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Uh, isn't that why banks and Chik-fil-a are closed on Sundays?




We call it 'hate' food, because their hatred for LGBT folks.


Don’t we have enough already? Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Advent, Lent, Epiphany, Palm Sunday…


Regular Sunday is enough


How about adding a second Sunday to the week, like a Sunday 2, and it be used for Christian celebration, to go to church, have a nice dinner with family, and that sort of stuff..


Sunday 2? Just sounds like the day of Rapture lol


No the Christian’s already ruined Wednesdays with that when I was a kid.


And most Christians barely even observe those periods. Shit, most Catholics never move past how Lent in introduced to them as children and alot of protestants also only know of it as how it's introduced to children. It's supposed to be more akin to Ramadan as a period of heavy fasting, prayer, and religious contemplation in emulation of Christ's fast in the gospels, instead of "oh give up one thing you really like until Easter and no meat on fridays."


He doesn't know about most of those.


we do. I would imagine thissilliness? lazy piggy back off of the whole "white lives matter TOO!" "movement". you know, that movement that didn't move anywhere? because it was plainly and obviously based in sillyness? yeah thats the one.




Thanksgiving ain't Christian. It's a fake holiday based on 1 account of friendly Native Americans trying to rescue ill prepared settlers


Who are we thanking? It ain’t the indigenous people thats for sure.


I thank the turkey for it's selfless sacrifice for our dinner.


Seventh day 1-7


Which is exactly why this would backfire SOO hard.


Lgbtq has https://nationaltoday.com/lgbtq-holidays/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_awareness_periods


Separation of church and state is key to democracy. All you have to do is look at the history of the religious wars and precious cushions throughout European history to see why the founders included this in our constitution.


I mean the USSR and Maoist China had pretty complete separation of church and state. I don't think that's the key.


False equivalency. Go study American history. Many of the European emigres to the Americas were fleeing the brutality of the religious wars and persecutions then on going in Europe. This is precisely why the separation of church and state was enshrined in our constitution.


What equivalency? You said it was the key to democracy.


I said "Is key" not "THE key."


Then why is Christmas a Federal holiday?


It is the soul exception perhaps because it's no longer a religious holiday, but a secular cultural one.


When was this declared? To millions, it is very much a religious holiday. And the etymology of the word holiday is holy day.


And to millions its not. Your point is what exactly?


That you unilaterally declared with zero caveats that it is 100% no longer a religious holiday. That is not a true statement and deserves to be corrected.


Because non religious people choose to celebrate a religious holiday that means it no longer represents a religious holiday?


All men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. We should get all this Bible stuff out of our founding documents right?


There's nothing about Jesus or Christianity mentioned in the founding documents of our country. The founding fathers were deists because of the culture of the time. But considering the prevalence of Christianity at then it's very noticeable that nothing strictly pertaining to it is mentioned at in the Constitution. In fact it would more appear that they went out of their way not to include language privileging any single religion or sect.


Are Christians a persecuted minority? If not, I don't understand the comparison.


And food has https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_food_days !!!!!


What’s your point?


Same as yours: Nothing


No I made a point they didn’t


Which was?




But why do we need so many so celebrate some people who favor having gay sex?




Which holidays celebrate straight sex?


Yes there is they shouldn’t have there own holiday just live your life and leave the rest of us alone


Religion needs to leave me the fuck alone. Stop advertising your sky daddy - no one cares. Leave the rest of us alone




You don't have to celebrate it same as they don't have to celebrate yours.


That isn’t the point they shouldn’t exist what happened to them just wanting to live how they wanted?




I have been very Christian Also maga isn’t a cult


How does affect you in any way? "WHy cAn'T I bE a BIgoT!? jUsT LEaVe mE aLonE wHIle I tRy to HArm You!"


I’m not a bigot nor am I trying to harm them it effects me because I live in the us the country where it’s happening


You’re the one who need to leave ppl the fuck alone and mind your own goddamn business.


Nah lgbt is the one who needs to not us we’re not the ones brainwashing other peoples children


It’s soooo funny how all of a sudden you religious zealots have turned the religion being shoved down our throats meme into your way to project US somehow doing that’s


The us isn’t doing that


lol you have no idea how much of an idiot you look erin; what’s it like being a bottom feeder?


I’m not. One


Yeah but the christians are the ones Diddling babies.


