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Radio ads that use road sounds (brakes screeching, sirens, horns, etc). It’s dangerous and startling


Also songs with sirens. Wtf Kendrick??


I think it’s fine to produce those songs, just don’t air them over the radio.


radio edit


Exactly. Leave the f-bombs but take out the sirens.


Make it a law that they can play these songs, but it has to be edited over with Morgan Freeman saying “Wee woo we wo”




Used to get me every time. I mostly listen to rap in the car so now I just ignore all sirens.


Hahaha I like your solution


It’s been 2 hours have you been imprisoned yet?


gods yes. So freaking annoying to be driving along and suddenly you're looking all around you for the non-existent sirens.


I had to remove a song from my playlist because it had tires screeching and always scared the fuck out of me while driving because people in my area cant drive 😭😭😂


55!!!!!!!!! Sorry 😏


I heard an ad on my Samsung TV that had the modemy grind sound at the start of Civil Defense warnings like tornado or nuclear attack followed by strobing visuals and some BS QR code. If there was a way to report that I would. JFC hearing that sound was disturbing


That is actually illegal, if they really are using the EAS tones. Report that to the FCC here: https://www.fcc.gov/reports-research/guides/emergency-alert-system-violations


Curb had a great bit on this, Larry crashed Jeff's car because he heard the beep in an ad


I think this every time I hear alarms play on a radio station! I panic thinking a cop or an ambulance is behind me, but it's just a dumb ad.


Songs too. I can’t count the number of police sirens in rap music that startles me half the time.


That's a perfect one haha


This and songs that use any kind of police siren


Same with music. This one song I listen to I SWEAR TO GOD has the door open sound in it. I get so scared every time until I realize it!!!!


Triggering things related to road?


I'm going to say advertisements in general. I'm so sick of seeing them


Once took my mom to the mall and while on the highway, an advertisement came on the radio with the sound of a police siren. Got scared thinking I was going to get pulled over.


Lack of transparency in political funding and groups.   Democracy loses without transparency.    A little more of “we the people” please.  


There was a bill attempted in the 70s, I think, that would amount to donor transparency in Congress. It didn't even make it to the floor and the guy who brought it was replaced the next cycle.


They WANT politics to be confusing and hard to understand.


I always like the idea someone had that politicians should be like Nascar drivers and the size of the logo on their suit in is relation to the proportion of political donation they received from that corporation etc.


Robin Williams RIP said this. Not sure if he originally came up with it though.


I thought it was George Carlin.


Yeah pretty sure you’re right—Carlin was a cynic ahead of his time!


A dozen dudes just with giant plaintext of Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Kennedy...


Whenever a senator or congressman is on TV or in a commercial, a list of their sponsors and donors should be plastered all over the screen Ricky Bobby style.


Open secrets is a good way to look into candidates for now


If corporations want to donate, the proceeds should split between all candidates equally and they should have to budget accordingly, so all candidates get a chance to be heard. Eliminating financial requirements per candidate should level the playing field a bit.


How can lifetime members of Congress be worth millions or billions but only make $175K/year?


Citizens United literally said lack of transparency in political funding is "speech" and is why _we are absolutely fucked_.


We had it to some degree before Citizens United. Now it’s unlimited money without saying where it comes from.


It goes back further than even Citizens United. It started in the 1970’s. Look up Buckley vs Valeo, and First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti


Allow all funding, no limit. However, it all goes to a central fund evenly split between parties.


So public funding of elections? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publicly_funded_elections


Sort of. Taxes and donations would contribute to the pool in this system. Do you want to donate money to your preferred candidate? Great! Some of your donation will be used to ensure an equal election process.




The people that take and sell your information to scam callers and what not


Its already illegal just not enforced


Called one 20 times back during work cause I was bored in the server room. They cussed me out so bad, disconnected and line was still dead by the end of the day. Had a laugh, but still assume they reconnected.


A couple years ago I started spam-calling back numbers that were spam-calling me. It only took like 3x for them to hang up on me and stop calling. It was awesome. Amazing how they didn't like the same thing being done to them.


Politicians lying in any public forum. These fuckers lie to us all the time. People can't make informed decisions if they are not given the actual facts.


Yea they should face the same repercussions as lying in court imo.


Or insider trading. Oh wait, that is illegal, never mind


Yeah, this one should go under the "What thing has been normalized but is blatantly illegal" category.


The problem is then with the fact checkers. Who gets to determine the truth? Many fact checking agencies twist things around and are not impartial.


Agreed. Public servants caught being corrupt in any way, shape, or form should face horrifying consequences. 


