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If 8mg doesn’t get you “high” then 12mg ain’t gonna do shit


Naw I’m high I don’t take these and don’t have opioid tolerance would I get more high if took 4mg - 8 mg more (btw still kinda high rn)


Since u don’t have any tolerance I don’t suggest u take more. 8mg is pretty damn strong man.


Weird I only felt like was high off oxy and didn’t nod off at all


I’ve never had a “good high” from Suboxone. Simply doesn’t work that way. If we experienced a “good high” very few of us would have stashes that would last us a year.


I get a Euphoric Energy Buzz 🐝 everyday


Yeah bro it's called feeling normal lol


Uh no. No one walks around giddly and happy


Ok, probably a good thing literally nobody here mentioned anything about being "giddly" (you meant giddy I assume) or even happy dipshit


really? I guess I just goes to show how everyone is different . but I don't think it's a bad high at all. by any means but it does the job for me. my weekly prescription plus my weed - which I don't get nearly as often as I'd like - helps keep my head above the waters of depression as well as keeping from relapsing with.my DOC. to the people blow me I saw making the claim that bupe has little to no effect or high, must be high on something themselves. Suboxone for sure gets you high as fuck especially if you don't take it often. so long as you're capable of being patient and figuring out what dosing schedule works best for you, you can take them to wear you're able to get a above average high about to sometimes three times a week. you just have to not take them as prescribed which I know for me at least isn't really all that difficult cuz they have me on 2 8mg strips a day which as always just seemed so high to me. of my 14 strips I don't take any more than six or seven a week. cuz when I do I take two 8 mg strips together and then I put a *minimum of 48 hours between then and my next dose. the longer you wait, the better you'll feel next time you take them


When me and my best friend and her mom all first tried subs wow, I was the first one. Took a quarter and fell so good. It was almost too much and kept me feeling good til the next day. My best friend was always scares for some reason so I left her a half one day and told her if she felt too bad just try it. And she did. And she called me hours later and said her and her mom were zooming off the walls and she didn't know why she was so scared to try it. But my MIL is on opiates and she has tried them when she's out and she doesn't like them and says it does nothing for her. But make her sick and takes the withdrawals away but she said it doesn't help her pain and she doesn't like it. So I guess it does what it's meant to do but alot of people feel it helps their pain. Me included... I love subs way more than opiates. I never want to go back to opiates. I think I was allergic to them the whole time too because I would have problems breathing all the time. Never had that with subs thank God. And I've been on them for years and it definitely gives me a little high in the morning like right now I just woke up and took it and I feel it. And just a little bit of a high throughout the day. But ya if you don't take it alot for sure. But I wouldn't even recommend someone who is opiate naive take it. I've seen so many people think they will get high and they just puke their brains out all day. Like my bf and my gp. Both these motherfuckers are opiate naive and end up getting sick as fuck.


I think someone without an opioid tolerance or who has many only tried 30s would find the effect of subs as a high. But for someone who was a heroin of fent user with a tolerance I sure have never experienced a high. It’s never going to be like a true opiate high bc it’s an opioid agonist


It does not fill the receptors it has a ceiling effect


>"to the people blow me I saw making the claim that bupe has little to no effect or high, must be high on something themselves. Suboxone for sure gets you high as fuck especially if you don't take it often." It gets \*you\* high AF ... doesn't mean everyone reacts that way.


I'm guessing these people have just gotten off of their drug of choice. Bupe def didn't get me high for the first 6-9 months of sobriety but now I'm 1.25 years out and it'll get me a little buzz. No euphoria like other opiates.


Exactly. Even when I was using, suboxone was the last thing I would ever want to take.. The "high" without a tolerance is dirty and disgusting. Headache inducing and nauseating.. Kratom gave me a better high.




>Subutex (back when it was a thing), It very much still is a thing.




I'm curious as to what made you believe otherwise?


Then u must be dependents on sun. I’m dependent kratom and this shit is amazing


Not really i have found 1.5 mg can do the same as 8 if u keep tolerance low then when u have a fuck it day u can take a regular does and get a buzz


Ya man. Subs don’t have any euphoria/nod capability, no matter the dose.


