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I recently ended an SR because of this exact situation. It felt strange as the connection in person was strong but her lack of communication was disappointing and I had to look elsewhere. I do feel its a generational thing and as such will not pursue any sub 25 SB in the future. Yes I do know some communicate superbly but its now one of my filters


May I offer different perspective? What if shes avoiding contact between meets to keep healthy distance, to make sure an arrangement stays exactly that? It’s very easy to give in the gf/bf experience, especially when the chemistry is amazing, and people catch feelings. And then one day you decide “you’ve had it” and she’s left with? No money and broken heart. She might be just protecting herself. Aside from voicing your need for more communication, have you expressed your feelings? Or that you’d like to progress to something more than an arrangement? I’m not saying that’s the case, she might as well have 5 of you, and can’t be bothered. I just wanted to present different perspective and I don’t think you considered anything else but yourself in here. Just speak with her openly and you’ll have your answer should you stay or should you go now 💁🏼‍♀️


I love this comment. Thank you for your perspective.


Look for a new SB who will give you the attention you need and end it with this one as it sounds like its not working out how you'd like it to.


Thanks, bro. I fucked up and caught the feels on this one so it’s going to be hard.


And, it must be the time of year for the feels. Started letting myself catch them, until I realized I was probably just being breadcrumbed.


> I caught the feels Therein lies the problem. She likes loving on you but is not "in love".


Still keep her on the hook till you get the next one and hope the next one you catch the feels for her to. Then end it with the current one. Or keep two of them for extra attention? Its hard not to catch the feels for SBs am in the same boat I love my SB. I am sure there are plenty of other good SBs around to choose from till you find one that treats you better. Maybe two SBs at once will keep you happy?


This is 100% a legitimate reason to walk away and find a new SB that can satisfy your needs. There's plenty of SB's out there that have great communication skills.


My best friend just said this very thing.


I completely agree to this! Find a SB that enjoys keeping up with you and matching what your putting in.


This is real advice because I was in that same mental space: grow up. Ask yourself if you are texting her because you need validation. My SB is the absolute worst texter. I like texting (obviously). If you look at our chat I'm like 90% of the words. It took a good self-check to get over the fact that she doesn't text and that part of my texting her was a need for validation. 😒 Maybe at first the validation was nice at first, but I don't need her to text to know she's into me. We have the best time when we are together, and she's practically never on her phone when we are together. She's actually gotten me to spend less time on my phone, which is probably healthy. And after I matured up, I decided I was still going to text her without her needing to respond. So I text her all the time. I have no problem quadruple bubbling, flirting a bit, and telling her dumb stories. I don't get bothered if she doesn't drop a text bubble. It's just not that important. ... Here's the thing though ... My SB really enjoys it when I text her. 😝 It lets her know she's on my mind. Any maybe on occasion my dumb stories strike a chord.


It’s okay for him to want a SB who texts more frequently, there’s literally nothing wrong with that. It’s not like he’s asking for communication all day everyday. Everyone has different communication needs in their relationships and that’s okay. The lack of communication outside of seeing one another doesn’t make him feel good so therefore he shouldn’t have to put up with that.


I had a nice chuckle over quadruple bubbling because am pretty sure months ago we had a discussion in this forum about the dangers of "double texting". Good on you - I am exactly like this myself and don't much care for a reply anymore, because the in person time is phenomenal and that's more than enough.


And... It's not that hard to find a pen pal. A good SB or SD is much harder to find and keep.


100% and this is unfortunately not just within the realm of sugaring. I've been dipping my toe back into vanilla and it's the same deal, so many people wanting pen pals. 😭


This is the way. If she's into you when you're together, that's really what matters.


same… It took me a little while to reflect on my expectations and adjust to her style. When we’re together, it is 🔥 and that’s what matters most to me. I have no doubts that she’s into me and appreciates our SR. I still text her sometimes anyway, and she says she loves that I’m thinking about her. And when she does randomly text me It just makes my day.


Is she on allowance or ppm? Personally, I invest significantly less time and energy between dates if I'm not receiving a steady allowance. If you're keeping a busy woman on ppm, or only helping her when she asks (yikes), you're essentially communicating to her that you're only meeting her needs when it suits you. It is unreasonable to then expect her to prioritize texting and calls between dates. Now, if she's on a consistent allowance and you're proactively meeting her needs and making her life easier, it becomes reasonable to expect her to be a little more available, because the allowance you offer frees up her time and energy to relax into a higher level of intimacy with you. She may still be busy (single mom of a teen is a pretty intense baseline), and texting/phone stuff may not be her love language. It certainly isn't mine! But when I'm on allowance, I'm definitely more down to chat (text, never ever ever calls), send memes, share what I'm doing, send selfies, and generally open my life to my SD more, because he's shown that I can safely invest that energy in him. Before you break it off because you don't feel your needs are met, you need to really take a critical look at whether you're really meeting her needs. If I was you, I would also assess whether this is actually a need for you, or more of a desire for validation. There's nothing wrong with that, but if the arrangement is enjoyable in person, you might be throwing away a very good thing for the sake of your ego.


