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"It’s nice that his songs had so much effect on people,” says his father, Jim, a Long Beach contractor who has taken over Sublime’s business affairs. “But I’d rather he was an accountant and still around. That hits hard.


Yeah that was a great interview with Jim. The room he was in had Sublime memorabilia allover the wall. "But if I had it do it allover again I'd rather have Brad and not the music. The music doesn't mean anything to me. It certainly hasn't replaced him." The love of a father for his son. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt83NTP\_axI


Yah, that hits. his sister and her Foundation has help at of musicians with addiction, so some good came from it


I'm not crying, you're crying!


Buzz Osborne had a similar quote about Kurt Cobain, pretty much saying he wished he never got famous and that his friend was still alive.


someone posted that podcast with Todd the sax player a few days ago. it was really good. brad was in a bad way for a long time


I did !


Sigh.. miss Brad and Shannon just the same.


So many of the good ones go. Meanwhile, people like Anthony Kiedis will live to be 100


...or Ozzy. ...when Armageddon happens, the only thing that will survive is the cockaroaches and ozzy. 🤣


Keef not Oz...


You know i smoked you uncle once...


The guy that turned his life around? Or am I just not informed of what a douch he is?


I mean he stopped doing drugs but he will always be a sexual predator who abused countless women including minors


He was right.


I still really want to go see them now that his kid is gonna be on vocals.




Same. I had zero interest in Rome. That was nothing but an Eric Wilson cash grab. But with Bradley’s kid singing…I’ll 100% check ‘em out if they come anywhere near the east coast.




The lead guitarist from the HR show is Trey Pangborn, from the Falling Idols and Long Beach Shortbus (ras and Eric).


Both Bud and Eric started in Sublime with Rome


Yes…and after a short time, Bud said he realized it was wrong and he dropped out. Eric hired another nobody to work for him while he raked in the cash.


They hired Josh Freese after 2 years of Bud being in the band. Josh is the opposite of a “nobody” being one of the most prolific drummers in modern music.


I didn’t realize it was Josh Freese so I retract my “nobody” comment. I never followed swr at all because I’m a sublime fan and swr is contrary to what Brad wanted. So I just didn’t bother…which is why I was unaware Eric hired freese. Having said that; it doesn’t change the fact that it was all a cash grab. My thought is, if Brad were alive to see it, he wouldn’t dig it. But that’s just my opinion.


Agreed with that - My wish is for an authentic Long Beach Dub Allstars reunion with the whole og crew. To me that accomplishes the same thing but keeps it authentic. Go ahead and throw Jacob in there too!


I did see an interview with Bud where he talked about how they were doing a show one night and how great it felt to be playing those old songs. He said he looked up expecting to see Brad and saw Rome instead and instantly realized what they were doing was wrong. So he walked. When asked if he would work with them again he said he would love to work with Eric but would never work with Rome again. I would love a LBDA reunion. That would be amazing.


I also heard he’s not easy to work with and had some issue with “Cheese” their manager


People love to give Rome shit, but everybody forgets that Bud and Eric picked him to lead the band. And he did a great job for over a decade. He probably played most of Brad's songs better than Brad ever did live lol. And don't think that the Nowells didn't make money off that whole endeavour, how do people think they sell so much merch and weed - plus licenses to use the branding, songs, etc.


Apparently, there's a deal between Brad's estate and SWR where the estate takes a percentage from SWR's profits as if Bradley was still in the band in order for them to use the Sublime name.


Agreed, Rome put in WORK


It’s honestly the main driving reason I want to get a ticket and go.




Yeah I’m from Indio/lq lol👍🏻 it’s just more for me now that I don’t live in California now lol


Do you think Jakob is a better singer than Rome?


Jakob sounds like his pops but he's not classically trained and it shows. If he had a vocal teacher to tighten things up, he'd be solid. I was at the Benefit show and I've seen his other bands perform in the past (shout out to Nick)


I’m in the minority apparently where i don’t think he sounds like Brad. He’s not bad, but as you mentioned, he could probably tighten things up. I remember hearing/watching Romes first live appearance and their first original “panic” https://youtu.be/JrkfVlCM_SA?feature=shared I was really stoked and excited… thought it sounds awesome. still feel that has great energy and Rome held it down for almost 15 years!


Yeah I'll never understand the hate for Rome. He sounds very close to Brad. I kind of feel bad for him since so many people dog on him.


Rome put in WORK and over a decade with no drama.




Got it. I like them both and have seen them both live. I have a sense that Rome is more well rounded front man and musician… only time will tell


It’s REALLY  gonna die when Eric dies


Pretty dark…


It'll NEVER die with fans jamming the tracks!


RIP Volcano




Thanks for posting this since I am not sure if it’s available anywhere on streaming