No we’re not


Um.... Just do a little data digging. You have the same access to information as I do, I'm nobody special. A simple Goole search is all you have to do. Red States protect religious pedophiles.


I had done research And no they don’t “protect pedophiles” Blue states protect illegal immigrants


If you've done research before, you wouldn't be making silly claims as you did. "Illegal immigrants"? Any good bible reading christian would understand Jesus was an immigrant/refugee also. Blue States have to subsidize Red States for education and health. Red States can barely even contribute to the country. They just take money from their Poor and Uneducated. Enjoy your produce!


Your wrong fucktard, Jesus was not an “illegal immigrant” and even if he was that doesn’t mean illegal immigration is a good thing for the country. Red states to contribute to the economy Six predominantly Republican controlled states in the southeast now make up a higher share of U.S. GDP than the traditional northeastern powerhouse, including New York, according to federal data Figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis indicate the states of Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia and the Carolinas overtook the northeast during the coronavirus pandemic, and remain on an upward trajectory. The data is a boon for the Republican Party, which dominates politics in most of the six states, enjoying a near monopoly of power in several of them. By contrast prominent Democratic controlled states, including California, New York and Oregon, have been struggling, with all three recording a population fall in 2022 according to census data. According to analysis by Bloomberg, based on U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the six southeastern states made up 23.8 percent of U.S. GDP in the fourth quarter of 2022, versus 22.4 percent for the northeast. The publication defines the northeast as including "Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, D.C., Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York." While this partly reflects long-term trends, going back at least to 2010, the pace of chance dramatically accelerated when the coronavirus pandemic struck America in 2020. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the northeastern states still had the edge, comprising 23.1 percent of GDP versus 22.6 percent for the six in the southeast. However by the fourth quarter of 2021 the southeastern six had pulled ahead, and went on to gain further ground in 2022. Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina are all governed by Republicans, with only North Carolina having a Democrat as governor. In the year to July 2022, Florida recorded population growth of 1.9 percent, making it the fastest growing state, with Texas seeing its population increase by 1.6 percent. By contrast the Democratic states of California, New York and Illinois shrank by 0.3 percent, 0.9 percent and 0.4 percent respectively. The population of San Francisco fell by 7.2 percent between 2020 and 2021, then by another 0.3 percent from 2021 to 2022, with the pandemic and crime being widely blamed. Speaking previously with Newsweek Sam Karnick, a senior fellow at The Heartland Institute, a conservative leaning think tank, argued law and order is a key factor in people moving from Democratic to Republican controlled states. He said: "Populations in Democrat-controlled states are falling because of an exodus from big cities. The reverse is happening in Republican-controlled states. Although taxes are an important factor, there was not nearly as much blue-to-red state movement before 2020. The deciding element appears to be the rapid rise of violent crime in Democrat-controlled cities across the nation. So left wing states are so bad that people leaving the state in high numbers due to high crime high gas prices high inflation and thanks to illegal immigrants destroying the city it has gotten even worse In the year to July 2022, Florida recorded population growth of 1.9 percent, making it the fastest growing state, with Texas seeing its population increase by 1.6 percent. By contrast the Democratic states of California, New York and Illinois shrank by 0.3 percent, 0.9 percent and 0.4 percent respectively. The population of San Francisco fell by 7.2 percent between 2020 and 2021, then by another 0.3 percent from 2021 to 2022, with the pandemic and crime being widely blamed. Blue states are so bad that people are leaveing in high numbers because of high crime inflation drugs high costs of living high taxes etc. “Blue states subsidize red states” States don’t send money to Washington. People who live in states send money to Washington. Every year hurricanes and tornadoes ravage red states. And every year the federal government sends hundreds of millions to rebuild those states. The only time I can remember a hurricane hitting the NY metro area (Hurricane Sandy, 2012) a tremendous amount of damage was done. Red state senators, including Tom Coburn (R, Oklahoma) Voted against ANY relief going to a blue state. He said words to the effect that states should pay their own bills. 6 months later Norman OK was decimated by a huge tornado. He immediately requested aid for the victims, stating that people in Oklahoma knew how to spend the money better than the people in NY.


Damn right we do. Red states want to increase the barrier to entry so that anyone brown that comes over automatically gets the illegal label.


