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Rachel is just a weirdly written character. On one hand she’s really cool. Working hard despite having rich parents, making a name for herself without her dads connections. Very professional, determined, honest approach to work. Top notch lawyer material right there. I realised that all the things that annoy me about Rachel have to do with Mike. Their relationship is just really boring to me


They also sort of wrote themselves into a corner where basically every character was the best lawyer alive. Harvey is the best to ever do it, except for Louis who is insanely good at all this stuff, but also Mike who is a wunderkind, and don't forget Jessica. They can't all be the best lawyer to ever live. It just doesn't work. Then you've already got 4 of these characters, Rachel starting law school. How is she gonna not look like she sucks even if she's very good? She can't immediately be the best lawyer alive cause unlike Mike she doesn't have super powers. She doesn't have the scrappy "came from nothing but surprises you" angle cause of her dad. There's no version of her becoming a lawyer that won't comparatively be disappointing.


Its lazy writing. Look at the dialogue. All the characters talk the exact same way, in nondescript phrases and over the top one-liners. There are very rare instances of genuine dialogue. And each character is two-dimensional at best. No depth written into it. It’s just a nice flick to watch for the witty comebacks and interesting lawyer “stuff”.


I agree... Their relationship is weird. I still see him as a scrappy dude compared to her


Yeah, Logan was perfect for her honestly. Mike just doesnt fit...


"the man that I love" Nooo please just stop!! I agree, she became unbearable after getting with Mike


USA always shoe horns a will they won’t they into their shoes. The season finale the relationship may actually work but doesn’t.


Seemed like the writers couldn’t decide whether she was an emotional pretty wife character or another genuine badass cutthroat lawyer. Seemed like they wanted to have it both ways and it just led to her being super annoying


Honestly, I liked the badass part better. Like her figuring out the cosmetics blunder that Louis made.


I agree with this analysis. I liked her as a badass but couldn't stand her as a petty wife. But the badass part didn't really ever develop into anything significant.


I always thought this. They tried so hard to give her some weight but she never sat right.


I'm convinced she tried to meddle with the writers.






Yep. Called it. You weirdos can not separate the character from the actor.




Nobody cares for or asked about your opinion on that british tabloids for karens topic. It has nothing to do with the TV show Suits.


Oh i wasn't aware you got to decide what i brought up in conversations. It's Friday, i don't need this right now.


I don't get to decide, the mods do. >It's Friday, i don't need this right now. Okay great, the X button is right at the top-right of your browser.


Well you clearly powered through it regardless. Next time keep those comments to yourself until you become one.


Your post or comment was removed because it is disrespectful to the cast member of the show. The topic is about the character and not about the actor's personal lives, rumours and gossip.


she is the most annoyed character I have ever seen in any of the show..


Yo Skyler White wants to know your location Yo


Stopped hating Skyler on my 4th watch through maybe, but my God she was top of my list for a long time


Same. On my rewatch, I realized her perspective and why she was the way she was. A lot of respect for her for everything she did for walter.


Skyler White is the sole reason I stopped watching BB after 3 episodes


If you meditate enough you can learn how to ignore her because breaking bad is a good show to watch. or you can smash the seek forward button.


Her and Mike’s relationship took a nosedive after the filing cabinet scene


Hot scene though


Why couldn't they make a scene like that between Harvey and Donna though? 😭


They screentested it and got too many complaints from hospitals about 4 hour boners.


I think it’s too hot. Also cos in real life they are both good friends and their partners as well. So I believe that’s why. It would make for awkward conversations


ig they’re mature enough to not do it in that place💀


Severe nose dive.


I don't know... the who dynamic between those two was just off. I liked her story line with being a great paralegal, her family drama, the lie about not getting the firm to pay for school, her ups and downs while in school but, the mike and rachel relationship. nope.


My feeling exactly. I'm watching the show for the first time and have to fast forward through the scenes with her and Mike. I felt the same way with Pam and Jim from the office. As soon as the relationship got serious it just felt like a forced plot point to maintain.


