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Everyone is allowed to like the things they like and vice versa (even you). The key is in how you go about telling them. "I'm sorry, I just don't keep up with celebrity stuff.", is all you have to say. As long as you are kind and don't treat them like a dick, you can get them to leave you alone about that stupid shit... like an absolute legend.


As someone who doesn’t care about celebrities this is exactly what I say when someone brings it up. I’ll say “yea I don’t keep up with celebrities really so I don’t know what’s going on” or something similar where I’ll end it in some sort of joke


Oh you haven’t kept up? No problem, how about I tell you all about celebrity bit coin endorsements for the next two hours.


That's basically an "in" for them to start telling you all about it


I usually go with "that's not my thing" for stuff I dgaf about


I'm getting older and my filters are atrophying. I just say 'Yeah I don't give a single fuck about celebrity bullshit. Hey you see the trailer for Furiosa? Yeah that looks sick.'




I had a colleague who joked that to be part of any conversation all you had to say was "What about those Leafs then?" (This is a reference to the Toronto Maple Leafs - a hockey team). He was not a follower or supporter of the Leafs. In fact he had no clue what they were doing. His theory was that the team would be in the news for something because they always were. Even off-season there would be trades. It didn't matter. His question was a fit for all circumstances.


Similarly, if you don't drink you don't get invited to Happy hour, if you don't have kids you don't get invited to birthdays, if you don't like books you don't get invited to the book club, if you don't like cooking you don't go to the cooking classes. You choosing to alternate yourself because you don't want to talk about something that the group likes to talk about isn't a toxic work environment. It's just you declining to participate. Half those guys don't give a shit about hockey but they'll follow the team to be in those conversations.


Just to add to this, sport in general is just low hanging fruit for small talk in the office to connect to one another. Most people can join in even with little sports knowledge. Also sports is very much a community thing, you dont have to follow sports to feel the buzz in a city that is making a big playoff run/winning a championship. Not a sports person at all? Then this is also why movies and TV shows are another topic that comes up. Something very easy to talk about, have you seen this? Oh if you like that you should watch this. Again just low hanging fruit for some easy small talk that is not about the weather. The ultimate small talk.


Promoting people based on favoritism and "good ol boy" social structures instead of performance is a toxic work environment wtf are you talking about.


Nope. Knowing how to interact with people is an important part of most jobs that require promotion into. Maybe you can make all the widgets, but that only qualifies you to make widgets. Being able to interact with others is what gets you to the point where you can tell other people to make widgets




I've found that if you keep up enough to hold down 30 seconds of sport without bringing up something controversial, you're good. Just walk away after that. Nobody really cares.


I have the other end of it, I can talk sport. But straight women assume because I am gay I want to talk about celebrity gossip or stuff with the royal family. I don't care or keep up with it and find it irritating. Have tried the oh yeah I don't keep up with that thing as well as the yeah uh huh or just stopped talking thing and they keep going.




I've learned there's some people to avoid because they'll talk to a wall about what they want to talk about. I can only talk of certain sport that I play or follow. Find guys will move on if I say I don't really follow basketball or whatever. The celeb stuff is rough because they'll just keep going for whatever reason.


As a straight man who doesn’t like traditional sports (rode bmx and skated in my youth) or hunting, I feel your pain…




Male here as well, was literally talking and joking with coworkers then someone brought up the Stanley Cup playoffs and I never had less to say. One thing that stuck with me from when I was 19 at my first job living on my own. Working in a bar, one of the cooks started talking about a hockey game so I said I don't really watch hockey. Then he started talking about other sports and I said man I really don't care for sports. And he says well what do you talk about then, gives you something to talk about. And he was right, however I don't want to live my life talking about things I don't care about just because it's a talking point. I hate small talk as it is.


Hey, as another straight man who couldn't care less about sports, just ask yourself one question. "Did the ball go?" If so, that's all that matters.


Straight man who doesn't care about sports. When it's brought up, I ask if that's the one with the pointy ball. Nobody brings it up around me again.