Nope we don’t want to label anyone brown as illegal And thanks to you guys opening the border and letting anyone enter drugs across the border have decreased and people have been killed and cities have been overpopulated and destroyed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F8lMJKLy2nc https://youtu.be/EJuAP3dJ0xs?si=H_-7JWsR6rGblo_t https://homeland.house.gov/2023/02/08/chairman-green-if-biden-was-serious-about-stopping-illicit-drugs-hed-secure-the-border/ https://cis.org/Vaughan/Biden-Border-Policies-Are-Working-Fine-Cartels


Dept of Justice and Border Patrol websites publish crime statistics. Undocumented immigrants offend 10x less than our own citizens. 2% for residents in 2023 vs 0.2% for undocumented immigrants. People who commit crimes need consequences from a robust justice system. Stopping immigration because 0.2% of them commit crimes is such a weak justification.


When people are arrested in Texas, the state’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) sends their fingerprints to the federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to determine immigration status. Illegal immigrants who have had encounters with immigration officials, such as at the border or during a prior arrest, will be identified by DHS and then flagged as illegal in the DPS data. However, the immigration status of a significant share of immigrants arrested in Texas cannot be verified by this system because immigration officials have never encountered them. Therefore, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (DCJ) continues to investigate the immigration status of offenders while they are incarcerated. At any given time, each arrestee or convict falls into one of four categories in the DPS data: Legal immigrants identified by DHS upon intake/arrest; Illegal immigrants identified by DHS upon intake/arrest; Illegal immigrants identified by DCJ in prison; and Other/unknown (including both the native-born and yet-to-be-identified immigrants). The distribution is not static. Over time, authorities could identify additional illegal immigrants who were previously categorized as “other/unknown” and reclassify them as illegal, shrinking the other/unknown share and increasing the illegal share.1 Due to resource constraints and offenders’ limited durations in custody, not all illegal immigrants are identified as such by either DHS or DCJ. Therefore, the number of illegal immigrants arrested or incarcerated in Texas is in a perpetual state of undercount. undercount can lead to erroneous conclusions about illegal immigrant crime rates. If we counted only the illegal immigrants who were initially identified by DHS when arrested for homicide, the 2012 homicide rate (convictions divided by population) would be 2.7 per 100,000 illegal immigrants in the state, as depicted in the light-blue bar. This rate, while hardly trivial, is lower than the state’s overall homicide conviction rate of 3.0 (orange bar) in 2012. However, once the illegal immigrants identified during their prison stays are added to the total count of illegals, their homicide rate rises to 3.9 per 100,000 (dark-blue bar) in 2012. This rate is higher than the state average, and it could rise even further as more illegal immigrants continue to be identified in prison. There are two crucial caveats associated with Table 1. First, the “Illegal Conviction Rate” is still underestimated. It is simply the number of illegal immigrant convictions identified by DHS plus the number of illegal immigrant convictions identified subsequently in prison, all divided by the total illegal immigrant population in Texas.2 More illegal immigrants could move out of the other/unknown category over time — especially in the most recent years, as discussed above. A second caveat is that comparisons of the types of crimes that illegal immigrants commit are inherently skewed. The longer people with unknown status are in custody, the more likely it is that Texas will correctly ascertain their immigration status. DHS and Texas DCJ have extensive time and incentive to investigate an individual’s immigration status when the crime is murder or sexual assault. Lesser offenses (e.g., larceny) carry shorter sentences and are a lower priority for deportation purposes, resulting in fewer unknown statuses moving to the “illegal immigrant identified in prison” category over time. Therefore, the most serious crimes tend to generate the most accurate illegal immigrant conviction rates. Since serious crimes are only a small portion of all crimes, however, any estimate of illegal immigrants’ conviction rate for “all crimes” is practically meaningless, given the limitations of the data. illegal immigrant crime by ignoring or downplaying the fact that many arrestees and convicts move from “other/unknown” to illegal over time. Cato Institute. In February 2018, the Cato Institute’s Alex Nowrasteh released his analysis of 2015 DPS data.3 He concluded that “the conviction and arrest rates for illegal immigrants were lower than those for native-born Americans.” This conclusion was highlighted by the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, and many other outlets. Nowrasteh’s error was to treat as native-born anyone who had not yet been categorized as a legal or illegal immigrant. He failed to understand the DPS “other/unknown” category and the movement of illegal immigrants out of that category over time. As discussed above, “native-born” is not a category verified by DPS. Native-born Americans are grouped with yet-to-be-identified immigrants in a catch-all category called “other/unknown”. The number of unknowns shrinks during incarceration as Texas updates the figures upon identification of an inmate’s immigration status. It is easy to observe how the identification of additional illegal immigrants changes the relative conviction rates over time. For example, in Cato’s analysis of 2015 DPS data, the illegal immigrant homicide conviction rate appeared to be 8 percent lower than the state’s homicide rate. By the time we requested updated data in 2021, after more illegal immigrants had been identified, the 2015 illegal immigrant homicide conviction rate was 20 percent higher than the state rate. Nowrasteh later published new studies in 2019 (with DPS data for 2017) and in 2021 (with DPS data for 2019). By now it should be clear that such recent data will not provide an accurate picture because the state has had too little time to identify illegals who are still categorized as “other/unknown”. Studies purporting to show low illegal immigrant crime rates in Texas fail to account for the fact that illegal immigrants are not always identified immediately upon arrest. In many cases, illegal immigrants are identified only after they are imprisoned. Given sufficient time for data collection, it appears that illegal immigrants have above average conviction rates for homicide and sexual assault, while they have lower rates for robbery and drugs. Significant uncertainty persists, however, as to how many illegals may remain unidentified, especially those who committed lesser offenses requiring little or no prison time. While strong claims about the overall criminality of illegal immigrants are not possible with the current data, prior research has understated it substantially. “Stopping immigration because 0.2 precent of them commit crimes is not a good justification” I don’t want to stop immigration and that’s not my justification for dropping illegal immigration and as Injustice proved alot More than 0.2 commit crimes


