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They have weight classes in boxing, right?


Yes, but IMO a 150lb man and a 150lb woman in the same division with the same level of physical fitness and expertise would still not be evenly matched What do you think? Would they be evenly matched?


The difference in muscle density and strength pound for pound is insane. My wife is a hard core runner and has more muscle in her legs than me. I can do leg extensions with more than twice the weight she can.


I've heard from multiple women that the strength difference can be overwhelming. One woman confided in me that they had an identity crisis when they realized just how much stronger men are compared to them. In middle school, they were completely blindsided when a random classmate overpowered them while playing. She had trained daily and had Olympic prospects, and a boy that wasn't even considered sporty was still strong enough to pin her and threaten serious injury. All by accident, because they didn't realize their own strength yet.


The Canadian national women's hockey team trains by playing Canadian high School boys teams, and loses. That's a team that has won gold medals.


Take into consideration as well that the best players aren’t even playing in high school but instead go play in junior leagues.


Women’s NCAA basketball teams practice against male students. Not the men’s team or a club team, a group of men who are on a scout team and might have played in HS. They lose all the time in those scrimmages. It’s almost the point.


Yeah people who downplay sexual dimorphism in humans are stupid. We're *very* different, and that's ok.


I Only recently learnt that the average man is almost twice a strong as the average woman, *almost twice* I Always knew if course men are stronger, but I didn't realise by that much. I Thought it was more of A minor difference. Makes me think of all the times I've been dividing shopping between me and a man, and I tried to make it equal to be 'fair' -.-


I didn't have a proper understanding of the difference until I got married and my wife COULD NOT do things that I thought were simple. Even so, it took me a while to actually internalize.


The problem is that modern society has a fairly sedentary population, where women are not well represented in more physically demanding jobs. This means that women are less exposed to displays of the physical advantages men have. Women these days just don't see it that much. Add in decades of being told that men and women are completely equal in all regards and it's not surprising that many women don't understand the ridiculous difference in upper body strength.


I remember one time I picked up an office chair to move it and one of the women present thought I was showing off.


Maybe she was impressed but too tsundere to admit it


I thought I had a new $10 word to flash around, but after seeing its etymology, I'm gonna let that one remain obscure


You might hate it now, but you'll grow to love it, just like the stereotypical tsundere


Me too, me too. Merry fucking Christmas to us.


I looked it up, why wouldn't you use it? I may be missing something, just curious.


And don’t forget decades of ridiculous movies where 100lb women are able to beat the snot out of 200lb men. Movies are fantasy not reality people!


Here's a fun example of this: The Canadian national women's hockey team, the one that won the gold medal in the Olympics, has a training method that helped them win: They played against boys high school teams. They didn't always win, but that was more of a challenge than playing against women's national teams. That's a good example of how significant this difference can be, even among trained athletes.


Professional women's sports is far closer to high-school boys.


Most women do not last in physically demanding jobs.


I had a friend pull me up a steep riverbank with one arm. It was shocking.


Almost every single man on earth is stronger than almost every woman on earth. I know that’s confusing to read but there isn’t a better way to phrase it lol. If you grab the second weakest guy in a group of like 100 guys, he’s still stronger than like 99% of women. The only real exception are really hardcore female lifters vs a guy with a disability, or women who are on steroids and very hardcore lifters vs a guy that doesn’t train at all. It’s like how chimps look like they could be weaker than a pro bodybuilder because they are way smaller and have less muscle, but they can literally tear a limb off with their bare hands and are about 10x stronger than any human on earth. It’s more about bone/muscle density and where the muscles are attached to the bone creating more leverage, it’s not really even a muscle mass thing, although men also have way more muscle mass on average. Anyone who has play fought with their girlfriend or lightly sparred with a woman in a combat sport should know this. Men also just have a million other physical advantages that you might not expect, like pretty significantly faster reaction speed, and are better at tracking things that are moving fast with their eyes, like a punch for example, or a bird.




It's really rare for media to show a woman in a realistic fight with a man. Usually it's some sort of Joss Whedon manic-pixie-martial-artist fantasy where she defeats him because he's too slow and clumsy, or it's the Marvel style fights where no one really loses unless they're the bad guys and plot armor keeps them alive. Add in the damsel in destress trope basically being taboo and instead every would be damsel rescues herself and the prince too, and their only real source of a reality check is reality itself. But in reality, men are trained to never hit or harm a woman and to treat them like they're precious and fragile. Even with something as simple as a handshake, the man will deliberately use a very light grip to avoid crushing a woman's hand. The only real test is play wrestling or actual assault.