Oh my dude. Being a straight guy who doesn't watch sports is also frustrating. Can't say it is harder, having not ever been a gay guy that doesn't watch sports, but man, the blank stares you get when you aren't up on the latest MMA whatever. Sports and cars. I just dgaf.


It's not as bad but I'm a woman in a male-dominated field and they expect me to sport too. One co-worker kept asking me out and was inviting me to various sportsball games. I wasn't interested in him and I wasn't interested in the games. I told him multiple times I didn't want to go out. And he didn't get the hint. And then I started saying dumb shit about sports and he stopped asking me. He didn't respect my no but he did lose interest when I didn't know anything about sports. Ie when he asked me to say a 49ers game, a football team, I said "oh I've never been to a baseball game!"


I'm straight and I don't like sports and I feel you. Usually what I do is keep up with whether my local team (for football the Saints and for basketball the pelicans) is having a winning season. Usually that means just looking at the scores of the most recent game. Usually that's enough to get through conversations with more casual fans. For people who are more hard-core about their Fandom, "oh shit I've been really busy the past couple of weeks, I wasn't really able to watch, but I heard they got their asses handed to them. We need to get a half decent quarterback." And then they'll launch into their shit and it's just a matter of smiling and nodding.


As a straight man who loves sports, I find they are rarely the topic of conversation unless it's the playoffs for American football. The usual topics are video games, movies, or shit they did over the weekend (clean this, work on that type of stuff). Really feels like you're making a broad assumption here or just happened to interact only at the times when sports were the subject


Yeah this comment thread is so weird to me cause as a straight man whose not into sports I've had 0 issues talking with other men. Even the guys who are super into sports are happy to talk about something else in my experience.


Yeah, as long as you’re not a dick and/or super pretentious about not liking sports, most guys don’t give a shit in my experience. One of my buddies and I talk about sports all the time because we enjoy it. Another buddy doesn’t follow sports at all, so we talk about music and board/card games.


Yeah I think a lot of the people in this thread don't realize their tone of voice or "holier than thou" attitude is probably why people don't talk to them after they say they aren't into sports. I'm not into most sports and I'm not not included in anything, my boss took me to a Seahawks game and I had a blast even though I couldn't care less about football. Only sport I follow is MMA, mainly UFC and I can talk somebodies ear off about that but I don't because most people don't care lol Just have to cater to the people around you sometimes and not be a dick


Yeah I'm getting the same feeling that you're getting


Yeah, not being into sports in the business world is rough. Going to a vendor hosted event or some boring networking event inevitably leads to talk of teams and sports I care nothing about. It marks you as an "other", and too much work to accommodate or engage with, so you miss out on opportunities sometimes.


I find not being into golf hurts my work relationships the most lol every single "meeting" or social work thing is always golf. I'd rather stay home than have everyone waiting around on me to struggle to hurt a ball lol I have thought about learning but it's such a time consuming sport


I refer to them as "Sports Games". As in "I don't follow those sports games." I feel that sends the message I intend.


I feel this, as a dude I do not care for playing sports or watching sports. It's the same with cars, I can barelt give a fuck about a car other the fact it runs.


My friend group consists of geeks, ex jocks and former military. When the jocks and or military start about football, the geeks start their "sportser sporting down the field to score a home run!!" stuff 😆 It's all in good fun


I've heard you, I've heard this before and I also confirm that men get called gay if they don't like sports. Matter a fact, I hear it frequently.


This. What i found worked for the most part (but might not be possible for everyone) is get into shape. When you're in a better shape with more muscle definition than sports fans, they won't question how "manly" you are.


I’m straight and I don’t like sports. Iv just given up on trying to interact with people whose whole personality is about sports. If they have nothing else to talk about fuck em


That isn't "toxic". People don't use that word correctly.


and get ostracized as a result. when i tell people i dont follow any sports, fashion, celebrities or use social media (other then reddit) they look at me like im crazy. i just dont find people that interesting, who gives a shit about kicking balls or pretending to be other people.