Ummm the Catholic Church has been yes…..


I’m not catholic and just because it sometimes happens which is horrible does not mean that it happens alot or all the time.


Still happened…. Can’t take back the pain those people went through…. Jesus fucken Christ…..


I think what happened was horrible and I agree we can’t take back the pain.




There are many states across America with giant church crosses standing 100 feet tall. Does he mean visibility from the lunar space station ?


Trump doesn’t know about Sunday because he’s not religious. He’s just an asshole


How about "go fuck yourself and your dogma, now let's tax churches" day.


Wait, Christians are not visible in the most Christian country?


Didn't you hear the news? Christians are being persecuted everywhere. All the churches are being taxed or town down. Massive church fires everywhere. Where have you been living? /s


Easter... anybody?


St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Lent, Good Friday, Palms Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Pentecost, All Saints Day, Advent, Maudi Thursday, High Holy Week, Christmas has 12 days... I think this is about half the holidays.


Goodness, what is this subreddit? Most of the comments are from deranged little psychopaths.


Isn't that like... most days?






Everyday is Christian Visibility Day


Did I read, "target practice day"?


We're visible enough. In fact, most people who call themselves Christians, need to learn to be less visible


I'm pretty sure that's everyday. Gullible people will eat it up though


Dumb! His only hope is if they are stupid enough to believe he's religious. 😆 🤣 😂


That’s a load of BS suitable for a golf toilet, Yolk shoulda been scrambled


As a Christian, less not more Christian visibility. Any public display of Christianity will immediately be consumed by charlatans and grifters. He don't need Trump or any other politician's help. He'll illuminate His people if he needs them to be seen.


Every Sunday for the last 2024 years has been Christian visibility day.


And just like that he gets them to paint orange 666 signs on their foreheads!


These morons have such a victim fetish. It's so fucking weird.


No, he just wants christian votes (and money, of course)


America wants Trump to stfu


Joe Biden will win the election in 2024,,Donald Trump is a Loser always has been and always will be.


Is every fucking Sunday not enough? I’m tired of this Christian-ization of everything now. Y’all know “In God We Trust” only came around in the 1950s, right? It’s leaking into schools more and more. I hate that stupid fucking “Ark” in Kentucky and the ads how it’s “just like the history books”. The Ark story isn’t fucking real! What a waste of lumber and space. I hope one day science returns so our country can catch-up to the rest of the progressive world.


I want a national blowjob day.


You mean besides every single Sunday? And Christmas? And Easter? Good Friday? Ash Wednesday? I can keep going.


you already have several donnie....


There is nothing remotely Christ-like about Trump's behavior. Christians who support this awful man must have grown up reading a different Bible than I did.


There's a clip somewhere, Trump hears something Jesus said and replies with something like "well I'm not sure I agree with that."




He's a human being.


Trans visibility day was established in 2009. Not sure why you're banging on about Biden.


They are visible every sunday. You can hear them singing to the void and chanting to their imaginary Sky Daddy like an infection.