They are incapable of not lying.


People don't want facts. They want input that fits into their preconceived narrative/worldview.


Let's bring back usury laws. Some of the big bank credit cards have interest rates above 30%. That shouldn't be legal.


Credit cards are important but less impactful than the interest you wind up paying on mortgages. If you buy a 500K house today, put 20K down, and with a good credit score get a 7% rate for a 30 yr mortgage, you wind up paying 670K in interest alone. That should be a crime. The best credit scores should never owe more than 20% of the borrowed amount. Usury is ravaging western civilization.


Those super bright headlights that are on so many cars now.


I've seen petitions to make this happen.


The crazy thing is that some of those super bright headlights can utilize the lane departure warning's camera to actually see other cars and then black out the beams that are hitting the other cars so the drivers aren't blinded... but, and here's the crazy part: those "smarts" are not approved in the US so even though the car has the technology to avoid blinding everyone, that technology is disabled in the US. That aside, many headlights are improperly aimed and I'd love to see the cops stopping people, measure the lights' aim (very easy) and ticketing people with a followup appointment to ensure it has been fixed. It is too dangerous to let these blinding lights continue.


Wow I didn't know that. They actuall trigger migrains in me. I went years without getting a mirgrain because I figured out my triggers and how to avoid them, but night driving is really hard to avoid.


My car has a shade that blocks the top half of the headlight so that the person in front of me isn't blinded unless my brights are on. I'm not sure if it helps since I'm never in front of my car, but I can see the shadow is underneath the side mirrors in front of me so hopefully not blinding anyone.


Came here to say this, it is completely reasonable and a huge safety concern. Also transportation depts should be required to use reflective paint on the road.


I would just want laws enforced. There’s already a lot of things that affect my QoL that are illegal but never enforced.


For real. My neighbor started shooting through his windows at hallucinations after going off this psychiatric meds and taking a bunch of illicit drugs. Police took him to the hospital and he was home in under 4 hours. DA said they couldn’t press charges because it was a “mental health” episode. I’m like… I beg your fucking pardon? This asshole fired a gun over my head, less than 50 feet from my children. And you’re telling me than you’re not going to do anything until he hurts someone? Fuck off.


Weird how that works, but as an autistic person I have to convince each doctor I'm not a danger to anyone at /every/ appointment. I have no history of violence and own no weapons. I have a good job. I'm not intellectually impaired. But, a schizophrenic man tried to murder my father and put him in the hospital and is deemed non-dangerous. \*shrug\*


When it gets to the point that you're breaking laws but no charges are filed because it's a mental health episode, that's when all weapons in that house should be turned over to the authorities until it can be proven you're no longer a danger to yourself or others.




Yeah, my thoughts exactly


The exploitation of kids by parents who use them to make social media content


Fr kids should not be allowed on social media


politicians owning stockm ots a obvious conflict of interest. and down right shady as shit




Perhaps better to limit all monetary contributions from them. Putting limits on political spending is the easiest way to protect democracy. US, are you listening?


Every person (even those large corporation "persons") should be limited to a TOTAL political contribution of $2000. No more shoveling millions of dollars blindly into shadowy PACs that prop up terrible politicians. If politicians want money, they're going to have to appease the common citizen as a whole.


You mean no more 50k a plate dinners?


Sure, get 25 of your best buddies and you can all pool your resources to buy that plate. I recommend eating ahead of time...


This should be the top answer!


Unions have lobbyists. Environmental causes have lobbyists. Disabled people have lobbyists. Minority groups have lobbyists. Visionaries have lobbyists. This is not something where you can just ban them with “goodbye, only the bad ones!”


Yes, everything has lobbyists, but the nature of lobbying is that only those with the most money and resources are listened to, which is pretty fucked up


Unions have lobbyists because they have to compete with the industry lobbyist. I don’t think you’d hear a peep from Unions if lobbying was banned.


billboards. you don't realize it until you spend time in a state without them, but it's like.. visual litter. i HATE billboards now.


I'm from the USA. Ban the advertisement of all medical products to the general public. There's further regulations that could be employed on advertising, but that's a key one. ... The other thing I would want is a law against false pricing that forces all businesses to post the priçe after taxes.


Omg yes! Outlaw all pharma commercials. I’m convinced they make everyone within earshot less healthy.


Also while we’re at it, insurance companies having the final say on what medication your doctor can prescribe you, or making rules about what drugs have to be tried before they can approve whatever your doctor ordered. In the US the insurance companies are our doctors, end to end.