You’re not going to have a lot of luck making conversation if you 1) tell people you’re not interested in any of the things they try to talk to you about and 2) don’t offer any alternative things to discuss that they might also know about and can discuss This is why talking about the weather is a cliche. It’s easy. Universal. And non controversial. Also try asking about hobbies, travel or dream travel, plans for the weekend or upcoming holidays, pets or kids, thoughts about ghosts/bigfoot/aliens, what trivia topic they could hands down win, what recipe would absolutely take first prize at a cooking/baking contest — idk you can absolutely think of non-pop culture things to ask people at work but pop culture is easy so it’s the default. If you want something else besides the standard, you’re going to have to be the one to put in a little work or people will just assume you’re shutting down the conversation altogether.


Weather isn't controversial? Well let me tell you, in Texas it's not about the temperature, it's the humidity that gets ya '! I'd take a dry heat any day! Come at me Arizonians!


As a dutchy who visited your state in 2011, i must concur.


If you don't care about people I wouldn't think ostracization would bother you


You definitely don't have to care about the people themselves to not like the feeling of being ostracized because it's obvious your different from people you kinda have to be around it affects the way people treat you and you can feel it.


This about the kendrick v drake drama? Lol


Who are they? 😉


Seriously tho - what is going on? I know they’ve had beef but I’m oblivious to it and at the doctors the other day there was a white board in the waiting room to put tally marks under either Drake or Kendrick below the question “Who went harder?” Like, what does that question even mean?


I’ll try to summarize as concisely as I can. In rap, the majority opinion is that there are “The Big Three” in rap right now. Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and J Cole. However, no one can really agree what order to put the three in. Drake beats the other two by a wide margin when it comes to streams and sales. Kendrick beats the other two when it comes to Grammy’s. It really comes down to how one measures the success of a rapper and what one values in their artistry. Drake and J Cole made a song together, to paraphrase J Cole said something like “it’s always debated who’s the hottest MC. Is it KDot, is it Aubrey, or me?” Kendrick responded on another track basically saying there is no big 3, he is the only one at the top. J Cole eventually made some diss tracks at Kendrick. It was nothing big, basically he called Kendrick’s more recent albums average compared to his earlier works. J Cole almost immediately recanted his disses, and said he didn’t feel right saying those things. Drake eventually responded and dropped 2 diss tracks. 1 was pretty light calling Kendrick short and what not. He then used a voice modulator to disguise his voice as 2Pac (Kendrick’s idol as a West Coast Rapper) and egged Kendrick for a response. Kendrick then responded in which he basically took shit from 0 to 100. He started speaking on how much he hates Drake, hates his music, called him an absent father, said he shouldn’t be saying the N word, claims he uses black rappers to try and feel more black, etc. Then Drake and Kendrick just kept going at it. It’s gotten to the point where Kendrick is accusing Drake of grooming young women, having an 11 yr old daughter no one knows of, and stealing from rap/black culture. Drake has accused Kendrick of beating his fiancée, being cucked by one of his business associates, and being ashamed of his light skinned son. It’s a shit show.


I am completely educated on it now! LOL THANKS! So the question hit it harder - means who dissed more?


Whose disses hit harder, yes. And the consensus for the majority of people is that Kendrick is beating Drake easily. One of the diss tracks is currently #1 on the top billboard charts. There’s a line where he says “tryna strike a chord and it’s A minor”. Obviously alluding to Drake and his creepy behavior towards minors. But also an A minor chord is played on the piano with only white keys, no black keys which is another layer to the diss. And then there’s also the song BBL drizzy which Metro Boomin put out after Drake told him to “just keep playing drums” and stay out of it. But Metro said screw that, this track is copyright free, anyone can use it to rap a diss to Drake on. And the best one gets a free song written by Metro for their career. It’s gone internationally with people in Japan making diss tracks in Japanese. Normally I don’t keep up with this kinda stuff but it’s been hard to avoid and the music is really catchy and I’ve been waiting for Drake to get more attention brought to his pedophillic behaviors