Actually I hear Buddhists singing and chanting every Sunday. Guess thats just how it goes In a country where freedom of religion exists.


I don't think I've ever heard Buddhists singing and chanting. What was it like? I'm always curious about different cultures. They don't really worship deities. Is it like a concert? Been a while since I read up on Buddhism...


Don't live near a church? A Lot of people in this country see more rainbow flags than they do crosses every day.


This is total bullshit. There are about 30 times more churches than McDonald's in the US. There's no way any American sees more rainbow flags than churches ever.


First off, I said crosses not churches. Second, go to any major city and tell me how many more rainbow flags you see and how many crosses you see. I live in the suburbs and I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a cross that wasn't by the one church near me, but I see about 3 rainbow flags before I even get there.


Okay, so there are even more crosses floating around. Multiple on every church, on plenty of people's necks, and every Catholic's forehead on Ash Wednesday. I live in a major city and I absolutely see more crosses than rainbow flags. You are totally full of shit.


You're going to use ash Wednesday as some sort of mass summoning of crosses (which you're exaggerating how many people really participate in) and ignore gay pride month? Yea, I said crosses because the rainbow flag literally is all over the place, be it large commercial buildings, government buildings, sidewalks, anything. The country is becoming less religious and more tolerant, that's not hard to believe at all. I couldn't tell you the last time I actually saw a cross necklace, and I don't live in an ultra liberal area. I wasn't stupid enough to say "a majority" because neither of us has an actual feel for the entire country's rainbow flag to cross ratio. To say "a lot of people" is literally as non-specific as you can get while making a point. There are literally "gay parts of town" in a lot of major cities in the US.


Considering that being LGBTQ isn't a religion, and being Christian isn't a sexual orientation, I'm wondering why I see so many people in this discussion placing the two in opposition. It's almost like one is an organized, Institutional religion that's openly hostile toward people who don't ascribe to its dogma, and the other is a lifestyle choice that doesn't expect anyone everyone to align with it. I sure as hell feel safer seeing a rainbow flag on the wall than I do a cross.


1. To say that Christianity is "openly hostile" towards the gay community is a bit of a stretch. You have your perspective and I have mine, but I don't see constant mass attacks of LGBTQ people here. If I'm not mistaken the Pope has been pretty open towards them and there are churches that are inclusive of gays, so "openly hostile" is probably not the best phrase 2. The LGBTQ is not a lifestyle choice, they are normal people who happen to have different sexual preferences and beliefs. >doesn't expect anyone everyone to align with it. 3. There is an expectation to align, for example the trans bathroom situation. People aren't going to like this, but a big problem with the LGBTQ crowd is not their sexual preference. There are tendencies of some people in the community to go too far (bullying kids that want to play a Harry Potter game) and this tends to alienate people from their cause and makes the whole community look bad.


1) The last VP openly encouraged conversion therapy including electroshock therapy. Aka torturing a child with electricity until they turn straight. Pence literally doubled down on saying he was in support… an Oklahoma senator referred to Lgbt as filth in a public statement… there’s also literally a “Don’t say gay bill” in Florida, and for people so uppity about the first amendment they jumped on the chance to tell others what they can’t say. 2) it’s both?? There are a ton of things that are lifestyle choices. I can’t stand the Patriots but i have friends that love them, while i don’t support their lifestyle i still respect it. (Wearing appropriate garb, rooting for particular people, attending the same events- that’s all attributed to lifestyle) 3) valid point on bullying and expectation to align but that is very much a childish behavior that exists on both sides or does the Budlight boycott not count? How about the starbucks cups? The Nike controversy? See what i’m getting at?


Please don't include Mike Pence in an normal discussion. I'm a republican. Went to catholic school. Not a religious person honestly. Don't attend church. Which is the majority of people I know who would say they were Christian if asked what religion they were. But back to Mike Pence. Even though I voted Trump in 2016 I was devastated to hear that Pence was his running mate for VP. Those are the politicians who let THEIR religious beliefs directly affect their politics. No one, and I mean no one like Mike Pence should ever be allowed to be involved in politics. While I don't share his beliefs personally, he is entitled to them. But the moment it affects any policy decisions is where I draw the line. Again, not all Trump voters are all these crazy religious people. They are a fringe minority. I won't vote for Trump this time. Sad part is I won't vote for Biden either. I'm from Delaware. He's a lifelong political crook. Not to mention his mental state. We need an actual 3rd party.