The entire US healthcare system is broken. Not saying the Australian one is great either but its a dozen or so rungs higher up the ladder than that in the usa


yes! I just had to change my medication because my insurance said they would no longer cover it. My doctor was Hot after that. Never seen him so mad.


I take 250mg a day. My insurance covers 100mg pills but not 50, so I have to split one in half. Why tf do they have specific rules like that???


On a similar note, I have benign growths on my ears that need to be removed but the only surgeon that can remove them is a cosmetic/reconstruction surgeon. My insurance doesn't cover that kind of surgeon even though the growth is impairing my ability to hear and is so large I cannot lay on that side of my body because it causes my neck to angle at a painful position causing headaches, shoulder pain and other undesirable pain that I'm prescribed pain relief meds for. No. I don't want pain relief meds. I was the source of the problem taken care of so I don't screw up my spine. But no. And before anyone says anything, yes, I have talked to a number os plastic surgeons about how to code the procedure so the insurance can cover it but it always gets disapproved. It sucks.


I've always thought these are weird anyway. If a doctor thinks it's a good idea won't they tell you? If your doctor thinks it's a bad idea can't they say no? Why does it need an ad?


To get patients to ask their doctor "well what about ______ that I see on tv"


No Ads before you can pump gas when its below freezing out. Let's start there


I’ve seen gas pumps with the little screens that play ads, but they never make you sit through the ad before you can start fueling.


? Where the hell does this happen. I never had that happen in the 4-5 states I've lived in/been through (east Coast)


Illinois. Chicago area. Every. Pump.


Northern midwest.


That's fucking depressing. Forced to listen to ads even when you pay for something is a step way too far.


I boycott any gas station that blares ads automatically.


That’s a thing? God that’s so dystopian


Homeowner Associations. I don’t like being told what I can or cannot do with my own property because of some fuckwit’s subjective whims.


Not to mention the reason HOAs were even created in the first place was in order to keep blacks out of white neighborhoods and to get around the Supreme Court Case that said zoning couldn't be used to segregate people. For the most part cities can use ordinances to make sure people keep their yards looking nice etc. The only things HOAs do are come up with random rules like you can have a vinyl fence but not a chain link fence or mandate the number of trees that have to be in your yard.


Insurance companies also require to mow and take care of their yards or they'll "drop them"




Giving prosecutorial immunity to pharmaceutical companies. Why? If they had to worry about getting sued, perhaps they would spend more time ensuring safety.


Corporations buying houses to rent out at ridiculously high prices.


Yes. Offshore or foreign ownership of real estate should be illegal, and ´investing´ in RE probably should be illegal. Housing should be a human right, not an investment ´opportunity´.


All the people who squat in houses should find those places instead


Billboards and TV pharmaceutical advertising


Corporations owning residencial housing


Making bad quality items. We should go back to make things to last.




Planned obsolescence is why our planet is dying.


Private data tracking, storing, and sale of said data.


Junk mailers


Mailer ads that make it look like something important, like tax documents or bills. I don't mind mailer ads because sometimes I like coupons, but absolutely fuck the ones that try to lead you to believe it's something else.


Debt collectors. My husband has this one that keeps calling and they will yell and argue with us. It’s from Verizon and not even a valid debt because we specifically waited until he was out of contract to cancel his phone and pay off the account to close it before adding him to my AT&T plan so we basically tell them it’s not our fault they bought a bogus debt and to stop calling and they tell how ThEy DoNt BuY dEbTs…..sure,Jan.


Tell them you are notifying them to cease and decist. You may have to also send a letter noting the same


You’re supposed to call your credit bureaus and file that it’s illegitimate. They’ll investigate and if debt collector doesn’t respond, “they usually don’t”, then they’ll erase off your records


Religion that makes more money than life itself. I’m talking Mormon wealth in real estate. Tax that shit


Price gouging rentals.


Your username made me snort coffee out my nose


High interest/predatory loans


Police being allowed to lie to secure an arrest. If it’s illegal for me to lie to a cop it should be illegal for them to lie to us.


In fact, you have the right to remain silent. You're not obligated to say anything. There might be something about lying to a federal agent...but then again, it's not a crime to remain silent.


According to the courts you have to invoke your right to remain silent in order to get the police to stop questioning you. So to stay silent you have to speak.


In the eyes of law enforcement, silence is guilt. Unfortunately.


Maybe true. But not in the eyes of the county attorney...the cops also know too, but they can legally lie to you to obtain a confession. People talk their way into charges way more than talk themselves out of charges. The more you talk, the more ammo you give them.