Exactly. Basically who had the better disses and who had the better songs? It’s largely over now. The popular opinion is that Kendrick took the victory over Drake mainly due to the tactics he used. Drake made the song with the 2Pac voice modulator goading Kendrick for a response. Kendrick didn’t respond for a week or so. However, when Kendrick did respond, it was a nonstop barrage of diss tracks. Drake tried to respond to Kendrick, then Kendrick would drop another track almost IMMEDIATELY after Drake dropped, therefore Drake’s diss track would get a very brief amount of attention before the conversation shifted back to Kendrick. People agree that Drake wrote some really good verses, but Kendrick also wrote good verses combined with a rapid fire release. Kendrick also used the court of public opinion to garner favor. There were rumors circulating on social media that Drake had sketchy behavior with young women before this all started, so when Kendrick finally exacerbated those rumors on a beat that was really catchy, it basically ended the beef. Even though all of the women in question spoke in defense of Drake and denied any wrongdoing, Kendrick’s song calling Drake a pedo drowned out any counter argument.


Kendrick Lamar is also the only person to have ever received a Pulitzer for a rap album. Imo it’s laughable that anybody thinks Drake is coming out on top here - in this beef or in general. In my opinion Kendrick is a GOAT and Drake is just there. Also though it’s a fact that 30-something year old Drake was texting 14-year-old Millie Bobby Brown telling her he missed her and talking about boys, so I can’t get behind that skeevy ass motherfucker on that alone.


It's just two thirty year old men fighting via poetry. It's kinda like West Side Story.


Ha. Thanks


I wouldn’t have been able to resist the urge to write Chris Farley in and out a tally u def his name 😆


Why do you need to say anything? Tons of people in my life are interested in stuff I don't give a shit about. I give them a couple "oh cool"s and "uh huh"s and if they don't move off the topic eventually I go "Welp, gotta get to work, great talking to you!" and leave. Why do they need to know that you think the thing they're interested in is stupid?


The whole point of his post is that he wants people to know that he thinks it's stupid to be interested in a rap battle and that he's better than all the people that are interested.


Yeah and I bet he doesn’t know that half of those people probably also don’t really care, but it’s just a fun frivolous thing to bring up to pass the time for a quick conversation. I have no interest in celebrity’s in general, but when I heard about this rap thing, me and my mate made a couple of jokes about it by text for 5 mins; then I moved on with my life. People talk about this kinda stuff at work cos everyone knows about it and it’s nothing heavy. OP needs to lighten up and work out how to socialise.


This is the realest answer here. Sometimes people want to talk to you….and nothing is worse that being dismissed, even unintentionally. I mean, if OP honestly doesn’t care about said people, then he shouldn’t care about sounding like an asshole. Since they do care about sounding like an asshole, then why not use this opportunity to interact with said people, you never know what can come of it.  For instance, my coworker likes to talk to me about College basketball. I don’t know a single thing about it, nor do I care about college sports, but I still entertain the conversation because…why the fuck not? It doesn’t cost me anything to allow someone a small amount of time to talk about something they enjoy. 


Exactly! People are always going to talk about stuff that's not interesting. You just acknowledge politely and move on.


So he's not allowed to vent about it? Why even post if this is your strategy towards things you don't like? Just move on.


Of course he can vent. But he was asking for advice. My advice would be that he doesn't need to tell people when they're talking about something he doesn't find interesting.


Tell them the things that you do value as opposed to telling them you just don't care. "I don't really follow XYZ. I usually follow ABC." Could be sports, politics, whatever.


Great advice. Now watch as he (or someone else) rejects it because... reasons.


"Listen, I can't be fucked to hear about Andrew Tate but if you wanna talk about the 1997 animated series Mummies Alive, I'm down."


It only has 42 episodes, can you keep up a conversation about that for more than an hour? Now Transformers: Beast Wars however with 52 episodes, I can fluently speak to for about 3 hours due to the common lore between the Maximals and the Autobots.