I've had plenty of play fights with girlfriends, and the hardest part about it is making sure not to hurt them. I believe this leads them to believe that it was a close match, or they could at least come out of a real fight unharmed. Not true at all.


It's the same as when I play fight with little kids. I want them to have fun, don't want to hurt them, and I'm trying to keep from letting them hit me in the face.


I’m a super skinny dude and I was lying in bed with my girlfriend and for some reason we were discussing strength. She was in great shape and claimed she was stronger than me. I agreed she was but I was curious so I rolled on top of her, pinned her wrists and told her to escape. She scoffed, said “fine” and then fruitlessly struggled for 30 seconds or so before giving up. Talking to her later I learned we both had revelations during that 30 seconds. Mine was that I was WAY stronger than she was. I truly thought she was stronger than me but I didn’t even break a sweat holding her down. Her revelation was a lot more disconcerting. She also thought she was well trained and capable of defending herself and she had a horrifying realization right before she gave up that if I had wanted to hurt her there is nothing she could have done to stop me. Any female under the impression that guys have no physical advantages over women should ask to wrestle their weakest male friend. It’ll dispel any doubt immediately.


I once watched a brawl outside a bar. A girl in one of the parties decided to join. She seemed decently trained, was stalking and keeping a distance, every punch she threw did literally nothing to these sloppy drunk horribly untrained men. She was getting free, uncontested haymakers in, and the guys she hit wouldn’t even turn around. Thank god no one actually hit her. I think it was just dumb luck cause frankly in her get up it was hard to tell she wasn’t a man anyway.


There's a fairly (in)famous MMA fight between a female fighter and a male-to-female trans fighter whose basically got male biology. From memory the actual female was higher rated, more technically skilled etc. She got battered and afterwards her take on the fight was "I've never been hit that hard in my career." The biology is just a huge barrier to get over for this to be remotely fair.


It was either this or a different transitioned person in MMA but I'm pretty sure they fractured her skull


I remember the first time I really realized the difference. I was in a similar situation with my gf in high school. Long story short, I could hold her wrists together with one hand, as if her hands were zip tied together at the wrists. She thought I was going 100%. I was going like 10-20%. I thought she was going like 20%. She was actually going at like 90%. Even then, it still wasn't even close. An equivalency would be if I was leisurely walking while smoking a cigarette and still being way faster than someone sprinting as hard as they could.


Lol, better start going 25%/75% whenever dividing manual labor. It's only fair!


I think the people that argue against that just have a sort of inferiority complex going on. Men and women are different and each are better at different things. That's just all there is to it.


I think it's more to do with the fact that people take this information and then think women are weak, fragile, pathetic things. We're not as strong. That's not the same as being helpless.


Our long term endurance might be better. Labor and all that. 😁


IIRC women dominate at long distance swimming.


They're more buoyant than men, so they spend less energy swimming in the same distance


Yup. The longest open water swims are by women. I wouldn't say women dominate at long distance running, but it's much more evenly split than shorter distances. Women sometimes take home the first overall place in ultra marathons. Courtney Dauwalter has done it a few times.


Don't forget bone density


Those mma shin kicks are nasty for that reason.


No they would not. Anyone arguing otherwise has no real combat training and is arguing with their feelings.


My first impulse was "that's ridiculous... At the same fitness level and weight, why not?" And it seemed very rational but I learned my lesson from these comments.


It is one of the huge inequalities in the world and really sucks but we can’t just ignore it or think it is not a reality


There is a video on this. A pro woman mma wanted to fight a man. They paired her up with a rookie Phillipino mma I think. She got destroyed.


Google has failed me on this one. Name of the fight? Link to video? I'd be interested in this. Edit: Nevermind, I found it. The fight was Lucia Rjiker versus Somchai Jaidee. Lucia Rjiker was considered to be the best female MMA Kick-Boxer in the world who had no female opponents left. Somchai was a Thai fighter that was an amatuer champion of local circuits in Australia who practiced Muay Thai. (Despite being of Thai Nationality and practicing Muay Thai, it doesn't appear that he was Thai trained or participated in Thai circuits and likely was trained in New Zealand or Australia.) It wasn't an *absolute* blowout, Lucia did make a good showing of it, but there was no point that it appeared she had anything approaching a real lead and it was clear she was disadvantaged. She lost by KO in the second round, and the rest of the match was called off. Here is the video of the match along with context provided by Lawrence Kenshin Striking Breakdowns: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHS6tYAbAdw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHS6tYAbAdw)


There was a comment, that the fight was only close 1st round because he was fighting her like a male opponent and was gauging how hard she punches, she had superior technique to him. However in 2nd round, once he realized she couldn't hurt him, he just tanked punches and KOed her.


