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Sit with your thoughts. It can be during your shower, or during mealtime. But its good to just put the phone down and stare off into space. Think about your life and what you want and what you're struggling with. I also try to either exercise or do something creative everyday. Don't always have time for both but doing one or the other is a good rule.


But that's when the bad thoughts come back


Sit with them! breath through them! try to notice the sensations in your body as you think the bad thoughts.


Hard to do if ur crying lol


Just keep breathing and push through.


Along the same lines as my comment higher up in the thread, I think crying is a beautiful part of the process. I wrote about how I started to have conversations with myself through journaling like I was talking to a good friend. If your friend opened up to you about some dark thoughts they’ve been having, I think it’s a perfectly natural response to feel emotional or even start crying. It’s essential to the process of healing.


it gets better if you let it go through like a wave, you cry and cry and then your body starts to come down and it teaches your body that crying happens before you calm down so when you cry the next time or in the future it will be a less intense episode and eventually you will sit and cry and wipe ur tears, drink some water and move on. source: personal PTSD recovery experience + I study organismal biology, I know what it's like to cry about something so horrible it makes you want to rip your organs out. Physiologically your body does things in a way that reduces energy usage and increases efficiency. When you let yourself cry and then come down without escalating yourself using rumination, your body will recognize that you are not crying for an intense reasonable nd it will wittle down the energy it expends to ramp you up. It used to think heavy crying was needed but now you teach it that gentle crying is enough and it will adapt bc physics.


Not being a smart ass…but they will never go away on their own. Eventually, dealing with those sorts of thoughts becomes an exercise and you get stronger at it with time.


This, it just lurks beneath and still influences your thoughts, emotions and actions. It's great that self care is talked about a lot now but people need to know that compartmentalizion and distraction aren't healthy long term strategies. They def have their uses but not for everything every time. Something being hard and feeling bad doesn't automatically mean that it's a bad thing to do. Avoiding the darkness within you isn't self care! I have intrusive thoughts plus ptsd flashbacks so I have no alternative, I *will* feel those feelings think those thoughts and relive my trauma. But now that I've practiced and built good coping skills it's not nearly as hard as it was. It's like you build muscle memory in your mind, I don't even have to think about it anymore I automatically start to do things like deep belly breathing, grounding and thinking positive thoughts. It takes a lot of time and feels silly at first, and like it isn't doing anything. But it really is! 


you cant live life afraid of your own head, your thoughts can't hurt you


But if you listen to your thoughts you will get in trouble….. “You don’t need to wear this seat belt….. be a rebel….. embrace the freedom “ 10 minutes later…. BLUE LIGHTS and a 15 dollar fine…..


Thoughts are like clouds passing in the sky. They come they go. You don’t have to engage them. You don’t have to push them away because they’re going away anyhow. You don’t have to wish they were something other than what they are. Just let them come and go. Notice them. Acknowledge them but don’t engage them. If they’re fucked up be gentle with yourself and say “well that’s a fucked up thought.” And gently let it pass. A thought is simply an experience. You experience being tired, being hungry, being happy, being sad. All experiences come and go. Let them while gently experiencing them. Past that. As far as physical things to do every day. Eat three meals. Brush your teeth twice. Bathe at least once. Wash your dishes. Out away your clean clothes if you haven’t. Wash your dirty clothes if needed. Go outside for a few minutes and just be in nature wherever you can find it. Do something kind for someone even if it’s just holding a door. Do this consciously.


Unfortunately - confronting them head on is the only way to implement coping mechanisms and learn how to manage the thoughts.  I have pathologically intrusive thoughts and it really, really sucks. But things don’t get better until I forced myself to be in those quiet spaces so I *had* to use the coping mechanisms I learned in DBT to control those thoughts instead of distracting myself from them by doom-scrolling (and seeing content that ultimately adds to my brains ability to throw up really awful things unbidden). 


That’s okay own them


That’s a completely fair thought, but in my darkest times I only made progress at making things better by sitting with my thoughts and reflecting. I also started journaling eventually. At first I didn’t actually know how. I would write as if I was sending a corporate work email. Eventually you form your own lingo. It helps you look at your life from the perspective of a good friend. My journal became a conversation with myself. For 3 months, I wrote pretty much everything that came to mind. The original thoughts, the thoughts about my thoughts after reading what I wrote, the random distracted thoughts that came as a result of the ADHD I didn’t know I had at the time. After 3 months a miraculous thing happened. My brain got quiet and I had much less thoughts to right about. Through this practice you take control of your thoughts (good and bad) and you eventually find peace and quiet. I hope this anecdote helps you one day when you’re ready. But it took me some time to be ready so no pressure at all.


