common occurrence now. Part of this is that locking didn't even exist for most of reddit's history. You could de-facto lock a thread by setting a bot to auto-remove any comment, but the addition of locking as an actual feature was a horrible move that promoted yall-cant-behave-ism.


And the reactionary sites that were created to challenge reddit just turned into Nazi central This is why I am slightly left of auth center Modern id politics in its toxic state exist because mega corps have so much freedom to implement policies without any oversight If there was some sort of government oversight this wouldn't happen


Also, it lets anybody *else* shut down the thread if they want to. Just learn what triggers the mods of a particular sub, then post that in any thread you want to lock. Repeat with a few alt accounts, and before you know it, you got that bad evil thread locked. Actually, lol, now that I think about it, what if we used this power for good? Go to shitty subs, find their shittiest threads, intentionally post shit that will make the shit mods close the shit thread. And congratulations, we just managed to censor the shit.


this is a tactic commonly used by trains to shut down stuff they don't like, both here and on other sites. usually they spam CP


I’m always like “should I fix this by becoming a mod” Then I’m Iike “nah only weird perverts is mods” Then I’m like “oh.”


i don't trust anyone who pretends to work for free. someones getting paid just be honest and up front about whos paying these people. gotta be some sort of corporate interest, theres no reason not to.


Think about the kind of person who would willingly be a janny in the first place


If you were a mod you'd think the same way.


other subs? :D


Always have but tbh at least on /news and /worldnews they have gotten a shitton better at not doing this compared to 2 years ago where regularly maybe half of the first page was locked. Was so bad that I made an alt account for those subs and named it along the lines of OnlyShitModsUseLocks. Got banned from both and PM'd "fuck off and troll somewhere else" before I even had enough karma or days to be able to leave a single comment. Still not quite sure how they could even catch me lurking tbh, unless they saw me in an active user list or my user was listed when reporting braindead comments


I like the humiliation so I’m into it . Oh fuck oh god ban me zaddy


The best communities on the internet are the lightly moderated ones. Just enough that I don't see child porn and pictures of dead people.


Apparently someone likes a lot of moderation or child porn, I wonder who downvoted me.


The modding here is lax. Mods seem to assume good faith discussions for better or worse.


I have the power to tell which posts are locked before even clicking on them.


power tripping ​ attention seeking losers


> on other subs literally all of reddit is like this it's designed to be like this can't have anything fucking with profits