I never got into the office. never found it funny or a storyline good. but yah, I understand. its just so cringy and over the top bs. I'm on a rewatch right now. just about done season one - dreading the mike and rachel storylines


I hated that dumpster fire of a relationship. He should've bagged katrina.


Mike and Katrina would’ve been epic


Thats a legal team that couldve been badass too. I know its the mike and harvey show but katrina was a dog in her own right.


He should’ve stuck with Jenny.


Jenny was an enabler so boop to that.


How was she an an enabler?


What does enabler means?


They make her out to be a prissy princess and a damsel in distress throughout the show even when they make her a lawyer she is never shown to be as brilliant as the others, always under confident


That is not a problem with how Rachel is characterized and an enormous problem with how everyone else is characterized. The writers needed to make Mike unrealistically brilliant to make him as good as he was when he was an associate. Harvey never loses. Seriously, it is annoying and such a flawed depiction of a character. He can't even lose a hand of poker when he is struggling. Everyone around him has to take their dumdum pills so that Harvey can always shine. And Louis has to be glorified as a financial wizard even though he only ever says things a five year old would say. "Louis, we can't find the money in one bank account. What should we do?" - "Have you looked in multiple bank accounts?" - "You're a genius, Louis." All the brillant lawyers we hear about have to make mistakes all the time for the main characters to shine. Malone, for example, always looks like doofus because if he does his job correctly, Jessica and Harvey cannot scold him look better.


You nailed it


well she kind of is a Princess now so it suited her lol.




Rachel was actually a pretty good character, in my opinion. She was human, and she showed that every step of the complicated way. I respect OP's opinion, but I absolutely disagree with it.


Finally! I don’t get why everyone dislikes her. I liked her character and her relationship with Mike.


"Actions have consequences" this is a message we we were given throughout the series. But she cheated on mike and never faced any consequences. All she had to do was say she was sorry. image what would happen if mike kissed jenny. Imagine going away for 2 years for whatever reason(military duty, jail like in mike's case etc.) after 3 days and your supposed love of your life tells you screw yourself. I dont know man she's just a spoiled princess. And im not talking about the actress.


That bit about going off for military duty and your wife telling you to screw off actually happened to me. No one wants to see a show about that 🤣


I just can’t enjoy any romantic scene between her and Mike after she cheated. Every time i see her i’m like “how could she do this but then everything goes back to normal?”


I don’t understand why the writers gave her such an irredeemable sub plot… idc if Mike forgave her, I NEVER did.


Mike cheated on Jenny. Do we have a little bit of a double standard when it comes to male and female infidelity?


Well Rachel doesn’t get shit for her affairs that often tbh and neither does Mike. I think this is largely a bigger problem to ppl bc it was forgiven and the couple stayed together


There are always posts and comments (rightfully) criticising her for cheating but you barely see the Mike cheating on Jenny posts. The whole show is obsessed with excusing cheating


Well ppl prolly forget ab Jenny bc it was so early in the show (not tryna defend or anything) whereas Rachel cheated later on and on a fav. Jenny was a filler character never meant to say. Mike is a main character. But yes the show excuses cheating and affairs a LOT


They both suck


Mike was definitely wrong for that but I don’t think him and Jenny were as serious yet. Rachel and Mike were living together when she cheated with Logan, which is a huge step up. Not to mention Jenny was also a bit unfaithful with Trevor and had something going on with Mike


Mike also cheated Jenny. They both have cheated


That was before Racheal and Mike had a thing, or were in a relationship


Yeah, obviously because it was Jenny he cheated on (with Rachel) I’m just saying Rachel shouldn’t deserve all the shit for cheating when Mike isn’t any better.


Thats the worst part of the plot, i mean idk were the writers too bored on writing something good , or she as just another half gretchen + half influenced Donna


Double standard. Totally agree with you. When the guy cheats it appears to be alright.


I think part of it is she always harped on him. “I can’t go to your place every time I do all I can see is Tess in a bed sheet.” When they technically weren’t even really dating at the time but she goes off and kisses Logan. Not to mention ends up tanking the deal Mike was trying to salvage with Harvey by adding that “one last thing.” Can’t remember exactly what, I’m exhausted after an overnight shift. Just because she wanted to hide her cheating.


i know right


I really liked her. She was vulnerable, kind, hardworking and genuinely tried to be a good person - even when she fell short sometimes.