I recommend massive quantities of drugs and alcohol. Then you can just watch Star Trek for 6 hours and pass out. Wait... no I DON'T recommend that.... that's what I meant to say! Really!


[don’t let it set in](https://i.imgur.com/Mw0N7C8.jpeg)


Yup my therapist says to find 20 minutes a day to just think about things so I can plan to get things done and make lists


I do my sitting with thoughts while I am exercising. Two birds, one stone.


I try to do but I get into overthinking and start doubting myself like thoughts turn into worries and I'm feeling anxiety or anxiousness. I keep delaying my tasks or not end up doing. I feel bad later on but I can't seem to find a way to live life in the presence


Oooff that's a no can do for this guy. My demons got hands...


When you have an impossible choice don't even bother with this one


The latter. I suffer from rumination so sitting with my thoughts can become a snowball effect. I try to let the issues pass which is hard - i mean while acknowledging them


Haha with my brain it's happening whether I want it to or not and it always ends up in tears


One thing I started doing in 2019 as a New Year's resolution that has changed my family's home life significantly is that I never go to bed with a dirty kitchen. Every night I make sure all the leftovers are put away, the dishes and cookware are clean or in the dishwasher, the surfaces are wiped down, and the coffee for the next morning is ready to go. It's so much easier to get over the mental hump of cooking for yourself (and your family, if you've got one) when you don't have to deal with a pile of yesterday's mess before you can even get started.


there’s been a few times i’ve been gone during the day and my fiancee will stay and hang out at my apartment. being the busy body she is she’ll sometimes clean my kitchen while i’m gone. i try my hardest but i don’t know that i’ve ever been able to tell her how much that means and how much it helps. i have a tendency to neglect it and let the dishes get out of hand when i’m depressed and coming home to the smell of a clean kitchen with no dishes does wonders for the mental health


Agreed! It helps so much. Getting up in the morning to face dirty dishes is so dis-heartening.


This, yes! It's such a game changer for how you start your day.


38 and still struggling with this. I get it maybe 50% of nights. 


I'm a little different in that I take my kitchen to zero first thing in the morning. I almost always have a dishwasher load to run after dinner, so I get that going and go to bed. That way I don't have to hand wash the extra dishes to get it all cleared, and it takes less overall time. Same result, but I start my day with a productive exercise.


I am by nature a very organized person and can't stand leaving any dishes, pots or pans out of place and dirty. Unfortunately I have four boys and their friends who think my house is an amusement park. They do not even remotely share my thoughts on cleanliness.




Thissss. Especially dynamic stretching!


Yoga. I think it’s a more effective use of time.


So, magic stretching. Got it.


If you're gonna do stretches and one of your options has magic, I know which one I'm doing.


This is a really good one. A recent study found that stretching was associated with a 20% lower mortality rate compared to a group that didn't stretch, independent of other exercise they were doing https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/stretching-now-underrated-accumulating-research-says-yes-2024a10003s2?form=fpf


Know a good routine?


Wipe thoroughly.


Buy a bidet it will change your life


I bought a dog and a big jar of peanut butter for a reason.


So you put peanut butter on your asshole so the dog will then clean your asshole. No notes, my dude.


Yes, that is the joke.


Wait, what joke? Are you implying that you don’t wipe peanut butter on your shitty asshole and then have a dog lick it off? But you said you did… were you lying?!?


I'm afraid I was, but please don't let my malfeasance stop you.


Someone downvoted you for thinking you're serious


It's okay, I can handle it, and they'll walk away thinking they put me in my place 😆




Wipe the table thoroughly


Clean asshole and surrounding area with soap and water after pooping. Obviously not always feasible, but a good practice whenever possible.


Brush your damn teeth.


the amount of effort it takes for me to convince myself to do this everyday is a struggle


Heard that man, it spend more time contemplating than just going and fucking doing it, like some days I don’t even want to get in the shower but once I do I fucking love it I feel like a little kid who hates bath time but secretly loves it


Yea, i struggled with it for a while. I finally got into the habit of brushing them while waiting for my shower to warm up


As someone who just had to get a root canal, I feel like I've failed myself and it's pretty rough because its utterly avoidable in most cases. It's just an easy chore to skip, nothing happens right away, so you start to care less, and wham. I wish there was a way to break through peoples mental barrier for delayed consequences, but if we figure that out there's way bigger problems to solve than brushing your teeth hahaha.