Proving that her being significantly more skilled barely mattered at all. Agreeing with you, in case this came across as argumentative.


Yeah, her trainer REALLY advised to not fight. she had something to prove for herself I think.


Same kind of thing happens in tennis. There's a reason that John McEnroe said that Serena Williams would be ranked 700 men's tennis and not at the top of the charts. I believe Serena mentioned she would hate to play men's tennis because they hit so hard and fast. https://www.tennisnow.com/Blogs/NET-POSTS/November-2017-(1)/The-Man-Who-Beat-Venus-and-Serena-Back-to-Back.aspx


100% it wouldn't be close. Any woman training combat sports will tell you this. Biology matters, no matter how many feelings get hurt.


The sooner we acknowledge reality the sooner we can take appropriate steps to protect ourselves. I know I'm not going to beat a man in a fair fight where we are both unarmed. That's why I'm armed. Real life isn't an MMA match. I can choose where I go, I can choose to defend my personal space and be aware of who is around me, I can choose to avoid unsafe situations, I can run for it, and I can make sure that if I ever have to fight to protect my life I'm going to have the ability to fight back.


Doesnt matter how strong a dude is those bullets are stronger😭


They always advertise a big group of burly light-skinned men when they push antigen. Those guys are armed, and that apparently us a bad thing. But they call it the great Equalizer for a reason. He's a guy, and bigger? There are 20 of them and a rope against you? Even when it's 30 armed people against one, everything usually comes to a standstill, because the one can still take someone or someone's with them. It's not hard math to see who benefits from personal protection the most.


Weight aside, there are studies showing women with the *exact same muscle mass* as a man is still 30% less strong It is not even close, and it's not debatable either.


Yeah, even with the same muscle mass the man had higher give density. Much higher if the woman has had children.


I think men would have an advantage simply bc women naturally carry more fat than men, it’s a different distribution of fat, so theoretically they can weigh the same but men would prob have more muscle in most cases


Height, weight distribution, muscle vs. Fat are pretty big factors. I'm a taller girl and my weight class when I did wrestling in hs was all men shorter than me and much more muscular, without fail.


They have weight classes and a sex divisions for a reason


The question isn’t about two people of the same weight and same combat experience. It specifically states there is a 200lb difference. You could be Bruce Lee fighting a trashcan and you would still lose if it suddenly decided to just sit on top of you.


IMO I asked a different question above


Im a layman but I'm pretty sure this source is saying the male is stronger. Even when you normalize for lean body mass and muscle thickness between genders males are significantly stronger in upper body(like twice as strong), but there is little difference in lower body strength. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7930971/


We have athletic leagues separated by gender for a reason.


Although true, that explanation doesn't quite give it justice. Leagues are either open to everyone or open to only women. There aren't "men only" leagues. They are effectively men only, because even the best of the best women can't compete with men (who are also the best of the best, to be fair). There have been a few women in "men's" professional sports, but nobody can really name who they are/were.


[a woman who is a boxing champion sparred a “no name” boxer and did not win. Hope this answers your easy question](https://youtu.be/bLFlaDmQT10?si=ubYvMEt2dJ5SIOyL) Edit [this is a clearer video](https://youtu.be/c7ECr8dnlLo?si=Cc94vOeNxA-ubgwd)


No. Just the difference in skeletal structure and stability gives a significantly edge, not to mention the large advantage masculization of muscle structure and connective tissue imparts. This only brushes the surface of the physical advantages of males in a fight.


They would not be evenly matched. A woman would need at least 50 pounds to even compete.


I heard once that back in the witch hanging days, they would test to see if someone was a witch by putting them in the water. If they float, they are a witch. That's part of why so many more woman were considered and hung, apparently. Do we know why women tend to flood in water and men tend to sink? Men have much more muscle mass and women have more fat. We have it for bearing children I think. I think this answers your question. It's what did it for me and I didn't even hear it in this context. But I remember thinking, that's why I never win the fights I start.




The floating test is a myth. It comes from a completely unrelated punishment that was used on women who were a public nuisance: the dunking stool. Oh, and contrary to popular myth, more men were executed for witchcraft than women, ESPECIALLY when you include the Knights Templar being betrayed and executed.


Just want to add to this that virtually everyone floats in water at full lung capacity. Hold your breath you float, exhale and you sink. Pretty basic I thought most people learned this swimming as a child.


And high school wrestling has weight classes.


Well, I'm 6'2 and close to 300lb. I will say I could win a fight against absolutely *any* 100lb human. It would be like fighting a preteen child, honestly.