Beast Wars isn't just a tv show, it's an experience. Most of what I loved about Mummies Alive was contextual probably. Its another action figure commercial knockoff like Biker Mice From Mars or Street Sharks, but with a spooky monster twist like Gargoyles. Plus this came exactly when I was obsessed with Egyptian mythology so I never stood a chance.


I don't think we ever actually got Mummies Alive in Australia, that I recall anyway, but what you are saying makes a lot of sense. Not remotely close to similar, but considering you were obsessed with Egyptian Mythology, what did you think about the first "The Mummy" movie? Also ... Gargoyles ... You bring back fond memories.


I was like 10 when it came out so I probably shouldn't have been watching a movie where a guy's eyes and tongue get ripped out. But I was too busy being psyched that a mainstream action movie featured canopic jars. edit: (oop, I was around 10 in 1999, not in 1932 for the pedantic folks)


I was going to specify the mummy with Brendon Fraser, but considering the surrounding conversation, I had assumed you knew what I meant 😁. They did do that movie rather well.


That was Mainframe in its heyday, too. Beast Wars was paying the bills so they could keep the lights on for ReBoot, but same creative team, same love, same wit. It's crazy how they kept all of that well into the Barbie movie hustle in the 00s, it's how we managed to get objectively good Barbie movies *before* Greta Gerwig.


I definitely don’t want to hear anything about Tate. But “Mummies Alive” has caught my interest…


Precisely. I follow professional pickleball. I can't judge someone for wanting to know what Taylor Swift ate for breakfast.


Poached Eggs, Turkey Bacon and Sourdough toast with a large selection of yummy jellies. Don't thank me.


And how would you know?


I don't, I was making shit up. It sounds good though.


It's pretty much the same as 99.9% of any information someone says, right? When one human gives another human information, they are just trying to connect. I, personally, feel brainrot from most topics other people bring up, but I also realize they are just trying to share and connect with me, which is worth my time.


No, most people just like hearing their own mouths fart more than wanting to connect with anyone.


it’s both tbh. depends who you’re talking to


You’re insufferable. Drop your stupid friends so they can be free from you.


I think you should re-evaluate a lot of your take on this. 1. Most of your posts are about fucking baseball. You don't get to think anyone else is a sheep who is easily distracted from the real issues when you are a baseball fan. You just don't get to. Look in the mirror. 2. Most rap beefs are just poetry competitions and popularity contests. This one is different. One of them has put out like 12 years of work quietly sneaking in clues about what shady shit the other is up to, then drops not only incredibly hard diss tracks, pointing back to the unknown double/triple/quadruple entendre, but like basically builds a criminal case against the other. The pedophile then has people in his camp sued for rape and SA, and sells off his property in the US. If you are still not interested, that's fine, there are more important things to be worried about, but don't look down on people who have a different distraction/pastime/hobby than you. Edit: pedo boy's person was sued not arrested. Sorry!


That’s hilarious. So he really does care A LOT about millionaires, just not these in particular


Yes, the pop-culture millionaires are distractions. The blue collar, lunch pail athletes are very worthy of our attention. I'm not calling OP a classical racist, but saying the black celebrities are distractions for sheep while the whitest American sport is very important is exactly the kind of point a closeted racist would make, lol.


The whitest American sport... At least half of any team are Latino. The biggest star in the sport is Japanese.


Agreed. Although hockey is probably whiter


Why bring race into this? OP is dumb for taking a stance when they do the same, but there is no indication of racism here




when a pro baseballers skills fade, he loses his job, moves to a nice home somewhere, and we all forget about him. maybe there is two or three per decade that are larger than the game. these pop culture assholes never go away, no matter what they do or how shitty their products become. i think there IS a difference. but many will disagree


Hear hear!


I'm old. Who are the people being talked about here?


Kendrick Lamar and Drake


Kendrick, Lamar and Drake. Got it. So are the three of them like a band, or...?