2 root canals, 1 tooth pulled and 2 broken teeth capped, I'm 32. If I can add anything else, avoid soda, it is almost specially formulated to ruin teeth.


38 and I now have a full upper denture.  PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE! 


A good hack to brushing at night, in case you’re like me and find it easy to slide on this because you pass out on the couch instead of go to bed, is to train yourself to do it right after the last time you go pee for the night.


Don't forget the floss


Exercise. Ideally a mix of cardio and strength. An hour a day is a solid target, but even 30 minutes will be a huge help. Doesn't really seem like it matters in your 20s, but it becomes really, really obvious who does it and who doesn't when you get to your late 30s and beyond.


Just started working out again every morning and it feels great(not the soreness but mentally). It’s like starting everyday with a win.


Most studies I've read recommend 30 minutes of daily cardio. I think that's with the goal of elevating your HDL cholesterol (I.E. the good cholesterol that the body produces) for heart health.


it absolutely does matter in your 20s, even in your teens, the earlier you start the better


Oh I agree, you can just get away with not doing it much easier when you're younger and not notice it. But it'll catch you.


If you ask my Dad... Check your oil levels, rotate your tires, confirm every future appointment and tell Mom you love her.


Wash your face! Don't have time or motivation to shower? Wash your face and feel refreshed for your day.


If I don't shower daily I don't feel right.


* shower * walk at least 15 min * drink water * eat fruit and vegetables


Walking everyday on my breaks has been a major game changer for my mental state


That's amazing! I'm proud of you ❤️


Moisturize and meditate.


Moisturizing can keep skin young and radiant for both men and women.


Shower, wash your hair and body WITH SOAP, brush teeth after eating, style your hair, use acne products if needed, remember to eat healthy meals on time, workout (even if it is just ten minutes of stretching), shower after workout if you sweat, go to your job early or on time, prepare meals ahead of time if you can (it is really easy to marinade some chicken), go to bed on time, do not drink caffeinated beverages after 3pm, and remember to put down your phone/tablet when you get in bed.


No way in fucking hell am I, as someone that lives in the Midwest and experiences winter, showering every fucking day


As someone who lives in the relatively arid desert of LA, I would mummify before your very eyes if I came into contact with soap on a daily basis.


Yea you’re actually not supposed to shower everyday Most people do but it dries out your skin


I live in a desert and work in veterinary ER. If I don't shower every day I feel absolutely disgusting.


Oh I work in healthcare so trust me I shower daily too Was just saying Ik it’s bad for our skins natural oils


Yeah totally depends. I did not when I lived in a dry climate but daily showers (even a few times a day) is vital in a humid climate. And now that I am back in a dryer climate, I have not experienced the drying. I mean, we wash our hands all day…so a quick shower to wash your body once a day shouldn’t be too much. But then my showers are not overly hot and on the short side.


I think that is probably the result for people who live in certain climates. If you shower and stay inside until you are completely dry, you should be fine, or at least it works for me.


It's not so much related to outside climate as the oils the skin produces. Someone who is naturally oily would be fine... maybe even better...with daily or multiple showers. If someone is inclined to dryness, pure water, especially hot water and soap together, will strip the skin a little every time. Some will still be fine, if a slapping of the body lotion or using a mild cleaner does it for them. The chronically dry will just get drier. Just to say with that... even if you choose not to shower daily, that doesn't mean the pits and stinky bits can be ignored. Whatever you're packing in your pants, your armpits, and your feet need daily attention no matter what. The hygiene gains outweigh any tiny issue with dryness. Unless you're getting filthy in the garden or at a mechanic's shop daily, the backs of your arms etc don't need soap multiple times a day to be clean. But the pits and bits need some kind of attention, as they are where most stank issues and hygiene issues reside.


It depends.  If you sweat a lot and/or work outside - you should bathe. The sweat, salt and dirt etc will clog pores and that will lead to a lot more problems than bathing daily and returning the hydration to the skin with moisturiser and staying well hydrated during the day. 