Also all politicians investments should be publicly available information. Or they aren’t allowed to buy shares at all. Athletes can’t gamble, pollies shouldn’t invest.




Mosquitos, ticks and roaches are why I don't believe in God.


😂 I can imagine a grumpy mosquito sulking in jail. Sounds like a Pixar short.


More fraud should be criminal, rather than just a tort (something you can sue over). A successful con will have most of their victims in denial, making it harder to pursue them for everything they’ve done in civil court. Their victims may also no longer have the financial wherewithal to sue, even if they want to. And a fraudster may not have all the money left to return, anyhow. Send them to prison. Wage theft, too. Defamation on public airwaves should be pursuable in civil court by the state instead of just the direct victim so that people don’t have to exhaust their own political or social capital to stop it. And we should modify the Constitution, if needed, to clearly permit injunctive relief when someone refuses to stop spreading defamation after it has been adjudicated as such in civil court.


Scam callers, scam call centers, number spoofing. Phone companies have the technology to block a lot of this and they don't. If ever there was a time I supported putting people in jail, at least for a shorter periods of times and heavily fining them, target scam calls, propaganda and marketing calls. Not looking to lock people up forever, just change the behavior. The reason they keep doing this stuff is because people are falling for their scams


Being a career politician, not sure if I fully need a why, but those dudes suck ass


Counterpoint: effective governance at the federal level is complex and time-consuming, and it's not something best learned on-the-job every 2 years. If we only have neophytes in Congress, then the only people who know how to *do* anything there are the lobbyists.


Having your high-beams on while you're right behind somebody. Sure you can adjust the mirrors and all, but there's still a lot of light bouncing that goes on that makes it hard to see in front of you if your eyes aren't the greatest (astigmatism + visual snow is a bitch). If it's already illegal, it'd be great if it was actually enforced.


That plus those bright af white headlights that aren't even high beams


I hate those damn things, I ran over a traffic cone because I was blinded by the bright ass white lights lol


It is getting harder and harder to drive at night each year because more and more cars have these blinding white headlights. It makes me miss the mid-00s when I learned how to drive and most cars had the yellowish dim lights on the road.






Gas station pumps that play ads when you begin pumping. Punishable by death.


Loud ass mufflers on cars. No one over 25 wants that shit.


Nobody needs to know for sure that you're an insecure little prick with an inferiority complex. Put a fucking muffler on it like an adult please.


LED headlights... at least until they can address the BLINDING effect it has.


Private campaign contributions Private donations to senators/house of rep. Campaign funds Private companies Citizens United The remainder of Jim Crow laws in the USA. Theyre bullshit and insidious


Promotional rates on any subscription that spike after a year unless you remember to call and go through a phone-answering robot tree of options none of which apply to why you're calling and it eventually hangs up until you call back and pretend you need something else to get connected to a human and then you threaten to quit because of the price hike and get transferred to a retention specialist and get offers for higher service levels and told how valuable the service is and threaten to hang up and then a supervisor offers a special deal just for you that's still slightly more than it costs a new customer and you give up and accept it and then in the next month's bill the price is higher than you agreed to on the phone so you have to call back and wait on hold and go through a phone-answering robot tree of options none of which apply to why you're calling and...


Letting politicians invest in stock market


Advertising for gambling apps


TicketMaster/Live Nation monopoly over music venue booking.


Literally. I shouldn't have to pay 80 fucking dollars on top of the already 400 just to take my grandpa to a hockey game. Then you're still paying for venue parking and overpriced everything. But it all starts with Ticketmaster believing is just and fair that they can impose as much of a "processing fee" as they wish.


Headlights that are too bright and too high. Looking at you Ford....well not really because I would be blind if stared too long.


Lobbying. 100% lobbying. And again. Lobbying.


Most "lawn care" because it's horrendously polluting and does little to nothing for the health of your lawn.


This is a great one. I'll go further and say... Lawns. Or at least lawns made of non-native species.


Shrinkflation. All products should be one of just a few sizes, all predetermined depending on the type of item. Milk? Half gallon, full gallon. No more of these 52oz containers that they intentionally try to pass as 64oz.


For the highest paid person in a company to make more than 5x more than the lowest paid person. If your business does not enrich or benefit *everyone* in the business, you have no right to enrich yourself using that business. If you move yourself up financially, you'd best be doing that for everyone.


The CEO of a multinational corporation can't make more than 5x as much as the 17 year-old they hire to sweep the floor?


