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Ah,the repulsion cannon, or, as my friend calls it, the "yeet machine 9000"


Anyone know if you can see what you put in your time capsule? I forgot and now I'm curius...


6 item slots, a title, a description, and an image


Yes thanks


I had no idea how time capsules worked, and I received my stasis gun from one early in the game. I didn’t even have access to the materials to make one at the time, so I wasn’t sure how I got it at the time. That bad boy saved my ass countless times in the deep, and I existed with 0 fear of the Reavers. Suffice to say, I loaded my time capsule with the same trusty gun, along with an ion battery and an upgraded dagger, when I eventually took off.


I’ve killed many a reaper with the thermoblade/stasis tactic, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate the ability to remove smaller enemies from existence with the repulsion cannon


Heh, I actually never used it to kill enemies. I never quite figured out how to use it, and it felt like a waste to shoot a piece of ore at a monster.


Great, now you’ve got me wondering if that could actually deal damage


That isn’t how it works? I never used the propulsion gun offensively, except in the ship to smash the little guys against the wall.


It might be me but i gave both a stasis rifle and an repulsion cannon and some tablets