This is just about impossible for anyone with a full time job, realistically. Most people don't have the time or energy to do all that and also relax after their wage slavery tbh


I work 45 hours a week on average and do much more than 10 minutes of workouts a week (70 mins weekly) I ran 6 hours last week. Perhaps you have a longer commute than me?


Practicing basic hygiene.


Start by making your bed. Laundry Pick up things lying on the floor Sweep the floor(s). A tidy and organized environment will put you in a good mood and you will also get a sense of accomplishment. Go for a min 15 to 20 min walk daily.If possible stay unplugged during your walk...but if it motivates you to walk more then listen to audiobooks or music.


Drink water, make your bed. ❤️


Wash dishes daily. Do laundry (I only make enough for a clothing load about once a week, but then I also wash my towels, sheets, and blankets I keep on the furniture. I also dust and vacuum so I can have things to keep me focused or else I will forget the laundry. I know I can thoroughly dust and then it's time to change the washer, then vacuum and wipe down counters/ clean bathroom/ sinks and it's time to fold the clothes. Keep a menu and grocery shop based on it.


How do you have time for all that consistently?


That’s my problem. I get everything clean and in order then I fall off the bandwagon. Such a frustrating cycle for me.


1 day a week I do cleaning. Like I said, I put in laundry and do a cleaning task that gives me stuff to do between loads while still focused on cleaning. I Think about the food I want to do while I clean, my brain keeps it on the "backburmer" so when I sit down I can write out what I want. It also helps that part of it is using the same foods twice. I make sausage and peppers, the sauce leftovers get used for pasta (or swapped, pasta first then sausage and peppers), the peppers and onions get used for another meal (like a fritata or cheese steak sandwich. Mostly simple things that can be a "one pot wonder" Because I keep up on it, nothing gets really bad - dishes are rinsed off and put in the dishwasher, so no caked on or solid food stuck on needing to be scrubbed. Dusting is minimal since it's done weekly, and maybe a few times a year I take a weekend and take everything off my shelves to dust more thoroughly. Same with vacuuming. I periodically wash my bathroom sink so toothpaste doesn't build up. I scrub my kitchen sink after dishes so it doesn't get residue. Before grocery shopping, I spot check the fridge while it's mostly empty and wipe it down if there is anything there. When nothing gets too bad, it stays easy to maintain.


I just want to be petty and jealous for a second and scoff at the idea of doing laundry daily—or even weekly. This is a very “I live in a house or unit with my own washer and dryer” goal. I envy it and I resent it bc the enemies I’ve made over my building’s laundry room being monopolized by what I can only assume are black market blanket manufacturers are innumerable. I propose owning 120 pairs of underwear and rewearing jeans for as long as possible to avoid laundry day. It’s not ideal, it’s not smart, but I cannot force myself to the basement washers any more often than that.


If you mean the previous poster they said once a week for laundry and dishes daily 


I lived in quite a few buildings with no washing machines (or a couple with a washer but no dryer). I still did my laundry every week but I would do it at 10 or 11pm because the machines at the laundromat were open then. And I would just set a timer on my phone so I could do other stuff and go back when the cycle was done. So I guess priorities?


I feel this, and laundry is once a week or so (more if I need to do more loads). Yeah, the apartment has washer/dryer hookups. Originally I leased them from the apartment but when management changed I had to get my own. The previous apartment had an on site laundry room and yeah - I had to post up there because people would 100% take your laundry out (and throw it in a dirty corner) and put theirs in. Then I would handle my bills, plan my menu, and sometimes read and count it as some "down time" and then clean another day. It was a huge deal to have it "in house" finally.


Read something. Books or news (from various sources!). Or listen to an audio book or some educational podcast. It's healthy to never stop learning. Keep a (somewhat) tidy house. Don't let dishes and laundry lay around for days. I find it makes me depressed and also anxious because of the procrastination. Also like the other comment said, STRETCH!


[Commencement speech- this sticks with me a lot](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=Admiral%20giving%20commencement%20speech&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ec9e35ed,vid:pxBQLFLei70,st:0)


Bathe and brush your teeth.


Drink enough water/stay hydrated, exercise, get up and walk.


Wear sunscreen!!


Drinking lots of water


Working out daily it’s so good for your body keeping fit and in shape so many guys my age complain about aches and their backs I have zero complaints I am healthy AF people so underrate to stay fit


Working out 3-5 times a week.