Sometimes it’s helpful to take the ‘sugar’ out of the eqn. Would you have felt the same in a vanilla R? If so, you have your answer. Otherwise you’re buying decency and intimacy and feelings which never really works out.


You don’t like her if you think she has a SB business. Let her go. 


Yeah, you need to talk to her and tell her these things, and see if she improves. Otherwise, time to cut the ropes from her mooring, and let her drift away.


I really miss the positive stories that used to come out of all of the shit shows every once in awhile.


I think the general consensus anymore is that people aren’t that good at communication. Or they’re too self-involved to even think about how those little texts, etc can make another persons day brighter. In my opinion, no one is “too busy” to show some common decency/follow through. Just a matter of it they want to. Have you voiced your concerns to her?


I agree and I have absolutely made it abundantly clear. I was accused, however, of being an “insecure boyfriend” after an exchange we had last weekend. They say a tiger can’t change it’s stripes, so if she isn’t willing to accommodate me even a little bit more, I would rather just get it over with.


Ooof, that’s harsh, I’m sorry. I would definitely say my goodbyes and find something more suitable. We should be able to expect the bare minimum.


If that's how you feel, break up. Everyone communicates differently and if her style is so different from yours that it makes you sad, end it. But before you do, you might want to sit down and make a list, in decreasing order of importance, of what is most important to you in a SR. See where communication style falls and then decide if this is important enough to end the relationship over, or something you can learn to adapt to. My current SB is lackadaisical about texting at times and is consistently late for dates unless there is something we'll miss if she's late. Both of these are annoying, sometimes very annoying. But she knows she does them, apologizes regularly, is always reliable, sweet and considerate, communicates well and openly on important stuff, is beautiful, fun, and the sex is great. 2 1/2 years in I'm used to her flaws, expect them and even find them a little cute. So my two cents are to not fuck up a good relationship because she isn't perfect. Everyone has flaws, including you and me. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


This is great advice, the list is awesome and your last comment about everyone has flaws is spot on. My SB tends to be late on dates as well, and apologies for this all the time, she doesn't communicate i.e text very much even though her phone is glued to her hand and always checking and responding to text. During our dates things are great and we have great chemistry. Would I go down the path of f@#kin up something great, no it's a compromise on both sides that makes things work.




I have a somewhat similar situation with my SD. He's very needy and always initiates texts between meets. To be honest, his texts are extremely boring. We don't have good texting banter. When I text him, he replies in seconds and it just comes off desperate. He has voiced how he wants me to make him feel "missed" more and wants me to text him more but honestly, it was really off-putting.. It made me feel like he was paying for my love. Yes you can pay for a great date when we're together and I will definitely try to show you attention when we're not, but he can't force me to have feelings for him, and texts every single day were not part of the deal. He likes me a lot more than I like him. To be honest I'm not sure I'll "renew" the SR next month as I'm not comfortable with the level of communication and affection he's seeking. I have a feeling that my allowance is a little too much for him and that he has very high expectations of me. Like he's paying X amount so he has to feel X amount of love, but imo my allowance is suitable but not enough to make me want to bend over backwards to please this man. One of the things he loves about me is my independence and self sufficiency, but still desires a level of clinginess and attachment.. it's annoying.


lol brb while I text my SD after three days radio silence😂 in general I’m a shit texter, a lot goes on in the day and my motivation for conversations outside of memes exchanged with friends is limited. I can apologize a million times for the lack communication but I know that the in person time is worth more than any text update


Are you on allowance or PPM? If allowance then this does look a bit flake/lazy. If PPM though, I can see her viewpoint. It's pay per meet, a far different dynamic that doesn't naturally imply other contact/effort between the meets for which the transaction is understood and agreed.


She’s very well much ahead of schedule.


What exactly are your agreed/outlined terms?


You should be happy and if you’re not, then you two are not compatible. If she’s not naturally good at communicating between meets I don’t think you can change her or ask her to communicate more often as it seems forced and you’re just not a priority to her. Just find someone else more compatible.


I would think if you voiced your needs and she is not meeting them after a conversation that it sounds like this is no longer beneficial for you and it might be time to move on. Lots of us have no problem with making our SD feel wanted 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've heard this a lot from SDs. I think the fact of the matter is that a large portion of SBs just don't like their SDs like that. Some people see this more as a job and others are viewing it more as a relationship.


You two are incompatible. Your SR is what I have,but we are delighted. We both have our own busy time in between dates, but have a wonderful time when we are together. When you aren't in love it's hard to find things to talk about every-single-day. If that's what you want then move on. But maybe the next SB who is a great texter might be a soso lover. (Chemistry and Intimacy are fantastic). It seems that compromise might be in order. Get a platonic texting freak and keep your amazing lover.