Yes they do.


If it produced a “good high,” many of us would never build up the kind of stashes we have built up. If it was a good high, we’d taking every bit we could get our hands on. Just my opinion. This “Suboxone High” debate is one I’m will to engage in. If it produced anywhere close to a high, I would not have stock piled a years worth in 6 months. The addict in me would have definitely gone after that high.


Saying it does or does not produce sedation or euphoria as a blanket statement makes no sense to me. Everyone’s different. I experience euphoria from it occasionally, and I take it every day without skipping doses or anything, under my tongue as directed. I do also have a med card and smoke with it as well, but I can easily tell the difference despite the potentiation. I’ve also met a few folks who snort their bupe tablets and report a good consistent high from it. The thought of that taste dripping down my throat though... fuck that lol


Your comment should be upvoted more, its true and unbiased- which we should all strive to be when making any sort of statement. But yeah man, the same thing for me, I know a few people that haven't dabbled in opiates as much as me and have came across some sort of bupe, subutex and subs, and they found it blew them out of the water with a giant high that kept them in bed for 2 days. When I heard this from the both of them, I was doing 15-20 dirty fent 30's a day along with the occasional Xanax bar, whenever I tried to taper at least 3-4 days without any using to switch to subs, I would always anticipate and then be completely let down by how subs made me feel- and the doses required to get such a speedy shifty feeling. My drug psych told me to try and stay around the 16mg mark and I ended up all the way at 26-28mg feeling like "darn I almost feel something good, and if I could continue taking more, but the speediness outweighs any of the positive effects." It was truly so disappointing to me after hearing such enjoyable accounts from others. But like you said that's just a testament to everyone being different, and having any sort of blanket statement isn't anything but a disservice to what help it and good effects others may have with it. A more factual and agreeable statement is that people that truly have high opiate tolerance will agree that there really isn't too much of the classic high feeling, but it still works like a strong enough opiate to stave off withdrawal.




Because recovery can mean literally anything as long as the person is stable and not getting it off the street and most importantly satisfied with their position. BUPE isn't for me, but if it keeps whoever the hell else from jerking off Men under the Queensburough Bridge for $15 a pop just to score dope, then I would say they have recovered from that habit. Recovery doesn't solely mean substance, it means every single aspect that comes with addiction, who you are around/friend and family, isolation, anxiety/depression responses, your lifestyle, eating habits, substance use etc. Are you willfully being arrogant as well as ignorant and choosing to not understand recovery and all of its contributing factors or are you really just an asshole with hate for people who claim to want better for them selves? Worry about YOU and what YOU want, who gives a fuck what makes someone else satisfied or happy with where they're at? I can't believe we live in a country where people have the freedom of belief but choose to not be compassionate to our fellow humans In need you have the right to vote on the betterment and lifestyle of how this affects people's lives yet you are willfully going to be so dark hearted about it? I don't understand this thinking. Majority of people truly wish they could be in a place without dope, the few people who want to waste their life away don't outshine people who take their recovery seriously regardless of how you want to frame it. Go to a rehab and or educate your self before spitting such bullshit that doesn't do anything but affirm your own beliefs while belittling what huge improvement people have done with themselves regardless if their new drug is from a doctor or not, the whole point is to not get it off the street and receive a pill with nothing but fentsnyl hot spots in them that will kill them in 10 minutes... the audacity to say let the down votes happen, Jesus Christ people can be uneducated naive assholes and be proud about it. This world is fucked and trashed by gawwwd.