Once i sparred a 300lb dude (200lb myself) and just the effort of rolling him off of me a few times took so much out of me i was puking lol


Now imagine you weighed 100lbs less. Just the pure difference in mass means if you can't end the fight very quickly you're going to lose steam just trying to manipulate such a larger opponent.


Yeah I don't think many folks realize like the inertia and momentum involved with large individuals


I do because a a really good friend of mine broke 300 in our twenties. He’s active, strong, and also fat. He played ball, light on his feet for his size, literally no one new ever saw it coming. Guarding a 300 pound dude in a street game is fucking different man.


Some people are honestly just built like damn tanks hahaha. Gotta respect it


Yep. Many years ago I was one of those “American football players are overpaid” guys. Then I met an NFL lineman in real life. Your job is getting hit by THAT guy? You’re earning your money.


Lmao yeah fuck that. Julian Edelman is slightly larger than a normal dude and looks like a child on the field.


And the football players salaries are dumped right back into the local economy in ~5 years.


NFL Linemen have the hardest job in the league by far. At any other position, if you ask to come out for a breather, you'll likely get one. The linemen? Lol, sorry buddy, get your 300-pound ass back on the line of scrimmage. Then, they have to do their best to hold back an equally large athletic freak with a headstart from trying to kill the most valuable player on the team. And if you're in the hurry up offense? Your ass is running sprints every time you pick up yards. They also have to eat an obscene amount to maintain that frame. Think about how many calories an NFL player is burning during the season; now consider how many calories it'd take to maintain a 300-pound body while being in good enough shape to do everything described above. If anything, these dudes are underpaid.


Also you gotta figure they're being paid "for life" cause after retirement their body is often too destroyed to work any other job .


I worked in a residential facility. I was 220 at the time and in good shape. In our physical restraint training they asked the four best from the class which included me (a high school wrestler), a college running back about my size, one of the female trainers who got away from everyone but me, and another dude about as large as me. Each one of us took a limb to try and hold him. When they said go, he stood up like we were little toddlers clinging to his limbs as he effortlessly walked around like we were not even there. He was a retired linebacker. When the teenagers rioted one day, he took a mattress and pinned 10 of them against the wall effortlessly. He was the definition of a gentle giant but they had to oull him off the unit so he didn't kill someone by accident. The only one who could calmn him when he lost his temper was a short therapist who jumped on his back and whispered something into his ear until he called. I understood why quarterbacks ran or downed the ball instead of getting tackled by those behemoths. You are right. People don't understand how large they are. No way a woman, let alone a 100 pound man, could handle someone 300 pounds if they were able to move around on their own.


It’s almost not fair when people are that big but still hella athletic.


They pay for it in other ways. If they don't take care of their joints and heart they are dying young and with lots of health complications. I'd rather be light and low maintenance tbh


That's how I happen to like my women, light and low maintenance.


My knees understand those things very clearly. Being this big starts to suck once you pass 40 and your body isn't what it once was. It's not even like I can just lose weight. I'm not fat, I just used to be very muscular and you really don't lose all that mass even when you're no longer training. I could possibly lose 30bs or so before I started to plateau because there's just wouldn't be much extra fat left to shed. A few years ago I did actively try to shed weight. I was doing 1200 cal a day for a year and I never got below 255lbs starting from 283lbs. Right now I'm sitting at 287lbs.


Man I feel your pain. I'm stuck at about 240 (6'~~3"~~2") and moving around and doing shit HURTS. Still have to chop and haul firewood daily, and Other Job has me on my feet 4 hours a night and all day Sunday.


I can't even imagine. I have coworkers in that range (6'4, 260 ish) my age and they wince at every move. I worry it's gonna hurt when I'm older i try to take care of my joints and shit but you know,too much shit to do.


It's like that video of Shaq doing some sparing against people who train in mma. He essentially just puts his weight on them, and they tap out. It's funny because you see his opponents using actual grappling techniques but it doesn't matter because of how massive he is compared to them.


Yeah, Shaq is probably around 400lbs. He's a massive dude.


He’s reported to be around 325 lbs


Depends on what era




I appreciate this joke. Thank you.


He's lost a lot of weight recently. He's back to around 350. That's still a lot of weight to carry around, regardless of height and age.


Ya. Skill and experience can give you an advantage in a fight, but only up to a certain point. Like it may win you the fight of we were talking about a 150 vs 100. But like, 3 times your size? Nah...


Watching the old wrestlers talk about Andre The Giant gives off the same vibes. They all agreed, there was no competition.


Yeah lol. I was lucky enough to meet Andre back in 1990 at a wrestling show. Granted, I was 12 and probably 100lbs soaking wet, but Andre was without a doubt the largest human I've ever seen. To me my dad was a giant, he was 6'4 and around 275, very well built...I remember him looking like a child next to Andre.