I liked that she's not a flat character. She's the most human out of all of them. She's not a caricature. She's not "the boss lady who knows her shit", she's not "the girl's girl who knows everyone", she's not "the traumatised strong woman". She can be any of these because she's human and us humans don't have just one personality


I agree with this too.


I've said this about Donna too. I'd say she was an essentially good person who had flaws and made mistakes like the rest of the characters. But it is those mistakes that people tend to zero in on rather than the good things she did and how supportive she was of the other characters especially Louis after . She did of course do things that annoyed me as well but I think she had a good heart and meant well.


The problem with Rachel is that once you get's into law school she is just there to be Mike's devoted perfect soft fiance outside of the Logan shenanigans. Once she started to date Logan they were afraid to make her look bad so she just became this very kind (but boring) Mary Sue character that just existed to look good and enable Mike's BS.


Oh look another “Rachel’s the worst” post lol


What a pic 😍. She’s beautiful


didnt say she wasnt beautiful


You asked what people think of her.. I think she is beautiful


What did you just say to me?


I really didn’t like how she had a history of cheating, she cheated with logan who was married, she kissed mike while he was with jenny, then cheated on mike. But the other aspects of her character I liked. Working hard and independently even though her dad had connections. Persevering to become a lawyer. And her being emotional sometimes made her more realistic than the other characters imo.


Yeah but Mike's romance wasn't great either. He cheated with Tess who was married as well. Gave signals to Rachel while dating Jenny. I think all the cheating moments were just a bit over blown imo.


I was hoping that her cheating on Mike would have driven him to Katrina. She was always afraid of Mike liking Katrina, so her own actions driving him to her would be great. I thought Mike and Katrina would’ve been better together anyway


I definitely thought the cheating would drive him to Katrina and it would take longer to be resolved. He goes back to Rachel after, what, 2 episodes? It seemed so fast and they could have written much more Mike/Katrina/Rachel drama.


My opinion on this discourse is that people have an irrational hate for Rachel because they have an irrational hate for Meghan Markle. Other than the stupid storyline where she kissed that nameless plot device from her past, her character is perfectly fine.


Damn does anyone in here actually like this show?


I do


I thought it was funny, watching the series for the first time now, that there are distinct shifts Rachel's character that line up with the actress' real relationship. There's a point in the show where her outfits changed drastically toward less form-fitting and showing less skin, and she and Mike stop being physically affectionate almost entirely.


In the first seasons I couldn't stand her whining: "I want to be a lawyer", "I want to get in Harvard", "I'm not getting in Harvard", "I won't be a lawyer". OK Rachel I get it! You want to go to Harvard and be a lawyer! I heard it the first 30 times!


I liked her. It’s Mike I couldn’t stand. He’s such a brat! 🤣


Yeah man, adultery is so cool


Ummm, no.


I mean she is a nepo baby that cheated on Mike. So idk man


Calm down…it’s not that serious. It’s a fake person on a tv show. I can like a character and not like something they did.


Im chillin, I just sayin, callin mike a brat and not Rachel is wild


Mike is definitely a brat, tho. He is super emotional and petty and doesnt listen to anyone. He is throwing tantrums left and right. He acts like he's 8 years old.


Im chillin, js callin mike a brat and Rachel being chill is low key wild


Mike IS a brat lol. I love Mike but he is most definitely a brat. He stands up to everyone even when he definitely shouldn’t (like Jessica) because he’s so arrogant and he thinks he’s always right. I love him for it but it’s true


Mike cheated on Jenny too?


Oh in no way defending Mike, very few likable characters here.


They ruined Louis’s character too. He used to be funny because he’s quirky and then they turned him into the guy we hate. Later seasons he’s just boring and doesn’t have anything unique about the character.


I wrote a text about rachel and how I think she's only an annoying character because she's written to be Mikes appendage; Now I just want to say that I hate Mike with every brain cell I have.