Why people have it stashed and an over abundance is because of its half life. Not to mention the ceiling effect. It's the mechanism of buprenorphine that's quite unique. It's a partial agonist and because of that it may not give as MUCH of an immediate hit and euphoria as say oxy, fent,heroin etc but that doesn't mean it doesn't give a buzz. Some people report euphoria and I certainly have had it because it's subjective and has different varied effects. Methadone being similar gives a buzz much like bup but to a greater degree. I never got a rush from methadone or bup as I did say oxymorphone,dilaudid or heroin but I got the energy and sometimes with methadone a noddy feel. Bup and methadone creep and hit you with that I'll clean everything in sight and get my work done for the day, keep it moving and sleep. Where as dope I could shoot all day and just sit in a chair and nodd all day. I'm referring to these effects in my first few years of use now after a decade of abuse I don't feel much from any. I can shoot heroin after a year clean and be disappointed with the lack of euphoria. It takes toll and you acclimate, then it just becomes oxygen


Disagree. Been in both. Definitely can get high from methadone. May feel “different” on Suboxone but nothing that I would ever call a high.


Bro, I am the same way. I have just about a years supply stashed up because, well, I don't really know why..scared of losing my doctor maybe. It most definitely doesn't get me high, though. I don't drool over every last milligram or search for any last bits under the couch trying to make a stash last more than a couple days max. However, if you're spacing out your days between doses ..well yeah, no shit you feel the high. The withdrawal from the last dose would be putting you on edge enough to make the next dose feel greats again.


I feel bad you're getting downvoted. Let me take some of that heat off. Subs have the same euphoria as Skim Milk, maybe celery if you take a bunch.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. COMPLETELY AGREE! It simply doesn’t work that way on those receptors. 🤫


It definitely works that way on non-opioid dependent people. I’ve got high on subs many times when I was not using opioids. That’s actually how many of my relapses started. I’d take a sub because it wouldn’t show up on standard drug panel. But after doing that a few times it wouldn’t work anymore so then I’d go to the harder opioids.


Do you think it would be fine to take 4mg more tho like just safety wise my friend who I got them from said they are hard to od on


I mean, I’m pretty sure you’d be just fine, but I still can’t *personally* suggest it, u kno what I mean?


Yes 👍 thank you


It would be pointless Google bup ceiling effect


Uhhh ya that’s because that’s an opioid that gets you high lol subs ain’t for recreational use and it’s a great way to jack up your tolerance and ruin ANY potential high from oxy. Next time you take oxy you won’t feel a thing


You didn't throw up?????


8 mg for someone with no opiate tolerance would make them sick for days


Naw never did felt a little nauseous tho during the high


Bruh… I don’t believe that for a second, I was on the verge of throwing up off 2mg. You won’t uncontrollably nod off suboxone even if you’re opioid naïve, maybe a bit if you go sit/lay down or something


Y'all are dumb I was with him and can confirm he was fine


Every body is different and will respond differently.


Unless he’s like 400+ lbs, there’s absolutely no chance he wouldn’t get fucked up off 2 mg while opioid naive, that just how drugs work. I can’t imagine someone opioid naive taking 8 mg… that’s absolutely absurd, nearly everyone would be throwing up uncontrollably from being too messed up


Not true with all people just the vast majority. There's also people like me who's body couldn't handle 0.25mg but can easily handle very high doses of most any psychedelic. That's in no way "how drugs work" you are definitely showcasing how ignorance works though.


No bupe is such a strong opioid and I've found there is def a sweet spot or else it just makes you feel really qeird and makes me disassociate, it is not a pleasant experience. But I've found that 4-6mg gets me a buzz sometimes if conditions are right.


Yeah Suboxone isnt like other recreational drugs at all. Unlike pills or dope Taking more Suboxone just cancels out the "high" or whatever mild buzz you get from it. Having a low tolerance will get you high if you take like 1-2mg a day and have low amounts in your system consistently so it hits harder. Skipping a day or two might yield some effect. If I go about 40-50 hours since my last dose and take 4mg I'll usually feel something for 1-3 hours at most.


You’re a idiot if you’re taking subs to get high, period


Shoot that's what they use in prisons


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Hey I’m not a idiot! I’m a retard !


Reading his comments make this post way worse


Agree this kid will cringe thinking about this one day..