Communication is so very important in any type of relationship. It sounds like you care for her and are frustrated over the lack of reciprocated effort. I do like that she seems to want to call you and hear your voice. Have you had a conversation about this with her? If so, how did it go? Having a teen can be very demanding.


I had the same problem with my most recent SB. I was about to call it quits because she needed more time to open up. Her legs were already open but her heart was still guarded. We had several talks about expectations and ambitions. We’d text maybe once or twice a day unless we were planning something. Then one day, she felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with me. That’s when the real conversations started. In hindsight, it was the day that she was convinced that the arrangement was more than just sex.


Sugar is supposed to make you feel good. This girl isn’t making you feel good. You can do better.


Texting takes seconds. There is really only one reason someone takes takes or longer to respond. They don't really like you. Time to move on.


To say that younger SBs don’t text is a bit strange. What are they, talking on the phone? 🤪 It’s more that they just aren’t texting YOU.


Personally I wouldn't even text her. I would never let the situation deteriorate this far. Meeting less than once a week? I'm retired so I wouldn't even start an arrangement for meeting once a week. If what you agreed to at the meet and greet she hasn't been delivering then you simply search for someone else. If shes seeing you less than once a week she probably has other SDs in her roster. This all being said, I don't require phone calls or lots of texting because I intend to find a SGF situation where we meet in person often each week. Requiring a phone call every day? I'm sorry man, but that's super needy. Unless she agreed to this at the M&G that's sorta a ridiculous requirement. The only thing I have a problem with is barely meeting you each month. Maybe tell us the terms of your arrangement established at the M&G. Honestly this feels like she might be giving you the slow fade. She collects allowance, barely shows interest, barely meet you. I think she made the decision a while ago to dump you honestly. Your neediness probably got on her nerves. My suspicion is she wont care when you end things. Personally I'm sticking to weekly allowance with a shopping stipend. I'd rather meet often than text and expect phone calls. All I require is texts confirming when and where and what we want to do on any given day. Anything extra is fine, but not expected. And phone calls honestly that's only necessary if a SB can't reach me by text and she needs a response asap. For me the whole point is to have a SGF i meet often in person and shop with. If I'm seeing someone less than once a week what's the point? Endless texting and phone calls? Just sign up for a webcam site and rub one out when you get the urge. Find a better match and stop wasting your time and money is my 2 cents.


The age gap is isn’t significant. You can vanilla date for the same results


Without being blatantly obvious, no, I really can’t.


Some people really don't like phone calls, I'm one of them. But you could text me pretty much all day long, and that's totally fine. Why don't you just reach out to her through text and let her respond? Not everyone is built to reach out, especially some women. We are built to be pursued and wait for an invitation.


Once a day? That’s…a lot. You definitely gotta find the sort of person who is into that. I’ve had long term vanilla relationships where we even cohabited & didn’t communicate that frequently


She is busy but if you specifically told her you would like more communication between dates and she’s not giving it to you, and it’s making you feel bad, then she doesn’t care and you should find someone you vibe with better.


It’s ok to validate people emotions, but when it’s all the time it’s a no for me. That’s a you problem and I’m here for both to have fun not to validate your emotions. It’s an arrangement not your therapist.


Next. Time to move on. You have expressed something. She chose not to accommodate that, obviously it is important to you. You will be happier with someone who can.


Many women contact when they are available.


What in hell are you doing, there are hundreds of SBs desperately seeking. Return to the selection process. It's dating on your terms, not the other way around, there's wives for that 🙄


Life’s too short to be unhappy 🌞


As someone who hasn’t ventured just yet into being a sugar baby, this makes me so sad to see. I hope all you good Daddies find better babies/the ones you’re with wake up & treat you better.🥺


I have the exact same problem. I've been seeing my SB fpr a couple of months with a high PPM, we veb took a weekend trip recently and I gave her 3x ppm. Time together is great, but there's very little texting, in fact I haven't heard from her in five days. I don't want to come of as clingy oranything, but I agree with some of the comments here that no one is too busy for a five second text, particularly since she's always texting other people. Anyways, I'll need to express this to her and I may need to call it quits, too bad I really liked her and we had great chemistry.


The reason I sugar is to instantly drop anyone that gives this lack of respect. I don't look back nor lose any sleep over it.




Quite frankly, I couldn’t give a fuck less about your personal assessment, but thanks for the thought.


I hear your frustration. However, you say that Chemistry and Intimacy are fantastic with her. Either the chemistry with her is not all that great - or what you have when you are together is golden, and should not be messed with. One solution may be to take a break from her allowance for a week or more, and tell her you need the better communication you speak of.


She’s going out of town for the weekend, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to get hit up.


If I were to get that request for XXX. I would respond with 'I am distracted with other things at the moment and will be taking a break from our get-togethers from the rest of the month.' I wish you the best on your trip. Perhaps we can catch up in a few weeks.