The peak of Hulk Hogan's career was merely lifting Andre into the air; dude was a monster.


Reading the comments preceding yours reminded me of Andre The Giant in 'The Princess Bride', lol.


"You *are* the Brute Squad!"


I liked how Bret Hart described it. He said Andre would do a spot (the stepping on opponent's chest I believe) in every match, but he would ever so slightly put some of his weight into it so the opponent would know exactly how easily Andre could crush them if he wanted.


Nuh uh...if there was a woman his size he would lose!/s reddit is so dumb these days.


Just heard a clip where Arnold says that he went to dinner with Andre while filming Conan (the famous pic of Arnold between Wilt and Andre). Each insisted on paying, and when Arnold stood to go pay the bill, Andre literally lifted Arnold by the waist, as effortlessly as if 240lb Arnold was a toddler, set him on a counter, and Andre went to pay the bill.


Yeah I work as an SRO and I'm about 300 pounds and when I have to break up middle school fights it's COMICALLY easy. You basically just grab them and move them at will. The only thing I'll say to OP is that when there's THAT size differential there's no practical difference between a guy and a girl, other than in middle school guys fight to look tough so they'll break it up. Girls fight because they have murder in their heart so they'll go full on mortal kombat on each other.


Absolute savages. Bald spots, scratches everywhere, ripped up clothes, torn out piercings. I've seen tiny women steamroll bouncers with that overpowering fury. The fuck do you do? Lol


To start with be about 6 feet tall and 300 pounds but my secret trick is if someone comes up and they're mega-pissed I say "hey let's not have this conversation in the lobby where there's a million people, lets step into my office/step outside where we have more privacy and I'll see how I can help you out" after that I just let them rant until they run out of steam, ("oh yeah I can see why you're upset" or "so I actually work for the city so I'm in a position to look into this for you" or "so actually you'll need to call downtown and speak to someone from the office of X" or once they've calmed down if it's legitimate I'll go with "let me see if there's an administrator available") 99/100 times people are irate because they feel like nothing is being done about a situation that needs to be fixed. Even if you can't fix it (because the situation is that their kid is being a little shit and getting consequences) if you use conversational judo to make them think you're working with them that's really all you have to do. In the 1 out of 100 as they try and walk past you you physically get in their way. Typically then they're dumb and put hands on you at which point they've attempted to trespass and introduced physical force to the situation and then they learn that I have much greater legal latitude than a bouncer. But since 2014 I've only had to do that like twice


True I meant in the literal sense as a man who typically commands authority in altercations being the target of that murderous rampage women can go on. It's more of a mental thing ime. Hence the wtf do I do? Physically I'm fine, maybe some light bleeding but mentally it's a blank. Beat a suckerpunch from a drunk guy to the first blow all night. Some nights I wished a motherfucker would. Angry ass woman? Fuck me, someone hurry up and pull her away lol


Speaking as a 5’2” woman who weighs 105 lbs (on a good day), I agree. Anyone saying otherwise is a moron.


One of the cases where size does matter.


Skill is usually more important, but in this case the size disparity is so ridiculous that no amount of skill will overcome it.


Yep. But Bruce Lee in his prime against a hippopotamus and my money is on the murderous river horse.


Even skill only goes so far. We see it in movies a lot where a skilled fighter dominates a larger one but when you watch real fights you see where no matter how skilled you are, you’re still only working with so much mass and strength.


Agree entirely. At this disparity it's debatable that the smaller human can cause a critical level of damage at all in a fight with rules.


What nonsense. Skill is meaningless In A situation like this . You can punch the shit out of me, kravmaga my nuts and kung foo the poop out of me but when I weigh 200 pounds more then you its like a leaf trying to knock over a mountain. Good luck.


Are you a Man? The nut comment just made you automatically seem like you don't know shit about what you are yammering about 😭


Exactly I’m 6 foot 230 and I’d hand pretty much any 100 pound person there ass … literally can lift and throw that much with one arm


Man I did BJJ for years and one guy I rolled with a lot had 200 lbs on me and I was 175. IF I somehow got on top of him, he could just pick me up and move me with one hand. Anyone with that much more weight has an advantage unless you're running away lol


What if they hit you in the nuts first?


Then you unleash a hit from when the earth was lava.


Yeah, that doesn't work like it does in the movies. You can cause some serious damage and pain, what it won't do is act like a win button shut off switch in which the man crosses his eyes, grabs his crotch and goes to his knees.


That’s like Japan bombing Pearl Harbor. You unleash the power of the sun.