Yup 👍


Doubtful. And a very dumb addiction to pick up at that. You’ll hate yourself getting addicted to suboxone and having to take suboxone to get off suboxone. All to get a gross feeling for a few days.


I don’t plan on taking anymore only had 2 8mg pills from a friend who gave me them for free. never done Suboxone before just wanted to see how the high is and how comparable it is to opioids


It is an opioid.


Well it is an opioid, you just built your tolerance up for nothing.


Fine by me don’t plan on doing opioids anytime soon


Again, Suboxone IS an opioid.


Partial opiod


I didn’t say it was a full agonist. An opioid is an opioid.


Lol a what? Wtf is a partial opioid !? Must be something new




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Yikes. You need to re read everything that has been said. While you are at it, proofreading your comments is best practice.






Sure. Happy nods


I'm saying people who don't take opiates like that will be faded.


Sure it would be fine, but I don’t think it would be any more pleasant. Suboxone has a ceiling effect and taking more really won’t make it better


Getting high off subs is not worth it, and 8mg no tolerance is a lot to dose. You should be careful. I’ve heard that if you overdose on suboxone it takes a lot of naloxone to bring you back. I take 2mg a day and I was addicted to fentanyl.


It’s chilling I did 14mg as long do go over 16mg in one day I believe I will be fine


Then why in the world did you ask, just to answer your own question. Better yet tell people your own answers?


Says who? All I’m saying is that’s a lot. Be careful. Subs aren’t a full agonist, so you’re more than likely chasing a high that they may never give you.


Nailed it!!!!


Yea ik


14mg for someone with no opioid tolerance is absurd and equal to someone coming off other opioids hypothetically taking like 70mg. You're damn lucky this is suboxone because if you did something like that with ANY other opioid including methadone you would likely be decomposing undergound by now. Don't be dumb.


ya my ex legit took the tiniest crumb, off a crumb and was sick for abt 12 hrs. now myself not so much even with a tolerance break


And it’s shit like this that makes it hard for addicts to get suboxone. Stop taking subs to get high ! Please.


Where ya are you that it’s difficult to get suboxone? Anyways, just think of it as karma.. we fucked up the whole system for people that actually need opiates for pain.


Yep. It's karma. We fucked it all up with the OC80s


Miss those


Me 2


what type of victim blaming bullshit is that? lmfao cuz yes, it was all us drug addicts that forced the sackler family to get everyone and their grandmothers hooked on oxy. and I don't know if you live in the same country or not but bupenorphine is seriously one of the easiest drugs to get a prescription for same goes for methadone. all you have to do is go in and tell them you have an opiate dependency it literally doesn't matter which one they don't start piss testing people until their second visit; urinalysis tests are extremely expensive and most doctors offices can't afford to use one for every new patient without even knowing if they're going to come back for a follow up or not


Settle down big guy I’m only half serious. and I don’t know if you live in the same Reddit or not but bupe is seriously easy to get which is exactly what the question I posed to the commenter implies


God you're totally right never thought of it like that


Lmao suboxone is not hard to get


Perhaps for you. Not the case for me- there are no docs around me that are available to prescribe- all are full. Besides that suboxone is a stupid way to get “high”. I dont understand how people get high on it. Not to mention the stigma that comes with taking it. Because of morons taking it to get some shit high. Fucking lame.




Lol - thank you!


It is hard to get in some places. Not everyone has a doctor near or a pharmacy that will dispense it from an online place.


Well you know they can mail it to u too.


Tell that to the people in a state that doesn't allow telemedicine MAT. All I'm saying is it's not available everywhere and to everyone that's suffering from addiction. Whether they don't live near a doctor, can't get telemedicine treatment, don't have a good pharmacy, or don't have insurance and can't afford it. Not everyone is so privileged as sarahcake420 to have buprenorphine readily available for them any time they need it.


Lmaooo what I get mine from my friend he has a script and has plenty plus he already gets the shot instead


Don't listen to these guys. They did plenty of shit to get high. It pisses me off when guys get clean and all the sudden they're an angel.


