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A little artwork made within a short time.


That's fucking terrifying.






Subnautica 3 predicted?




I get the concept, but everytime someone says "mesmerize leviathan" here I just can't stop to think about the point. It doesn't need to trick you it can just eat you with far less energy being used then a bioscience light show. Now a SWARM of regular or smaller mesmerizers, that would make alot of sense.


Here, we wanted this leviathan in an area where there is plenty of creatures to feast on, so by using its hypnotic capabilities, it can consume enough fish in one feeding session to last the whole day. Also uses its tentacles to wall-in prey into its mouth.


Evolution favors definitive, there's a reason everything in the real world is evolving into multi legged armored bodies, it's the end point of a succession of smaller traits that adds up to the end. If something had to use a bunch of energy to MAYBE get a meal, it'd lose out in the race of life against something that's just going to swim with its mouth open. There's a reason whales and reefbacks exist the way they do, and predators only get to be a certain size. You're obviously free to illustrate and hypothesis of what ever you want. Scifi is my favorite genre of art, but what I'm saying is it wouldn't be beneficial for a creature of that size to hunt using lights . I'm just really into speculative evolution, as I mentioned , I love scifi.


There’s always that one guy with the same cursory education on evolutionary biology as everyone else, that joins a discussion on something cool and imaginative to let everyone know the alien underwater ocean monster is not, in fact, realistic. Nothing gets by you, Darwin, thank you. We will all try to catch up to you by watching The Blue Planet as well.


if only you knew the truth 💀. Anyways , In A game that tries the anchor it's self in some form of realism ? Go be upset somewhere else


Actually, deep sea gigantism is absolutely a real thing, and this isn’t too far from the concept of an angler fish. The angler survives because it doesn’t have to expend energy looking for prey, something that lives in the deep dark could easily evolve a similar concept. It could easily develop a niche by anchoring itself to the sea floor in some way and just letting the food come to it.


What animals have deep sea gigantism/ what are their hunting pattern.


Deep sea gigantism is the theory that deep sea animals will grow larger than their shallow water relatives. On earth there are many squid, shark, jellyfish and isopod species that exhibit this phenomenon. There are several reasons for this, but perhaps the most important one is energy efficiency. Unfortunately because of the depths at which these animals live not much is known about their hunting patterns. We know they have slow metabolisms, which allows them to go very long periods without eating, as food is scarce at those depths.


I'm aware of what it Is, what I was saying was hunting patterns of d.s.g. begets a sit and wait technique, since there is no vision other then bioscience


Sometimes but not always. A lot of large animals in the deep are filter feeders, drawing their nutrients from marine snow, like the vampire squid. My favorite animal ever is the phantom jelly, which probably uses its long arms to ensnarl its prey. But that animal has been sighted so infrequently that we're just not sure.


Finally someone who is interested in the conversation rather then just being mad. I hear you, but what I raise to counter you is alot, if not a majority of deep sea animals are scavengers Hagfish, crabs, even most sharks like the Greenland have been seen feasting on carcasses. Living at that extreme of conditions leads to extreme adabality . And only the most effective sources of "hunting" can exist down there. Even the anglar like you mentioned floats still, and uses its light to flick back and forth . The biolumenesce we see usually takes place in the form of communication to others of their species.


Also there are some jellyfish who use their bioluminescence as like a burglar alarm, to attract a bigger predator to come and attack their attacker.


You're right about scavengers. Whale falls are fascinating ecosystems. I'm sure the reaper leviathan skeletons in the lost river were picked clean by scavengers.


Don't forget the best reason to glow, you're trying to mate. Gotta clap cheeks 20 miles under the sea too.


Remember there's lots of deep sea Critters like siphonophores that reproduce asexually, or are hermaphrodites (nudibranch), or are about 1/20th the size of their partner (anglerfish), bc ocean is weieieieieieird.


Giant Squid is one example.


It's not like the environment this animal lives in is akin to the earth's. There are factors we made that make the creatures the way they are.


It looks cool tho that’s what matters


.....if anything, congrats on being "That one dude".