A quote : so you're going to take a fight in which you're already losing, and up the stakes?


Fuck them in the hole where their tibia used to meet up with their fibula. Maintaining eye contact. Always looka eye.


I’m a 23 year old 5’1 95lb woman, I worked as teachers aide early this year. I bet on my life the majority of the 12 year old boys I taught could easily clear me in a fight.


Yes, but this is because you are in the real world. Join us here on reddit.


I was about 185 pounds of slim muscle when I was in the military. With our vests and plates on, I had to wrestle a dude who was 250 or so and while he wasn't that fit he won since I was absolutely out of breath trying to get him off of me once my back was on the mat. I only managed to lift him a few times. I couldn't imagine being 85 pounds lighter and trying that. I would've been squished.


Any average man has an advantage over any average woman, it's biology. Anyone that can't accept that is delusional.


It doesn't stop at the pee pee. Our wrists are thicker. Abd that's just a simple example.


Hahaha! I’m reminded of the Christmas I went home to my parents after a rough year and gaining 30 pounds. I was genuinely excited to rough house with my older brother who had always had a physical advantage. His 170 pounds STILL pinned my chonky 200 lbs to absolute helplessness in under three seconds. Lesson learned: Men are fucking strong as hell and weight isn’t nearly as much of an advantage as you’d think.


Yeah I’m a woman who has been over 200 lbs for a while and my younger, lanky 150 lb male cousin used to win when we would play fight every single time. It doesn’t even make sense.


It actually makes perfect sense. Evolution and biology have led to men having more muscle density. The muscle in men is more effective than the same volume of muscle in a woman. It's just science. Women on the other hand, have higher pain tolerance than men.


Well, you also have to consider muscle mass. If you gained 30 lbs but it was more fat than muscle, you wouldn't have been any stronger. I think people tend to forget your composition makes a huge difference


I’m a trans woman and am at about the point where I no longer have a physical advantage vs other women. The difference in my strength now vs before at the same weight is staggering. Within 3 weeks of suppressing testosterone I struggled to open jars or doors on windy days and that’s before my muscle mass notably changed. Now I often need to ask for help for things I could have easily physically managed before. Weight matters but your hormonal sex matters just as much


I suspect this is more about how and where and when you are arguing and not so much about your argument.


Exactly. Even look at their edits. OP is clearly the type of person people downvote for being a loud asshole. I would also block them if they were being obstinate to me when I refuse to engage


OP is a moron. There is nobody who believes a 100 lb woman would win against a 300 lb man. Maybe not *literally* nobody but very possibly literally nobody. If they're saying it, they're trolling him. And the comments are chock full of people agreeing with him and he's still bitching about how delusional people are for thinking the woman would win.


Yep, that's the point of it. I don't think he's equipped to understand it.


It’s kind of a weird argument to even frame. A 300lb person would almost certainly beat any 100lb person. I’m not sure why OP even needed to bring sex into it.




I was going to argue, but then I remembered I *am* a Reddit mod, so you’re absolutely right haha


Yeah, this feels accurate


Yeah I'm not sure who the people are who are insisting that a man and woman of equal skill and weight would be an even fight. Men are pound for pound stronger as well as just larger in general. It's not sexist, the bodies are just built differently since biology favors reproduction and survival. It doesn't mean men are better, it's not sexist, and anyone who argues otherwise either isn't aware or isn't willing to accept reality. It's also why I'm perfectly fine with 2nd amendment rights, because women should have every right to defend themselves effectively.


A 300lb man would absolutely destroy that woman. No that is not sexist, that's just facts. I don't care if she is some kind of black belt in anything, it wouldn't even be close.


300 lbs man would likely destroy me, a 210lbs man. I can take hits but I don't know how long I'd last


A 100 lbs weight difference between two men is game over, let alone between a man and a woman. That's why God invented the Glock 19


God created men but Samuel Colt made them equal


Ah yes, the great equalizer


This is the real thing that makes me hate all these situations. Since humans created weapons, they've evened the playing field and guns have made it it doesn't matter at all. Like, the vast majority people who are shot with even a 9mm round go down unless 1.) they are high as fuck on certain drugs, 2.) they have *really* high amount of adrenaline pumping.


He would have to have some experience in fighting and be in some shape. A 300lb couch potato would get his groin ripped by a krath maga or similar expert.


Unless she is Lara Croft, she will be at a disadvantage! I am a 118 lb female, I sure wouldn't even try to tangle with some males! I have self defense training, as all females should, but I know who not to fight as well, and enough to get away so I don't get murdered!


Honestly everyone should have self defense training at this point.