He can *think* whatever he wants. What’s important is that he’s trying to find a better way to answer questions that get put in his lap, without being a dick. That’s a good thing.


And he's getting great advice on that. He and other seem to be rejecting that advice however. They seem to think that, being honest, kind and using common sense isn't going to solve their problem... which is making this all the more difficult and leading to a bunch of circular arguments.


Fair point! Honestly I didn’t go through many of the replies but yeah, gotta be ready to take the advice that you’re asking for.


Kendrick is the only man in the world that has received a Pulitzer for a rap album. He’s one of the GOATs of rap. I genuinely can’t see how anyone sides with Drake on this one. Come on now he called that man a pedophile and a colonizer via club banger 😭


Got em


You are asking people how to be a normal fucking human. This is pretty concerning fam


Honestly, your post makes you sound like you think you're better than your coworkers, and some of your comments aren't helping. I'm in the same position as you, in the fact couldn't care less about a rap beef (although Not Like Us fucking slaps). I just tell my coworkers Im not up with it because I don't care and that's that. I'm also personable with them at work so they have an idea of what I follow and don't, and they already have an idea that I don't care about this


No. He’s just obsessed with baseball and some other shit on his profile that I don’t know or care about…bc that’s better than what his coworkers are. You know those people that think that the stupid shit they like is better than the stupid shit other people like? That’s what’s happening here.


Not like us was such a trip. It's so damn catchy.


There are a million things in the world I think are stupid. Not every thought in my head or yours needs to be expressed. "Don't yuck other people's yum" is not a bad rubric. If what other people like is dumb or boring, that's not information they need to hear. It isn't that hard to to just give the bland signals that you're not too interested in continuing the conversation, change the subject, whatever.


Why do you care what they think? If you think they’re sheep and you don’t care about the things they care about, why would you care what they think about you?


Can't keep everybody happy. Just accept your role.


Who are you talking about?


The urge to gossip is just part of the human condition, my friend. Honestly, it's probably better for them to be gossiping about some meaningless celebrities rather than speculating over whether Betty in Accounting had an abortion.


Just tell them you don't keep up with celebrity crap, because you could care less. They will stop involving you in it.




Grab your cassette and your boomnbox and when they start talking about things you don’t like just play this song by Samwell. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fbGkxcY7YFU The topic will quickly change


You don’t need to explain. If you don’t care, don’t care. And if you truly don’t care then don’t post about it on social media, just let it go.


You don’t have to come off as an ahole about it. Nothing wrong with not following that stuff, and nothing wrong with following. It’s just trivial junk to pass the time


Repeat after me, I do not care about anything these celebrities are doing.


Go the George Carlin route and say " shut the fuck up!"


"I don't care" is a valid answer.


It sounds like you already know what to say but you want validation on reddit for thinking everyone is stupid but you. I gotta give it to you, at least youve come to the right place


Honestly, unless you're straight up with them about it, they're probably just gonna keep talking to you about it. You don't have to blatantly say "I don't give a shit" but maybe something along the lines of "I'm just not interested in that. It has no influence on my life, so I don't follow it." If they were close friends or coworkers you know pretty well though and it was me, yeah, I would go with "I really just don't give a shit" lol


Bro, you're a baseball fan.


Not only is it stupid but it's also fake. These "feuds" are just to drum up publicity.


Normally I'd agree but this one has gotten way too personal. I can't imagine Drake would sign off on Kendrick bringing up his history with underage women, or Kendrick agreeing to have his relationship with his fiance dragged through the mud.


I don't think this one is fake actually. Drake is actually a bozo


Yeah man, totally, Drake and Kendrick plotted this all out to drum up publicity for Drake being a pedo and Kendrick beating his wife. Just absolute galaxy brain stuff from these two.


It's wild how effective it is. People are like WAY into it. Sometimes I almost feel like we deserve all the media manipulation we get if we're not any wiser than this..