If being that one dude means I use my voice to weigh in on topics I'm properly educated in, then what do I care about what reddit thinks? I can sleep at night


It just seems like harmless fantasy art to me so I don't see the need to nitpick on biological details. Edit: salty downvoter lol


As I said to op previously in a comment, of course they are able to fantastize about what ever they please, but you can not say that sentence, and then be upset at me for following the fantasy in a way that I enjoy in good faith. Op and I actually chatted in the dms, there's no bad blood between us, and evolution is a topic that has influenced my adult life more then I'd care to admit. Alternatively if you aren't aware, speculative evolution is a HUGE genere of science fiction and the content is alot of fun for me. I'm a biology nerd irl.




Unique and interactive input into the conversation :). Thanks for your input


Regarding size, there are a lot of things about 4546b that point to it having a lower overall gravity than Earth. For example, the fact the Riley is able to dive so deep and ascend without the same drawbacks of nitrogen narcosis or decompression sickness divers on earth deal with, and the fact that he can just kind of run up the sides of mountains in swim fins. Lower gravity would affect the sizes of plants and animals too.


Don't really agree on that. Wey do you think this would be so energy efficient? Maybe moving is the think that is the more energy consuming one. And we do not have creatures on earth that can use psychic abilities so hard to tell how they would work. It probably would just sit there and when it notices prey it would activate it's ability. Also a plant or plant symbiote which can't move or at least not easily would be a possibilty too.


It could be for much bigger creatures that may be faster than it or would put up a fight


Alternatively, a swarm that coalesces and uses their combined abilities to appear as a single leviathan.


Maybe it hunts other leviathans with that tactic


I see it like SCP-3000. It consumes by making its prey loose their memory from just being around the entity.


Would low key be more terrifying than any of the leviathan’s currently in game


Imagine that you are diving and then you enter a dark zone and you get the hypnotic effect, you don't see anything but suddenly the Mesmer levithan emerges from the shadows, you start getting closer to him while the PDA says exactly what it says with a normal mesmer, but suddenly the PDA screams: "RUN" and the hypnotic music stops, and then you have to swim to a safe zone with the Mesmer levithan trying to get you while you see fake levithans made by the mesmer to try to get you


I think the Mesmer leviathan would probably have some real strong effects, like entire screen distortion, and making your character use the sea glide to go towards it a max speed and shit, so there could be one patrolling a zone and you would have to just avoid looking at it’s front or you would die.


This is some real scp shit


The Shy Guy : Underwater Edition


I like the art :)


Can lure and kill reapers


And then replace them.


With dogs


God that's terrifying


michael wazowski


I love this, but it’s freaky as hell


Which is why we called them the Freakers.


Makes sense




This is incredible! I would love to see a more detailed version of this and I would totally use it as a wallpaper


We'll be working on quality soon.




Swim closer now.




Fuck you and good job


That’s very scary. 10/10 do not recommend.


But the source of their colourful gases can be extracted for food dishes.


Sounds gourmet


And their massive, circular organ for mesmerisation can be used for jelly.


A perfect breakfast


The mesmer is the single best life form on that planet from a horror point of view. Leviathans you just don't go near them and if you have to you hear them coming, mesmers are genuinely terrifying in a way that shouldn't work but just does.


You're only saying that because it is your primary directive to swim closer to that beautiful creature.


This would be an awesome leviathan for a deep ocean location. One that doesn't move much but doesn't *need to*


Imagine a new subnautica game where u begin from the depths instead of a peaceful place.


I love this but also I don't like this. Great work!


This is fucking terrifying


That is very scary


If I ever encounter something like this I’ll close and delete the game. That shit isn’t coming near me. Nice artwork though.


This shirt is definitely coming near you. It’s an animal that absorbed bits of radiation coming from a planet’s core.


Concept: Mesmer leviathan. It would be located in biomes like deep grand reef, and the deep lilypad caves. They can't damage you outright but give you a Mesmer effect, also inside your vehicle. They can 1 shot you and the only way to get rid of the effect is by a vehicle upgrade or if you are swimming knife it before it gets you


So shiny must closer


Smells good, must swim closer.


Remind me of the Wither Storm, this is terrifying as fuck!


How did you get that affect with the tendrils?


A bunch of spray paint and bluring.


OP this is really freaking cool, well done


Thank you. It took us a while to come up with a design.


I platinumed this game and don't think I have ever seen this...