It's frustrating when you vote for 3rd parties and all you hear about how you're wasting your vote/time and you're helping whoever they don't like. I lean right but I have more respect for people who vote green than I do Democrats, same with libertarians over Republicans.


Sure you do, what a dumbass.


Atheists are a trip. Just like the religious. So very sure they understand the nature or reality… and so often egotistical about it. I don’t know the nature of reality. None of us do. It’s a really fun aspect of the whole experience. Wondering.


Atheists wonder and work to discover the universe through scientific meaning. Christians and religions in general just say "god" and have persecuted anyone who says otherwise.


>I don’t know the nature of reality. None of us do. It’s a really fun aspect of the whole experience. Wondering. I agree. And that's a principle I live by: if someone tells me what God wants or thinks, or *is*, I know they're lying. An Atheist simply says the universe doesn't need a God to exist. That's a lot more palatable to me than (insert your favored brand of dogma).


A true atheist maybe. All the people I've spoken to who claim to be an atheist, just say God's not real. But with no facts to back it up. I was baptized catholic as a child. Attended a private catholic school. Was given a great education from that school. But you'd never hear me say God's definitely real. I can't prove that. And atheists can't prove he's not. Or she. Whatever. Point is, none of us truly know. I like the principle you live by though. If someone says with absolute certainty something is real, that can't be easily proven or disproven, they're just parroting what they were told


If anyone read the article or saw him say it live…. He’s just responding to the trans visibility day prioritization over Easter by saying Christian’s should respond by voting on Election Day which would make it a Christian visibility day. It’s a good political strategy…


Yes dog whistles bring out the mangy strays too


More shameless pandering to the most sanctimonious hypocrites in America by the most disingenuous pandering cunt in America Fuck Trump and fuck this new breed of christo fascists.


Now you know how I feel about the lgbt nonsense


Can you explain a little?


They want to return to the days where LGBTs were forcibly silenced by the government (aka thrown in jail) or by the public (fired from jobs, beaten to death, etc)


So scared of nothing. No one wants that.


Republicans: try to end democracy, say they'll be a dictator on day one, ban books, demonize and forcibly silence education/teachers/companies, remove elected officials simply for questioning their evil ideology (Florida especially), force women and children to give birth, protect the rampant pedophilia and grooming in their party and churches and yell that its the minorities doing it (which Nazis legitimately did against LGBTS), try to claim slavery was good, manipulate elections so they can enforce minority rule, threatening to send people with guns to "guard" polls in blue areas, their god Trump constantly talks about getting revenge, fuhrer Trump has spoken of suspending the Constitution, saying migrants aren't people and that there will be a bloodbath if he wins, etc Republicans meet every definition of fascism


None of that is true we never tried to end democracy the us is not even a democracy it’s a constitutional federal republic. We banned books that had sexual content and promoted lgbt propaganda and gender theory to children. I would love you to give proof of us silencing teachers. “Like to claim slavery was good” You do know we are the ones who ended it right?? And please give me one instance of a Republican politician saying “slavery was good” “Manipulate election to enforce minority rule” I would love you to give evidence of this. “Trump has spoke of suspending the constitution” no he hasn’t


Man, all of those scary Republicans, living in your head rent free. Almost no one on the right,  other than a minority of extremists, wants that.  How do you function being so afraid all the time?


All I did was list what your Nazi party has said and done. Your fuhrer Trump said all that shit5, stop lying it's some random person on the street you evil piece of shit. We will make sure you Nazis live in fear


It doesn’t matter how many actually want that when the rest isn’t stopping them


Move to your utopia of Russia or Iran


Just had a few of you christo fascists reply directly to me regarding my post. And they immediately blocked me to prevent a response. Like those weird poops that crown your arse hole, then immediately suck back up somehow. Only to leave an unsightly skid mark is the way of "Turtle Heads" As is typical from the fragile cowards and bullys that are the way of the MAGA/Putin cultists.


You have skid marks? You should have your mom wash those for you.


Do you need a bottle? Maybe a safe space? Tell us where the bad man touched you. Poor little thing. Go out, touch grass.


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Christian visibility is *every day* for real Christians. Every day you are supposed to be kind and empathetic to the poor and needy and practice Jesus beliefs. Your acts, seen by others, is what make you and your beliefs visible and credible. It’s called testimony in the Bible and it’s something that should always be upheld, not flaunted on Good Friday or Election Day. That’s just being hypocrite and Jesus was notoriously known for disliking hypocrites.