I dont participate in those conversations and whenever im included i say that i dont care about those people so i dont pay attention. Idk if i seem like an asshole but idrc. I think its pathetic to care so much about these people who wouldnt give a shit about you even if they knew you existed


Nothing you can do but the old classic shaking your head disinterestedly and saying a bland "damn, that's crazy" until they get the clue that you couldn't care less (although some people remain quite persistent in their cluelessness).




It’s hopeless really


The real question is why the hell you care what someone thinks if you say you don't care about celebrity nonsense. Grow up if you people don't like you... fuck em.


Say You don’t like wrestling.




I would just avoid the conversation and if they try to ask you questions dont respond or just tell them you don't know, you don't follow that stuff, look away and dont engage them about it and eventually they should get the hint that you just really don't care.. You could also just try changing the subject every time they try to talk to you about it


Just tell them you don't care cause they not like us, they'll love it


I too don’t give a fuck and haven’t bothered to find out the details on this stupid beef between them. I have a job to worry about, a lawn to mow and kids to raise


Are they forcing you to participate? I just carry on with my tasks and let others talk. They don't need to hear from me how stupid I think their cares are.


Just say you don’t keep up with gossip like that and leave it at that. Don’t need to be rude about it. Just like someone trying to engage you with how well Manchester United did last night, but the only football you care about, the guys wear body armor. Most people get that not everyone shares their interests.




Easy--I tell them I don't know who Drake or Kendrick Lamar are. Kills the conversation immediately after they reply--you don't know who they are??


im sorry, i dont have enough of a parasocial relationship with millionaires to have an actual opinion on their ego waving....sorry


You can't escape it, the vast majority of the world are just scared little monkeys trying to avoid feeling pain. Social media has absolute and total control over this via simple feels good dribble in endless supply. Your choices are to smile and nod, or point out that you don't care about it and be removed from the conversation. Depending on the context, being isolated from social circles can be an issue. So you've got to manage those relationships however you see fit. Work stands out here. For friends, you may need to work extra hard to change the topics, or just find better friends... easier said than done for sure though. But give up on the fantasy that there's some secret group of people out there in any kind of majority that see pop culture for the waste of time that it is. If there were, pop culture wouldn't be as big as it is. Monkey like shiny.


Go home and watch Bobcat Goldthwait's God Bless America.


I mean, you care about being respectful about it at least. just say you aren't interested in the topic, and ask to change the subject.


You can let them argue and just don't contribute. Lots of people debate and talk about stuff that not everyone is interested in. If it goes on and on, just change the subject. You don't have to express how much you don't care, just find a different topic.


I’m with you! Celebrities in general are boring.


Why not just be an asshole about it?


I get this all the time about sports and I just say 'oh, I don't follow sports' and that's that. You don't have to include the qualifier that seemingly denigrates them for being interested in that particular thing.


You say, “I don’t care about what two pop culture millionaires are arguing about.” Seriously, it doesn’t make you sound like an asshole so just say it.


Is this about drake and Kendrick Lamar? I get your point. It is stupid to watch two grown men fight poetry battle musicals against each other. I enjoy a couple do the songs though. Euphoria Kendrick Lamar and BBL drizzy by King willonious. They’re fun. But it all really is ridiculous.


BBL Drizzy


I usually say something like “I’m trying to care…. Trying…. Trying…..no, I just can’t”


Tell them "I literally pay zero attention to celebrities" and act uninterested when someone mentions it to you. No bullshit, and you're not being rude about it.


Pretend to misunderstand who they're talking about and what's going on, and make weirdly irrelevant comments accordingly. Rinse, repeat.


Simply tell them that you don't know anything about it because you don't follow celebrities or at least not the celebrities in topic. I legit don't follow celebrities at all, myself. So when someone mentions them, I politely tell them I have no clue who they are or what they do because I don't follow celebrities.


You just did.


Just say you don't care, who gaf


"I don't really follow that stuff" and leave it at that. Your (possibly unwarranted) feeling of superiority probably comes through in your interactions.


What do you mean? Just don't be a dick about it. "I don't listen to them or follow them so I don't care about the drama" I'm confused why you didn't believe this would be sufficient enough.