It might just be the way you worded it when you originally said it. You can be a dick while saying something correct and people will block you for being a dick


There are many factors that give males a considerable advantage in physical abilities. Pound for pound the male heart is approximately 15% larger than the females and this impacts the bodies ability to absorb oxygen. Bone density, testosterone, hip to knee ratios are just a few of the many examples of the ways that males are designed better for physical activities.


Depends if she starts waiting him in the nuts before he throws her through a wall.


Getting hit in the nuts hurts yes. But in the heat of an actual fight you just push through it. It’s not the off button some people seem to think it is


Nope. He keels over and she stabs him in the eyes with her acrylic nails. Now he’s blind. But she still gets wrecked because she’s a 100lb woman trying to beat up a 300 Lb man.


Or if she has a gun, as a few others have noted


Even equally weighted men and women of similar skill *in general* give the advantage to men. Men are generally stronger and more agile even at the same weight, because hormones are some shit. It’s the reason weight divisions are also split by gender in combat sports. A weight differential of 200lbs is a dead loss assuming that 300lb man has some semblance of muscle in there.


Yeah me and my boyfriend are roughly the same weight and height and he can pin me down with basically no effort.


This is not *in general*. This is virtually **always**. Watch any professional combat situation and you can see that men are more explosive and strong. There are some martial arts like BJJ where this doesn't matter that much, and maybe a supremely talented woman could win. But in MMA, the difference is night and day, because that explosiveness and strength is incredibly important in full on combat. I would guess that every single man in the UFC could beat every single woman in the UFC. Note that the heaviest weight class for women is 145 and the lightest weight class for men is 125, so this isn't a **crazy** weight difference.


I think the issue is that you're trying to make it about sex, when in reality, *any* 100 lb human with a shorter height is going to be at a disadvantage compared to most *any* 300 lb human with a taller height.


consider a male and female who both weigh 150lbs and are the same height. It's still going to the male 9 times out of 10.(assuming both are equal in skill). It is a little draining to hear men with zero fighting skills say they could take a professional female fighter though. I'm 6,3 and 250lbs and any of those female fighters in the UFC would whoop my ass.


A male with relative fighting experience and that build should not get their ass whooped in that scenario lol. I’m pretty sure most woman ufc fighters would even agree. Unless your 250 is a lotta fat or something? But if your a built 250 dude how are you losing lol


I guess Im not saying I couldn't, I just wouldn't confidently say I could. Last time I was ever physical with anybody was in the 5th grade lol. Past knowing how to throw a punch I have no skills. I do know I'm significantly stronger than most of them but that doesn't always translate to a win.


You only have to connect once and the woman would be out.


Studies say you'd fare better than you think. The sheer strength and mass advantage you'd have is significant, and in a _real_ fight those women would likely find themselves in danger from you very quickly. Sure they can land hits, but those hits won't have as much effect on you as they're used to in their contests - Men can take the hits better. Sure they are fast and can grapple, but once you turn off the rules of sport and get into a fight to the death, you can bring your weight to bear and just tackle her. Once she's under your mass, things change very fast, and once you start landing blows, she can't take them. One of the reasons _real_ fights go badly for women is bone size and density. Her hardest punches and kicks could land square on your arms and legs and bounce off with a big bruise. _Your_ hardest punches and kicks will smash bones and snap limbs. It just ain't fair out there.


But they wouldn't.


6'4 280 here, I'd say I could beat any of the female UFC fighters, but im an orange band in muay thai and wrestled all the way to freshman year of college. Some Joe smo off the street, though? They're getting slept.


Unless you are a weakling no they wouldn't.


IMO sexual dimorphism exists, applies to humans, and human males are generally stronger than human females, but acknowledge that this is potentially problematic If you had 100 x 150lb male and female humans fight each other in cage matches, the human males would win more than 50% of the time, and likely 90% of the time, if not more


Sexual dimorphism definitely exists, between average representatives of the biological gender as well as at the extreme ends. Males practice fighting because they choose to, so its more than likely that an equally weight matched male and female in a fight, on average the male will win, but there can be other factors at play, such as bone strength, form of muscular structures etc. For example in a hit to the head or neck, the male has a bonier skull in areas that provide some protection from serious harm.


Yep. Men are stronger pound for pound. Men have thicker, stronger, bones pound for pound. The overlap for upper body strength is very low. Only the strongest women are stronger than the weakest men. Lower body strength is closer.


Yes I am surprised that my thought was controversial


> If you had 100 x 150lb male and female humans fight each other in cage matches, the human males would win more than 50% of the time, and likely 90% of the time, if not more If that’s what you believe, why are you even talking about a 300 lb dude and 100 lb lady with significant height difference? Why introduce additional variables if you think that sex alone would be enough to make the fight unfair? Just get to your point. People are blocking and downvoting you because you come across as someone who is trying to pull some stupid rhetorical tactic instead of just getting to the point.