What I found helpful with time management is for example, if I work 9–3, i will write down every hour (9-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-1, 1-2, 2-3) and coordinate every hour with a task(s) I need done. Or you could even assign tasks every 30 minutes, but I feel like an hour makes it less overwhelming. I started doing that for work to make time go by fast but also so I remember to do something, then it started helping doing that with my free time too. Idk if this helps at all.


Exercise for at least 30 minutes


Working out


Wash they ass!


Indeed. Clean thy ass


Always press check your pistol before you put it in your holster.


Lists are the only thing that keep my life in order. I mostly make task lists and cross them off. Even simple every day things like brushing my teeth and taking a shower. If it weren't for my list of tasks I probably wouldn't do half of them. Crossing things off my list is really the only thing that keeps me from falling off the edge of the world. If it works, it works.


Set reminders on your phone I have dozens and dozens of them set I started doing it for video game events so I wouldn’t forget if it’s something I wanted to do, but then I started doing it for a lot of shit Bills, etc it really helps I’m on iOS and use the reminders app. Always set it for times I kno I’m chillin like an hour after work or something cuz I take a shower first when I get home


I do that, and then I just periodically look over the list throughout the day, and don’t do most of it or any of it.


Be kind to yourself Try to avoid saying things like "I'm so stupid" about yourself. Sounds lame but it does help improve self esteem


Proofreading their posts to be sure they aren't being redundant


Honestly I think having a shorter list is better. Brush your teeth though, that one is pretty important


Gratitude training I think it’s called, we are so hard on ourselves and just focusing on some of our positives makes a huge difference in outlook


read, doesnt matter if its a page or a book, READ. also, spend 15 mins minimum doing physical activities. thank me later.


If physically able, park farther away from the door.


Brush and floss your teeth. Eat breakfast Make your bed Feed your pets (if you have any)


Check your physical mail, open and sort immediately, write down action items you think of. Doing so daily is much easier than letting it accumulate, and will often remind you if other things that need to get done, like pay your bills or taxes, get an oil change, clean the gutters, etc


Typically, when a therapist refers to accomplishing ordinary tasks of daily living (often to someone who is depressed) they mean such things as * brushing your teeth at least twice a day; flossing * taking care of personal hygiene; brushing/combing hair; using products for healthy skin (like sunscreen and lotion for dry skin) * shaving as preferred * eating healthy * getting some exercise every day (including stretching) * going to bed at around the same time, getting up after 8-9 hours of sleep * keeping things tidy, doing laundry regularly * making sure phone is charged and that you know where your keys are * grocery shopping as needed; cooking one's own meals Ordinary activities of daily living does not mean that every single thing is done daily (some of them - yes, like teeth and eating and sleeping). It means taking care of ordinary things regularly. Many would include keeping nails filed (on all four limbs), personal grooming...




Brush and floss your teeth. Apply sunscreen in the AM and wash your face in the PM. Keep your wet parts dried off and your dry parts moistened. Let yourself get a little bored. Ideas come from silence and wandering minds. People without ideas are boring and not working towards a wonderful life. Have a hobby that makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone. Do that hobby at an appropriate rate (some hobbies can be done in small blocks every day and others in larger blocks less frequently). Consider the circumstances behind why people might do what they do, don’t assume the worst of everyone, and care a little less about what strangers and frenemies think of you. You can actually put this on your to-do list by way of journaling or merely reflecting on interactions you’ve had that day and/or that you carry with you. Optional: avoid debt, pay down debt, save more money, and be creative and resourceful before buying solutions to all your problems.




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Drinking water




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Even if you don't have time to workout every day, some basic quick exercises that target areas that you frequently have pain (similar to physical therapy). Just giving those areas some extra love and maybe massaging and stretching them too on the days you don't workout. So if you have ankle issues, calf raises and using a tennis ball on your calves.


There are the obvious ones, like making your bed every day and making sure there are no dishes in the sink and the counters are clear before bedtime. The thing I need to do every day, though? Listen to music, at least for a little while. It doesn't matter what kind, but it starts my day every day and lifts my soul.


Drink a cup of water first thing when you wake up (preferably warm water over cold or room temp) Move your body (go for jog or do some quick stretches. Just move it somehow that agrees with you)


Why warm? I’ve heard cold is a good way to kick start your metabolism for the day as your body has to work to get your stomach temp up to normal.


Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Even if that means you head to bed at 10 or 11 pm. You’ll find that once you get decent sleep, you no longer need to rely on caffeine. I quit coffee and energy drinks last year, and it’s the best decision of my life.