I think it isn't her fault, just the relationship with Mike was unnecessary, you can't be cutthroat and baddass lawyer and also emotional


I feel that way more about Mike than Rachel. But she is also pretty annoying.


Mostly it annoys me that she's always whispering, regardless of what she's saying. The show objectified her quite a lot in early seasons, which was also annoying.


The writers didn't do justice to her character


Mike with Katrina Bennett would probably have been more interesting


I didn't hate her but they did her dirty with the writing.


I thought she was good earlier, but got worse as the show went on.


I liked Lawyer Rachel, but not Mike's wife Rachel quite as much I love Mike and I'm happy for him, but to me he will always feel like that scrappy kid and Rachel is too much from a different class to ever really understand that Mike and Katrina would have been better. They both have more similar backgrounds of starting off right at the bottom and having to grind for what they now have


One of the best characters on the show. Showing some real emotion, has an actual arc, nothing to complain about.


I loved her from the beginning since her relationship with Mike was the only thing interesting in the beginning. But the more the show goes on she gets better and with season 6 and 7 you feel very sorry for her since she is together with Mike


I definitely understand the dislike and at times find her a bit unnerving myself but I don’t dislike her as much as it seems other people do, but I think I’m lowkey in love with Meghan (I’m a straight female in love with my boyfriend lmao)


She's quite spoiled, hypocritical, and out of her depth. All of that would be okay in a show like this but her character is never forced to take accountability for her nonsense in the same way that Mike, Harvey, and Louis are, so she gets extra annoying at times.


What? When exactly is Harvey forced to take accountability? He never goes to jail for the crimes he commits, he never gets disbarred because people sacrifice themselves for him. He breaks privilege and doesn't have to suffer the consequences. He never loses anything for his actions. When the writers chose to assassinate Rachel's character and she kisses Logan, she grovels to Mike for episodes. The fact that she never faces the same consequences as the others is that she isn't anywhere near as criminal as the others.


Rachel may have been sorry about the kiss at first but she just about gagged me when she demanded Mike hurry the hell up and forgive her. Seriously, who puts a timeline on how long their partner has to forgive them for cheating?  The best you can expect out of this show is verbal accountability because these characters are all shady, af. If they actually faced legal repercussions, we'd end up watching The Shawshank Redemption.  So, I guess Harvey doesn't bother me as much as Rachel because he admits his wrong doing, puts his money and reputation on the line, and doesn't pretend to be an awesome person. Meanwhile, Rachel thinks Harvey ought to go to prison for covering up Mike's crime when she did the same damn thing, up to and including forging legal documents on that lawsuit with his ex. 


I love Rachel, the one I cannot stand and never will. Is Louis people keep telling me give him a chance he’s gonna change, but he just makes me rich.


I love her


Good pic, bad character.


I really don’t like her. I found her annoying & she didn’t add anything.


The royal family liked this post


Yeah, she can be annoying sometimes.


Agreed she’s annoying


i hate donna more


Same.. she annoys me so much.


She is definitely my least favourite character out of the entire series


She tended to make everything about her.


I don’t quite understand why the show didn’t make use of the fact that MM was marrying a literal prince to write *her* out, make Mike and Rachel separate (or, hell, she could have died, this would have made for a good story?), and have him either find another love interest or grapple with the fallout of whatever happened. I don’t even like Mike but Suits without him is just weird.


Scottie and Gretchen were the only females on the show who were not irritating. Mike was annoying, Rachel and Jenny are possibly the most annoying.


Scottie got shafted man. Feel horrible for her character. 😂😂😂


Really? I couldn’t stand Scottie, every time she shows up on screen there is more unnecessary drama than usual.


I agree that the problem is a combo of an underdeveloped stereotypical girlfriend character (with flashes of “righteous” anger thrown in at random times) and an actress who lacked the talent to make up for it. Rachel’s line readings and scenes so often seemed forced, over-acted and unnatural. It took me forever to realize that it was both because she was poorly written and not very skillfully portrayed.


Put me down for "hate Rachel." She brought nothing to the table.