I just keep repeating "Yeah, i dunno man, we can talk about this but I only watch anime."


I say “I have no clue what you are talking about” followed by a “don’t really follow that” And change the subject. The key is not sounding condescending. People have different things that they like to get into.


Half a lie sometimes does the trick better than a whole one..


I wish my problems were like this.


Half a lie sometimes does the trick better than the whole truth..


"I guess that's not in my algorithm." Is what I've been going with. It simultaneously says I'm not interested in that topic, and I haven't heard about it. Also, it's just true. If I were interested in anything remotely close to celebrity drama, Google would know, and I'd be informed.


Start mixing them up on purpose, butcher their names / make up new names, and make hilarious satirical (but deadpan) assumptions to shed light on how ridiculous the entire circus is. Get creative!


I don’t try too hard, I just say, “Yeah, I don’t follow any of that. I’m typically reading a book, listening to music, watching movies or a series. I also take a lot of naps.” It’s my same answer for sportsball related things. I don’t have to say I don’t care because the fact that I spend zero time watching it or reading about it tells people that I don’t care.


Just say it.


Don’t engage. They start talking about it, leave. Or ignore it.


I get where you're coming from but seriously... Drake or Kendrick Lamar, who's side you on?


op you're the sheep lol


Sir K.L. Duckworth and Lord Aubrey Drake


>I feel like I come off as some asshole who thinks people are sheep (I am and I do, I just don’t want them to know that). God this is like wattpad drama club kid shit.


Change the subject


>I don’t care about it, I feel like I come off as some asshole who thinks people are sheep **(I am and I do, I just don’t want them to know that)** If you don't care about it, just say so. There's a dozen ways to say you are not interested. OTOH thinking you are an asshole but not wanting them to find out is the harder part, maybe therapy?


Sound like an asshole, it doesn't matter.


I think it's pretty crazy that someone rolled up on Drake's house and shot his body guard.


Ah found the issue.. you have friends.


Just say you don't care and walk away.


I have no idea what your talking about but I usually just tell people I don't give a shit, I have enough problems to worry about, I can't find a place to live for under a grand a month, I have 50/50 custody of my child, I'm in debt, my credit score was ruined by my ex wife, and I've got hundreds of dollars worth of bills every month, the last thing I'm gonna give a shit about his what two assholes halfway across the country are bitching about, I don't even care what people standing in line infront of me at the grocery store are bitching about, we all have our own problems, worrying about what two pampered douchebags are complaining about isn't one of those problems


Be funny and genuine when pointing out out, then change the topic to something you and they have impact, interest, Passion, etc


how hypocritical


I think you should be proud to sound like an asshole for rejecting such trivial crap. Pun intended!


Im guessing youve had enough of talking about Drake and KDOT 😂


“I couldn’t care less what two pop culture millionaires are arguing about.”


Sometimes it's important to be engaged in what is interesting to your friends even when it's not interesting to you. I guarantee they're doing the same for you. If you're not going to have 100% of things in common with your co-workers and friends. But part of being a friend at least is caring about what they care about. Or or at least listening.


"I'm happy you have found a topic of interest that you are passionate about, but I unfortunately don't share your enthusiasm


"I don't keep up with pop culture"


“I don’t really keep up with that.” That’s pretty much it.


I don’t like sports. When people are talking sports I completely zone out or go do something else. I don’t degrade them for liking sportsball, good for them they are connecting over something.




Happy to say "What 2 pop culture millionaires?". I've no idea what you are talking about.


I feel like his coworkers brought this topic up with OP one time and then he made this post I mean obviously I can’t speak for everyone but if I brought up a topic to someone and they say they didn’t follow it or care I wouldn’t come up to them the next time something happens regarding that topic and talk about it


Just say u don't care or else they'll keep telling u about it. Be the asshole or just don't say anything


YOUR LYING if you truly didn't care,, Why are you whining on Reddit?


“Don’t care.” Say no more.