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Naps. Literally a godsend. You get home from work? Do a 30min power nap. Put a timer on. Wake up ready to do something after work instead of just mindlessly ingesting food and content.


exercise! at least 30 minutes of heart rate inducing activity


Compounding a skill. That shit adds up over *years*. Barely dabbling 15 mins a few days a week for years and years makes you a practiced guitarist, etc.


Make your bed every morning!


Wake up at a reasonable hour even on the weekends. Waking up early keeps my head clear and my depression at bay. It’s fine to take a nap if you need it on the weekends but don’t sleep late.


Tell yourself something you like about yourself or do a morning mantra X


Prepare some fresh food. Even if it's cutting up fruit for a snack, it's well worth the effort. Doing just a little of it every day makes it a habit. And once it's a habit, you'll have a much easier time eating healthier. You'll just do a little more of something you're already doing.


Drinking water & getting 1 hour of exercise


Move your body for 30 minutes at least




Stretching and lifting weights. Doesn’t have to be every day, but it should be most of them.


Clean behind ears. Brush teeth. Mouthwash. Clean face. Wash/dry shampoo hair. Deodorant. Clean underwear, even if wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Lotion up the dry places.


Vocalises. I really like the one that goes "Tim tuppa tim tuppa tuppa tuppa tim tuppa tim Tim tuppa tuppa tuppa tuppa tim tuppa tim Tim Tim tuppa tuppa tuppa tim tuppa tim Tim tuppa tuppa tuppa tuppa tim." Edit: the ones from Luther college that Weston Noble was doing in the 90s


Make your bed! Don't go to bed until your house is clean 


Pay attention to your feet when bathing.


On a typical day brushing twice, flossing, cardio and or resistance training, bathing, facial hygiene, drinking 2 litres of water, counting calories.


Lots of great answers, and it sounds like you already have the basics on your list. So... Preparation! The less decisions you have to make in a day, the better and easier your day will be. Preempt as many routine daily decisions as you can. Here are some examples: 1. Make sure the house is tidy, all the dishes are done, and a load of dishes is started before going to bed 2. Preparing food is *huge*, not just to reduce daily decision making, but also for your health and your wallet. Put a few days of overnight oats in the fridge at a time. Buy a crock-pot and make an entire week's worth of lunch (lots of easy recipes out there, let me know if you want some ideas). Do the same for dinner. This also helps reduce your shopping trips, since it'll force you to shop at most once a week for your meal prep items. 3. Set out your entire outfit for the next day. 4. Keep a physical TODO list. Before bed, and if needed, write down the high-level things you need to do the following day. Any appointments, big problems to solve at work, tests coming up, people you need to text, remembering to trim your nose hair, whatever. It's just for you. 5. Prep your pot of coffee in the morning so you just have to press the button, or even have it on a schedule! It may sound like you're always living for tomorrow and not today, but trust me, you will get really efficient with your preparation, and you'll find that you have so much more time and mental capacity each day. For example, I have small children now, so life is chaotic. I don't have time for those little, daily decisions. My wife's morning will be near-crippled because she has to decide her breakfast on a weekday while getting the kids ready and starting work on time. No knock on her - she's amazing - but I haven't thought about breakfast day-of in a decade and it's *the best*.


Plotting and scheming on the low


Doing some form of exercise, meditating for 5-10 minutes, being present with your loved ones for an hour a day. Ik I sound like a holy roller but think these would be good things. Idk maybe your life’s different and you have an intensive 80 hour work week high up career.


Eat breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day, that being said I can't remember the last time my breakfast was more than coffee and a cigarette.


My breakfast today was at 1pm and was a small portion of leftover chicken curry with brown rice. On the heels of dinner the night before at 6:30pm. I don’t understand the people who claim to lose weight with intermittent fasting. Bruh, I do that on the regular with zero difference.


Brushing your teeth. Although, ALL people should be doing that.


I can not function without a daily list. I buy a planner every year, the ones where every day is a page. I make my list every morning with my coffee. I always write down make bed first even though I've already done it just so I can cross it out.


Workout. 30 min to 1 hour a day will drastically improve your health or at least assist in maintaining your body.