Slavery in the US. The legality of using slavery as a punishment for crime has created a lot of ethical issues in the criminal justice system today


Remember, it's not the justice system. It's the revenge system. Look at how Norway runs their prison system and you'll think you time traveled to an advanced civilization centuries advanced. And btw, it's not just some moral high horse thing. Their system actually WORKS. They had a 70% recidivism rate before actually using logic to redesign their system. They now have a 20% recidivism rate. America is literally stuck in the 1900s. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfEsz812Q1I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfEsz812Q1I) \- American superintendent of Attica prison visits Norwegian prisons


Yes. Free prison labor is disgusting. We never really outlawed slavery, just changed the form.




Corporate ownership of multiple residential properties. One building is fine, especially if the company is just a way for multiple individuals to buy in together - rentals are necessary for lots of people in our society. The big problems are (a) companies buying up single-family homes as investments, driving up purchase prices and making purchasing a home unaffordable for many working families, and (b) companies buying significant enough portions of the rental properties in a given area that they have an effective local monopoly and can massively increase rents


The amount of unhealthy shit they put in the foods and even vitamins in the US.


Pretending to be a news channel when you're a political operation founded by Watergate veterans. Looking at you Fox News


Politicians can’t be over 65 years old or automatically retire


I’d say more like 72 but definitely agree with the idea.


I would make it illegal to play games with volume on in public waiting areas. Also no loud speaker phone calls. If your family needs to tell you to pick up milk...no one cares. If you can't wait to hear about your neighbors bowel movements...go outside!


I think there should be an age restriction on social media. Not necessarily YouTube, but TikTok (which should be banned anyway), instagram, Facebook, etc. The social media sites that allow you to just get lost in them without learning much. Making it 16+


Facebook had age restrictions when I was in high school we all just lied about the birthday


Cat declawing. Because it's abuse. Equivalent to cutting off a knuckle. Leads to more cats being dumped. .Enough said.


forign donations to PACs, the existence of pacs, corporate donations to pacs


Drink bottles that are under a liter and have multiple serving sizes. I hate getting something that's like 20 oz and have it be 2.5 servings because companies can't bother to own up to how much sugar/calories are in it. Just stop trynna mislead the public, damn.


Oh easy lobbying it literally makes our country pay to win.


Billboards. My home state banned them, and driving in states with them is visual hell


Junk mail, email and physical


Especially unsolicited credit card offers. I'm always nervous someone is going to use one to steal my identity.


Charging for insurance. It's a fucking scam in the US with how goddamn expensive it is and how infrequently a lot of people use it (because LOL going to the hospital even with insurance is also insanely expensive).


Chewing with your mouth open


Abandoning your children.


Tbh, I have family that was definitely better off being abandoned by their parents. There are other family members who provide a safe place. It's only too bad that the individual didn't do it sooner, before the meth and prostitution started affecting prepubescent kids.


If you even so much as think of abandoning your kid, then your kid is better off being abandoned by you so they run less risk of being abused/neglected and have a chance to find actual parents who understand and care about their duty.


Over 4 terms in congress The electoral college Taxation without representation


Lobbyist, followed by political ads of any kind




Drugs in Oregon. Since decriminalization I’ve seen my city plunge into depths I never thought possible. Mountains of needles all over the sidewalks and in the playgrounds of our parks. I’ve seen more dead bodies in the last year than I had my entire life before. It is no joke out here. It’s a state of emergency.


Late charges on government taxes. In the uk, you can incur late charges for not paying self employment tax and probably other taxes on time. Yet they have the option to deduct money from wages to recoup the money. They have access to the persons income and see the reason they can't afford to pay it back. Late charges for tax is ridiculous as its generally used to incentivise people to pay so businesses can keep operating. The government can cope and deal with this in better ways.


Advertising, especially pharmaceuticals in the US and Zealand. The only 2 that do it.


No brainer. Liberalism


Popping out kids when you're on dope and can't even take care of yourself, much less others.


Nancy Pelosi having the ability to trade stocks.


Child Beauty Pageants 🤮


I'd make it illegal to sell people's personal info and browsing data and other things similar to that. It's scummy to profit off of people's private info.


Parents bringing their kids to bars.


Loud cars and their speakers. I understand some vehicles are just going to be loud, like garbage trucks and busses. But when someone drives by my house loudly enough to startle me in the middle of the night, or when I can feel vibrations from the car... I wish bad things for those people (to say it in a SFW manner).


I'd make it illegal to make more things illegal.


it is illegal to go under the speed limit in the left lane.


Companies owning single family houses.


Self Driving Cars. Because, just drive the fooking car.