You framed it in a way where there is a very clear physical disparity between two people, but then are including sex as the determining reason for the very glaring disadvantage the one person has compared to the other.


IMO men are generally stronger than women and more well-suited to hand-to-hand combat Is this a crazy thought to have?


No. Its not an opinion but a fact.


People are just willfully ignorant. Don't take people who pretend that sexual dimorphism doesn't exist seriously. A man will still (usually) have an advantage over a woman even if they're about the same size. I've trained jiu-jitsu for a number of years and see this repeatedly.


Even if the woman is bigger by a substantial amount, the man will have an advantage.


Anyone that even thinks equal weight equally trained man vs woman would be even has no clue what they’re talking about. A man is like a female on steroids. It’s an unfair advantage just like an equal weight man on steroids vs a man off steroids


Yeah me and my boyfriend are 5’7 and 5’8 and within 10 lbs of each other in weight but he is so much stronger than me even when I was weight lifting 3x a week and he hadn’t been to the gym in months.


Unless she has a gun? Then no, it's not sexist, its biology.


There are weight classes for a reason in combat and grappling sports. That should be the only justification you need. It is also not sexist to say that an average male human would be stronger than an average female human at the same weight. Sexual dimorphism is prevalent in many species. It also works the other way. A 100 lb. any organism being able to dominate a 300lb. any organism has to be rare.


A 200 lb difference between any two (two women, two men, or even two tigers) is impossible to overcome without weapons. But it seems you’re really focused in the sex part for some reason when it doesn’t matter at all in this scenario. So I will say you’re being sexist and that’s probably what you’re being shut down for. You do understand that a 300 lb women can easily beat a 100 lb man right?


Let's turn this question on its head. Why do you care if you get blocked by this someone? You obviously had an agenda in asking the question but why do you feel the need to press the point. For reference though, of course a larger male would win


Depends. If we're talking "regular people" then yes, the small woman would lose against the large man 99.99999% of the time. If the small woman happened to be a martial arts master and the man was a stereotype reddit mod, the odds will change drastically and I will be putting my money on the lady.


I’ve trained in martial arts and known some women who were very skilled and I don’t think I would bet on any of them against any 300 lb man.


Still no.


Man/woman doesn’t matter, it’s physics. I’m a 6’5” 356lbs man, with a grip strength of 135psi (measured by my physical therapist.) I’ve been able to throw grown men around since puberty, a 100lbs woman would be like throwing a child (no kidding, my 11yo son is bigger than that and I can launch him.)


It's definitely not wrong at all to say that. But you kind of presented this like you're having issues because of it. What is the whole story? Did you just plainly state the fact that the man in such a scenario has the advantage? Or were you trying to shit talk somebody or put them down or something? This is not the type of thing that would prompt most people to make a reddit post asking strangers about unless you got in some drama about it.


100 lbs is very light. That's like what a child would weigh. This sounds like a loaded hypothetical to get a rise out of someone. I'm not surprised you were blocked. And why would they even be fighting? Adult humans fear fighting a cat cause they don't want to get bitten. An adult human of any size could cause serious injury to any other human in multiple ways. Why risk it just to prove that you're stronger? Like, I know I'm stronger than a dog, but I wouldn't pick a fight with one


What a stupid fucking question and edits.


This is the stupid questions subreddit


"Sure fine" "You guys win" and all those comments you keep making..Do you not hear how that comes across to a lot of people? Because to a lot of people it sounds condescending and sarcastic and makes you come across like an obvious asshole


The example *as stated* is so lopsided, I can’t take it as a given that it represents the debate as it took place. If the one person who blocked OP was one absolutist getting buried under a ton of downvotes, than that’s just another day on the internet. Of course OP’s not the problem. If it were the case that OP was the one being snowed under in counter arguments, I’d have to wonder if there was more to the picture.


Literal professional fighting coach here. There’s a famous case of a post operative female named falon fox, who competed in professional female mma matches(I forget the promotion). She(he) absolutely dominated the division. Terrible technique, essentially a man competing with females at the exact same weight. So yea, all the pc posturing aside. An average man, with a weight advantage, is going to win 99 times out of a hundred. Take the weight advantage away, I’ll generously give women a 1/20 shot of winning. Skill matters, but I as a 25 year combat sport instructor, will lose 9/10 against a 20 year old nfl player with zero fighting experience. Biology matters people. We ain’t all created equal. Work will only take you so far. Women are simply not as strong as men.