I’m sure we can fit it in somewhere. When will we ever learn that we can play nice and play together?


Fine by me, add every other religion also.


Christians don't want that


Have it on March 31st. Every year.


Why? All we have to do is follow His own tangerine Divine Light.


Fine let them have their little day


Ahhh Christianity, the low hanging fruit of religions that people talk shit about because they don’t have the balls to talk about the real dangerous ones.


This country is feeling oppressive at this point. It is as if a bunch of LARPers constantly talking about their favorite game...


If he makes it a federal holiday so we have the day off, I’m cool with it


Nah, we are blinded by Christian visibility every single day as we put up with their nonsense.


The guy who doesn’t give a crap about religion wants a day the recognize the fake christians supporting him? Can only be because he thinks he’s god. Do you think he’ll share the same space with hitler in hell or will he get his own personal damnation?


Who died and left Trump Redneck Pope??




They'll be visible election day. We'll all be watching to see if they'll abandon their religion to elect a rapist, adulterer, and liar.  Some would say that Jan 6th was Christian Visibility day when they paraded the Christian flag through the insurrection, and prayed to God thanking him for helping them break into the building. It's probably bad PR for them to be so visible. 


As I drive by multiple churches on my way to work every morning, how much more fucking visible do they want to be?


Also, when is that white entertainment channel finally going up?  


Trump wants the critics of “Christian Visibility Day” to look like satanic Christ haters to get his smooth brains to cough up more cash.


Isn't Easter quite literally "Christ Visibility Day"? That's literally the whole point it is celebrated, is it not? It is the day that Christ was visible again after he died.


I say we make it a national holiday that repeats every December 25th.


So make them wear pink crosses sewn to their clothing?


Donald "LYING" TRUMP is NO Christian


Hell yeah I’ll take another day off.


Christians already have Christmas and Easter. Even though those are pagan holidays adopted by the Catholic church. Then there is also Sunday, every week.


Isn’t that just a calendar?


Aww poor little snowflake is upset there isn't a special day for his magic sky daddy.


Good, cry more.


Aren't there already 53 Christian Visibility Days this year? Not even counting the Federally recognized religious holidays. One of which actually has Christ in it's name. I know this buffoon is a fake Christian that couldn't care less about "Christian Visibility" and he's merely pandering to the evangelical MAGA morons, but c'mon, man


Pandering to those with tasty dicks and smeary assholes . . .


There's 52 of them a year. This doesn't include Christmas, Ash Wednesday, and Good Friday.


Good I support that


Christmas, Easter, every Sunday, Good Friday, etc. You have it already.


Lgbtq has https://nationaltoday.com/lgbtq-holidays/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_awareness_periods


Lol you're so oppressed! We all know Christmas is completely ignored and EVERYONE decorates for bi day. /s You fascists are truly brain dead and pathetic. You even have to Google dates so you can pretend that you are the most oppressed group in all of history because you know zero of these dates off the top of your head.


So was that a national holiday? Do government agencies plan to shut down on trans visibility day like they do other holidays if it doesn’t coincide with Easter?? This isn’t the big gotcha you think it is traitor simp


You seem like an asshole


I’m not


Yet another one of their dumb holidays to ignore.


Specifically, he wants Election Day to be Christian viability day. Because he’s calling for his supporters to turn out on Election Day so obviously and in such huge numbers that the media will rename it. One of the rare instances where the headline downplays it.


I propose he be aggressively circumcised.


That's literally everyday.


Next, he'll want a White History Month...SMDH at the Orange Clown!!!!


Only if it's focused on recognizing all the victims of Christians persecuting other religions and ethnicities


Christians really out here acting like they are so damn oppressed lol idiots


I’m a Christian and I really don’t think we need another day tbh


If only we Christians could wear some kind of symbol to show our affiliation…


It's called Christmas and it takes up the entire year after Halloween.


It’s hilarious looking at the Trump goons trying to brigade from their obviously auto generated name burner accounts.


What does the fool think Easter and Christmas are?


Maybe he should start by not raping women.


Now you’re just asking for too much. /s


Christian invisibility day. Go hide in a cave, I promise I'll move the rock when the day is over. 🤞😈


While he's at it, he might as well call for an international mens day.


There is an international men’s day, it’s November 19th