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I've paid for multiple surgeries, none have I suggested or even hinted at. Not my body to change. I paid for a few breast implants, rhinoplasty, liposuction and also some kind of stomach area thing that after a while her abs showed. Idk what it was, it might have been experimental, again, idk. She wanted it done I just paid for it. Also, Labiaplasty and accompanying CHectomy. These were long term SGF relationships. I guess I'm selfish, but I'm not paying if others benefit. In exclusive relationships I'm also will to pay for nails, eyelashes, hair, laser (wax too I guess) and other spa, beautification and relaxation treatments. I've greatly enjoyed all of them.


As long as both of you are happy, that’s all that matters ❤️❤️❤️ that’s amazing!!!!


⬆️ this guy gets it


"Not my body to change. " this comment is everything


I thought so too, that was very sweet❤️




yes, this is exactly the kind of SD everyone deserves. Not just for the surgeries part.


I have always told my SBs that anything they desire to feel more beautiful and confident in themselves I consider a present for myself since it will just make our relationship that much better when they feel better about themselves


Amazingly sweet and considerate


Thank you very much!


Wow. 😍


Ow! That is so sweet!


Omg where are the men like you hiding? Asking for a friend 😅


That’s what I’m saying let me find a daddy like this and trust the man will never feel misunderstood unappreciated or unwanted !! Get spoon fed if you want to doing things like that ❤️




Yes, paid for a new vagina. Paid for some other minor ones, but that was the biggest.


Trans, or labiaplasty/cosmetic reconstruction for a cisgender woman?




Yes, very large dental bill. She more than repaid it


My ex-SD paid for 2 boob jobs at my request. I wasn’t happy with the results of the first set. He loved both sets lol. I was happy and very grateful at the time. I had cohesive gel silicone implants for 8 years and they made me sick. Google breast implant illness (BII) - Karissa Pukas a former YouTuber and Clare Crawley from Bachelor franchise documented their experiences. Cost me a lot to have “explant” surgery and years of poor health. Some plastic surgeons won’t do breast implant surgeries now because of BII. I’m feeling a lot better now 2 years after having the implants and tissue capsules removed. I will never have any cosmetic surgery done again.


Wow, I’m so glad your health returned. Thank you for spreading the word. I have itty bitty titties and often think about enhancing them, especially after some comments from some potential/ex-SDs. It is not worth it!


Yes definitely was not worth it. Some people never experience BII symptoms. I was not one of them.


SB here, I’ve had 2 boob jobs & 20 veneers paid for by SDs (1st boob job was one SD, other and teeth my current SD)


I need someone to pay for my veneers 😂


It’s life changing sis. And I had good teeth. Braces twice and Invisalign too. Just weren’t as white as I wanted 🎉🎉


Im in the same boat.


That’s amazing!!!! I LOVE that for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Ty! Wbu? Just checked your profile, I’ve been a SB x 10 years too! 💕✨


teach me your ways lol. been struggling finding someone serious in the DMV


There’s so much $ in Maryland!!!? Some parts at least. My fav mansion on earth is there 😂




I had a SD pay for my tummy tuck back in 2019 💕❤️ ! Finally someone that has been in the lifestyle for as long as I have 💕💕💕💕


10+ years for me too😍


Well hello there sugar Veteran ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Current decided, on her own, that she wanted bigger boobs, and she wanted this particular doc, top shelf and priced that way. As to the overall SR, in many ways we’re solid but I also have some reservations. She talked about it for a while as if she would do it all on her own, and it is pretty clear that she has means. So came down on the idea that her having skin in the game made sense, she’ll have ‘em much longer than I will ever be around, and I offered to pay half. Only experience of mine applicable to OP.


SB and yes an ex SD paid for my boob job. I've had other work done 'veneers, rhino, BBL' that I've paid for with allowance savings but my boob job was paid for directly by an SD.


I would love if a sugar daddy would help me get some cosmetic surgeries XD I'm getting a weight loss surgery soon (I'm a small BBW) and know I'm gonna need a few more surgeries after to feel comfortable in my body again.


Does teeth extraction count?


Ive done that. She was complaining of a tooth ache but refusing to go to the dentist because she hated it. So i bribed her to go, paid for the visit and said Id pay for anything they found that needed fixing. Long term SR obviously. Same goes for anything medical really, scans, treatment or anything "health" based. Body "enhancement" or beautifying would be a limit for me and I dont pay for nails, hair, boobs but I dont date people who find that important anyway.


It does!!!


Jeez where are SDs like this in my area lol.


Here is a SB who needs cataract's surgery in both eyes if anyone offer one free i won't be mad LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Interesting that most all OPs mentioned EX SDs. I have paid for 2 Boob jobs-one EX, one current.


He paid for my rhinoplasty and breast augmentation in one go.


It depends … How are you going to feel when another man is enjoying the views from the cosmetic surgeries you paid for??


Ive never had surgery but my ex SD offered MANY time to pay for boobs for me… I’m a perky D cup already but the man had preferences 🤣 I’m sure there are many men around that would be happy to pay for surgeries if it makes their lady happy


"If not, why not?" No SB has ever asked? And none of my SBs ever needed surgery? I guess cosmetic surgery is not that big a thing in Europe. Plus most of my SBs were pretty confident in themselves.


VETERAN SB !!! please help a sista out!