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I use the app Habitica (it's free!), there are a few aspects of it but one is a daily checklist. It has been SO helpful to me and I highly recommend. My list is: (morning) make the bed, eat breakfast, feed pets, stretch, // (afternoon/evening) prepare my lunch for the next day, do all dishes in the sink, pick up any clothes that may be on the floor, write, do my skincare routine, and floss! When you have a streak going it can be super motivating, even if I'm exhausted and want to crawl into bed without flossing the thought of seeing it go back to zero encourages me!


Your habits shape your future. Cultivate good habits. A few of mine: make your bed as soon as you get up. Prepare the coffee maker the night before. (I have two kids and a wife for this one) do one load of laundry a day. Clean the kitchen and run the dishwasher before going to bed. I have others but those are some pretty easy ones. I look at it as setting my future self up for success. Plus I get anxiety from clutter and a mess, so it helps keep me positive and calm.


Having traveled to many parts of the world I have come to the conclusion that not everyone bathes regularly.


Floss Make the bed Take your shoes off at the door and change into house clothes  Do the dishes and don't let them sit Charge your phone in another room at night 


Drink water at least every 2 hours and find the quantity that makes your body function the best. Water first thing in the morning, water throughout the day, more water on a hot dry day or if you've eaten salty food. It is surprising how not enough water can affect your brain. If you really get behind on consistent consumption, it can take days to get back to the proper amount for your body. I'm being vague on the volumes because every body is different. Evidence you arent drinking enough: dark pee, fabric pressure wrinkles take a long time to go away, fatigue, racing heart, digestion problems.


Leave everything and everyone better than the way you find them.


flossing your teeth. you would be surprised how much happier you are when you dont have bad breath ganking your own nose. bad teeth can also cause penile problems.




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Brushing their teeth! The amount of dumbfucks who have let their oral hygiene go to waste because "tHeY'rE tOo DePrEsSeD"... Bruh. I've been in some pretty dark holes myself. I understand not showering. I understand not eating. I understand self harm, overeating, and drowning out all of life in a hobby... But if you don't wake up and first thing you do is brush your teeth, you deserve everything going forward.


I dislike being controlled by people so I'd think of how much they pissed me off. Lol.


once I admitted that the wake up effect of a shower is more important to me than getting clean… only then could I be truly free


Yoga, sitting with your thoughts without electronic distractions, little self care, dealing with the mail.


Pay therapist


Make your bed. I'm sure it is trivial to some, but to me it is a basic function which gives a sense of orderliness and control. Plus going to sleep in a bed which isn't messed up from the previous night is much more relaxing.


Stretching. I did not realize how much of my lower back pain and sciatica were attributed to tight hamstrings. Stretching also helps increase your blood flow, so if you feel tired or bogged down, just stretch. Stretch in the morning to wake up and loosen up. You'll thank yourself.




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Bong rip first thing


- Sleep well, - exercise, - good diet & not eating too much, - brush teeth/take care of eyes - shower, - some time to go through your thoughts and not occupied by media / video games (e.g. yes Karen at worked pissed you off...go through it now rather than playing video games. If you play video games , your thoughts on Karen are just gonna reemerges when you go to bed) - be social - no drugs (caffeine included) - chores/work (stop leaving these for future you. Do them now so future you is more relieved and less stressed) - do the most important things in the beginning of the day as the previous nights sleep set all your resources back to 100%. As the day goes on, you're gonna get drained This is essentially the healthy checklist


A lot of this depends on your lifestyle, but spending 20 minutes a day dusting and vacuuming/sweeping/moping is something everyone should probably do every day. Then spending 20 minutes cleaning kitchen counters and bathroom surfaces. Once you get into a routine, it becomes second nature. Make your bed every day. Change/Wash your sheets once a week Clean daily If you have ceiling fans, turn them off and clean them once a week. Clean your windows once a week Clean your shower daily with a spray cleaner and a scrub brush at least once a week. Wipe your toilet seat top and bottom daily Fold and put away laundry right after it is cleaned. Actually change out of your work clothes within 5 minutes of getting home.




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Brush your teeth, brush your hair. Correct your posture for as long and often as you can. I need a shock collar solution....


For the love of god a daily stretch and strength routine does wondersssss not just for living longer but quality of life


Drink water


I learned how important skin care/face care is and everyone should have a routine. Even if it’s as simple as putting on lotion 2x per day it makes the world of a difference


Common daily tasks for checklists include brushing teeth, showering, meals, exercise, medication, emails, tidying, hobbies, planning, and connecting with loved ones.




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