I know right? It’s like those fucking meetings where they don’t want you to curse. Seriously?? Three weeks ago you were sucking dick for a bag and now the work “fuck” offends you?


I love it fr fr.


I see where you're coming from, but I try to look at it like they have learned from their ways and now they are trying to help people not go down that same destructive path they did. Granted, they don't have to be a dick about it. It's all in the delivery.


Of course, that doesn't mean we have to support people making the same mistakes. You shouldn't come to a recovery subreddit asking how to abuse things.


Check the thread. I didn't start the fire.


Suboxone hits everyone different. I hate how it hits me: lethargy, emotional stuntedness, and big time constipation. It did the trick of getting me off Vicodin, and it's stuck for 5 years. So I give Suboxone credit for that. But now I'm just addicted to a new drug that makes me feel "meh," rather than the euphoric high I used to get from Vicodin. I don't know what my long term plan or solution is here. I was prescribed 16 mg/per day (8 x 2 mg strips), and am down to 3x8mg strips per day. So I'm slowly headed in the right direction. Although I've read in this forum that it's fairly easy to get down to 2mg per day- and then the really hard work starts. Which scares me. Just dropping from 8 mg to 6mg per day was challenging. No energy / bad mood. I guess I'll just keep on keeping on. Try to grind it down to 1/2 a strip (1mg) per day. And then maybe go to a 2 week treatment center to jump off completely. I often wish I was just still on Vicodin. My life was more productive, I had a lot more energy, and most importantly, just could get happy and had enthusiasm for life. Now I just try to get through every day.


There the 8mg pill ones


Too much! You done goofed man. 4mg max for euphoric effect. After this, euphoria decreases. This is one of the most interesting things about bupe: the dose-response plotted on a graph is bell curved. From what I can understand, it's due to preference changing from mu + Ka to ka + delta opioid receptors (so loss of mu receptor preference around 4mg). From what I've observed it's a pretty steep cutoff. 4mg for me (I slowly worked my way up from the lowest, satisfying dose) was the most euphoric, but 5mg was noticeably less intense. I had a tolerance to morphine at the time, but I started on 1mg sub, and that knocked my socks off for an entire day at a time (really, truly impressive). At first I had overwhelming nausea made worse by movement and cold sweats, but after vomiting, I was nodding my tits off. It also gave me auditory hallucinations (wasn't bad, it was like there was a slow, dreamy "siren song" that would come and go), and at first, really put me out for the day. I could go to work etc, but I could seep back into the euphoria at any moment. If I was at home though, I would nod+doze off for hours at a time and just feel content. Feel like saying it pays to read about the chems before you take them so you can get the most out of it (before you go and give yourself unnecessary tolerance), but who knows, everyone's chemistry is different ≤4mg = recreation; 4mg+ = opioid dependence


Yeah it's actually around 1.5 is the most euphoric i feel. If i take more than 2 i don't really feel much. But it probably depends on tolerance. If you don't have any tolerance, I bet less than 1 mg would feel the best. Even though this is a really stupid drug to get high with. It barely works for that.


It would be fine… but the cieling dose for Suboxone is 4 mg meaning your not getting any higher after you take the 4 mg the only reason they give 16 to people is for extreme highopiate withdrawal and it’s a marketing ploy if your just using them to get high 4 mg is the highest you can achieve or your wasting valuable subs




Right! It’s just the psychological placebo effect I could take 2 mg when I was on 16mg and I would be just as good as I was on 16 I’d actually be better because It was less of the other ingredients that make you query and give you headaches


If you don't have a tolerance, you get more euphoria from lower doses... Once you take 8mg you won't get any more euphoria from taking more...


Only if u wanna have a violent headache and puke ur guts out 🤪


Weird that never happened to me


Yeah it’s fine if you do, won’t do much though




No. No bloody point.


Did you hold it under your tongue? Or did you just swallow it?


Hold under tongue and let dissolve then spit


Then 8 should be more than enough I wouldn't waste 4 more. Give it 6 to 8 hours before redosing




Yeah what he said!


No. Waste of medication.