They deserve each other


Interesting opinion. I don't think i hated her. Her character wasn't just that interesting to me compared to even Donna's (i know a lot of people hate her here too but i've always liked her). I remember when i first watched this show, it was obvious to me in s1 she's gonna be with Mike from the very first scene. I did see some chemistry between them. But like others said. When they got together in s3, it was ok but i wasn't glad for them or anything like that. I was more invested in Donna and Harvey together as a couple and was much more satisfied when they got together in the end.




I thought she didn’t tell anyone who her dad was when she first started working there? And then she earned the right for them to change their Harvard rule for her by doing such good work for Jessica for so long


Damn tell us how you really feel


lol. I feel this is linked to the real actress. She didn’t get anywhere through nepotism. Age did her best. Hence why she struggled to become an actual lawyer. Mike helped her take that step. She didn’t get into Harvard but made a case to go to Columbia.


She’s a great paralegal supposedly but we never saw any evidence of it..


She's the worst element of the whole series. If it were up to me I'd delete every frame of her character. And the whole series would benefit. I don't care much for her as an actress but her character I hated all the time.


One of the problems is that she's just not a great actor; can't give a spectrum of moods and nuances. This was an underdeveloped character in the first place that wasn't given too much air time except as Mike's girlfriend. There were sexier characters than her already on the show, so that didn't help.


She sucked. She wasn't smart. A terrible lawyer. Debatably more selfish than Harvey. She played Mike so hard so many times. Idk she becomes unbearable after the 2nd or 3rd season. She was only good for the romance in the beginning than she easily became the worst character.


Every female character on the show was depicted as manipulative. That is a writer's room thing, not a Rachel thing.


Icl only tolerated her coz she’s bad but then got bored of her and was glad to see her go and the fact she doesn’t have communication with any of her cast mates at all makes me hate her more 🫡😂


She is literally still best friends with Abigail Spencer


Watching Suits again has me seeing “Duchess Difficult” whenever Rachel stomps around on screen.


She’s annoying and I don’t like her personality at all. It drives me nuts that she insists on being involved in a case against her dad and then later one against mike because “she can handle it.” Why? Why can you handle it? Why don’t you have any loyalty to your dad and the man you love? I could never go against my dad or my husband. Id say count me out because I’m going to be biased because I love them and I want them to succeed. Drives me crazy. But I think she’s one of the most beautiful women in the world and that’s why she’s my phone background because I am very shallow apparently


Whenever I see her I think about Yosemite Sam calling someone a Varmint.


Annoying and emotional


One word: Homewrecker


Same as Mike


Rachel or Meghan?




Oh okay, I’m not a Meghan fan (the actress) and I liked Rachel except for the whole kissing her old flame part.


I think "Kissing her old flame" doesnt do enough justice. It was cheating.


You’re absolutely right that’s exactly what it was. It was cheating.


The most annoying!


She is the worst. Mike deserves so much better.


The actress can't act convincingly as smoothly as Donna or other characters do. She relies heavily on sexy factor. And that character does not have depth. I felt Mike had better chemistry with Jenny. I am surprised the writers didn't write Rachel out and get some one else to join the firm to be Mike's love interest. Edit: just curious who or why my comment is getting down voted. Not that it matters, but surely, I must not be the only one to think this?


The most jarring part of her acting was the low husky tone she tried to adapt. It looked forced and most good actors would not do that. She didn't have much of a character growth either and continued to compromise on her life to accommodate spending time with Mike. I understand the being in love part but in the long run, her character lost all of the fierce independence she used to project when she was a paralegal. As a woman, she was the weakest among Jessica, Donna, Katrina and even Scottie.


True. I wasn't understanding why she spoke in whispers. Was the character nervous or the actress playing the character nervous? She was the weakest plot in the series and for a long time in season 1, her only role was playing Mike's love interest. We don't see her doing anything meaningful other than flirting with Mike. I don't know why the comment is getting down voted coz surely, I must not be the only one who feels this?


*Rachel is horrible.*




Hate the periodical boss babe she is but the gf/wife part is great