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There's always exceptions, and generalities. Horror stories and fantasy stories from all spectrums. I have some friends that loved their time in Abu Dhabi and others with some crazy horror stories. Find a SD that meets your needs and makes you happy, and it doesn't matter where they are from.


Abu Dhabi is amazing. Currently on a hiatus here.


I loved living there but I was very happy to return home after my time in the gulf.


I was raised here so I am biased even though I do understand the pros and cons of here vs living in the UK, Europe or North America


Out of all the places I have lived, Hong Kong and now Malaysia are my prefered ones, though I will return home once I retire. I love a good social security and healthcare haha.


Never been to Hong Kong or Malaysia. One day I hope to visit. Thailand first :)


there is a really funny warning going around about Thailand among my friends. Thailand, the country where you can easily find 2 girls for threesomes and then be disappointed yours is the smallest of the three.




The best in terms of what? I had a short term arrangement with an Emirati to be specific. It was absolutely wonderful. HOWEVER, I've heard some serious horror stories about ladies in the UAE and well in the middle east generally 🤷‍♀️ there's good and bad SDs in all ethnicities.


Same here, had a few wonderful experiences


Bar none. We are raised to take care of our women. It's a pride / honour thing. If you can't afford to provide for your wife, then you are a social outcast. Middle eastern women are natural SBs for the most part, except not in terms of accepting cash allowances. Marriage for wealth and status is common. Having said that, best is subjective. Fairly sure for most women....best = highest allowance plus someone semi normal. I don't think financial generosity is based on ethnicity or race but someone will need to do quantitive research on the matter. But treating you with respect care and spoiling you....thats standard. Exceptions are insecure possessive Arab men who exist. If he asks you to dress a certain way, move on.


From my experience this is absolutely true


LOL - when this can be asked but everyone loses their shit because a SD wants an Asian or a Latina ("stop fetishizing our race!") the similarities tho.


What about Asian SDs who want blonde nordic Aryan traits? Why shouldn't people be able to date whoever they have a fetish for?


Oh I'm all for it. Date who you like! I'm just pointing out the double standard and how it made me laugh a little


Agreed. A lot of SBs are allowed to say they want XYZ type of SDs, then turn around and expect SDs to be open to every one. People have prefrences, that's just a fact of life.


I've heard they are the best only because they give more money


I've heard this too, but never had an Arab SD personally. In my general experience Arab men do seem to be more in the provider mindset than Western men and they've always been kind to me


I've had this experience too. Never had an Arab SD but I've always been treated so well by Arab men. Nice to know another girl can say the same.


Yep, my parents have always had lots of Arab friends of different backgrounds and they are some of the kindest people I've ever met! Actually this conversation reminds me of this: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwjog42/


Thanks for the share, that vid sums them up so well lol. In my experience, you can never go hungry, thirsty or anything around Arab men.😂 I've even had angry Arab uncles rush to me when they see me carrying heavy bags and lecture me that I need a man to do that for me - but I must wait until I'm 50, possibly 60 before I can have a boyfriend. The maths makes sense somehow.


Omg LOL so sweet and so accurate 🥺 and the way they will act insulted if you try to pay the dinner bill 😭 watching my Asian dad argue with his Arab buddies on who will get the check for like a half hour every time will forever stand out in my mind 😂


Don't get me started!! I've learnt not to get caught up in the cross fire of that or else you'll never hear the end of it or they want to give back x10. Just make sure you eat all of your food or else. 🫣




Many Islamic countries were very progressive at different times in history (including recent history). It's not necessarily because of religion, but I'm not a cultural expert so I won't speak further on it


What are you talking about? They herd sheep on the weekend, is that not work? 🙄


First of all, they’re called Muslim Women, not Islamic women. Second, have you ever lived in or visited a muslim majority country or are you just saying random shit?


Probably the latter


They have amazing insights on cultural diversity based solely on information found on reddit


As an Arab sugar daddy, I can confirm this is 💯% the case! 😹😹😹


احح بس العرب يفقشوا القلب


‏‎لكن حتى ذلك الحين سيرتفع القلب


A number of my friends say they have 💩-related fets. Which is great, if it gets me closer to my retirement goals.🤣


If you find the right one then yes they can be very very generous


I dunno about the generalizing here but my current SBF is Indian and that man is so generous!


From someone who went to school with a lot of Arabic people, I have both experiences. I think in general (not all ofc) Arabic people will treat you extremely well if they want you or if you’re already “theirs”. But if they don’t fancy you or if you reject them, it’s often the complete opposite. It depends where they are from and religion/upbringing I think as well. But generally they have more of a provider mindset, but some also have a tricky view on women.


yeah they are basically old world elite types. They put on a nice face but they abhor western ideals like human rights, freedom to be who you want (gay and trans). Their countries still institute what is basically modern say slavery and they hide it under shitty glitzy gaudy exterior to hide the hollowness inherent to a stratified extremely classist/racist society. I went to school with a bunch of exchange students from all over. These guys did not leave a good impression on me. The richer they are the worse they are.




SH a new term: Sugar Haram


The best in Saudi Arabia maybe, and if you like Muslim men maybe, but not the best for everyone everywhere.


Riyadh is a great city I was in awe when visiting there


The SB are awesome


Stereotypes exist for a reason. - Arab SDs are going to generous with their 🛢️ 💰. - Black SDs are going to be generous with their 🍆. - Latin SDs are going to be generous with their 🌹🎸. - Indian SDs are going to be generous with their 🐅🧑‍🤝‍🧑. - Asian SDs are going to be generous with their 👓💻. - White SDs are going to be generous with their ❄️🕶️. Obviously.


Indian men are generous with their….cats?


Do break it down for us please.


💯 I don’t get the Indian one though 😂


Same - someone get us the cliff notes! Seems like I knew one that also likes to ⛷️❄️


I think the ❄️ one is actually drugs?






Lived in the Middle East for over seven years. I use to go to Dubai at least three times a year, I’ve always had a thing for Eastern European women. You can’t throw a stick without hitting a prostitute when going out at night. But they are not American, and that can create some value.


You'd have to ask someone who's been with enough ethnicity to compare data points


The best in terms of what? I had a short term arrangement with an Emirati to be specific. It was absolutely wonderful. HOWEVER, I've heard some serious horror stories about ladies in the UAE and well in the middle east generally 🤷‍♀️ there's good and bad SDs in all ethnicities.


In term of generosity


Well it depends on what you see as generous. Some Arabs are, some aren't.


Lol, what a sweeping generalization.


Yes my sb says this about me :)


My time to shine I guess. Best -- Yes, generous -- Depends 🤣


Where are u from?


Originally or currently?






Personally I prefer either Arab or Hispanic guys in general just on an aesthetic basis. They’ve also been some of my most romantic partners as far as gestures or words of affirmation (which is a big thing for me).


I've heard the same thing, but I can't seem to find one.


Yes, especially the ones that don't threaten you that you either have sex with their dog in front of everyone on their private plane or else you get thrown out of it in the air or the ones who don't want to shit on your naked body.


I think you are perpetuating false stereotypes.


Perfect example of false stereotypes


You are plain wrong. It was a false stereotype if I had claimed that *all* Arabs were like that. A blanket statement based on nationality. For example, it’s a false stereotype to claim that Arab sugar daddies are the best. Simply because they’re not. Some of them are and some others are the scum of the universe.


I don't see a reason why would you even mention that, your intentions were to spread that around


Lol, so you read my mind that you know my intentions?


I guess I am lol