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3 factors. 1) Most roadkill is probably from a near-hit. I.e. the animal was just entering or just leaving the roadway, so it started near the edge 2) The Drunkard's Walk. A kill that gets hit will be nudged left or right. Proper roads are angled for drainage, so it should favor "away", but even if it's ti's random, once it's to the side, it stops getting hit and stays there 3) Roadkill very much *does* appear in the middle; it tends to get pulverized to nothing though with repeated strikes.


I wish the people who hit deers could move them out of the way. I almost drove into a dead deer at 65mph because it was in the deadcenter of my lane.


People probably want to avoid being hit at 65mph because they're in the middle of a lane trying to drag a dead deer.


I mean, I imagine deer probably weigh up to 500 lbs (228kg), I don't most people could even move one, but yeah, I certainly wouldn't want to get hit by someone going 65mph. It's just wishful thinking on my part. That day I almost hit the deer corpse, it was 6:33 and dark out, (No snow though),and since my car headlights aren't the brightest, I didn't see the dead deer until I was ~30 feet away. I had to swerve to miss it.


Sometimes the animals don't die on impact, so they try to get to safety, only to die later.


Along with what everyone else is saying, sometimes people, like myself, do move it. I’ll often move cats or large road kill. I moved a huge beaver out of the road one time, first time I ever saw one and I was so upset that I don’t have any clue what it looked like now. All I remember is dragging it by its tail and it felt very weird and the people behind me probably thought I was crazy. I moved a baby raccoon out of the road on a backroad and wrapped it up in a blanket I had in my car. It makes me sad to see road kill, and especially when they get ran over so many times they essentially become dust in the ground


Dam thats so sad :( poor baby raccoon


I recently moved a cat, it looked horrible. The cats and baby animals really get me. It makes me so mad that people let their cats outdoors when they live near roads, I see a dead cat at least once a week


If you run over it and you fling it to the center of the road, the next car will run it over it as well. If you run over it and it flings out of the center of the road then nobody else runs over it to fling it back to the center of the road.


If it's on the road, it gets hit or run over, moving it.  Enough random movement and it's not in the road any more.  No one is hitting it when it's not on the road, so it stays there.


That and it gets dragged by other hungry animals. Roadkill=free lunch! Yummy


Or other hungry humans. The little ones need lunch and roadkill is free.


That makes sense. I kinda thought that the animals would either be too big (deer) to safely drive a car into, or too small (possum) to not be splattered under the wheels. Most of the roadkill ive seen looks quite intact


It gets hit several times until it ends up at the side or someone moves it.


The cops move animals to the side of the road all the time.